111 A T t- Form 10-30'1 UNITED ST47 FS n PARTmFNT Or THE IHTFRIOR IJuly 1969) NATIOEAL PARK SERVICE '-- Virginia - - I COUNT Y. HATlOHlll REGISTER OF HISTQRLC PLACES I We stmorelnnd INVEHTORY - NOMlNATION FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY - ENT9Y NUMBER OR T E (Type all entries - completc applicable sections) . % -A C OUUOrJ . I 1 1 3 miles north of Lerty on Vi?ginia Route 214 CITY OR TOWN: I Stratford STATE r-00~ COUNTV CODE Virginia 22558 .--- .- 51 Westmoreland ) 15~3 ~_~:-~TASS~FIC~T~NI ,, .- CATEGORY *CCEISIBLCl OWNERSHIP 1- (Check One) - TO THE PUBLIC brarrrer jCb BuiSdin* a Public Public Acquisition: '30 9ctup;ed Yes: n Rostr~cted n Sirs n Strucfvrs P*ivat* fl h Prec-sn Unoccupiad Urrrosfric~od C:] Obtscr rl ~0th Q Bslng Cons~dsred 0 P~sservor~anwork In progrars U - - - - PREShNf USE (Check Orle Qr&!olrOR APPIOW~U~S) -- - - a Agricultvrml n Government a Pork n Tronaportatien n Camman+= n Cornmnrc4ml 0 Indvstr~ai U, Prl*ots Rssldsnce Other (Spcclh) - 73 Educational n Military 0 Rslrgious Entortarnmant Mlr.ssvm Sclantific n W [S -. - Rohcrk I?, . keMe~noriaZ Association t.u I7Al:ET AND NUMBERr w Stsntford Xali wl CITY OR TOWN: I Strntford Virginia 22556 ' LEGAL DESCRTPTION ----. " "" " COUnTHOUSr, RCGlSTRY OF REI:DS. I Wcstnorclnnd County Caurthwse W;~=NL;NU M ;rx- 1 rlTV OA TOWNI n STATE CODE I I Nontror; E I Virginia 22558 -1 LL.. ...- -_______1- RfPRESEFITATION IN EXISTINO SURVEYS 4 I . I- .- _._. .. .. _-- . .-- -.- -- ]TI TLI 111 qut~vr~i I lmTlI Library- - of Congreaa 37RbET AND NUMAEE t m Excsllmnt O Good U Fair Datsriorotod Ruins L1 Unaxpolsd CONDITION (Check One) (Check One) unaltered Original Sits DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (IIL~~W~GHYSICALAPPEARANCE a. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Stratford Hall, probably best-known as the birthplace of General Robert E. Lee, is of major importance both historically and architecturally. The list of noted men who were born or lived at Stratford Hall reads like a miniature "Who's Who"; four members of the Governor's council, 12 burgesses, four members of the Virginia Convention of 1776, two Sigpers of the Declaration of Independence, several Governors of Virginia, members of the Continental Congress, diplomats, and military leaders. Of those born at Stratford Hall besides the Confederate general, the list includes the Signers, Richard Henry and Francis Lightfoot Lee, and three other Revolutionary leaders, William, Arthur, and Thomas Ludwell Lee. Architecturally, the mansion is a notable example of early Georgian architecture, yet with many features which make it unique. Its H-plan gives it a kinship with the Capitol building at Williamsburg and Tuckahoe in Goochland County, Virginia. It is a huge bulk with raised basement, unaccompanied by the usual pilasters and other academic forms. One of its chief distinwishine characteristics is the presence of twin sets of four chimney stacks on the wings, connected by arches and enclosing balustraded roof-decks. The monumental great hall is outstanding of its period, with a "complete academic formality" seldom found in early Georgian architecture. Four original service dependencies flank the mansion. The acreage owned by the Foundation is only a portion of the original 16,000-acre estate, on which Col. Thomas Lee built the house in the period, 1725-30. The Stratford Hall estate, maintained as a historic house museum and operating eighteenth century plantation, is in excellent condition. The formal gardens have been restored, as well as walks, walls, shrubbery and minor dependencies. b. B0UM)ARIES: Beginning on Route 214, at a point about 2,000 feet west of the main entrance road lending into Stratford IIall; thence proceed east along Route 214 for approximately 2.5 miles to a point approximately 500 feet west of Bryant Town; thence in n northeasterly direction parallel to and about 1,000 feet enst of a dLrL roud, to the Potonlac River waterfront; thcncc west alone the Potomac liiver waterfront for approximtely 2.5 milen to the eastern boundnry of Westmoreland State Park; thence south along the eastcrn boundary of Westmoreland State Park for approximtely 6,400 feet; thence west along the southern boundary of Westmoreland State Park for approximately 1,800 feet; thence south for approximately 1,100 feet to point of beginning. - - . SIGNIFICANCE I PERIOD (Check One or More as Bppropriete~ Prs-Columbion! 16th Century B l8fh Century U 20th Century 15th Century 17th Century El 19th c..t.,, SPEClFIC DATE151 (11 Appllsehls andKnown) IREIS OF SICNIFICIIICE. (Check 0"- 0, More as Appropriate) . Aboriginal Educotian 0 Political 0 Urbmn Planning Prghistoric Enginsaring Roligion/Phi. other (Specify) Historic Industry , lasoph~ Agriculture Invention science Architecture Landscope 0 Sculpture Art Architecture • Soc,al/Humon. Commerce Litaroture itarian Cornmunicotions Militmry 0 Thcots, Conservation Music 0 Transpartotion STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE Ancestral home of the prominent Lee family of Virginia; birthplace of many noted men, including two Sigers of the Declaration of Independence and Robert E. Lee; and an unusual example of early Georgian architecture. 1 - - - .- -- - - ~ A ~ BIBLIOGRAPHICALO R REFTENCES - -. LATITUDE LONGITUDE LATITUDE LDNClTUDC Dssrass Minut.. Second. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTY: In SThTE OR COUNT COUNTY, rn rn - Z Cn 4 ;D C Frank S. Melvin ORCANlZATlON Virginia State Office , Natio 1 STREET AND NUMBER: 20 -.. z STATE COOC In ------ -- 2qplcn- 51 CZRTIFICA I ION- NATIONAL REGISTER VERIFICATION As the desi~natedStole Liuison Officer lor the Na- I hrrcby certify tllnl this property ia included In the tional Historic Preservation Act ol 100(, ((Ptrblir 1.w~ 89-665). 1 hereby r,ominnlr this 1,rupcrly for inclus~on N~tiollalHeyister. in the N,ationnl Rraiater anrl uerlicy tl~ialit hus i,ecn evnleated according In 1111. critvris nncl pracctlurea set forth by the Netionel Park Service. I'hcrccomnlendrd level of significance of this nomination iu: National a State Locsl n I)M~c ATTEST: I Title Keeper of The Natiunnl Redialor 1111 IU I1 11,,1,'! 1 1,s I , I Lt (July 1969) IONAL PARK SERVICE rginia AI i. i. NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Westrnorelnnd PROPERTY MAP FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRY NUMBER V) (Type all entries - attach to or enclose with map) Z [i. NAME 0 COMMON STltZTFOIID HAJJ, - AND/OR HISTORIC. + (2. LOCATION STREET IND NVU BER: U 3 mLles north of Lerty on Route 214 3 ClTI OR TOWN 1 .--- VI I Vir~inia22558 11 Weotn3rebnd I )3 6. MAP REFERENCE I ISOURCB. I U.S. Geological Survey - Stratford Hall quadrangle SCALE 7.5 topgraphic 1:24,000 DATE lyG8 14. REQUIREMENTS TO BE lNCLUOED ON LLL MAPS 1. Preparty braundartss where roqunred. 2. North arrow. I1 3. Letotude and longitude rofarence. I -------- ---- - --__--__ --__---__-_ -------- --- UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STATE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE COUNTV NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES PROPERTY PHOTOGRAPH FORM FORNPS USE ONLY ENTIIV NUMBER (Type all entries - etfach to or enclose with photograph) I 11. NAME 0 COMMON. - AND/OFI HISTORIC. I- 12. LOCATION U STREET liND NUMBER: I j by the Geotogical Suw~y MATIOKAL WL4N SSPVEY HY0901;RAPqIC SURVEY INQLX -. - - - - - - - - - Y.- . .
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