Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER 1965 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Questions [21 SEPTEMBER] Questions 519 TUESDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER, 1965 stone on to the footpath. When the four men reached a lighted area near the foot­ path, the manager spoke to them briefly Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, and the men continued on their way with­ Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair at out further incident. The identity of the 11 a.m. men has not been established. No com­ QUESTIONS plaint was received at Southport Police Station from any citizen alleging that he SPECIAL DIET FOR SICK RESIDENTS OF had been caused terror or distress through EVENTIDE HOMES.-Mr. Thackeray, pursuant the above described incident, and a check to notice, asked The Minister for Health,- at the Local Ambulance centre failed to Do inmates of Eventide Homes who have locate any record of any person having been examined by the Government Medical received treatment on the night in question Officer and where instructions have been for an injury consistent with one received issued by him that these inmates should be in the type of disturbance alleged to have on a special diet on account of their illness, taken place. When the pieces of timber and receive the food recommended by the the stone were thrown to the footpath by Government Medical Officer? If not, why the three men other persons were in the not? vicinity, but no person was observed to be endangered or distressed in any way. The Answer:­ manager of the premises did not regard the "Yes." incident as being of sufficient importance to warrant the Police being notified." POLICE SUPERVISION AT SURFERS PARA­ (3) "See Answer to (2) ." DISE.-Mr. Thackeray, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Education,- ( 4) "An incident such as that referred ( 1) What surveillance, if any, is used to in my Answer to Question 2 may occur by the Police with regard to teenagers in spontaneously at any place, and an isolated licensed premises at the Gold Coast? instance of that kind is not regarded as a sound basis for determining the adequacy (2) Was the vicinity of the Skyline Beer of Police supervision. At present there are Garden, Chevron Hotel, Surfers Paradise, 54 members of the Police Force stationed on September 14, 1965, at approximately in the City of Gold Coast and they have 10.30 p.m., a scene of a wild melee amongst the use of six motor cars as well as five teenagers who had apparently been drinking motor cycles. Having regard to Police at that hotel? requirements throughout the State, the (3) Were pieces of timber and bricks existing Police staff and facilities at the wielded and thrown indiscriminately to Gold Coast are considered adequate for the terror and distress of citizens who essential requirements in the area. A found themselves suddenly in the midst recruiting drive for more Police is at of the disturbance? present being carried out, and when the allocation of additional personnel is under ( 4) Is he satisfied, in the light of the consideration, due regard will be had for above, that there is adequate supervision the requirements of the Gold Coast." by the Police for the protection of the residents and tourists in this important centre on the Gold Coast? HoUSING COMMISSION LAND, THE STRAND, ToWNSVILLE.-Mr. Aikens, pursuant Answers:- to notice, asked The Minister for Works,- ( 1) "Patrols are made as considered Does the Housing Commission own an necessary and desirable having due regard area of land on The Strand, Townsville, to all Police requirements in the area and and, if so, what is the area of the land the availability of staff. Appropriate action and is it proposed to utilise this land for is taken when any offence by a teenager on the erection of Housing Commission flats, licensed premises is detected." houses or any other form of accommoda­ (2) "Inquiries have failed to reveal tion to meet the pressing needs of the information to support the suggestion that Townsville people? a wild melee had occurred amongst teen­ agers at the time and place mentioned. The Answer:- inquiries revealed that about the time "The Commission has five acres bounded mentioned four men, about thirty years of by The Strand and Mitchell, Burke and age, described as somewhat boisterous, Stuart Streets. While this land is admir­ talking loudly, and obviously having liquor ably situated for fiats the Commission also taken, approached the hotel in question and has another area in Bundock Street near entered a darkened area of the premises William Street on which the Townsville near a construction project involving the City Council has recently requested the use of timber and rocks. As the men were construction of flats. However, as 96 flats leaving the darkened area, the manager of have already been provided and as priority the premises saw them kick some pieces of is given to the larger family groups in timber and bricks. Two of the men each allotting State Rental accommodation I am threw on to the footpath a piece of wood inclined, at present, to favour the construc­ about two feet long, whilst a third threw a tion of houses at Townsville." 520 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions HOUSING COMMISSION HOUSES, GIRU.­ (2) During the same period was there a Mr. Coburn, pursuant to notice, asked The handling and inspection fee imposed on Minister for Works,- carcass lambs introduced to the Townsville Why have four houses approved by the Abattoir area from interstate and, if so, Queensland Housing Commission for erect­ what was the fee and how many lamb tion at Giru not been constructed? carcasses were submitted for inspection during the same period'? Answer:- "Although tenders were called on three Answers:- occasions an acceptable price was not (1) "4,045." received. The jobs remain on tender and (2) "No handling charge was imposed any contractor prepared to submit a reason­ by the Townsville District Abattoir Board. able price may do so." 8,300 lamb carcasses from interstate sources were submitted for inspection prior SITES FOR AMBULANCE STATIONS.­ to consumption within the Townsville District Abattoir area. An inspection fee (a) Mr. Hughes, pursuant to notice, asked under "The Slaughtering Acts, 1951 to The Minister for Lands,- 1958," then operating, of 1d. per head was Has any approach been made to his charged by my Department in respect to Department by anyone connected with the these carcasses." Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade Parent Centre seeking co-operation with respect to the finding of sites on which TAKEOVER OFFER, AUSTRALIAN STOCK ambulance stations may be erected? BREEDERS' COMPANY LTD.-Mr. Murray, pur­ suant to notice, asked The Minister for Answer:- Justice,- "Other than the enqumes made by the (1 ) Is he a ware (a) of a takeover offer Honourable Member for Kurilpa during by Yuill Properties Pty. Ltd., a southern the month of August, there is no record of company associated with other companies any approach having been made to my with a high overseas financial content for Department regarding the availability of £597,000 cash for all the ordinary and sites for ambulance stations. As intimated preference stock in The Australian Stock to the Honourable Member at the time of Breeders' Company Ltd. and (b) that The his enquiry, my Department will be happy Australian Stock Breeders' Company Ltd. to render whatever assistance and advice it controls approximately 6,000 square miles can give the Queensland Ambulance Trans­ in six good properties in North Queensland port Brigade Parent Centre if and when running about 75,000 head of cattle? any approach is made." (2) In view of the very grave concern being expressed by the minority share­ holders of The Australian Stock Breeders' (b) Mr. Hughes, pursuant to notice, asked Company Ltd. over what appears to be a The Minister for Health,- ridiculously low offer by the Yuill interests, Has any approach been made to him or who are the majority shareholders, will he his Department by the chairman of or cause some investigation to be made of anyone connected with the Queensland the circumstances of the offer to ensure Ambulance Transport Brigade Parent that the minority shareholders are receiving Centre with regard to (a) sites suitable for adequate protection? the erection of ambulance stations and (b) requests for special Government funds or Answers:- loan money specifically for the purpose of (1) "(a) I am informed that documents building a new headquarters station? relating to a proposed takeover by Yuill Properties Pty. Ltd. of the whole of the Answer:- ordinary and preference stock of The "No record can be found of an approach Australian Stock Breeders' Company being made to my Department by the Limited, have been lodged at the Office of Chairman of the Parent Centre of the the Registrar of Companies. (b) I do not Queensland Ambulance Transport Brigade, query the details supplied by the Honour­ or any other person connected with that able Member as to both Yuill Properties Centre, either with regard to sites for Pty. Ltd. and The Australian Stock ambulance stations or for special Govern­ Breeders' Company Ltd." ment funds or loan money for the purpose (2) "Particular sections of "The Com­ of building a new headquarters station." panies Acts, 1961 to 1964," deal with take­ over schemes or offers and provide that certain statutory information relating to the LAMBS SLAUGHTERED AT TOWNSVILLE scheme or offer must be placed before the ABATTOIRS.-Mr. Sullivan, pursuant to notice, shareholders of the corporation to shares in asked The Minister for Primary Industries,­ which the scheme or offer relates and that ( 1) What was the number of lambs the offer will remain open for acceptance slaughtered at the Townsville Abattoirs by the shareholders of the corporation to during the 1964-1965 financial year? shares in which the offer relates for at least Questions [21 SEPTEMBER] Questions 521 one month from the date it is made.
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