Index of Film Titles A note on film titles: Wherever possible contributors have been asked to provide relevant details about the production context of advertisements in the following for- mat:Title (Director, Studio, Advertising Agency, Year)E.g. Headbomz (Åsa Lucan- der, Aardman Animations, Valenstein & Fatt, 2017)It has not been possible to identify this information in all cases. There are several reasons for this. Archival practices for advertising remain less developed than for other forms of media his- tory, indicating the value of this collection in raising the awareness and importance of these works for our historical understanding. Equally, the changing production and institutional contexts of advertising also means these categories are not always defined or relevant. This is especially the case for older examples where practices did not recognise or define advertising agency, director, or even give titles to com- mercials. We invite readers to reflect on these historical and archival matters when reading. A Adventures of Andre and Wally B, The Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed, Die / (1984), 271 Adventures of Prince Achmed, The Airscrew (1940), 154 (1926), 74 Aladdin and the Magic Lamp (1939), About to Uncover (1994), 289 62 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (1935), Abyss, The (1989), 290 60 Ack-Ack (1941), 152, 155 Ali vs Ali (2004), 189 Action Photos (1991), 182 Amazing Place (1991), 235–237 Add Abilify (2001), 199 Amazin’ Straws (1995), 291 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive 313 license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 M. Cook and K. M. Thompson (eds.), Animation and Advertising, Palgrave Animation, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-27939-4 314 INDEX OF FILM TITLES Antz (1998), 275 Creature Comforts (1989), 253 Arjuna the Archer (2009), 255 Crime Does Not Pay (c. 1940s), 21 Crimson Tide (1995), 275 CT5 Flight Simulator (1980), 270 B Babies (1990), 291 Bananas? Si Señor! (1956), 24 D Barcarole, Der / Barcarole, The (1924), Dance of the Waterlilies (1989), 290 79, 81, 82 Dancing Cards (1990), 290 Battle of the Somme, The (1916), 16 Dangerous When Wet (1953), 182 Be Like Mike (1991), 183 Dante’s Peak (1997), 275 Beavis and Butthead [Television Show] Daria [Television Show] (1997–2002), (1993-1997), 251 197 Beer Mukashimukashi / Beer Long, Long Dawn of Better Living, The (1945), 135 Ago (1956), 222 Debris Tunnelling (1943), 154, 155 Bílý jelen / White Deer (1932), 171 Deep Impact (1998), 275 Birth of the Robot, The (1936), 237 Disneyland [Television Show] (1954- Blackton Sketches, No. 1 (1896), 2 1958), 28, 89, 91, 92, 96, Boy Who Would Make Pictures, The 101 (1924), 115 DNA with Ethidium (1979), 269 Brilliance (1985), 271–273, 276 Dobrá kuchynˇe Vitello / Vitello, the Good Bursting (1993), 291 Cuisine (1930), 170 Dornröschen / Sleeping Beauty (1922), 81 C Dot to Dot (1982), 234 Calendar of the Year (1936), 86 15.6 Durant Motor Car, The (1923), California Raisins (1986), 251 115 Carnival in the Clothes Cupboard Dustbin Parade (1942), 149–151 (1941), 148 Charm’s BG * (1948), 23 E Check Me Out (1996), 292 Electricity and You (2011), 140, 141 Christmas is Coming (1951), 73 Eno’s “Fruit Salt” (1923), 116 Chuckling Straws (1993), 292 Clark’s Creamed Barley (1923), 114, 118 F Cloud (2011), 199 Fable of the Fabrics (1942), 148 Cold Comfort (1944), 150 Fairy of the Phone, The (1936), 81 Colour Box (1935), 75 Fantasmagorie (1908), 3 Colour Cry (1952), 238 Feeling Wound Up (2010), 201 Colour Flight (1938), 237 Filling the Gap (1942), 145, 146, 151, Compost Heaps (1943), 150 152 Control Room (1942), 154–156 Frankenstein (1992), 239 Cracks (1992), 288 From Rags to Stitches (1944), 149 INDEX OF FILM TITLES 315 G Intermezzo (2013), 201 Gali Gali Sim Sim – Abrahams It’s Alive (2003), 198 [Advertisement] (2011), 253 Gali Gali Sim Sim [Television Show] (2006-), 253 J Geheimnis der Marquise, Das / Secret of Jája milujecistotu ˇ / Johnnie Loves It the Marquise, The (1921/22), 79, Clean (1932), 171 81 James and the Giant Peach (1996), 185 Geri’s Game (1997), 284 Jerry (2016), 200 Good News Travels Far (1930), 121 Johnny Mnemonic (1995), 290 Grand Opening (1991), 288 Just Imagine (1947), 16 Grand Washing Contest (1930), 121 Groove Like Mike (2015), 183 K H Kaleidoscope (1935), 77 Hanibal v pralese / Hannibal in the Kapeesh? (1989), 181 Virgin Forest (1932), 171 Klip—Klap (1934), 170 Hare Ribbin’ (1944), 5 Knick Knack (1989), 284, 289 Harlequin (1930), 81 Kreise / Circles (1933), 61 HeMan and the Masters of the Universe Kubo and the Two Strings (2016), 63 [Television Show] (1983-1985), 5 Kuroi Otoko no Bur¯uzu / Black Man’s Hennessy’s Brandy (1923), 116 Blues (1964), 218 Here I Am: Be Your Own Fan (2008), 187 Here I Am: Conversations from the L Inside (2008), 187 Lady and the Tramp (1955), 97 Here I Am: Do Judo (2008), 187 Last Star Fighter, The (1984), 274 Here I Am: A Short Story of a Tall Girl Launching Magic (1993), 292 (2008), 187 L’il Penny (1995), 185 Here I Am: Show Me Your Dark Side Little Mermaid, The (1989), 288 Mother Nature (2008), 187 Hourglass (1992), 289 Little Richard the Genie (1992), 182 HPO, The (1938), 75, 77–82 Living Circle, The (1956), 24 Living Room (1995), 185 London, Midland and Scottish Railway I (1923), 116 I am not a role model (1992), 184 LongHaired Hare (1949), 272 Impossible Field (2005), 190 Long RunThe (2011), 189 Impossible is Nothing (2004), 189 Love on the Range (1938), 58 Impossible is Nothing: David Beckham Lurpak Butter Man (1985), 251 (2007), 191 Luxo Jr. (1986), 273, 275–277, 285, Improve (2016), 201 288, 289 316 INDEX OF FILM TITLES M Pin Box (1995), 289 Magic Atlas, The (1935), 58, 61 Pirates! In an Adventure with Scien- Magnets (1996), 289 tists!, The [also known asPirates! Middle East (1942), 153 Band of Misfits, The] (2012), 63 Mitternacht / Midnight (1933), 64 Poga: Free Your Life (2001), 251 Mobilising Procedure (1942), 154 Power Unit (1937), 152 Model Procedure for Water Relaying Prací pˇrehlídka / Washing Parade, A (1942), 154, 155 (1937), 171 Model Sorter (1943), 150 Prevention and Control of Distortion in Mony a Pickle (1938), 76 Arc Welding (1945), 143 Mr Dollar (1967), 37 Printed Rainbow (2006), 256 Mr…Goes Motoring (1924), 115, 118, Promˇena strýˇcka Bobyho / Metamorphosis 119 of Uncle Boby, The (1930), 172, MrsSewandSew(1944), 149 173 Multiple Symptoms (2016), 199 Pump (1990), 291 Murray Mints (1955), 5 Q N Quite a Package (1990), 290 Nana (1926), 77 Naval Operations (1941), 153, 155 Nezapomenutelný plakát / Unfor- R gettable Poster, The (1937), RabbitofSeville(1950), 5, 6, 272 172 Rainbow Dance (1936), 237 Night Mail (1936), 85 Reddy and Mr. Toot [Television Show] Nobody, Nobody, Nobody (1988), 181 (1972), 128 No Mars (1990), 181 Reddy Kilowatt; The Mighty Atom NorNW (1938), 85 (1959), 128, 139 North Sea (1938), 76 Reddy Made Magic (1946), 20, 128, NZ Apples (1961), 5, 37 132, 137 Red Fish (2016), 202 Red’s Dream (1987), 285, 289 O Refuse to Lie Down (2017), 203 On Parade (1936), 58 Restoration I (2016), 200 Orange (2006), 256 Return of the Jungle (2018), 257 Rollende Rad, Das / Rolling Wheel, The (1934), 77 P R¯oto Megusuri / R¯oto Eyedrops (1962), Pets (1993), 238 219 Philips Broadcast 1938, The (1938), 59, 62, 64, 65 Philips Cavalcade (1939), 59, 60, 62, S 64 Sandeman’s Port (1923), 116 INDEX OF FILM TITLES 317 Schichtal, or Radion (1925), 171 That Was Tyra Banks, Fool ! (1996), Scientific Explanation, A (1991), 182 186 Seik¯osha no Tokei / Seik¯oWatch(1953), Three Little Pigs (1933), 137 213, 216, 217, 219 Tin Toy (1988), 285, 288 Sesame Street [Television Show] Tocher: A Film Ballet, The (1938), 73, (1969-), 253 75 Shell Oil: The Story of Petroleum (1945), Tony De Peltrie (1985), 272, 274, 275, 20 277 SheRa: Princess of Power [Television Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom (1953), Show] (1985-1986), 5 92 Ship of the Ether, The (1934), 58, 64, Torys Bar (1958), 222–225 66 Tour of the West, A (1955), 94, 95 Simpsons, The [Television Show] Toy Story (1995), 284, 286, 292, 294 (1989-), 251 Toy Story Treats (1996), 284 Sizzle Film (2015), 300–304 Trees (1952), 37, 291 Sleeping Beauty, The (1938), 58, 62 Tres Caballeros (1930), 83 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Tron (1982), 274 (1937), 21 Space Jam (1996), 182, 184 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), 304 U Springs (1938), 152 Uni P (1961), 219 Star Trek: Wrath of Khan, The (1982), USA in Circarama, The (1958), 95 270, 274 Steamboat Willie (1928), 7 Strýˇcek Boby podniká cestu aeroplánem V / Uncle Boby Takes a Plane Trip Virile Games (1988), 181 (1930), 172 V Kathakali I (1999), 251–254 Sukeroku (1958), 224, 225 Vol Libre (1980), 270, 271, 276 Susie the Little Blue Coupe (1952), 99 Voyager 2 Encounters Jupiter (1979), Su Zhendong de zhongwen daziji / Su 270 Zhendong’s Chinese Typewriter Všechno pro trhanec / Everything for a (1922), 4 Scrambled Pancake (1937), 172 Swinging the Lambeth Walk (1939), Vue: This is Not Cinema (2017), 300, 237 301 T Tale of the Amp Lion, The (1924), 123 W 2018 Terrain Reveal x The Mill War in the East (1941), 153 Blackbird (2017), 17 We’ve Got Taste (1993), 292 Tetsuwan Atomu / Astro Boy [Television What Ho She Bumps (1937), 58 Show] (1963-1966), 32, 214 White Wash Job, The (1929), 121 Texting (2016), 202 Wings (2011), 200 318 INDEX OF FILM TITLES X You Cannot Do This (1989), 181 X-Ray (1993), 239 Z Y Zauberblau, Der / Magic Pencil, The 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1925), 163 (1984), 274 Zoloft Dot (2001), 199, 203 Subject Index A Advertising campaigns, 8, 31, 35, 61, Aardman Animation, 5, 247, 251, 253, 116, 166, 167, 174, 176, 284, 257 287, 300 ABC Television network, 91 Advertising, serial, 168 Abel, Robert & Associates, 271 Aesthetic, 67, 156.
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