/ I ' -3 / "\ FRIDAY, APRIL 24,. 1953 > A ( ^ T W E N T Y jlrntrl^^Btir lEo^uing ^fraUi X Don *t Forget the Men and^ ^ W in the Service-Give to the USO Drive X. __________________________________ ... _______________________________________ ^ ^ __________ ' ■ ' ' • ' . ’ • ■' , Average Daily Net Press Run For tha Weak Ended The Weather’ ' April 18, 1SS8 FereeMt at C. 8. Weathar Bunae 10,952 CloDdy .With showers and paa- Stjt*4 thad far At Fashions In kibly thunderatorma and Httla Jamiar W'amtm af Ih t ItH Hember of tha Audit temperature change tonight and . r Bureau of Clrcnlationa fat mehti at Ittt. A W hirl of Mancheater—^A City of Village Charm Sunday. 1 * VOL. LXXII, NO. 175 (Clasaltied Advertlalng on Page 13) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRII. 25, 1953 (FOURTEEN PAGES) W hite and PRICE nVE ClBNTa / States Seen Pastels Powerful Atom Shot X. During H A L V ictorious Tea~rrific In our collection of toppers. Such a wonderful way to go sailing Used in Trobps Drill On Oil BiU th*«r r«y»ii into spring! . in our fabulous .. .. JUmlMngf pHnt fleet of fa.shions ever .so feminine W’iishinfrton. April — The Senate temporarily set For t»M, committM mMtims, m- —ever so soft ■. all in the most, a.side the submerged lands foniMl. iitman ....... Itt .fraeioui Flash Seen bill at 10:50 a. m. today tltHcry, H's OCMI-TASSE. Mft, iltttr trea.surcd new fabrics. lake up the House-passed'nill print witli Mt m iiMVM. Nethin| for the temporary exleiision thart «f lir-cenrfHioniAi could be 600 M iles of rent controls. Bank Robber Gives Up CMltr . and tbit draped draet Rose Bud Reds’ Stand it wathable, tool Tbe y-naeklina it Washington, April 25-H/P) framed with toft foMt that form $ From Site -^Backers today predicted V; tha tHtehed-down boi ^eatt rt- $ 1 9 -9 8 to victory without comprcFmise On Policies^ loHe to nnprattad pleatt for a for A bill to establi'sh state / / Topper Las Vegas, Nev., April 25 recefid tkirt. Mw, foM. aquatone — (/P) —One of the spring ownership of offshore sub­ or rota wilt) block on tinted gray merged land.s—A bill again.st round. 12M to 22Vb. serie.t most brilliant and U n ch a n g ^ $ 3 9 - 9 5 COnON CARDIGAN SWEATER powerful atomic bomb.s ex­ which Sem Morse (Ind., Ore.) Set ploded with -golden brilliance talked around the clock for a Sir.es emaJl. medium. Isiac and extra Senate record. WashinMtoti. Aptjl^ IS—idt) larke. 'White, yellow, blue, pink and $1.89 before dawn today as 16 Con­ $ 10 ^ 8 ------------ .tr V gressmen and 2,650 troops It w*a far and away tha longest — ^The White Hou^ said U h. For girls. Sizes 6 from all over the nation speech In the current debate, start­ day Russia’s near peace state* mos., 1 yr. and ing at 11:30 a. m. yesterday and ment may be ya.first atep to* I'a yrs. Snap fas- looked on. going deep into today's early t e n e d top is Shortly after the blast, touched jiour.s. It beat at least one other ward so m etl^ K concrete’* in .smock length. off from a 300-foot tower at 4:.30 effoi't for whl^h a record was settlinir Cold W ar problems. Plasticized pant a. m. (p.a.t.l, troops cliipbed from claimed t 1.5 hour. S.t minute “If so” an official Whita Green Stamps is snap fa.sleiied at front for easy diaper change. their trenches 4,000 yards from marathon by the late Sen. Huey Ground Zero and advanced in a House statement aaid, “the Given With Elaaticized Irg.s* White grounds. flJO O ^ P. Long, Louisiana Democrat, in free world will continue to Pink, yellow or blue print................. ^ A e lr 9 tactical maneuver. 1935. TkeJMiHALCeo Ca.sh Sales The shot, at the Atomic Energy wait for the definite steps tIic H ALC CO. M A N C H trrn Co n n * Commission'-s. Yucca . Flat tejt site •But the proponents of state own­ that m ust be Biade if th e 8 ^ . ■MANCiiirm CONN* ership had renewed aiipport^ from 7,") miles northwest, was a thing of Viet leaders are sincerely ii- beauty as .seen from here. As it President Eisenhower and one flared a akyful of fleecy clouds, in­ highly placed supporter of the terested in a cooperative sola* BABY PICTURE LAMPS visible in the darkness sn instant measure said in an interview "there tion to world problems.’* before, were momentarily printed will be no compromia- on this bill." with gold. He predicted the long-talking By EDDY GILMORE Reg. price'Baby tveek spectal. $ 2 a 9 8 ' Observers at the control tower, ■opposition wilt be forced into' sub­ Moscow, April 25— </F)— where the Congressmen were sta­ mission next week. The official newspaper of the tioned. 10 miles from Ground Ike .\aka .\rtlnii Zero, said the shock wave at their Before the President spoke out Communist party declared t ^ vantage point was the strongest yesterday. Senate Repi-bllcsn lead, day that Russia is rea'dy to of the series. It broke light bulbs er Taft of Ohio aaid he was ex­ enter into “business like’’ and window panes in outbuildings. ploring the ".a sibillty of modiflea- The flash was -seen as far away discussions with the West to as San P'ranci.sco - 600 miles d is-' tiona in the legislation on which end great world controversies both sides cortid agree. tant. - I Getting up ht two n'rlock In the thorning la more than a little but made it clear the Soviet Drone Plane Oashes ! Tile President called for prompt trying for young Jock Macomher of Xew York, but true to his name. passage of the bill and aaid he Union is not retreating aihy- A ^’a^->• AD-2 Skyraider drone Jock Been a ehanee to save something—time, You won’t have to where along the line of for­ plane, flown into the chiirning was "d.:eply concerned" over the i ^ ...... get up In the wee hours If you’ll set your rioek ahead an'hour tonight delav of his legislative program .. *^'*.*“ hehIM « * « aim *f the me* vrim »tiitMptad to hold lip eign policy. CARDIGAN TOPPER SET atomic cloud, crashed. Such ersft ' ( k j l before going to bed. / caused bv prolonged Senate debate , S "''“ >«eat Bank In St. I ^ la , April 24 nwlka out the front door to give If up. An Injorod The RuMizn reply to Prealdent • • • carry instruments to obtain scien- , ---« ^ For boy*. Sir.es-6 mos., 1 yr.'and I 'j yrs. Snap Storing its 18th dav todav. | ^"ceman u d another .^dU . also w oun^ aw lying on Iho atdownik In frontlaf the hnnk. Ilito Biaenhower’z April 16 foreign pol­ tific data, which is relayed to the „ ^ i photo naa taken by Jack January of the Post Diannteli. „ si fastened jacket, plasticized pant, elastic legs. ground by radio. On the merits of the submerged ' . i icy speech w u apread acroea .tho White stripes on red. blue, green o r ^ a y ^ Fifty-two aircraft, including six lands bill. Morse, aaid it was I entire front page of Pravda la an yellow.......... .......................................... ^ dC • / 9 B-47 Stratojels and six B-.'jOs, wor-ded as possibly to prevent the editorial. A t tho aama timo tha text of the'Proaident’a apeoch was with new non-roll top were in the air on various mis­ Reds Release Extra building of dams by the federal sions. j Chalked Words printed on an inaide page. government on lands itnder navi- , Beafftrms Old Staadl The Army nianeuver wa.s con- ] Ik e U rg e d to B o o st and tmmmy-flattening power panels t v ^ ' The whole tone of the.Pcavda ducted by two combat teams of 1.- i He -noted that the bill prohibita I Of Bank Theft reply waa aharp and argumaata- 200 men each. With them in the | American Captives "use" of such lands by tl)e federal : Uva. But it waa not vltupentiva 6c A U NYLON trenches were 2.'50 militsry observ- ' government. I bolligereht. ,ers. And in trenche.s an undisclo.srd Morse also criticized/the indefi Plans Ignored Aid for Far East It took iaaue with the President distance closer to Ground Zero Pffnmuiijopi, April 25— (/Pj— Another 100 Allied prisoners nite provisions of the bill In derJ on aeveral pointa ahd vlgoitm j^ DRES^SET were eight officer volunteer ob­ fining -slate boundaries. He said • — includinjr'k bonus number of Americans, British and Turks I criticized S^retary of State John servers. the Senate should accept the rec­ St. Louis, A pt" 26 iVP) The Foater Dullea. It definitely reaf­ Embroidered ruffles, The Army said there were, no —were fr^ d toda.v as the Communist kept their promise to ommendation of '^Atty. Genct-al death of one bandit and the escape Wa.shinjft.on, April 25—-</P)— A team of 55 American busi­ Casualties. firmed previoua Soviet p^tloffa puffed sleeves. Sizes contimie/the exchange of sick and wounded captives beyond Bi'ownell that the boitndaiies l>e of another- today handicapped In­ nessmen has advised the Eisenhower admini-stration to slash on many laauea that have created euiPlaytex* S raanths to 3 years. The shock rattled windows here fixed by a map. • vestigation of what almost became economic assistance to western Europe and increase it to the tenalon with the Weat. and It took White ruffle on blue, hut was not as strong ns that of a the onorisK^nal limit.
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