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When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given e.g. AUTHOR (year of submission) "Full thesis title", University of Southampton, name of the University School or Department, PhD Thesis, pagination http://eprints.soton.ac.uk UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON CATHOLIC EDUCATION IN SRI LANKA DURING ITS FIRST CENTURY AS A BRITISH COLONY, 1796-1901. by JUSTIN BERNARD GNANAPRAGASAM B.Th.(Pune), M.A.(Hull) A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES 1988 DEDICATED TO THE RIGHT REVEREND DR. B. DEOGUPILLAI Bishop of Jaffna A wise and generous bishop who knew a very great deal about how people can suffer pain and also find healing from It - truly a great Christian. PREFACE The purpose of this preface Is to thank those innumerable institutions and individuals who have furthered my studies in so many different ways. It is impossible to mention all by name, but I hope those not singled out here will recognize their contribution to what I have written and accept my gratitude for their help. I acknowledge my indebtedness to my bishop, the Rt. Revd. Dr. B. Deogupillal for giving me this opportunity and encouragement to pursue this doctoral studies; to MISSIO of Germany for financing my studies; to Fr. J. B. Devarajah for arranging this financial help with MISSIO; to my brother-in-law, Mr. J. P. Swampillai for suggesting the subject and arranging this study at Southampton University and maintaining a lively Interest in its progress; to Fr. Roy Bennett for welcoming me into the Presbytery and offering his warmth friendship; to the Oblate Congregation's General House in Rome for allowing me to use their archives and for arranging access to Propaganda Fide archives. To the staff of various libraries I express my appreciation: the British Library, Public Record office, India Office Library and Records, Foreign and Commonwealth Library, Colllndale Newspaper Library, Official Publications Library, School of African and Oriental studies, London Institute of Education. To Southampton University I express my thanks for admitting me as a doctoral student. I am grateful to the friends who helped me in various ways, specially the staff of the library. My deepest debt of gratitude is due to my supervisors Mr. Patrick Souper and Dr. Dudley Plunkett who painstakingly directed my research and whose valuable advice, encouragement and assistance have been readily forthcoming at all times: they have contributed in so many ways not only to the preparation of my thesis, but also to my personal development. UNIVERSITY 0 F SOUTHAMPTON ABSTRACT FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy CATHOLIC EDUCATION IN SRI LANKA DURING ITS FIRST CENTURY AS A BRITISH COLONY, 1796-1901. by Justin Bernard Gnanapragasam The Introduction of the Catholic faith and its growth during the Portuguese rule of the Island (]505-1658), the subsequent decline in Catholic life and its later remarkable recovery through the efforts of the Oratorlan priests from Goa,India, during the Dutch rule (1658-1976), are highlighted to provide an Introduction to the main study. Early under British rule, various English speaking Christian missions were established on the Island, and the development of their educational activities was supported by the government. The Catholics were still organized insufficiently well to venture into the educational arena at that time due to a shortage of men with an adequate knowledge of English, In the second quarter of the century the Catholic Church on the Island was reorganized, and newly arrived missionaries inaugurated the provision of Catholic education for Catholic natives. The authorities recognized the Catholic educators, who were allowed to be represented on the Central School Commission. Catholic opinion on educational matters was voiced, from 1850 onwards, by both Joseph Bravl and Christopher Bonjean. Bonjean held the reigns of Catholic opinion on educational matters as and when they arose. The evidence given by Catholics to the Morgan Committee of Inquiry clearly indicated the best directions for education in Sri Lanka to take if it were to benefit the people. Bonjean's long-standing demand for the denominational school system was at last recognized and put into effect. The introduction of grants-in-aid to schools raised the question of proselytizing, using the money provided from public funds. The revival of the indigenous religions challenged the dominance the Christian missions had previously held in the educational arena. The study concludes with an evaluation of the Catholic Church's educational activities, the notion of Christianity as a European religion because of Its links with colonial powers, and an Inquiry Into the rooting of the Catholic faith In the cultures of the people of Sri Lanka - a reflection on the soclo-eccleslologlcal forces that Influenced the activities of the missionaries of the period under study. ABBREVIATIONS Acta Acta Sacrae Congregatlonis" of the Sacred Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, Rome (SCPF). AOMI Archives of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Rome. A.R. Administration Reports of various Departments, Ceylon, B.T.S. Buddhist Theosophical Society. CsAeLcRa Ceylon Antiquary and Literary Register. CO Colonial Office documents, London. C.S.C.R. Central School Commission Report. D.P.I. Department of Public Instruction. lOLR India Office Library and Records, London. LD "Lettere e Decreti della Sacrae Congregazione" of the Sacred Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, Rome (SCPF). M.C. The Morgan Committee of Inquiry. M.R. The Morgan Report. NS "Nouva Serie" (New Series) of SCIO of the Sacred Congregation for the Evangelisation of the Peoples, Rome (SCPF). R.D.P.I. Report of the Director of Public Instruction. SCIO "Scritture riferite nei Congress!,Indie Oriental!" of the Sacred Congregation for the Evangelisation of the Peoples, Rome (SCPF). SCPF Archives of the Sacred Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, Rome. (Propaganda Fide) S.P. Sessional Papers (Legislative Council), Ceylon. WMMS Archives of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, London. LIST OF CONTENTS TITLE DEDICATION PREFACE ABSTRACT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS INTRODUCTION. 1. The purpose of this study. 2. The need for the study. 3. Sources of Data. 4. The method of study. CHAPTER I: THE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF CATHOLIC MISSIONARIES DURING THE PORTUGUESE RULE OF SRI LANKA, 1505-1658. 6 1. The arrival of the Portuguese and the introduction of Christianity into Sri Lanka. 6 2. The teaching of Christianity in the different kingdoms. 9 a) In the Kingdom of Kotte. b) In the Kingdom of Jaffna. 3. Schools as a medium for "Christianization". 14 a) The nature of elementary education. b) The educational methods of the missionaries. c) The "Colleges" established by the missionaries. CHAPTER II: THE EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS DURING THE DUTCH RULE 27 OF SRI LANKA, 1658-1796. 1. The arrival of the Dutch in Sri Lanka and their "Christianization" work. 27 a) The "Christianization" work of the Dutch. b) The Revd. Philip Baldaeus' work in the country. 2. The educational system and methods adopted by the Dutch in Sri Lanka. 31 a) The Parish-Schools. b) The teaching in the vernacular. c) The curriculum and method of teaching. d) The levying of fines. e) The school buildings. f) The school headmaster - as the Thombo-Holder. g) The School-Board or the Scholarchal Commission. h) The work of the "Inspectors". 3. Schools in the Jaffna and Colombo Commandments. 41 a) The Jaffna Seminary. b) The Colombo Seminary. c) The curriculum of the Seminary. d) Other institutions. 4. Catholic missions under the Dutch Rule. 45 a) The compulsion of Catholic children to attend Protestant schools. b) Father Joseph Vaz and his efforts to revive the Catholic faith. c) Catholics at the end of the Dutch Rule. 5. The Dutch, their educational activities: An appraisal, 50 CHAPTER III: EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF THE GOVERNORS OF SRI LANKA DURING THE FIRST THREE DECADES OF BRITISH RULE, 1796-1834. 55 1. The Madras Administration. 56 2. Governor North's educational activities. 57 a) The Revd. James Cordiner as Principal of Schools. b) The Superior School System. c) North's tolerant attitude towards Catholics. d) British Government's disapproval of educational reforms. 3. Maltland's stringent economic measures on education. 68 a) Maltland's attitude towards Catholics. b) The criticisms in England of education in Sri Lanka. 4. Promotion of Christianity and education under Governor Brownrigg. 75 a) Home Government's policies and the Governors. b) The Archdeaconry of Colombo in 1818. 5. Educational activities during Governor Edward Barnes' period. 85 a) The activities of the Catholics during this period. b) The pattern of education in 1830. 6. The Colebrooke Commission of Inquiry and its recommendations. 93 CHAPTER IV; THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONS AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS, 1834-1850. 100 1. The implementation of the Colebrooke Commission's recommendations and the difficulties it created. 100 a) The Archdeacon as the Head of the School Commission. b) The "bitter squabblings" among the clergy. c) Mackenzie and Vernacular Education. d) The establishment of the Central School Commission. 2. The reorganization of the administration of the 111 Catholic Church In Sri Lanka. a) The erection of the Apostolic Vicariate of Sri Lanka. b) The cry from the Catholics for an "English Education".
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