Index alchemists, 11, 296 • A • alkali metals (IA family) absolute zero, 24, 335 defi ned, 335 absorption spectra, 193 determining ion charge, 204 accuracy, defi ned, 27–29 electron confi gurations, 84 acetic acid, 170, 175 overview, 82–83 acetylsalicylic acid, 170 alkaline earth metals (IIA family) acid ionization constant, 175 defi ned, 335 acid rain (deposition) determining ion charge, 204 causes of, 186 electron confi gurations, 84 content, 275–277 overview, 82–83 defi ned, 268, 335 alkalosis, 186 electrostatic precipitators, 277–278 allotropes, 159 scrubbers, 278 allowed energy state, electrons, 193 water pollution, 286 alloys, 138, 218 acidic solution, 182, 335 alpha particle emission, 297–298 acidosis, 186 alpha particles, 297, 335 acids aluminum, 57 controlling pH with buffers, 185 aluminum hydroxide, 171, 290–291 defi ned, 335 aluminum sulfate, 126 distinguishing between strong and weak, americium, 57 ammonia (NH ) 173–178 3 identifying with indicators, 179–182 formula and common name and use, 170 macroscopic view, 169–171 Haber process, 120–122 microscopic view, 171–173 overview, 333 pH scale, 182–185 pH value, 185 actinide series, periodic table, 76, 78 reaction with water, 177 actinium, 57 amorphous solids (glasses), 259–260, 335 activated carbon canisters, 275 amphoteric activated charcoal fi ltration, 291–292 defi ned, 335 activation energy, 111, 310, 335 water, 178 activity series COPYRIGHTEDamplitude, MATERIAL 190, 335 common metals, 114 amu (atomic mass units), 54–55, 126, 335 defi ned, 335 anaerobic bacteria, 289, 291 actual yield, 135, 335 analytical chemistry, 15 aerobic bacteria, 289, 291 angular momentum quantum number (l), agricultural pollution, 287 63–65, 196, 335 air pollution. See also acid rain (deposition) anions atmosphere, 267–269 defi ned, 73, 202, 335 colloids, 153 general discussion, 204–206 greenhouse effect, 272–273 tendencies of ionic radii, 249 ozone layer, 269–271 antacids, 184 photochemical smog, 273–275 antibonding molecular orbital, 244 334_9781118007303-bindex.indd4_9781118007303-bindex.indd 349349 44/29/11/29/11 88:52:52 PMPM 350 Chemistry For Dummies, 2nd Edition antilog relationship, 184 Avogadro, Amedeo, 100, 127, 319 antimatter, 299 Avogadro’s law, 100–101, 336 antimony, 57 Avogadro’s number, 127, 336 applied chemistry, 17–18 aqueous solutions blood cells, 152 • B • defi ned, 140, 335 balancing by inspection, 121 aquifers, 281 balancing nuclear reaction, 295 Archimedes, 315 barium, 57 Archimedes’ principle, 46–47 barometer, 90–92, 336 argon, 57 Bartlett, Neil, 82 Arrhenius theory, 171–172 bases arsenic, 57 controlling pH with buffers, 185 artifi cial dye, 316–317 defi ned, 336 artifi cial sweeteners, 318 distinguishing between strong and weak, aspartame, 318 173–178 aspirin, pH value, 185 identifying with indicators, 179–182 astatine, 57 macroscopic view, 169–171 atmosphere microscopic view, 171–173 civilization’s effect on, 267–268 pH scale, 182–185 stratosphere, 269 basic research, defi ned, 17 troposphere, 268–269 basic solution, pH scale, 182 atmospheres (atm), 91 Becquerel, Henri, 317, 320 atmospheric pressure, 90–92 bent molecular shape, 241 atomic bombs, 306 benzene, 286 atomic mass, 78 berkelium, 57 atomic mass units (amu), 54–55, 126, 335 beryllium, 57 atomic number (Z) beta particle emission, 298 basic atomic structure, 294 beta particles, 336 defi ned, 56, 248, 335 bicarbonates, 184 location in periodic table, 78 binary compound atomic orbital, 336 covalent, 220 atomic radii, changes in, 248–249 defi ned, 336 atomic solids, 261 biochemistry, 16 atomic structure biological concentration, 285 confi guring electrons, 66–70 biological oxygen demand (BOD), 289, 336 ions, 72–73 biotechnology, 16 isotopes, 71–72 bismuth (Bi-204), 57, 300 locating electrons in atom, 60–66 blanketing gas, 330 nucleus, 55–60 blood cells, osmotic pressure, 152 overview, 294 blue litmus, 180 subatomic particles, 54–55 BOD (biological oxygen demand), 289, 336 atomic weight, 78 body-centered units, 261 atoms Bohr, Niels, 61, 193, 319–320 central, 223 bohrium, 57 defi ned, 43, 335 Bohr’s atomic model aufbau principle, 67–68, 336 de Broglie relationship, 194–195 auto battery acid, pH value, 185 Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 195 auto emissions, 275 overview, 61–62 334_9781118007303-bindex.indd4_9781118007303-bindex.indd 350350 44/29/11/29/11 88:52:52 PMPM Index 351 boiling, 40–41, 336 SI Measurement System, 21–25 boiling point (bp) signifi cant fi gures, 32–35 atmospheric pressure, 40–41 using unit conversion method to solve boiling-point elevation and, 148 problems, 27–32 defi ned, 41, 336 calculator, relying on, 27 water, 231, 282 californium, 57 boiling-point elevation, 148 calorie (cal), 24, 51, 157, 336 bomb (constant-volume) calorimeter, calorimeters, 159 161–162 calorimetry bond order, 336 constant-pressure, 158–160 bond strength, 218 constant-volume (bomb), 161–162 bonding. See covalent bonding; ionic bond defi ned, 336 bonding electrons, 225 capillary action bonding molecular orbital, 244 defi ned, 336 boric acid, 170 liquids, 259–260 boron, 57 carbon, 16, 57 Boyle, Robert, 93 carbon dioxide Boyle’s law, 93–95, 336 double bond, 219 bp. See boiling point role in greenhouse effect, 272 brass, 138 carbon tetrachloride, 286 break-even point, 311 carbon-12 scale, 55 breeder reactors, 309 carbon-14 (C-14) British thermal unit (BTU), 157 dating, 304 bromine, 57, 208–209 half-life, 303 Bronsted-Lowry acid-base theory, 172–173, carbonates, 184 177–178 carbonic acid, 170, 179 BTU (British thermal unit), 157 carbon-to-carbon double bond, 218 buffers, 185, 336 carbon-to-carbon triple bond, 244 buret, 180 catalysts, 337 burning, 119 catalytic converter, 275 butane lighter, 122–123 cations defi ned, 73, 202, 337 general discussion, 204–206 • C • tendencies of ionic radii, 249 cadmium, 57 Celsius temperature, 50–51, 158 cal (calorie), 24, 51, 157, 336 centi- prefi x, 22 calcium, 57 central atoms, 223 calcium carbonate, 171 CFCs (chlorofl uorocarbons) calculations, chemical defi ned, 270 adding and subtracting, 26 effect on ozone layer, 271 deciphering difference between accuracy chain reactions, 305–306 and precision, 27–29 changing states of matter exponential notation, 25 boiling point, 40–41 multiplying and dividing, 26–27 freezing point, 41–42 raising number to power, 27 melting point, 40 relying on calculator, 27 sublimation, 42 scientifi c notation, 25 Charles, Jacques, 95–96 Charles’s law, 95–97, 337 334_9781118007303-bindex.indd4_9781118007303-bindex.indd 351351 44/29/11/29/11 88:52:52 PMPM 352 Chemistry For Dummies, 2nd Edition chemical bonds osmotic pressure, 150–152 defi ned, 203 vapor-pressure lowering, 147 potential energy and, 49 collision theory chemical calculations. See calculations, endothermic, 113–114 chemical exothermic, 112–113 chemical change. See chemical reactions one-step collision, 111–112 chemical educator, 19 colloids, 337 chemical equations, 110 combination reactions, 115 chemical equilibrium, 337 combined gas law, 99–100, 337 chemical reactions combustion reaction, 119, 337 balancing, 120–123 compounds, 43–44 collision theory, 111–114 concentrated solutions reactants and products, 109–111 acids, 145 role of moles in, 130–136 defi ned, 139, 337 types of, 114–119 concentration, 173, 337 Chemical Rubber Company (CRC) concentration units Handbook, 103 molality, 145–146 chemistry molarity, 142–145 branches of, 15–18 proof, 142 Chem I, tips for passing, 323–327 condensation defi ned, 9–10 defi ned, 41 science versus technology, 10–11 versus vaporization, 168 scientifi c method, 11–15 water cycle, 280–281 Chernobyl, 308 condensed states chloride ions, 256 liquids, 258–260 chlorinated hydrocarbons, 286 phase diagrams, 262–264 chlorine bleach, pH value, 185 solids, 260–261 chlorine (Cl2), 200, 292, 332 condensed structural formulas, 227 chlorofl uorocarbon. See CFCs conductivity tester, 212 chromium confi guring electrons, 66–70 as contaminant, 285 confi ned gas pressure, 92 oxidation states, 206 conjugate acid-base pairs, 186, 337 classifi cation, 42, 75 constant-pressure calorimeter, 158–160 Clean Air Act of 1990, 275 constant-volume (bomb) calorimeter, 161–162 Clean Water Action Plan of 1998, 284 contaminants, water, 283–284 clothing fi bers, 14 continuous spectrum, 192, 337 cobalt-60 (Co-60) control rods, nuclear reactor core, 307 half-life, 303 cooking, 130 oxidation states, 206 coordinate-covalent bond, 172, 337 radiation treatments, 299 copper, 206 coeffi cients, 110, 120 counted numbers, 32–33 coffee, pH value, 185 covalent (network) solids, 261 coffee cup calorimeter, 159–160 covalent bonding cold fi nger, 42 binary covalent compounds, 220 colligative properties, solutions comparing with other bonds, 217–218 boiling-point elevation, 148 defi ned, 337 defi ned, 337 formulas, 221–227 freezing-point depression, 149–150 hydrogen example, 216–217 334_9781118007303-bindex.indd4_9781118007303-bindex.indd 352352 44/29/11/29/11 88:52:52 PMPM Index 353 multiple bonds, 218–219 direct relationship, gases, 96 overview, 215–216 disinfecting wastewater, 292 sharing electron pairs, 227–233 dispersion (London) forces, 232, 257–258 CRC (Chemical Rubber Company) disposal issues, nuclear power plants, Handbook, 103 308–309 crenation process, 152 dissociating bases, 174 crisscross rule, ionic compounds, 209–210 dissolved oxygen (DO), 289 critical mass, 305–306 distillation, 292 critical point, 263, 337 dividing critical pressure, 263 chemical calculations, 26–27 critical temperature, 263 signifi cant fi gures, 34 crystal lattice, 39, 260, 337 DO (dissolved oxygen), 289 crystal structure,
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