February 23, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H671 Program’s food distribution surge while con- overwhelming successful initial response. We dedication and assistance in the after- tinuing to work with the U.N. Stabilization Mis- all owe you a debt of gratitude and our undy- math of the January 12, 2010, Haitian sion in Haiti, MINUSTAH, the international ing support. earthquake, as amended. community and local responders to alleviate Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- human suffering and support humanitarian re- Madam Speaker, I rise today to voice my sup- tion. lief efforts. port for H. Res. 1066 to recognize the bravery The text of the resolution is as fol- The hospital ship USNS Comfort, embarked and efforts of the United States Armed Forces, lows: with nearly 1,000 medical personnel, is treat- local first responders, and other members of H. RES. 1059 ing a steady stream of Haitian patients. Com- Operation Unified Response for their coordi- Whereas a catastrophic earthquake meas- fort’s hospital capabilities include fully- nated response to the January 12, 2010 Hai- uring 7.0 on the Richter scale struck the na- equipped operating rooms, digital radiological tian earthquake. I am remarkably proud of the tion of Haiti at 4:53 p.m. (local time) on Jan- services, a medical laboratory, a pharmacy, an work we have done to assist with the recovery uary 12, 2010; optometry lab, a CAT-scan and two oxygen- efforts in Haiti after this earthquake devastated Whereas the January 12, 2010, earthquake producing plants. Comfort’s bed capacity is Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas. was the largest earthquake to hit the island- nation in over 200 years and has caused un- about 1,000. With this in mind, many citizens from my conscionable loss of life, affected over Members supporting Operation Unified Re- home city of Dallas answered the call to serv- 3,000,000 people, and caused widespread phys- sponse are also helping move thousands of ice and went to Haiti to help with relief efforts. ical devastation to buildings and infrastruc- pounds of medical aid to various distribution I am particularly moved by the work of Dr. ture; points and are working with local officials to Craig Hobar who is the founder of Life En- Whereas United States urban search and address long-term rehabilitation of the Haitian hancement Association for People, LEAP, a rescue teams (US&R) were immediately acti- public health system. non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing vated and deployed from Fairfax County, As of February 21 the incredible members and enriching the lives of people around the Virginia, Los Angeles County, California, of Operation Unified Response had delivered and Miami-Dade County, Florida, to assist world by providing specialized medical serv- the United States Agency for International more than 2.6 million bottles of water, 2.2 mil- ices. Shortly after the earthquake in Haiti, Dr. Development (USAID) Disaster Assistance lion food rations, 17 million pounds of bulk Hobar was in the country with Dr. Ale Mitchell Response Team (DART); food and 147,000 pounds of medical supplies to help assist with amputations and trauma Whereas each US&R task force is com- into Haiti. Additionally, water production con- surgeries. In addition to this, Dr. Hobar has prised of 70 members, who are multifaceted tinues as U.S. military and international water pledged to help bring volunteer medical teams and cross trained in the major functional purification units produce thousands of gallons to Haiti from around the world for the next areas of search, rescue, medical, hazardous of drinkable water daily. year through the LEAP Foundation. materials, logistics, and planning, and who are supported by trained canines able to con- I would like to personally thank the profes- Madam Speaker, I encourage my fellow col- sional team of Sailor, Soldiers, Airmen, Ma- duct physical search and heavy rescue oper- leagues to join me today in honoring all the ations; rines and Coast Guardsmen of U.S. Southern first responders in Haiti by supporting this im- Whereas task forces have been activated Command for their role in providing guidance portant resolution. for natural and man-made disasters and inci- and securing passage for a Texas-based initial b 1415 dents both at home and abroad, including response medical team. These military profes- hurricanes, earthquakes, and the attacks of sionals played a key role in arranging for the Mr. FLEMING. Madam Speaker, I September 11, 2001; doctors and medical personnel from the Forest yield back the balance of my time. Whereas New York City’s first responders Park Medical Center to obtain the necessary Mr. SKELTON. Madam Speaker, hav- asked the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster As- clearance from the State and Defense Depart- ing no further requests for time, I yield sistance (OFDA) to activate a New York City back the balance of my time as well. US&R task force shortly after the disaster ments to fly jets carrying supplies, seven doc- struck; tors, six nurses, two techs, and two search The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Whereas the 511 United States rescue and rescue volunteers to Haiti. question is on the motion offered by workers comprised roughly one-third of the The medical team, led by Dr. Richard Tous- the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. entire international US&R effort in Haiti; saint, flew from Dallas Love Field Airport and SKELTON) that the House suspend the Whereas more than 130 people have been arrived in Haiti where they treated about 600 rules and agree to the resolution, H. rescued from under the rubble in Haiti by patients, including 70 amputations, and 150 Res. 1066. the US&R task forces, of whom at least 47 surgeries. The team also provided medical The question was taken. were rescued by United States US&R task The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the forces; and supplies to Haiti’s Hospital Sacre Coeur. Whereas United States US&R task forces America is committed to deliver her support opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being deployed to Haiti also trained many of the to our neighbor who is still in dire need of our in the affirmative, the ayes have it. other foreign search and rescue task forces continued and immediate humanitarian assist- Mr. SKELTON. Madam Speaker, on in Haiti; ance. This effort will be a monumental task that I demand the yeas and nays. Whereas, on January 21, 2010, Assistant that will take years to complete but we must The yeas and nays were ordered. Secretary of State for the Bureau of Inter- be resolute to help the people of this strug- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- national Narcotics and Law Enforcement Af- gling island nation rebuild their livelihoods. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the fairs David T. Johnson and New York City To date the United States Government has Chair’s prior announcement, further Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly signed a Memorandum of Understanding contributed over $400 million in earthquake re- proceedings on this motion will be (MOU) to provide the Haitian national po- sponse funding for Haiti. It has also deployed postponed. lice, among other police forces, with training approximately 19,000 military personnel in f and technical assistance; and support of the relief effort. Subsequently, as Whereas the search and rescue effort in HONORING THE HEROISM OF THE part of the new Government of Haiti-lead ef- Haiti officially transitioned to a long-term SEVEN URBAN SEARCH AND fort, the U.N. World Food Program will provide humanitarian relief effort on January 23, RESCUE TEAMS DEPLOYED TO commodities, non-governmental organizations 2010: Now, therefore, be it HAITI Resolved, That the House of Representa- will manage distributions, and U.S. military will tives— Mr. MCMAHON. Madam Speaker, I provide security escorts. (1) honors the bravery and dedication of America and her allies have delivered a move to suspend the rules and agree to the United States Agency for International comprehensive, interagency response to the the resolution (H. Res. 1059) honoring Development, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster earthquake. The State Department, Depart- the heroism of the seven United States Assistance, and Federal Emergency Manage- ment of Defense, Department of Homeland Agency for International Development ment Agency supported urban search and Security, Coast Guard, USAID—all worked and Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster As- rescue teams, the best trained of these teams vigorously to ensure critical resources were sistance supported urban search and in the world; positioned to support the response and recov- rescue teams deployed to Haiti from (2) congratulates the 511 United States New York City, New York, Fairfax urban search and rescue workers for the ery effort, including efforts to find and assist many lives they helped to save in Haiti; American citizens in Haiti. County, Virginia, Los Angeles County, (3) recognizes the contribution of these Once again I am proud of our Armed Serv- California, Miami, Florida, Miami- teams not only in the lives that they di- ices, the first responders and all the members Dade County, Florida, and Virginia rectly saved, but to the international teams of Operation Unified Relief that deliver an Beach, Virginia, and commending their that they trained and to the people of Haiti; VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:07 May 18, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\H23FE0.REC H23FE0 mmaher on DSKD5P82C1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H672 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 23, 2010 (4) expresses its gratitude and appreciation The U.S. task force teams arrived in team from both the city of Miami and to the individuals and organizations that Haiti completely self-reliant.
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