1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4123 The VICE PRESIDENT. On the part. Beyond pointing out these general HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Senate the Chair appoints as truisms, I shall confine my discussion to members of the committee of escort the the general areas of Asia. Before one THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1951 junior Senator from Arizona, Mr. Mc­ may objectively assess the situation now The House met at 12 o'clock noon. FARLAND; the senior Senator from Texas, existing there, he must comprehend The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras­ Mr. CONNALLY; the junior Senator from something of Asia's past and the revo­ kamp, D. D., offered the following Georgia, Mr. RussELL; the junior Sena­ lutionary changes which have marked prayer: tor from Nebraska, Mr. WHERRY; the her course up to the present. Long ex­ senior Senator from New Hampshire, ploited by the so-called colonial powers, Almighty God, as we bow together in Mr. BRIDGES; and the senior Senator with litt!e opportunity to achieve any the fellowship of prayer, we are humbly from Wisconsin, Mr. WILEY. d.-:gree of social justice, individual dig­ beseeching Thee that in these strange The Doorkeeper announced General of nity, or a higher stand!l.rd of life such as days with all their mingled experiences the Army Douglas MacArthur. guided our own noble administration of of hope and fear, of joy and sorrow, of General of the Army Douglas Mac­ the Philippines, the peoples of Asia found triumph and def eat, we may be men and Arthur, escorted by the committee of their opportunity in the war just past to women of vision and valor, of confidence Senators and Representatives, entered throw off the shackles of colonialism, and and courage, the Hall of the House of Representatives now see the dawn of new opportunity, Grant that in facing tasks and prob­ and stood at the Clerk's desk. [Ap­ a heretofore unfelt dignity and the lems of unparalleled magnitude, which plause, the Members risL1g.] self-respect of political freedo:n. are far beyond our own fallible and finite The SPEAKER. Members of the Con­ Mustering half of the earth's popula­ wisdom, we may be more eager to appro­ gress, it is my great pleasure and a dis­ tion and 60 percent of its natural re­ priate that divine unerring counsel and tinct privilege to present to you General sources, these peoples are rapidly con­ guidance which Thou hast placed at our of the Army Douglas MacArthur. [Ap­ solidating a new force, both moral and disposal. plause, the Members rising.] material, with which to raise the living Enable us by Thy grace to accept the standard and erect adaptations of the challenge of every noble adventure and ADDRESS OF GENERAL OF THE ARMY DOUGLAS MACARTHUR design of modern progress to their own every lofty endeavor in the spirit of distinct cultural environments. Wheth­ unity and with a resolute faith and may General MACARTHUR. Mr. President, er one adheres to the concept of coloni­ that unity and faith never become Mr. Speaker, and distinguished Mem­ zation or not, this is the direction of eclipsed by discord, doubt, or despair. bers of the Congress, I stand on this Asian progress and it may not be stopped. Show us how we may release the hid­ rostrum with a sense of deep humility It is a corollary to the shift of the world den splendors of humanity and bring to and great pride-humility in the wake of .economic frontiers, as the whole epi­ fulfillment and fruition the hopes and those great American architects of our center of world affairs rotates back to­ longings of mankind for freedom and history who have stood here before me, ward the area whence it started. In this peace. · pride in the reflection that this forum of situation it becomes vital that our own May the virtues and principles of love legislative debate represents human cour.try orient its policies in consonance · and good will, of justice, and righteous­ liberty in the purest form yet devised. with this basic evolutionary condftion ness be the foundation on which we are [Applause.] Here are centered the rather than pursue a course blind to seeking to build a more glorious Nation hopes, and aspirations, and faith of the the reality that the colonial era is now and a better world. entire human race. past and the Asian peoples covet the Hear us in the name of the Prince of I do not stand here as advocate for any right to shape their own free destiny. Peace. Amen. partisan cause, for the issues are fun­ What they seek now is friendly guidance, THE JOURNAL damental and reach quite beyond the understanding, and support, not imperi­ realm of partisan consideration. They ous direction [applause]; the dignity of The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ must be resolved on the highest plane of equality, not the shame of subjugation. t3rday was read and approved. national interest if our course is to prove Their prewar standards of life, pitifully RECESS sound and our future protected. I trust, low, is infinitely lower now in the devas­ The SPEAKER. The House will stand therefore, that you will do me the jus­ tation left in war's wake. World ideol­ in recess subject to the call of the Chair. tice of receiving that which I have to ogies play little part· in Asian thinking Thereupon (at 12 o'clock and 3 min­ say as solely expressing the considered and are little understood. What the peo­ utes p. m.) the House stood in recess, viewpoint of a fellow American. I ad­ ples strive for is the opportunity for a lit­ subject to the call of the Chair. dress you with ·neither rancor nor bit­ tle more food in their stomachs, a little terness in the fading twilight of life better clothing on their backs, a little JOINT MEETING IN HOUSE CHAMBER TO with but one purpose in mind-to serve firmer roof over their heads, and the RECEIVE GENERAL OF THE ARMY my country. [Applause.] realization of the normal nationalist DOUGLAS MACARTHUR The issues are global and so inter­ urge for political freedom. These politi­ The Speaker of the House of Repre­ locked that to consider the problems of cal-social conditions have but an indirect sentatives presided. one sector, oblivious to those of another, bearing upon our own national security, At 12:20 o'clock p.- m., the Doorkeeper is but to court disaster for the whole. but do form a backdrop to contemporary announced the Vice President and the While Asia is commonly referred to as planning which must be thoughtfully Members of the United States Senate. the gateway to Europe, it is no less true considered if we are to avoid the pitfalls The Senate, preceded by · the Vice that Europe is the gateway to Asia, and of unrealism. President and its Secretary and Sergeant the broad influence of the one cannot Of more direct and immediate bearing at Arms, entered the Hall of the House fail to have its impact upon the other. upon our national security are the of Representatives. There are those who claim our changes wrought in the strategic poten­ '.t'he Vice President took the c:hair at strength is inadequate to protect on both tial of the Pacific Ocean in the course of . the right of the Speaker and the Mem­ fronts-that we cannot divide our effort. the past war. Prior thereto, the west­ bers of the Senate took the seats reserved I can think of no greater expression of ern strategic frontier of the United for the!ll. ' defeatism. [Applause.] If a potential States lay on the littoral line of the The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints enemy can divide his strength on two Americas with an exposed island salient as members of the committee on the part fronts, it is for us to counter his effort. of the Houss to escort our distinguished The Communist threat is a global one. extending out through Hawaii, Midway, visitor into the Chambzr the gentleman Its successful advance in one sector and Guam to the Philip.pines. That from Massachusetts, Mr. McCORMACK; threatens the destruction of every other . salient proved not an outpost of strength the gentleman from Massachusetts, Mr. sector. You cannot appease or other- · but an avenue of weakness along which MARTIN; the gentleman from Georgi~~ wise surrender to communism in Asia . the enemy could and did attack. The Mr. VrnsoN; the gentleman from Indi­ without simultaneously undermining Pacific was a potential area of advance ana, Mr. HALLECK; and the gentleman our efforts to halt its advance in Europe. for any predatory force intent upon from Louisiana, l\1:r. BRCOKS. [Applause.] striking at the bordering land areas. 4124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL ·19 All this was changed by our Pacific 50 years, the Chinese people have· thus the Philippines stand as a mighty bul­ victory. Our strategic frontier then become militarized in their concepts and wark of Christianity in the Far East, and shifted to embrace the entire Pacific in their ideals. They now constitute ex­ its capacity for high moral leadership in Ocean which became a vast moat to cellent soldiers with competent staffs Asia is unlimited. protect us as long as we hold it. In- and commanders. This has produced a On Formosa, the Government of the deed, it acts as a protective shield for new and dominant power in Asia which R-:!public of China has had the opportu­ all of the Americas and all free lands for its own purposes is allied with Soviet nity to refute by action much of the ma­ of the Pacific Ocean area.
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