This is a transcribed copy of an excerpt from a typed copy of a handwritten journal written by Richard Ballantyne. It is available on microfilm at the following address: Church Archives, Family and Church History Department 15 East North Temple Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 P/O Manuscript MS 2082 Footnotes for clarification and additional family history information have been added by the transcriber, M. Dee Humpherys. Some minor editing for punctuation and spelling has been done. Excerpt from Richard Ballantyne’s Journal Volume 1, September 28, 1852 to March 13, 1853 Brief Biography [1st Account] I, Richard Ballantyne, was born at Shielfield, parish of Earlstown, Berwickshire, Scotland, August 26, 1817. My father’s name was David, and my mother’s name Ann Bannerman. My father was a farmer, and at one time owned a valuable property in houses and land. He was, however dispossessed of all he had in consequence of being surety for others. About the time of my birth, being about seventy four years1 of age, he was reduced to the necessity of providing for his young and tender family by the sweat of his brow, having to hire himself for so much per day. He was a man of unblemished character and upright in all his dealings. He greatly feared the Lord and delighted in His service. He loved the Holy Scriptures. Many portions of which he committed to memory, which he used to repeat for his own comfort and the instruction of his family. Also, when he was old, and his eyes were dim, that he could not see to read, he used to repeat a chapter at the time of family worship. He always gave thanks to God when he sat down to eat and before he rose up from table, and would not take a drink of cold water till he had first given thanks to his Maker. He was punctual in attending public worship, and always took as many of his children with him as could go. He had a great veneration for the Sabbath, and would suffer none of his family to work or engage in any kind of triffling amusements on that sacred day. He was diligent in teaching his children to fear, love, and serve God; and set before us an example of great piety and devotion to the service of his Creator. He died at Springhall, near Kelso, Roxburgshire, Scotland, in the eighty fifth year2 of his age. The night before his death he heard a voice three times saying, “David, David, come away,” This had a very solemn effect on the mind of my beloved mother and those of the family who were at home. He was buried in Ednam Churchyard, and shortly afterwards an attempt was made at midnight to take his body out of the grave by some wicked men who no doubt intended to sell his body to the Doctors. But they were alarmed in the attempt and fled, and next day my mother and I went to the grave and found his body there. We then had the grave secured with an iron “safe”, an article much used at that time by the people of Scotland to secure the dead from the sacrilegious hands of Doctors and those employed by them. This event caused my mother much sorrow and also others of our family. My father died before hearing the fullness of the Gospel, but no doubt would have received it had he lived; and this lays us, his children, under duty to be baptized for him, as well as to attend to all the ordinances for his salvation, that he may come forth on the first Resurrection through the power and glory of the Lamb that was slain. And to God be all the glory for the provisions of his grace. 1Richard thought his father was born in 1843, not in 1848, which was learned later from parish records. 2This, by Richard’s reckoning, would be a death year of 1828. In his other accounts, he gives a death year of 1829. 2 My mother was left in charge of a young and tender family, consisting of my brother Peter, sister Jane, Sister Annie, my brother James and myself. I was at that time about twelve years of age; my brother Peter and sister Jane were older, and my sister Annie and brother James younger than myself. Through great industry, toil, good management and economy, my mother, with a little aid from her children, was blessed of God to comfortably provide for her family, so that we all had a neat and comfortable appearance. But I can never reflect upon my mother’s love to her family, and the many sleepless nights and weary days that she spent, without shedding tears of love and affection. For, if ever a mother excelled in virtuous labors for her beloved offspring, my mother deserves to rank with such, and obtain the highest exaltation. Shortly after the death of my father, my mother with myself, and my younger brother and sister, removed to Lightfield, where I labored to assist my mother as much as I could. My sister Jane was in the service, at this time, of a Gentleman by the name of Crawford, and my brother Peter was also employed away from home in farm service. While residing here, my mother, in accordance with a great desire on my part, put me out as an apprentice to Mr. Gray of Earlston to learn the baking trade. My mother, with my brother Peter and sister Annie, and brother James, shortly afterward removed to Mellerstain, where my brother James died, and was buried in the church yard of Earlston. On this occasion I was much affected and wept much. But a heavier affliction yet awaited my mother and her family. My brother Peter, who was the oldest surviving member of the family, was affected with insanity of mind, and became so dangerous to my mother that we had to take him to the Chrighton Institution at Dumfries, where he remained for a few years, till we were leaving Scotland, when we took him with us to Nauvoo, then the gathering place for the Saints of God. After my apprenticeship had expired I engaged in the service of a Mr. Riddle, [of] Kelso, whose business I had the charge of. While in this employ, as I was walking out one morning, a long while before day, I had an open vision of the Son of Man. The glory of His appearance, and the joy with which my soul was filled was such that for several days I shunned all society, and gave myself to prayer, meditation, and thanksgiving. No one could describe the feelings which I then had. I was afraid to mingle with the world lest its unhallowed influence should again darken my mind and destroy the ineffable peace and serenity which I then enjoyed. The ways of men seemed foolish and vain in my sight, and I wept over their folly and the unreasonableness of their conduct. One seemed to be going one way, and another, another way, looking for their gain from their quarter. But I soon found that this heaven could not continue, for as I again began to mingle with the world my joy and light began to diminish. I had not yet heard the Gospel, nor been baptized for the remission of my sins, yet God had compassion upon me, and showed me a portion of His glory. For, I was serving Him with much prayer, and desiring a knowledge of His ways. I was engaged in teaching the young on Sabbath, and in meeting after with those who professed to love the Lord Jesus Christ. This was about the year 1837, when I was in my twentieth year. In Eighteen hundred and thirty nine I removed from Kelso to Earlston, a distance of eleven miles, where I commenced business for myself. My beloved sister Jane left her place of service, and came to keep house for me. My mother afterward came and resided with me, also. My sister Annie was at this time married to a young man whose name was William Allen. They resided in Edinburgh, the Metropolis of Scotland. He was a lawyer by profession. In eighteen hundred and forty two my mother, sister Jane, and myself, obtained a Book of Mormon, and having obtained a witness of the Holy Ghost that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and the Book of Mormon a divine Record, were, at different times, baptized for the remission of our sins, and received the Holy Spirit through the laying on of the hands3. We were all baptized in the waters of Leith, about thirty miles from Earlston, where we still resided. Elder Henry McCune baptized me, and confirmed me. 3Sister Annie was baptized 10 Sep 1842, ten days before sister Jane. Mother Ann was baptized 21 May 1843. 3 As I was in public business, and the prejudice of the people very great against the gospel, I ran the risk of losing all my friends, my business, and good name, by being baptized. Nevertheless, I resolved to obey God even should I lose all that I had and be reduced to poverty and want, which indeed seemed the only prospect when I made a covenant to serve my God. But cursed is he that maketh man his trust and relieth on an arm of flesh. The Lord, however, was very gracious to us, and overruled the prejudice of the people, softening their hearts, so that in August 1843 the Lord enable us to accumulate as much money as was necessary to take us comfortably to the Nauvoo Stake of Zion.
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