Papers from the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland November 12-13,1982 Actes du Sixième Colloque Annuel de rAssociation de Linguistique des Provinces Atlantiques Université Memorial de Terre-Neuve St-Jean, Terre-Neuve le 12-13 novembre 1982 Edited by/Rédaction S. Clarke & R. King ISSN 0820-8204 Papers from the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association Memorial University of Newfoundland . St. John’s, Newfoundland November 12-13, 1982 Actes du Sixième Colloque Annuel de l 'Association de Linguistique des Provinces Atlantiques Université Memorial de Terre-Neuve St-Jean, Terre-Neuve le 12-13 novembre 1982. Edited by/Rédaction S. Clarke & R. King ISSN 0820-8204 TABLE OF CONTENTS/TABLE DES MATIERES Acknowledgements /Remerciements............................... v P r e f a c e ....................................................... iv Style S h e e t ................................................... vi ENGLISH/ETUDES ANGLAISES A Preliminary Report on a Study of the Acoustic Effects of Variants of /1/ on Preceding Vowels ......... 1 Marian Atkinson A Sociolinguistic Study of Long Island, Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland ................................... 9 B. Wade CoIboume Analytical Framework for Indefinite One .................... 26 Lillian Falk Second Person Pronouns in Late Elizabethan and Jacobean English -...................................... 35 G. P. Jones The Newfoundland Dictionary and D A R E ........................ 45 William J. Kiruin Age as a Factor in Language Attitude Differences ........... 51 Eloise Lemire Hampson A Perception of the Speech of a Newfoundland Speech Community .......................................... 63 Bernard 0 'Dwyer The Dictionary of Prince Edward Island English • Presents Sheep Storm ...................................... 76 T. K. Pratt FRENCH/ETUDES FRANÇAISES The Acadian French Vowel System in the Lobster- fishing Terminology on Lameque Island . Rose Mary Babitch Se in French: Lexical and Transformational A p p r o a c h e s ................................................. 93 James R. Black Speech Stereotypes in French Newfoundland: An Investigation of Language Attitudes on the the Port-au-Port Peninsula ............................... 105 Sandra Clarke and Ruth King Constructions transitives et passives apparemment aberrantes en usage dans le français d'Acadie .......................................... 124 Pierre Gêvin L rExpression de la similitude dans les parlers franco-acadiens: étude de 1'emploi de quelques adverbes .......................................... 134 Pierre M. Gêrin Observations sur le comportement thématique et désinentiel des verbes dans deux parlers acadiens néo-écossais ............................. 146 B. Edward Gesnev • . Proposed Acadian Content for French Language C o u r s e s ..................................................... 158 D. H. Jory MISCELLANEOUS/DIVERS Aspects of f tsi' and of Certain Other Intransitivizing Postbases in Labrador I n u t t u t ..................................................... 167 Christa Beaudoin-Lietz The Gaeldom of Tir-Nua--The 'New found Land1 : Scots Gaelic in Western Newfoundland .................... 176 F. G. Foster ' Word, Morpheme and Syllable in V i e t n a m e s e ..................194 Marina Glazova Toward a Pedagogy of Paraphrase ............................. 204 Tevvence Gordon A Speech Act Conception of Observation Statements ........................ Stephen P. Norris The Failure of Distinctive Features to Explain the Sound Change [t] to [7] 226 Harold Paddock Counters in Japanese, Contrasted with their English Translations ................. 236 Laszlo Szabo In addition to the papers printed here, the following were also presented at the sixth annual APLA meeting : Outre les communications imprimées dans cette publication, les communications suivantes furent aussi présentées à la sixième réunion de 1 1ALPA: Eenvietta C&devgren (Guest Speaker/orateur invité). The Structure of Sound Change in Progress: Problems and Methods. John A, Bavnstead. Russian Noun Temporality. J. I. M. Davy and Derek Nurse. Synchronic Versions of Dahl's Law: The Multiple Application of a Phonological Dissimilation Rule. John Edwards. Attitudes to Gaelic and English among Gaelic Speakers in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Hetmut Zobt. Intra-Rule Variability and the Naturalness of Inter­ language Systems. Yuen-Ting Lai . Leibnitz on The Chinese Language. The Conference also featured a workshop on linguistic variability, led by Henrietta Cedergren. En plus, Mme. le professeur Cedergren a dirigé un atelier qui portait sur la variation linguistique. Acknowledgements This volume and the November 1982 conference were made possible through the generous assistance of Memorial University of Newfoundland. The guest speaker for the conference was Henrietta Cedergren of the University of Quebec in Montreal; her talk, entitled The Structure of Sound Change in Progress: Problems and Methods was made possible by a Conference Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Remerciements L'ALPA tient à remercier 1 TUniversité Memorial de Terre-Neuve de la subvention généreuse qui a financié son colloque annuel (MUN, St-Jean, Terre-Neuve; novembre, 1982) et la publication des présents actes. Une subvention spéciale du CRSH a rendu possible l fassistance de notre orateur invité, Mme. le Professeur Henrietta Cedergren de l'Université du Québec à Montréal. La participation de î&ie. Cedergren — ainsi que son discours, intitulé "The Structure of Sound Change in Progress : Problems and Methods"——étaient fort appréciés par les organisateurs du colloque et par tous les membres de 1fAssociation. OFFICERS OF THE ATLANTIC BUREAU DE 1/ASSOCIATION DE PROVINCES LINGUISTIC LINGUISTIQUE DES PROVINCES ASSOCIATION, 1982-83 ATLANTIQUES, 1982-83 President/Président 一 Terry Pratt, University of Prince Edward Island Vice-President/Vice-President 一 Helmut Zobl, Université de Moncton Secretary/Secretaire 一 John Barnstead, Dalhousie University Treasurer/Trésorier 一 Edward Gesner, Dalhousie University Members-at-Large/Membres-elus 一 Anthony Lister, University of New Brunswick 一 Pierre Gërin, Mount Saint Vincent University The Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association (APLA) publishes on a regular basis the Journal of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association (JAPLA)/Revue de 1*Association de Linguistique des Provinces Atlantiques (RALPA), as well as a Newsletter • Papers of the annual meeting are also published in a separate volume, entitled Papers from the (...) Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association (PAMAPLA)/Actes du (••.) Colloque Annuel de 1 fAssociation de Linguistique des Provinces Atlantiques (ACAALPA)• These are edited by members of the various host universities in the Atlantic Provinces, and have appeared as follows: 1977 Annual Meeting - appeared in JAPLA/RAPLA 1 (1978) (Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax) 1978 Annual Meeting 一 PAMAPLA/ACAALPA 2 (ed. George W. Patterson. Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia) 1979 Annual Meeting — PAMAPLA/ACAALPA 3 (ed. Moshe Starets, Université Ste-Anne, Church Point, Nova Scotia) 1980 Annual Meeting PAHAPLA/ACAALPA 4 (ed. A. M. Kinloch and A. B. House, University of New Brunswick. Fredericton, New Brunswick) 1981 Annual Meeting — PAMAPLA/ACAALPA 5 (ed. T. K. Pratt, Univer­ sity of Prince Edward Island,. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island) STYLE SHEET Papers appearing in the various volumes of Papers of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association annual meetings are photocopied from the camera-ready copies submitted by their authors. As the paper format adopted for the Sixth Annual Meeting was somewhat different from that of previous meetings, the style- sheet is reproduced here in full. It is hoped that this style- sheet will be adopted by the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association, both for its Papers and for its regularly-appearing Journal. Les articles publies dans les Actes des colloques annuels de L TALPA sont reproduits directement des originaux soumis par les auteurs. Cette année, les Actes suivent un format de publication différent de celui employé dans le passé. Ce format est reproduit ici dans son entier, et les éditeurs espèrent qu? il sera adopté par 1 Association et employé régulièrement dans sa revue annuelle. Papers of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association The manuscript must be of camera-ready quality, typed on 8; x 11 inch paper. All copy must be typewritten, on one side of the Sheet only. 公iflgjg..j3pacü i t M lL_gar.sgr&phs» but dgvU?.le space between paragraphs. Leave margins of lè inches on all four sides. Number the pages of your article on the back only. The typeface should be 12 point Prestige Elite. Use italics or a single underline for cited linguistic forms and for titles of books and journals. Titles and headings: All headings are to be on a separate line, triple-spaced above and double-spaced below. Major headings (e.g. FOOTNOTES, REFERENCES) are to be centered on the page and are fully capitalized. Minor headings (i.e. section headings such as Introduction. ConoLusion) are to be at the left margin and in normal capitalization, with underlining. Each article begins with the following items typed on the first page on separate linesî the title; the sub-title, if any; the author1s name and the name of his/her institution, or his/her city if he/she has no institutional connection—all
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