Emergence of the political parties in Egypt in the 19th century was a reflection of social, eco- nomic and cultural interactions as well as certain historical, national and political circum- stances, leading to the creation and development of modern institutions of government adminis- tration and society in Egypt such as the parliament, the cabinet, political parties, syndicates, etc. Emergence of the political parties in Egypt has been gradual and gone through successive stages. Political parties have firstly been formed as secret societies that were followed by formation of political groups. The National Democratic Party (NDP) was the first party formed in 1907 by Mostafa Kamel. In less than ten years, there was a great variety in these parties; in their nature, formation, organization, power, their popular base and platforms. There were national parties, groups dom- inated by the royal palace, others formed by the occupation authority as well as ideological par- ties expressing certain ideologies. In 1907-1920, the already formed political parties in Egypt were a starting signal for the dis- semination of political parties in Egypt; however, they were restricted due to the British occupa- tion and the Egyptian subordination to the Ottoman Empire. The February 1922 Declaration acknowledging Egypt’s independence and the issuance of the 1923 Constitution have led to establishing a royal constitutional rule based on party pluralism and principles of liberal democracy. During 1923-1952, Egypt witnessed a remarkable experience rich in political and democratic practices, however, such an experience was marked with many defects such as the British occu- pation, foreign intervention in Egypt’s affairs and the royal palace’s interference in political life. With the outbreak of the July 1952 Revolution, the Egyptian regime worked to liquidate the opposition. In January 1953, an enactment was adopted on disbanding the political parties and adoption of the one-party rule First: One-party rule 1976 when late president 1-The Liberation Group (1953-1976) Anwar Sadat declared the era On January 23, 1953, the By enacting the law of dis- of party pluralism in the coun- Liberation Group was estab- banding the political parties, try. lished to replace the dis- Egypt witnessed an era of the During this period, several group- banded political parties with one-party rule which lasted till ings were formed as follows: the ultimate goal of making Abnaa Alwatan 3 a political mobilization in Following the 1967 War and The law stipulated party support of the Revolution massive demonstrations in principles should not run Command. February and October 1969, counter to the Shari’ah tenets 2-The National Union Egypt was in a state of politi- and preserve the national On January 16, 1956, late cal turmoil, leading to raising unity, social peace, the social- president Gamal Abdul calls for granting citizens more ist and democratic system as Nasser declared end of the democratic rights and demand- well as socialist gains. It also interim period and put a ing self-expression for politi- stated that the party should not new Constitution for refe- cal affiliations. be formed on ethnic, racial, rendum. In accordance with Following assuming office geographical or discriminatory the 1956 Constitution, in 1970, late President Anwar bases due to sex, origin, relig- political parties were not Sadat adopted the slogans of ion or creed. allowed. Instead, the rule of law and the institu- Following the signing the National Union was formed tional state. peace accord with Israel in to become the political In August 1974, Sadat put 1979, the law further stipu- melting pot of all classes forward a working paper to lated that the party founders of the Egyp tian people. revamp the Arab Socialist and members should not be 3-The Arab Socialist Union Union. opponent to the peace accord. On October 29, 1962, Presi- In July 1975, the Arab Political parties during dent Nasser issued a decree Socialist Union’s general con- Sadat’s era: on forming the supreme ference adopted a resolution 1-EgyptArabSocialist Party executive committee of the on establishing political for- (TheNational Democratic Arab Socialist Union. Its ums within the union for Party). basic law was enacted on expression of opinion in accor- 2-TheLiberalSocialist December 8, 1962. Enroll- dance with basic principles of Party. ment into the nascent organ- the Egyptian Revolution. 3-The National Progressive ization was announced in In March 1976, President Unionist Party January 1963. Sadat issued a decree allowing 4- The Wafd Party. Unlike its predecessors, the three forums to represent the 5-Th Socialist Labor Party. Arab Socialist Union was an right wing (the Liberal Social- The stage of party plural- association for the Egyptian ist Organization), the middle ism in Sadat’s era (1977-1981) working classes and not a wing (Egypt Arab Socialist witnessed several important grouping for the entire peo- Organization) and the left political transformations that ple. wing (the National Progressive stumbled the development of It was also a distinguished Unionist Organization). the experience of party plural- status for workers and farm- During the first meeting of ism. The outbreak of January ers by guaranteeing half of the People’s Assembly on 1977 incidents and Sadat’s the seats of the elect popular November 22, 1976, President visit to occupied Al-Quds and political groupings for Sadat declared the three politi- (Jerusalem) led to escalating workers and farmers. cal organizations turned into confrontations with the oppo- The Arab Socialist Union parties. In June 1977, the law sition. reflected goals of this stage of political party was enacted. The ruling power resorted to as the following: Second: Party pluralism era: several measures to restrict * The state control over the A- Sadat’s era (1977-1981) channels of political participa- national economy and The enactment of the par- tion by the followings: establishing a public sector ties’ law in 1977 demonstrated * Enactment of a host of laws to undertake the develop- Egypt’s political regime offi- to restrict the opposition ment process. cially turned into the era of including the laws of fault * The Arab nationalism. party pluralism. and protection of the inter- * The negative solution for However, the law enactment nal front and social peace. classes’ struggle. had not meant cancellation of * Restriction of the opposition * Democracy. the Arab Socialist Union; political activities. * Commitment to religion and rather it had given the Union * Cracking down opponents freedom of faith and wor- more powers to allow party and allowing the prosecutor ship. formation. general to interrogate intel- Abnaa Alwatan 4 lectuals on their affiliations the political parties the chance a member of such board for at under what was known as the to be nominated for presi- least one consecutive year. As “political accountability”. dency " Political parties, an exception to the provisions B- Mubarak’s era founded at least five consecu- of the afore-mentioned para- The Ex-President Hosni tive years before the starting graph, the afore-mentioned Mubarak took office on Octo- date of candidature and have political parties whose mem- ber 15, 1981 amid extremely been operating uninterruptedly bers obtained at least one seat difficult political circum- for this period, and whose in any of the People’s Assem- stances, his prime goal was to members have obtained at bly or the Shura Council in the restore stability to the country least 3% of the elected mem- latest election may nominate following the mounting ten- bers of both the People’s in any presidential elections to sion during the last days of Assembly and the Shura be held within ten years start- Sadat’s era. Council in the latest election ing from May 1, 2007, any Mubarak has taken a range or an equivalent percentage of member of its higher board, of measures to ease tension such total in one of the two according to their own by- including the release of politi- assemblies, may each nomi- laws, provided he has been a cal detainees, allowing the re- nate for presidency a member member of such board for at publishing of some newspa- of their respective higher least one consecutive year". pers and easing restrictions on board, according to their own the party activities. by-laws, provided he has been DuringMubarak’s era, the number of polit- Serial Party Name Establishment Date ical parties in Egypt has 1977 increased to reach 24 1 National Democratic Party 2 The Socialist Liberals (Al Ahrar) Party 1977 parties at that time. 3 Tagamoa Party 1977 According to the bal- 4 The Socialist Labour (Labour) Party 1978 lot on March 26, 2007 5 The New Wafd Party 1978 Article (5) was 6 Ummah Party 1983 amended to prohibit the 7 Egypt Arab Socialist Party 1985 establishment of any 8 The Greens Party 1990 religious party "The 9 The Democratic Unionist Party 1990 political system of the 10 Misr El-Fatah Party 1990 Arab Republic of Egypt 11 The Arab Democratic Nasserist Party 1992 is a multiparty system, 12 The People Democratic Party 1992 within the framework of 13 The Social Justice Party 1993 the basic elements and 14 Takaful Party 1995 principles of the Egyp- 15 National Conciliation (Al-Wifak) Party 2000 tian society as stipulated 16 Misr (Egypt) 2000 Party 2001 in the Constitution. 17 Democratic Generation (El-Geel) Party 2002 Political parties are reg- 18 Al-Ghad (Tomorrow) Party 2004 ulated by law. Citizens 19 Free Social Constitutional Party 2004 have the right to estab- 20 Egypt Youth Party 2005 lish political parties 21 Democratic Peace Party 2005 according to the law 22 Conservatives Party 2006 and no political activity 23 Free Public Party 2006 shall be exercised nor 24 Democratic Front Party 2007 political parties estab- 25 Alwast Party 2011 lished on a religious ref- 26 Reform and Development (al-Islah wal-Tanmiya) Party 2011 erential authority, on a 27 Freedom and Justice Party 2011 religious basis or on 28 El-Adl (Justice) Party 2011 discrimination -on 29 Al-Massreyeen al-Ahrrar (Free Egyptians) Party 2011 grounds of gender or 31 Masr al-Sawra (Revolution’s Egypt) Party 2011 origin".
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