
I ' -3

/ "\ FRIDAY, APRIL 24,. 1953 > A ( ^ T W E N T Y jlrntrl^^Btir lEo^uing ^fraUi X Don *t Forget the Men and^ ^ W in the Service-Give to the USO Drive X. ______... ______^ ^ ______' ■ ' ' • ' . ’ • ■' ,

Average Daily Net Press Run For tha Weak Ended The Weather’ ' April 18, 1SS8 FereeMt at C. 8. Weathar Bunae 10,952 CloDdy .With showers and paa- Stjt*4 thad far At Fashions In kibly thunderatorma and Httla Jamiar W'amtm af Ih t ItH Hember of tha Audit temperature change tonight and . r Bureau of Clrcnlationa fat mehti at Ittt. A W hirl of Mancheater—^A City of Village Charm Sunday. 1 * VOL. LXXII, NO. 175 (Clasaltied Advertlalng on Page 13) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRII. 25, 1953 (FOURTEEN PAGES) W hite and PRICE nVE ClBNTa / Pastels Powerful Atom Shot States Seen X. During H A L V ictorious Tea~rrific In our collection of toppers. Such a wonderful way to go sailing Used in Trobps Drill On Oil BiU th*«r r«y»ii into spring! . . . in our fabulous .. .. JUmlMngf pHnt fleet of fa.shions ever .so feminine W’iishinfrton. April — The Senate temporarily set For t»M, committM mMtims, m- —ever so soft ■. . . all in the most, a.side the submerged lands foniMl. iitman ...... Itt .fraeioui Flash Seen bill at 10:50 a. m. today tltHcry, H's OCMI-TASSE. Mft, iltttr trea.surcd new fabrics. lake up the House-passed'nill print witli Mt m iiMVM. Nethin| for the temporary exleiision thart «f lir-cenrfHioniAi could be 600 M iles of rent controls. Bank Robber Gives Up CMltr . . . and tbit draped draet Rose Bud Reds’ Stand it wathable, tool Tbe y-naeklina it Washington, April 25-H/P) framed with toft foMt that form $ From Site -^Backers today predicted V; tha tHtehed-down boi ^eatt rt- $ 1 9 -9 8 to victory without comprcFmise On Policies^ loHe to nnprattad pleatt for a for A bill to establi'sh state / / Topper Las Vegas, Nev., April 25 recefid tkirt. Mw, foM. aquatone — (/P) —One of the spring ownership of offshore sub­ or rota wilt) block on tinted gray merged land.s—A bill again.st round. 12M to 22Vb. serie.t most brilliant and U n ch a n g ^ $ 3 9 - 9 5 COnON CARDIGAN SWEATER powerful atomic bomb.s ex­ which Sem Morse (Ind., Ore.) Set ploded with -golden brilliance talked around the clock for a Sir.es emaJl. medium. Isiac and extra Senate record. WashinMtoti. Aptjl^ IS—idt) larke. 'White, yellow, blue, pink and $1.89 before dawn today as 16 Con­ $ 10 ^ 8 ------.tr V gressmen and 2,650 troops It w*a far and away tha longest — ^The White Hou^ said U h. For girls. Sizes 6 from all over the nation speech In the current debate, start­ day Russia’s near peace state* mos., 1 yr. and ing at 11:30 a. m. yesterday and ment may be ya.first atep to* I'a yrs. Snap fas- looked on. going deep into today's early t e n e d top is Shortly after the blast, touched jiour.s. It beat at least one other ward so m etl^ K concrete’* in .smock length. off from a 300-foot tower at 4:.30 effoi't for whl^h a record was settlinir Cold W ar problems. Plasticized pant a. m. (p.a.t.l, troops cliipbed from claimed t 1.5 hour. S.t minute “If so” an official Whita Green Stamps is snap fa.sleiied at front for easy diaper change. their trenches 4,000 yards from by the late Sen. Huey Ground Zero and advanced in a House statement aaid, “the Given With Elaaticized Irg.s* White grounds. flJO O ^ P. Long, Louisiana Democrat, in free world will continue to Pink, yellow or blue print...... ^ A e lr 9 tactical maneuver. 1935. TkeJMiHALCeo Ca.sh Sales The shot, at the Atomic Energy wait for the definite steps tIic H ALC CO. M A N C H trrn Co n n * Commission'-s. Yucca . Flat tejt site •But the proponents of state own­ that m ust be Biade if th e 8 ^ . ■MANCiiirm CONN* ership had renewed aiipport^ from 7,") miles northwest, was a thing of Viet leaders are sincerely ii- beauty as .seen from here. As it President Eisenhower and one flared a akyful of fleecy clouds, in­ highly placed supporter of the terested in a cooperative sola* BABY PICTURE LAMPS visible in the darkness sn instant measure said in an interview "there tion to world problems.’* before, were momentarily printed will be no compromia- on this bill." with gold. He predicted the long-talking By EDDY GILMORE Reg. price'Baby tveek spectal. $ 2 a 9 8 ' Observers at the control tower, ■opposition wilt be forced into' sub­ Moscow, April 25— • AD-2 Skyraider drone Jock Been a ehanee to save something—time, You won’t have to where along the line of for­ plane, flown into the chiirning was "d.:eply concerned" over the i ^ ...... get up In the wee hours If you’ll set your rioek ahead an'hour tonight delav of his legislative program .. *^'*.*“ hehIM « * « aim *f the me* vrim »tiitMptad to hold lip eign policy. CARDIGAN TOPPER SET atomic cloud, crashed. Such ersft ' ( k j l before going to bed. / caused bv prolonged Senate debate , S "''“ >«eat Bank In St. I ^ la , April 24 nwlka out the front door to give If up. An Injorod The RuMizn reply to Prealdent • • • carry instruments to obtain scien- , ---« ^ For boy*. Sir.es-6 mos., 1 yr.'and I 'j yrs. Snap Storing its 18th dav todav. | ^"ceman u d another .^dU . also w oun^ aw lying on Iho atdownik In frontlaf the hnnk. Ilito Biaenhower’z April 16 foreign pol­ tific data, which is relayed to the „ ^ i photo naa taken by Jack January of the Post Diannteli. „ si fastened jacket, plasticized pant, elastic legs. ground by radio. On the merits of the submerged ' . i icy speech w u apread acroea .tho White stripes on red. blue, green o r ^ a y ^ Fifty-two aircraft, including six lands bill. Morse, aaid it was I entire front page of Pravda la an yellow...... ^ dC • / 9 B-47 Stratojels and six B-.'jOs, wor-ded as possibly to prevent the editorial. A t tho aama timo tha text of the'Proaident’a apeoch was with new non-roll top were in the air on various mis­ Reds Release Extra building of dams by the federal sions. j Chalked Words printed on an inaide page. government on lands itnder navi- , Beafftrms Old Staadl The Army nianeuver wa.s con- ] Ik e U rg e d to B o o st and tmmmy-flattening power panels t v ^ ' The whole tone of the.Pcavda ducted by two combat teams of 1.- i He -noted that the bill prohibita I Of Bank Theft reply waa aharp and argumaata- 200 men each. With them in the | American Captives "use" of such lands by tl)e federal : Uva. But it waa not vltupentiva 6c A U NYLON trenches were 2.'50 militsry observ- ' government. I bolligereht. ,ers. And in trenche.s an undisclo.srd Morse also criticized/the indefi Plans Ignored Aid for Far East It took iaaue with the President distance closer to Ground Zero Pffnmuiijopi, April 25— (/Pj— Another 100 Allied prisoners nite provisions of the bill In derJ on aeveral pointa ahd vlgoitm j^ DRES^SET were eight officer volunteer ob­ fining -slate boundaries. He said • — includinjr'k bonus number of Americans, British and Turks I criticized S^retary of State John servers. the Senate should accept the rec­ St. Louis, A pt" 26 iVP) The Foater Dullea. It definitely reaf­ Embroidered ruffles, The Army said there were, no —were fr^ d toda.v as the Communist kept their promise to ommendation of '^Atty. Genct-al death of one bandit and the escape Wa.shinjft.on, April 25—-e of another- today handicapped In­ nessmen has advised the Eisenhower admini-stration to slash on many laauea that have created euiPlaytex* S raanths to 3 years. The shock rattled windows here fixed by a map. • vestigation of what almost became economic assistance to western Europe and increase it to the tenalon with the Weat. and It took White ruffle on blue, hut was not as strong ns that of a the orisK^nalon limit. ------The ^.eds said they would free He declared also that recogni­ St. Louis' l.-rrgest bank i-obbeiy. Communist-threatened Far East, The business leaders also exception tc» certain principles of green, pink or yel­ previous air-drop shot, which broke tion of states' boundaries beyond Still unexplained were the American policy. - low. a downtown stoie window. 13 myi-e Americans and 71 dis­ have urged that the State depart-*------:------able^ South Koreans tomorrow as y . S. Informers the territorial limit of three miles chalked words "Will be rob—” on D o ^ SMU Open I'niiMial (;ioiid i usually asJerted by the fe.deral the outsidewf the hank's rear- wall. ment he given complete control Iru/e nhgotiators return t'l this over ail foreign aid programs and While the statement closed luL’ Besides the spectacular fla.sh, '■ .itral zone for the first full dros.s government invites reprisals from A woman employe had noted them door to negotiations, and in f a ^ \ $4.98 which rivaled last week's beauty, ; othFr nations and con.stitutes a Thursday, but only joked about If. that the existing Mutual Security Brownell HdUs mi.stlce talks since last Oct. 8. Were in Camp, agency be abolished. appeared to seek to open the door ■ \ i observers were treated to an un­ threilt to U. S. fishermen. Texas Frank Vito, 2!i, killed himself a little wider, it made these points: Seventeen Americans, four Brit­ The.se view-a were given to usual cloud formation. As the^ and Floi;ida claim up to 10 1-2 ratlier- than aitriendei-. Two other Korea. ‘The Soviet people in­ cloud shot upward a succession ish. four Turks and 75 South Kore­ Returnee Says milea. bandits and Police . Cpl. Robert Mutual Security Administrator Bingham for CARTER’S 2-Pe. CREEPER ans came back today, bringing the Harold Stnssen as part'of a 4.000 variably supported all ateps dtract- dazzling white icecaps form ed^n Assails l^ .St. Press ^Heitz were woirnded in the wild ed toward concluding a Just truoa its top. Two of these spread JbM total to the-600 the. Reds .said they / gtrn battle at Southwest Bank yes­ word reiiort based on a on-the- .would exchange in six day.s. Tokyo, April 2.5—OTi .Ln Ameri­ Morse at one point contended LfOyalty Check in Korea." The editorial held out ward around the soaring mnah that "the big press of the country terday. apot survey of foreign aid opera­ Korea aa the No. 1 exSmplo of Fabric lintd . . . White nevabind shirt, fancy contrast collar. White room stem, forming a d o u ^ cpl- ' But of the total: 136 w-ere can. soldier freed 'Tuesday after tions in J4 countries, , with yello\v. blue or green. Sizes 7 C is lined up" with proponents of In a satchel on the b.-ink floor deeds, not words, In favor of poiMO. lar effect. Americana 16 more than prom­ almost two years in Communist state ownership and that only aft­ wa.s J143.000 which had been The report, still classified as Waahtngton, April 35— OP) — 4 rainferesei BOYS’ SUN SUIT 8 mos. to 2 yrs...... ^ A e / O I secret, concludes that American Germany. The Rusalana did not TTie troop maneuver in/fhls, the ised. 32 were British 12 | more prison camps -said today .some er the long-talk tactics began did scooped trp hurriedfy by the ban­ Atty. Gen. Brownell said today hia appear to move an Inch.from their $ 7 9 5 t aeventh exploaion of the series, than promised. 1.5 were .Turk.s— ! aid h y accomplished 1 ^ purpose ■ adjustable garters the debate get much coverage. dits. all from Chteago. original poaition. was one of the largest »\-er held at ' U. S. prisoners, turned informer , recent sharp ciiticiam of th'c Tru­ Extra-Large size, $8.95 9lses S months to 4 .vears:' equal to the number pf nen-Ko- But .Senator Douglas (D-Ul.l. Offteers fotrnd the ear early to- ; of biAtering economii^conditions Eaatem Europe! “It would he tha proving ground. rieans the Reds. said the>’ would and "passed along to the Commun- ' in Europe. A siibsta^risi cutback ^ llile stripes on red, Sd.50 1 ists iniormation on what other | helping Morse out with qirestions, ( abandoned on a street abnirt man adminkriration'a loyalty check queer to expect the Soviet Uni^n ''X As blast preparations were made exchange aside from Br-itlsh ai>d is recommended for nearly all blue,' yellow or green. I prisoners were talkirig about or •■’’ iRKested editoi-s may not have ’ ’’t blocks from Ihe hank.'It was was directed at "basic flaw-s"—not to intervene In favor of the res­ 100% AU WOOL BUNKET Americans. 17 others included men planning," - — . ’ I identified throrrgh Illinois license European countrie^ except West toration of the reactionary regimes I f a attneu)... from its non-roll top to its ( ( ’ontinuerl on Page Koiirj' from Colombia. Australia. Canhda. ' I ; Berlin and divlde^Austfia. at the private citizens who helped "I guess some of them believed (Oontinuesl on Page Four) plates, one on the rear of the ear administer it. South Africa, Greece, the Philip- Congress appropriated 81,282.- concealed tummy-flattening latex "finger" the Communi.st line. Some of them ______and one fotrnd in the glove eom- Brownell elaborated in a letter * (Continued on Page. Fonr) > i Size 38 X .'50. .Satin binding. Pink, blue or white. 'pines and The Netherlands a^d 400 par-tment. I 000.000 for ’’(^ense support" as­ were South Koreans. I did it for Ike cigarettes . . . They | to the editor published today in panels. . . neie in the way it echoes the firm Reg. 'price I7.9S C C O f l 1 ,didn’t care' about their buddies,'' i However, no Itsee of Ihe miss­ sistance to W stem European na­ Baby week special...... Both sides have said t.^hey would tions in the^acal year ending June the Washington, D. C., ' Evening Third Division said Sgl. Orville R. Mullln.s of Cov- | Six Crewmen ing hafidil Was fotrnd Police ex- .Star, support of your own body muscles. . . neto in the continue the exchange beyond the ington. Ky. pt-e.osed the belief that he was 30. This rn^ey is used to buy ma­ 600 originally pledged by the Reds .He gave no names and did not probably still in SI. I>iitis. chinery, yaw material, food, fuel The Attorney General told iMt way it slims, supports, but never dietoria your and the 5,800 promised by the I'N ' and oth ^ aiippliea to help dollar- Bulletins Turns Reds in sa.v how many prUoners had w-efk'is session of the American So­ command. Killed as Jet, Tlie foitrth member- of the team, short yovernments increase their ciety of Newspaper Editors figdre. , . new in its lovely textured latex surface turned informer . kno^n to polire only as "George," Neither side has .said how many m ilit^y budgets. (ASNEl that former President from the AP WireF RAYON SATIN COMFORTER more it will trade, but some ob­ "5’ ou had to rsfeLph yottr step. got awav in a ear aj the first po- outside, and cloud-soft fabric lining.' Trench Attack You had to be careful who voir Bomber Crash liee arrived in answer ' to the "I^e stepped-up .economic aid to Tniijiaf’s- loyalty program was servers have sper-ulated the ex­ th/Far East presumably would go "discredited" and "completely un- AND PILLOW SET change could go on indefinitel.v. talked to- and pick yoitr friends," bank’s alarm. FOUB AID COUP Seoul, April 2.5 <'J»i Grim U. S. ! he added. Abort! .50 eniploves and rits- \fi Formosa, the Philippines and surcefaful:" He asserted . it at­ New Playtex Magic-Controller is all one The UN Command proposed Westhampton, N. Y., April 25 hree Indo-China states now bat­ tempted to "piobe the employe's Guatamala, OiMiteiiiala, April Infantrymen, using bayonets, rifle ‘ Friday that sick and wounded he Mtrlirn.s pave newsrrren the first tomers hitgged the floor--as hirlleta ■ X Mint, maize. Rrg. price S4.98. . C O O O butts and hand grenade.s. cut down aerormts of death marehes across •iP' A secret experimental flight tling against Communist-led rebel mind to establish a narrow test of 36— The government claim­ sinooth piece pf fabric lined latex. Every inch exchanged continnously while hos­ armies. -if. lamtat floHaHluf lolti Baby u-cek tpecisi...... about one-third of a .500’ to 7.50- frozen North Korean .highways in by a B-29 Superfort and an F-R4 (Conllntied on Page Eight) the employe’s loyalty." , ed at a trial here today that a tilities continue. The Reds have not These were the only Far East thwarted military conp Isa8 **SflO*r** panaU Smily reflepta firm control. . , it's as comfosiable, GIRLS’ SUN SUIT man Communist force that smash­ replied. interviews earlier thr.^ week. Thunderjet ended in flaming disas­ The Star last WedneZda.y sadd In ed against Allied lineir in central areas visited by the foiiainesa ex- month had the anppoK of fang • a ltf iba bf* ef A South Korean lieutenant And toda.v, resting in an Army ter yesterday, with the two craft an editorial that Brbw-nelTs state­ your awn bodymutdot. as natural, as Invisible under clothes as your Korea today. Fciitive.*, In Europe, they toured neighboring Central American Sizes a mM. to 4 yrs. Sugar, white earrylng all their six crewmen to Denmark, F'rance. West Germany,. ments included some "that slmpJ.v govemmenta— El Salvador, Han- niffles on 'blue, pink, green or Fift.v Chinese attackers who (rontiniierl on Page Four) (Contlniieirl op Page Fonp) are not true." The newspaper said own skin.' And wait till you wear it—you’ll jumped into the American trenches death. Greece, TTie Netherlands, Belgium. duras, Nicaragua and the Da- yi|Uow, pf $1.50 - f S--OM INFANTS’ PHIbimNE wiped out. In all,-nearly '200 The planes, flying together.when-j;'-' News iidiM lidWts i Italy. Ttrrkey and Great Brtlain. 1’^'** ayatem. undsr minican .BcpuMic...... think you’ve lost a full size .n o matter Reds \yere killed or wounded in . the.v siiddenl.v burst into flames informed officiala aaid it ap­ the laat adminl'riration had aome three hours of bloody fighting, the high above Long Island, apparently peared unlikel.v Ihe Eiaenhower loophnlea, but had accomplished d i f f e r e n t STO RT, I HAND EMBROIDERED DRESSES much. . ~ , ...... , what your aize! Eighth Army said. -i collided. However, inve.stigators- administration wull heed the ad­ Seoul, April 35-—(ffo—The com* ♦i' The rest of the Red attack force NATO Nations to Boost said no one on the ground actually vice to turn over all aid dutiea to The Star paid tribute to the mander of all Britlah Commoa- 8 months to I year. Bought special for Baby scurried for cover under w-ithering saw them come into contact. M.nrion, Davie as y* in I.os An- the Slate, department. Plana are work of Chairman Hiram -Bing-, ■ WE ALSO CARRY wealth forcea in Korea, Lt, Gen. Coma, write, phone for your Week, ^aatela or white. I fire from the third.U. S. Infantry- Air Force spokesmen said the gelee that calere/ now suing her reported ^nderwa.v. they aaid. to ham, Republican former Governor Harry W ellt, said today that not (« merge the Mutual Securit.v’ agency Playtex Magie-OontroUer now Division. , ' t flight was of a "clasaifled nature." I for expenses of f^ncy party, prom and Senator from Connecticut, and one commonwealth prtaonev' THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: The Reds hit an American /rut- Plane, Ground Strength The service denied an earlier re-j Ised to siage event without coat and the Technical Cooperation ad- hia aa.aociatea on the 25-roember freed b.v the Commonlata ao tar —diaeovar on amazing new $1.2S-S1.59-$r.9S-»M post and nearby main line position port that the bomber was refueling I if lie could use her home*. . . mini.stration (Point Four) to con- , bi-partiMn Loyalty Review board. has told of death marehea a(^ just east of Jackson heights about the fighter In flight at the lime of I Myrtle, small mouse intended as aolidate foreign aid aupervialon. Brow'nell wrote the Star that its aimilar U1 treatment, ■ > kind of figuta control f lA lY ■ATHINETTES .. $13.9l8.$18.98 midnight. . Paria, .\prll 2.V-*-(.lt—The 14 clude trainers a.s well as Jet “and I the crash. However, no other de- meal for snake fn Paiiadena. Calif., tAlY JASKINETTCS $9.98 The beseiged American troops Atlanitr pact nations today told all-weather fighters. tails of Ihe mission were disclosed, I laboratoiy. turns tables by avi-irtlv (C^tnlioiied on Page Four) (Continued on Page Four) ASKS FILM BAN \<-eathei-ed a hail of 4,000 lounds Soviet Riiaaia that she has not The 10 new division.*, foui- of i The pilot of the jet and the five ; killing rattler a^ II prepares to roil Dublin, Ireland, April 65—-(ff) .of Red artillery and ’mortar fire .vet (llspla.ved any riindamenial them intended to bf ready to fight I men aboard tlie auperfort were for .vtrike . . . Two bomb, xhatter — Sinn Fein, a mllltaat Irlah na­ lAlY SCALES ...... $5.98 HAND EMBROIDERED during the battle. rhange In Oommiintsm’s threat and six of them In rc.serve, will from the Wright Air Development glax* in (loor.x atj.d window.* of mili­ tionalist group, today called otr Tire Chinese tri^d twice to rein­ to the security of the fi^ee world. increase NATO's land forces to 60 ' center at Da.vton, -O. tary club in Bupno.x Air< * but Senator Russel I AgrMs: Irish cinema workers to baa tha TOILET SEATS ...... S3.98.S5.98 PIUOW SLIPS . force hut a curtain of Allied ar­ The.v said that the Communist divisions. . I Both pianea had taken off from police ran And no trace of demoli­ n.lm of Queen Elizabeth’a ewr*. tillery fire blocked each attempt. attack on Ijins In French Indo­ a field at the Republic Aircraft tion men re.apon.sible. natioa on Juno t from Irish PUyUm , . . hmaam How-ever. among the six reserve [ PLAY PEN PADS .... .*...... $2A9 china was onlj- the latest exain-i I divisions ma v be a number of regi- ; Japane.se aniba.ssador to U. S.. Taft Says Democrats to Aid movie theatera. ' ” at ika akdla m iht With wide ruffje. Reg. price 01.79- imu C O (OonHnurd on Page Two) pie of policies responsible ' fori: *merftal combat teams whi’rh would ((.:) -Ministers Jn.seph Berh. Luxembourg for­ Yoshida I.iheraKs .*ma.*hing of huge gold and dhi- an ImWWy — uldad h. ■ from the. 14 North Atlantic treaty eign minister, said he and Jhe other Thomas Murray, aaid today five ministers who have signed the i* -wT I niond aiiiiiggling biialnea* in New “for all we know It may ha tha PLASTIC HOT DISHES . S1.S9.S2.98 Defense of Laos nations ended their spring meeting w' 111 oC Iiale V olo I 26-month-old investiga- . Wa.shington. April 2.5. -t/Pi - • Senate Democratic leader Lyn­ INFANTS’ DOWNS or KIMONOS today b.v voting to boost NATO'z European Army treaty w-illwneet Senate Republican leader Taft don. Johnson of Texas last Sunday lacompretenslble and the la a c n -" i tion . . . CoiUrover.ay over etrap- table wUr of God to awha th » air strength by 7.700 war planes here May 13 to begin their.stud.v of - lea.* evening gowna worn at churrii aaid toda.v he expects Democratic endorsed ss ’’just common sense" C A R S E A T S ...... S2.50 30th Century ‘eloaiag ttma’ Hanoi. Indo-Chtna, April 25- uPr and its ground forces by 10 divi­ > the propo.sed six natfon political Tokyo, April 25 Prime 1 weddinga lead.* to rr*ignati

-i'* J - { ,1-7 -1 n y '*x 5 \ ^ . :•' '•>,** /v'*'? ' \ ; . . >. • v ' ' n .' ~^'r' ^ '\ 'r. .' . . . ' \ . % - ' r : - - i ,. X" ■\ r V, . r ■T ,i . . . . N. s, : ■\ •. \!- \ ' ■ - ■ y- V . Bt,-?aw)»rt«racwo.v- . i V y / ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1953. , .PAGE TWO ■X BIANCHESTER EVENING'vHERALD, MANCHESTER. GONN„ SATURDAY,'APRIL 25, 1953 P A G E T H R ^ Rockville-Veriidn ' 'py Third Division Six, GTewmen £ WKNB—B40 n VG w r w ^ ’w r wW THi k t T—— iz3o 1250 Television Bolton OUves Will Coiiie The Open Forum •111 OlMl \/W s CIRCLE WDRG—sssfcris: ISM Radio and TV sjsoLT-tnW n o — 1080 Tuir^s Reds in Killed as Jet, If I I N, 1 ^ Little League/OffMaU Cast TODAY thhi SUNDAV WCCC— 1290 Eaetem Standard TIttie W NHC—Ch. S III 3 More Sizes BUY ' * ' ■ ’’'V* CONTINUOUS FROM 2:15 P. M. Communications for publicstlChs in tba Open Forum will not Mnrllra Mraroa ■ lUta Mnreni w N u r I Eight Women Fashion 200 jM «a h Cettoa I (ierald M*kr 9')P! 9T MAGOiA*.. T rencK^ Attack be guaranteed publication if they contain, more than 30Cf' words. Bomber Crash 1:M—WDHC—Nawi. 12:5ft—W’DRC—News, .t:0b—fkwi* Aulry, Sacraipento, Calif;-^ (A’)—'Did Ihf, Anxious ^ e at l^aitiy Sky The Herald reserves the right to decline to-publish any matter " N l B f e r * ” I " T h e R in g ” WQCC—M.nch.at.i ItatiDM. i .WCCC—News; Echoes of UkraAne. 1;.*K>—Do(lg*'r* V *. Glwr.l*. Stlll-4:M.a;«a | S - b:IS IK W O N a—N 'w a W TH T—Music In French Manner* 4:30—1 Married Joan. nine "size" labels on cai^s of Cali­ that may be libelous or which ia in bad taste. Free expression 5:00—Date Wtth .Tudy. (Contlnned from One) (Continued From. P aC* One) 80N„ "NEVER WAVK AT A WAC" \ W h a t —LET’. r.o to Town. ' WTIC—Eternal Light. \Items for Street Fair Use fornia ripe olives confuse yo\i? m e m o r i a l s ^ uf political views is desired by contributions of this' character, WK^’ B—New*; Parade of Hit*. WHAY. -Mualr from Scghdinayta. 5:10—Hopainng Cti*idy. , ^Special)— • Saunders, pastor of the Vernon —••HKMINOI.K” 6:0(^Lone Ranger. ‘ ROckvUle, April 2i but le' lets which sure defamatory or abusive Will be rejected. Corp. in Farmlngdale, N. Y-. and KAHV rR E E PARKING WTHT-!-New*. ' » 12:45—WDRC— Bin Costello. News. Well, the State Assemhl.V has .ast sn land Rockville Methodist Churches. In the air, Allied w>arplano3 WTIC—New*. 12:55—W K N B —.News. 9;30-You A*ked For It. Bolton, April 26 (Special)— r area surrounding Hartfni'd will be pas.sed a hill .permitting olive l^tUe L«aKu)( officii ., . i There will be a violin solo by Max Friday marked up theirxthirjl w'lnged eastward about' 50 miles / WCCC—Mfcncheate M»llc«*. Is a ^ W T H T —Heral(.‘ of Truth. 7:00—Dangeniuj’ Aaalgnment. 7;30—Alan Young Show. With some 200 handmade articles ! held in West Hartford on Wedne.v- packers lo put up three more sizes OF PROVEN anxious eye at the' skies loaay as j Kgjjrick of Rockville and a duct by InisieA single day of' the Korean Sewage Fountain team-work, of give and take must MMA MWTEZPMIL eWSTUN ‘1:1.1—WDRC— Health Atd* ‘ WCCC—French*Anencan until they were over Great Peconlc WONS—Juke Box. WTIC—News. 8:0O-.My Hero. ' da y and will be attended by Her­ - family, king and royal, all blends ^alny weather ^ a ln threatened to Mrs. Richard Huntington and Mrs. war. Jet and propeller-driven at,- .To the Editor, prevail here and everywhere, be- MMIMR • mSNW SOUTI WT. HT—Navy Sliow. 8:30—Amatfur Hour. all ready for sale at th e‘ Yankee bay, an arm of Lonff Island sound mn ten coMe^r-tw ; WDRC—Music ^ the Air. ft;00—Your Show of ShowG* ' rick. „ . of several sizes. postpone pckctlce ■ sessions at Charles Blinn. Reverend Saunders tackers sma.shed at the Com-'' I was provoked conaiderqbly ' tween business and labor. 'ITiere . W TIC—National Farm and Home WO.NS— Frank ft. Ernest. Street Fair, Mrs. Adolph' Roberts PLUS PLU S N. Hour. 10:30—Yom Hit ParaiJe. , I'niled Methodist You'll .still have the original nine will lead a hymn sing of favorite munists With 1,370 sorties (in­ afjer reading the article pertain- no other way. One cannot do. cutting into the island about 100 WK.NB—Yankees vs. AthleJIcs. 11 ;00- 5Vre8tllng. Henry ParkiR ain washed out the ‘ W H A Y —Well at Work. 1:15—WTIC— ^h in d the Pagea. and her committee display no lack Rev. .1. Richard Yeager has to choose from small, medium, Gospel hymns. Miss M.srjorle dividual flights), turning Red Ing to the sa,wage overflow from without the other, and the day of miles from New York. 12:00—Myatery Theater. S u p e r i o r i t y t.T practice slated for last Sun­ 1:30—WDRC--cup HosplUl. WONS—I,*anny Ross. of diligence and devotion to this clio.sen as his .sermon topic at large, extra large, mammoth, day and/with a forecast of show- Stephens will be the organist. Rev. groim ^argets into smoking ruins. a manhole caifs^g unsanitary con- harder, or less prosperous times WCCC—Ni:wa: Manclipstpr Matinee. 1:5ft -WCCC—News; Echoes of Ireland. I It was while over the bay that- W K N B —Baap.ball Matlnoa. WKNB yearly event for the welfare of 10:4.'5 a. m. wor.ship torporrow at gian.t, jumbo, colossal and super •rs for tomorrow morning andan. Edwin Brooks, pastor of the ,, ,Rock- ,, U. pf Sabre jets shot down one ditions in many cellars of the may. and ultimately Will come, no W n C —Favorites of the Famoui. 2;fto_Newa:007-Bo*ton vj*. Athletic*. they crashed, about an hour after W T H T -Sm llhr Ert McConnall. houses oh F'lorence and Spruce doubt, when all. In managing or WDRC—Reserved For Youv 4;30^Drake .Relays. Bolton Congregational , Church. United Methodist Church, .."The colo.ssal, . , »We clearing by afternoon, it ^ ville Baptist Church will deliver ’Communist MIG jet snd damaged their takeoff. W H AY—SavD a Life Program. “ WON.S— Warm Up Time. What is perhaps mo.st startling is orrectly dosiKned monuments are products of carefitl streets. \| laboring capacity, will have to re- 1:15— WTIO—noaa. The Musical Miller. 5:30—5Ve*|prn Then ter. W ay of Love." Church school will indirated that another damper ; the sermon. •three more, the Air Force report- !. Witnesses on the ground said W T irr—Sammy Kaye. 6:00—Ship'* Reporter. the fact that this group of eight intelligent study. They have balance, distinction and nut OT the boys' enthu-: The Rockville Baptist Church The Water'Departrhent is liable »‘‘j‘J»t theniselves And if peace I :.M>—WK.NB—.News. W H AY—Save a Life Program. be'held at 9:30. BALK.XNSHV RITES ed. there was a ripping .sound, a burst cernwa 1:55—WDHC—Calcii Drake. , 9:1.'»—Early Show. women has rolled up the formid­ i^eaninir; they have beauty that will endure. 1:45-W D R C —Trinity College. Fellowship Sup|wr New London, April 2fi lyp) — slaMn” '^*** • " t^nlRht ■! The big hatlleship New Jersey to the laxpayers^n this area be- we should fall on our knees of flames, and then the earthward - VV'KNB—Yankees vs. Senators. 7:30—Randy Ride* Alone. able tally In a matter of five " 'p, Further Sessions church social rooms with antiques. cause this condition has existed ‘ hank God. for saving us from DAILEY *SMim j:0ft_\VCCC—.Music. WONS—Boston Red Sox Baseball. 8:00—,Iack:30 p. m. to­ The Navy disclosed (hat three In steadof rectifying the situation ‘"6 from being crip- bay near the southern shore and W H AY—Saturday Matinee. the Connecticut, Jewish War Vet­ The auction which is under th'7 pled or cramped for a life time. We J:I5—W H AY—Save h DIfe Program. WTIC—Catholir Hour, II :00—Little Theater. enthiisiastic help of Mrs. Myron morrow.. A meal featuring dishea * J' . practice sessions will be held every Marine enlisted men and one U. S. by installing a larger sewage line W TH T—Russ Morgan. erans. Balkansky, who died yester­ auspices of the Women's Society serve at a veterans hospital from sank, leaving only an oil slick. The j;H0_\VDnC—Fun foi All. 11:15—Late Show. Lee, Mrs. George W. Smith, Mrs. of various countlies will be pre­ ji night from Monday, April 27 and naval officer were wounded, prob- to accommodate the different new jet fell into some wbods on the W TH T—Opera. WCCC—German-Ainerleaii. SoBday day, founded Ihe Centflry Cor- of the church will start at 7 p.m,. time to time. We know whereof we Dancft— Miller’s Hall 2:Sft—WDRC—N. Y. Philharmonic. A. M. David Binning, Mrs. Ernest Peso- pared by tt)e .voiing people under • 4; iontUwlng through May 1.. ,. ... .ably by... Red .. .shell.„f.U:e,..on ah Uacls, .containing .homes which south shore, .a ..short. disLamie .Ut* WCCC—-News; aMusIr. ia, Mrs.- -Arthur Wallace, ij Mrs. rugatfd ..Box and Paper_ Siqjply Manchester Memorial Co. speak. Now if 'w e sacriftre in 'a Tolhind ‘Turnpike "■W0N'S^tTn~1tail>Y< B6y». . WT14.T— Ralph Flanagan. •W-NHU r • ------the guidance of Mrs. Byron H.- Co.. Ihc! 'Me‘"\v'as a life 'member if On Sunday. May 3, two practice island off Wonsan, Red east coast have recentl.v been added to this land, and burned on the ground. 2;4W--W HAY—Satin (lav Matinee. W TIC—Your Box at the Opera. 10:00—5Vhat* 5'oiir Trouble. Charles ChurUh and Mrs. I>eslie Shinn. Talcntt ville Items are now han­ small measure compared with Modern and Old Faahlon WCCtr—News; Music. 10:15—The .Nature of Thing*. of the American Logiori and a past H, AIM EITI Propi : games wUl be held and coaches ]>ort city. six Inch line. Regardless the None of the bodies of the bomb­ B:00--WDRC—neport from Overseas. Bolton. Tlie variety of items re­ The supper marks the end of the dled through the Manchester Eve­ them, let the American spirit of Dancing W U . vY—New.s• Saturday Matinee. j;55—WC.ee—Music. n:30-*Mr. Wizard president, of the local B'nal B'rith ii will choose squads on May Any Tliree U. ,S. destroyers- snd a Water Department and Board of er crew have been recovered. The 11:00—Super Circus. ported is great and ranges from M Y F study program of United HARRISON STREET— MANCHESTER -i., boy still unregistered who wishes ning Herald ^Rockville bureau lo­ Healih does not have the gump­ ingenuity and persistency, labor, Every Saturday Night! WOXB—Bnnd.sland USA 3iftft—WCCC—Music. organization. cated at* One Market street, tele­ cruiser .stcamad to ihcir i cscuc management, and everybody, help jet pilot was throwm cleqr of his SUrte Sna.. "RKM INOLE" T*ch. WTIC—Kxperliiienlal Theater, W TH T—Wayne King. P. M. an oval braided cotton rug through Nations and this will be reflected lo try out may attend tomorrow's tion to take the blanie for the "RACK AT TH* TRONT" 8:00 lo -ItritO P. 51; 5VNHC phone Rockville 3-8ISA. under heayy Red fire Thur.sday find new' busine.ss particularly plane. i R:I5_\VDUC— Adventures In Science. W H AY—News; Music of the Masters to tiny sewing ‘kits in decorated in the decorations. UN color.s and meeting. They are asked to bring 3:?.V—WONS—News; .1 uke Box. WONS—Top Tune!*. 12:00—Kit Car.von. and evacuated one of the Mannc.s. i pre.sent sewage condition, hut with various foreign countries A Coast Guard boat patrolled 12:30—Claro Kid. metal boxes. Even smaller are the flags will be used on the tables along registration cards. Ralph B:S0- WCCC —News: aliislc., WTIC—Critic .at Lar^e. The others returned to duly. Viie ; pa-s-ies it off due to the excessive which need so much, for food. W H AY—Save a Life Program. 3:1.5—W T K '—Youth Brings You MUsic. 1:00—Ramar f*f the Jungle. cap.sules of perfumed soap which and tablecloths will feature pic­ Schumey will be in charge. warships apparently escaped witii- • rains of the past few weeks, shelter and development - - anq | planes were scheduled to join it In WDRC—Uartio Farm News. WONS—Charles Kaser. 1:30—Life la 5Vorth Living. the group will package for travel­ tures done by Ruth Shinn of color­ » System Is Explained U’TKi—Design for LLstenlng. WK.NB—News; rMu.«lu. 2:00—Dodger* va. Giant.*. Taft Sees Aid out a scialch, a Navy spokesman Granting them that we have had some smaller countries could live|’‘ . 4;.30—Omnibua. ing. ful native rostumes of UN, * Officials explain- that in the sys­ I an over abundance of rain lately. B:45—WDnC—Correspondents Srhatch- 3:.3ft--WTIC—To Be Announced. on what we waste 6r don’t use I Air f orce identified th« jet pad. W TH T—Guy Lombardo. p;0O-Mr. and Mr*. North. There will be hand.some cro­ Church .Artivitles tem to be used this year, no team. An Eighth Arm y briefing officer ' ‘ differ with, the officials of 1:00—WHAY—News; Pclka Hop. WCCC—News; Muslr. , 9:30—Walter 5\’lnrhell. cheted summer bags worked in 111 Cut Delay so that factories and industries ! J "’! " ’^2*. Dine With Us 6:4.5—Char lea I>suighton. The softball team of Ihe church Inay have more than live, 12-ycar- m I’eporteu three small Red probing |Water Departmen in arnv- W H AY—.News; -p-WKNB-Yankees vs. Athletics. 9:00—TV Playhouse. sion.' If the weather is bad. the y younger. Boys are chosen for Herald April 1 < W TIC—To Be Announced. 4rft0 -WTIC—G. 1. Joe. sun Kats for women, table linens, easiein front. 10 keep factories and Industries |"'Inch owned the jet I jSO—WDRC—To Be Announced, 10:00—The Doctor. team will hold an organization ■teams on the sole basis o f their Former President Ttumsn estl- Believe It or not tsxpayers of W TH T—Mantovanl. 10:,T0—Ozzie an(. Harriet. bathroom linens and miacellaneous B-26 light bombers Friday night going with less incqrne but more i Crewmen on the bomber, which w e e c —New.s; Music. WDRC—America Calling. meeting,at tlie church at 7 p. m. • tbiiiiy to play baa^^hall, and tnia msted Income for thSt flscsl year Manchester. ,we hsd a bubbling steady, than to stop altogether for ^ " " *ictached aei^ice from Thone who really know good W TIC—Robert ArMbnisler. 11:00—Sunday News Special. items. Choir rehearsal at 7:30 p. m. at unloaded tons of hign explosives WONS—Under Arrest. 11:1.5—Fireside Theater. applies to last year’s players as at 868,665,000,000, takng Into ac­ ,’oOntain pouring from a- sewage food make It a point.to eat W K N B —News; baseball Matinee. 55',CCC—.M(jslr. Arrange for Ponies and incendiary bombs on the Yonpo quite s time, with no income- I | 4:1.5—WDRC— Horse Raring. 11:45—Thifl I* the Life. > the church on Wedne.sday ,1s the ^ e ll as the newcomers. count provisions of law by which manhole cover that sprouted In. here regularly. Why doa’t 4:3ft—WTIC —Jason and tho Golden 12:15—New*. airfield near Hungnam, east coast know from experience with in-I W TH T—Tea and Crumpets. Fleece. Wilton 'Thorpe, chairman of the only other activity of the’ week. , County Meeting the excess profits tax would end various places along Florence dividuals snd families, what it ! Capt. H. C. McClan- yOuT • WDRC-Washtnjftor. U.S.A., 5VKNR St. Maurice Chapel city. WCCC-.News; Music. 12:00—In the park. pony rides committee, has report­ The Tolland County Women’s July 1 and individual Income taxes W TIC—Biff Cllv Serenade. ^VOUC—Arthur Godfrey, Ma.saea will be celebrated at St. For the third consecutive day i high above' the level of the means to be out of work or to have I Dayton; W K N B —News: Stan Oalmek Show. 12;:30— Family Theater. ed that arrangements have been Republican Club will hold its an­ would go down 10 per cent on \-ery little work for wesks and §gt. John R. Clarkson. 31, W TH T—Lawrence Welk. !:.'K)— Red Sox va. Athletjua. made with Oliver Drlggs df Ver­ Maurice chapel tomorrow at 8:30 South Koreans paraded the streets '"O"''- Nathan Hal* school 0:I.V_W >IAY— Band By Demand, WHA5’—Save a Life Program. nual meeting May S at 8 p.m. at Jan. 1 months, as has been the case often ! Austin. Texas; and Master Sgta. 5:3ft- W HAY—Crosby's Quarter. . 4:.30—Omnibua. non for a string of ponies for the and 10 a. m. of Seoul and Pusan with banners ! local*’** nearby it Isn t anything DANCING WONS—Dear .Margy. Tt> Murder. 9:30—Headline Hlatorv of 10.VI. the Keeney Farm cottage in T aft aald the new administration protesting any armistice before the 'mhsual to see srnall children in my home town. i Claude Chenip, 34, of Martins Fer- WDRC— Record Shop. —.News; Dave Ro.«r. day. They will be transported by Congregational WCtjC—News: Music. 6;30-a-Thia la The Life. Somersville with . Mrs. Julia A. aoon will know whether those , or So, let’s all everywhere pull to- ' C - Shaffer, 34, o f 4:45—W K NB— PoM.^h American Con­ 7:00— Range Beyond The Blue. Rev. James F. Engli.sh, D. D., Chinese are driven from Korea Ka‘ h«r around and play In tt^^snd TONIGHT 1:45—W H AY—News. gress. Thomas Daly. Keeney, national commltteewoman similar taxes would be needed to even drink it. This can lead to gelher In the old spirit of Am eri­ Dayton. WO.NS—Army Air Force Program. 7:30—Sunday Playhouse. The merry-go-round .swings, al­ will speak on the program o f the and North Korean Reds are dis­ 4:55—WONS—News. 3:00— Fred ^N’arlng Show. ets hostess. balance spending. serious and unnecessary sickne.ss. can fair play. I wish to add that Featuring The WTHT--Guest Star WDRC—Cedric Adams. ways popular with the youngsters, Congiegafional church In Connec­ armed. W TIC—Public Affairs. 3;.'l0—King'* ('roasroad*. ’ The speaker will be Mrs. Anna "It will depend largely on the I would like the town manager this is written . objectively, and 5:0ft- W TIC—The Chase. 10:00—The We(i. have been rented from Edward ticut at the 11 a. m. worship ser­ Seoul walls and fences w’cre »:55__W0NS—aNcws. WCCC—Music. Ifae Switgaki. vice chairman of military budget requests made by plastered with ciude signs reading; : Water officials to know that primarily Irt the capacity of an In­ SYMPHONY FOUR 10:30—Um The Law. Copeland of Manchester according vice at Bolton Congregational the Republican state central com- With P.teBlna WONS—The Shadow. 11:00—The Late Sh(*w'. the President," the Ohioan said. "D o n ’t be fooled by the K rem -! ‘ h® ^ n terested citizen. AHENTION! l:ft0 --W D r.r—News. W TH T—Ben Hawlhome. to the report of chairman George Church tomorrow. Church school inlttee who will tell of her visit "When those are In, we can figure lin’s peace offensive.'' i exhibited thus in allowing Paul G. Prokopy Walter Pbelpe (VoeaUst) nCSTfPUQdRNT WONS—News. W H AY—Chapeh of the Airlaties. Smith. ■will be held at 9:.30 a. m. io Washington. D. C.. this month I such a condition to renialn. They W T H T —Music. U'DRC- Arthur Godfrey. how much reyeniie will l^ need^ ‘Uniflcatlon.-of all Korea or f April 16. JS»53_, aiMiCHeSTRR. CONN ..vi~,. WTTA*Y—Srlof^jr." ...... ' A5'KNB^.Vewsr .Hirsh* ‘ for Sunday; .. .A mc^liUK ,ni .tV.,Ch«'irR\''n..9,.nd. ...____ _ .Church. Ac.Uvlt4e«------r ' Svith other Connecticut Republican might' be Ihtereated’ to publicly’ be ‘ S U N D A Y Di n n e r s s R r v e d ' i * n o o n -8 :80 f . m ; ' to avoid s deficit." death.” I LaFOND BR0THER3 W T IC —.News, 5:30 — VV TIC—Cou n t e rs p v. Yoshlchi Liberals committees this week indicates T^e church council, a co-ordinat­ women. The nominating commit­ W K NIV .NVw.s; Spc»rls Digest; two Truman estimated defense spend­ "W e will never stop fighting the ^ veals Kehoolmate Mourned W TH T—Greatest Story Ever Told. that planning foi- the Yank"e ing group for the piogram of the tee will present a slate of officers I top tures. WDRC—Guest Star. ing for the year at 846.296.000.000 Reds in Koi-ea." * a , for the past 10 yeais To the Editor, STEAK HOUSE • :I5-WUNS--Sports. Street Fair and Hobby Show on local church, will meet at the par- gnd the annual reports will Hi but Pentagon officials have said it with no better re.sulta. . WO.NS—True Detective. Will Senate Vole "United Nations must not sign Charles Yurkshot of 98 Summer MONSON, MASS. W T IC —Rrh Steele. \\'(!CC—New.**; Music. June 6 is .showing good progress. i.sh room on Monday at 8 p. m. presented. may go higher. Now- it Is up to our Water and W T H T —.New.**. Weather. W K NB—Ave Marla Hour. Mi.ss Helen Berry .showed .slides The Men's Fellowship has sched­ Egg-Brading Instruction sriAistice before Communists are street died Sunday the 19th of W DRC—'To Re AMn**unued. Reminded that Houm members Sewage department to- make 5:4.5—W H AY—News. of the two previou.s fairs held for uled a spaghetti supper to be / : , Albert B. Cray,- Tolland County driven from Korea." April a victim ,of accidental drown- ; Sunday Family Spacid W H AY —Supper Serenade .\5'.D.RC—BjJh Do,wj)S. (Continued from Page One) ■ have shown ■ little ■ disposition 'to hecessa-ry change; to improve this B:?,5 'W TH T—Bob Finnegart. the benefit of Bolton Congrega­ nerved hy them at the church oh Club agent, today announced plana Ing. He was born i^n Manchester 12 ; W KNB—News; Showcase. continue present high taxes — and sewage Condition on Florence TENDERLOIN STEAK W TIC—Weather. 5:5,5—WDRC—News. next highest total. The small hut tional Chiiri'h at that meeting. Saturday, May 2. for an egg-grading histnictton pe­ in fact are talking aboub hurrying Local PTAs Are street before 'a serious epidemic years ago. He came to Barnard i TONIGHT «:3ft -W T H T —Sport.^. riod to be held at the University School in the fall of '52 and was DINNER~$1.3S WONS—EveniuK Star. Evening vocal Communiat party didn't win They weie well received, e.spccial- up the individual income levy cut arises. Thanking you for this W T IC -N B C Svmphony.' 'V' 9:0ft-WDRC—Theater of SUrs. a seat. ly by new people in the group wlio Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ At StoiTs on May 1. Four-H poul­ by six months — Taft said he space, enrolled In th* seventh grade in From 1 to (i P. M. Only W TH T—As We Sro l\. * WONS—Nlrk Carter. W H AY—Sport*. It was Japan’s .second national ! had not been here in the previou.s ton correspondent,'Mr*. Joseph try club members will learn how thinks there msv be s' change In RcpresciilcTl I Yours truly. M;s. Robb's home room. Includes Soup and Coffee RAY DOHAHUE’S ORCHESTRA WDRC—r.adio Sport.-* Itdundup. to grade eggs for exterior and in­ ■ 7:ftft—WONS—A) Defer:* Sports. WTIC -News election in five days. At stake , years. n'ltalia, telephone/ Mitchell attitude if it develops that the Mrs. Lillian Johnson Charles will long be remember-, Tel. .Monson 8227 WTHT-’—Monday Mornlrg Headlines. S-.%,'V4.’i. / terior quality and take part in - FEATURING ANN RANDALL W D R C— P '-oa f 1 w a y' s M v Beat. were 128 seats in the 2.’^p-seat | ' Expected to Return I budget can't be balanced without 46 Florence street ed for his friendliness and sports-' W TH T—Speaking for Ru.«lness. ^VKNB—.News; Sundax- Serenade. county 4-H egg-judging contest At Stale Tallv8 NEW SINGING STYLIST 9:15—\V-HA5’ — People’s Lobby. House of Councillors, which can y.yipha CaJdsen. seventh more revenue. " 7:l.»- WONS—Let s Got To Town^ Three egg-judging teams are to manship. As a membfer of Leader's NEVER PRESENTED IN MANCHESTER BEFORE W THT —Women in Uniform. WTIC—5'ale Interprets the .New*. delay but not veto legislation ap- i j,,a,ie teacher at the local school. ,"I think a great manV Dem- Teamwork Cli b he was alwa.\;s most faithful. 7:3ft-WONS—Won of Life Hour. W TH T—Don Cornell. be selected to represent the coun­ Manchester people who attended 9:2.5*— \5'ONS—.Neia s. proved by the powerful lower is expected to retiirn to her teach­ dfrata will -help us get the taxes To the Editor, W>. at .'chool, ai;* happy to have WTIC—Your Mental Health. ty in the state contest slated for the 53rd annuel state convention W DRC—Vaughji Monroe. 9;,30—WDRC—Miss Brook.a. house. ing duties when school reopens on .If they are needed." the Ohio Sen- For .some time we have been fol­ known Cha;lts just this short time. - September. This will be comprised of Parent-'l eacher as.socialions in­ DELICIOUS FOOD W T H T —pinner at the Green rtociD. 5\’ONS—Squad Room. Last Sunday, Yoshida's party May 4. Mrs. Cnrlsen wa.s injured APRIL SPECIAL! itb r observed. "W e certainly don’t lowing industrial and defense pro­ To his family we extend our 7:t5—Wn.\Y—Music in the Air. WTIC—American Forum of the Air. won 43 per cent-of the lower house • , , , . , -fl-^f two senior teams of 4-H mem- cluded the following: 5VHAY-—Supper Serenade. want to delay tax cuts unless we duction problems, especially as heartfelt sympathy in these sad BUZZ INN • :.*».*>—WO.NS—Ne\v.*i; I’O CjuesUonS. seats far more than any other " " '"■ '"9’ ob.le accident a couple bers over 14 years of age (as of Mrs. Ronald Lingaid, who repre­ 8:00 W TH T—Dancing Party. W'THT—Hour of Derlslfjn. have to, but we may have to.” connected with labor Snd mnnsge- 69.5 M A IN ST. party, but below a majority. He is ago. ■ ‘ Jan. 1. 19S3) and one junior team. sented the local P T A Council; Mrs. hours. Knowing how much we miss - U TIC—Inside Buh and Ray. *:ft0— \VDRC—.1 %ck HeLiiy. Halloran, eighth BIRD BATHS ■.■X Russell said 'he thinks Dem­ ment disputes and strikes. It has W DRC—Gene Autry. W T IC -M y Son Teen. trying to'collect enough outside! ‘Daniel Parents are invited to attend the Elmore Gibson, Hollister PTA ; him. their loss must be so much M i d d l e t o w n , <;o n x . ^^'<).N.S—Treasurx' Vai let les. who carried the May 1 event and may'also receive ocrats in the Senate generally are concerned and alarmed more than grester. W(>NS—20 (iue.«t)ons. support to win nomination as '■fa*!'’ . teacher , ,, u interested In getting a balanced Mrs.' ‘ David Hartwell, president, W H AY• ■ KnsteHnetz Conducts. NN'TI IT—Sophisticated Rhythm. prime minister again when the I seventh grade along with her *1, egg-grading instruction if so de- a few. Particularly have ° strikes Alan Weiss. ^ k e a t i :r i n o B:.'I0 - W OR(* Tfir/.an. WK.NB—Proiidl.v We Hail. budget without too deep cuts into and Mrs. Edward Marsh, Lincoln; in connection with defense plants 7:3ft — WDRC—An os *N’ Andv, lower house meets .soon. , regiibsr assignment during Mis. a ii^ . Assiitant Editor of the W(>N»S—\‘jrgmia Rarti DamC .lam* $325 the military program. Mrs. Robert Foster, president, caused alarm. When our repre.sen- lifO’ce U'THT—Revlcal Hour, Yoshida dis.solved the Diet (par-p 'a i l.sen’s absence. received a r Attending Parley "Barnacle." BILL BONAHUE WILLIE'S GRILL 5V(^NS— Lutheran Hour. Mr.s. Chester Parciak and Mrs. tatlvea, our .sons and daughters ... .WTJJT^Daccine. P.ar.tv...... liament) last. month, and . called.).leilien of appreciation yesterday, -.1- District swretary Miss Emma At The Organ W H A Y —Allan .lonea Show. WTIC-«^Thc Aldrrrh FamlHr. • Chester YaworsUy, Robertson; Roy are risking or, giving their lives, new elections after his opponents | from her adopted class. Scventli Bats and Mrs. Lewis H. Chapman Tn a 1’nung Mother 444 CENTER STREET - W T K '- Me.lt. in.’. I*. S. A. 8:0ft -W D R C—Charhe • McCarthy and GARDEN SALES of Dobosz-Ertel-Laboc-Hansen Le- Keith, and Miss Catherine Shea, are wounded or dying for the cause Nightly and Sun. P. M. B:(»(i - WDRC—flanchu.^ters. Edgar Bergen. joined forces to push through a grade pupils hsd a spring bouquet WE AMESITE EQUIPPED FOR LARGE president, Mrs. Ada Peterson, Mrs. of liberty and justice. .Some seem To the Editor: W T ir-P e e Wcfv King, W THT—American Music Hall. non-confidence vote. ' delivere.l to her. at the school as 312 OAKLAND ST. ' glon Auxiliary unit are attending Ruth Millett We ,S|>eciallze In ^VHAY —.News; Iteward Review. W H AV-Save A Life. the annual past presidents’ parley William Golden and Stanley Sholik, to think that they have a right to Please help me find a young ^^'ONS- New F.nglan.l Barn Dance. W TIC—Phil Harris and Alice Faye. The voters dumped many labor . an expression of their esteem and TEL. Mi.9-9406 TENNIS COURTS OR SMALL JOBS ■"ijS being held at the Hotel Garde in These Jobs Fill Housewives’ Verplanck; Mrs. Paul Adams. Ver- demand personal gain or privilege. mother who lives in town. I Italian DUhes WDRC-.News WON.S- Silver Trumpei.6 Hour. leaders, who ran mostly on Soeial- ' gratitude. planck and Waddell; and Mrs. In our Opinion, for patriotism and hope she reads The Herald and 9:30 W TK'—Grand old Opry. 8:15 -W H.*.T—Goideh .Moments in Song 1st tickets. And the Communists j I’ lan Bowling Match Hartford today. Memos When Spring (Vimes WDRC—Gunsmo) e, 8:30--WDR(?— My Little Margie. PARKING LOTS MACHINE SPREAD— FORI School Vacation j James Beckwith, Waddell. I freedom's sake, civilians, as well will see my letter. , WONS—Guv Ijornhardo Stow? WTIC—Theater CuUd. lost two of the three seats they | ■Bomarco, married couple.s club, ^ The public schools of Vernon I The convention was hold in the ns tho.se in the armed forces, 10:0ft- WDRC—Saturday Night Cruiii W lfAY —Hour of Faith. have held in the upper house- | powl Tiie.sday night at the In the spring a woman's fancy We were on. the Hartford bus trv Stvle. AND WALKS SET— POWER ROLLED . '7 closed yesterday for the spring 1 new Kingswood Memorial School should be willing to he drafted on the day before Eas'ter Sunday and WONS—FhcJuntef. Hour. The voting ran about as expert frantically turn toward the follow­ DANCING ^\ T I('—Mhsic With a'Beat. 8:.5.5—W TH T—’Telegrani Fi»r Toil. North Manchester' YM CA. In older I . Vacation. They will reopen May 4. ing hopes; 1 in Danielson on Wednesday and the same ba.sis. wVilrh is. sacrific­ we talked of several things. One, W T H T —Theasure Hunt. !f:0A- -W DRC— Mallrnark Plavhousc. ed in mo.st di.strlcts. although the that everyone need not drive, they 1 Thursday with 769 delegates, ing, fighting, for a cause, regard WONS—Chic'-ago Thewter of the Air. LihPial.s added some seat.s that Rests in Tokyo Loaing a few pounds before she about the news Bible. I haven't W TH T—Walter Wliuhell. ' will meet at the Commiinity Hall MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTCED----- * FREE ESTIMATES , r Cpl. Leroy J. Connors, whose representing units and councils less of pay. Surely our nien in the M'H.\Y—New.**’ new.'(f«|'-Tteview, • Ko.^lflanetz Conducts most observers, had predicted •tarts trying on spring Suits. one to lend her, but T have a pa- ' TONIGHT 10:30 \\'TnT-P.'r«pe. five. at 7:30 p. ni, before going on to "'Wife. Irene, lives at 1 West street throughout the state, in attend­ service who get a small amount a UONS— Rev. Martin .Tarkion. would be won by left-wing candi­ OFFICE OF Doing all the things to the yard per telling the good and bad j A T THE \\’D R ('—.N'ew'S’ CoUMtr^• St\le, »:l.', W THT Taylor Grant. : Manche.sier. TERMS TO SUIT YOUR PI|RSE — UP TO 3 Y eA r S TO PAY In this city,! recently spent ftve ance. Words of welcome were given month and risk and give their 10;4:> ^W H AY—Nems. **" —Falcmj B.illroom. dates. «/' :he has been planning to do for points about this book, and she ; CONN. 11:00—All Stations—News. I Following tile bowling .se.s.sion, -r- days in Tokyo, Japan, oh a rest by H. Vernon Hays, superintend­ lives, w'ould not stop fighting and »:3 ft-W D R r—Escape. Half of the upper house is elect- DR. P. M. K’AYE the last five years, "'nils spring, wanted one. i W HAV-*’r .Sfive a Life Program. the group will, return to Bolton and recuperation leave from the ent of Danielson schools; Principal strike for higher pSy. This would VN'TIC—Dragne*, ed every three years. The Liberal-s- for sure.” she always tells herself. T lost the addre.s.s she gave me, | G R A J ^ D 11:0.5 WDRC'—News. \\ TUT—Capitol Memo. Congregational Chutch parish Second Infantry Division In Korea. Richard-.Morton of the Kingswood be considered treason. W TH T — Saturda\ Night Dancing had 47 seats among the holdovers, 'Til start planting in time to have and the name I remember isn’t In i R E O P E N IN G OAK GRILL Party. WO.NS-Answers for Amerj< an.«. which might give them more than room where a busine.ss meeting SINCE SINCE The vacation was part of the school, and Stark B. Ferris, presi­ But to come hack to the com­ all the flowrers I want." the directory. 11:15—Wo.VS—Midnight Matinee. Sokolsky. will he held and refreshmcnl.s ]-A Army's policy of giving periodic dent b f the Danielson PTA. plex of labor and, management co- "TONIGHT" W T H T - The Plavbovs. lft:0ft W DRC-Q uiz Ktds. too seat.s in the new. house. They 1920 If she would phone me or send W n iT —Paul Harvey. served. WILL 1!E CLOSED 1920 rests to soldiers in the combat Redecorating at least one room The keynote address waa_ given -operation, or team work. It .shout* F e a h ir iR g LEO WATTS M’TIC—Th>.^ Week in Sports. had 82 in the last upper hou.se. me a card 1 Jiave the paper ready i \\'DR(* -Y*es- leader in Company B of the Ninth a panel by students of Weaver F A M O U S „wlfe . . . tor the taate thrill \\ ON’S —Holy TrInits Service, committees, baking cookies for one peace. Some day you may be will 13: .V5— W TIC—N e w a day after, said a Federal Bureau Regiment. A graduate of St. High's English classes, presenting ARISTOCRATS TIC—.Meet the Pres* lerday from Camp Deven.s at Aver, of her life! Ever.vthing pre­ Snndav lft:4.5-WDRC—UN Report. of Investigation spokesman, he had i Mass Edward’s High School. Stafford organiration •fter another, etc. various religious beliefs of the ing,,-to reprint this, for it seema to ft;.V> -WTIC—News. Music. He reported fl.ving from bear repetition, Here in oiif town Free Parking pared and aerved to the WFIAY—News taken a case of Scotch whiskey to 'Springs he entered the Army in Thougli. of course, by fall she will students, and conferences lor unit 7:ftft--WTU:-rCavalcade of Music. on ‘All Stallona. ■Seattle, Washington. He expects tn w f have been disturbed ^4»ycon- WCCC—Organ, Melodies, "fix" th6 application of a New ’ • January 1952." have forgotten that last soring she presidents, high school units, queen’a taate (king’* too). 55 HAY—Easy Lfstenlng. receive hlis discharge from military swore she wouldn't accept another /fllcts or mix-ups between aeVxriri ^tl5—,WC(T*— Hour of St Francis. Britain rooming house operator for .‘■ervice next week. . His parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy councils, progiam chairmen and S S B E E B B i n .7:3(V-WCCC—News; Music You ^^'ant. 55T1IT—Eddie Fisher, a rent Increase. Job In any organization. Important Industries and their •WTIC- -News; String Symphonette. Recent .Arrival J. Connors, live at 371 High street. Publications Chairmen W T K '—('llftoi. Utley. Special Agent J. .1. Casper iden­ Cleaning t'p All' the Hidden Mesa A rtTnner Tf the 4 At. Arnhem, employe-i. Personally I have been ^. ■‘A L L COLOR SHOW W DRC—Music R.3X, \5^0NS—Dance Orche.alra, A son, David John, wa.s-horn,to Stafford Springs. ^ A dinner at the State A rm ow —more or less forced lo make a fair 7:35—W K NB —News. . tified the man as William J. Cleaning out closets. There Is 11 : SO - \\ TI C Mert the \’eep. Mr. and Mrs. John Swanson, .ir., Church Activities was followed by an address by study of labor and indu.stry prob­ 7:.»5—WDRC—World in Brief. ' 55 D R ('—Art 5\'ai»er Orchestra. D.imato, 41, o f Middletown, and something about the first spring . Rev. Fred Trevorrow, ’'former Dr. Roma Cans on "The Child In lems. since I come from the pop­ M\ Moar** 0*H*rA • ;00 WONS—Chape* In the Sky. 5VHA5'—.Moonlight MemoOea said he was .scheduled for arraign­ of Brandy street, at Manchester -jrTPaelor of the Advent Christian days that fe ts s woman's soul the World Today" and an informal Alax . WTHT—Newi. • 55 ONS- Dance Orcheatras. ular hat town. Danbury, Conn. My floMiUft ( <»ttf A 11:4.5—55 TIC—Stars from Paris. ment today before It. ,S. Commis- Memorial Hospital, yesterday. The V church of Plalnvllle will be prearh- longing for neat closets. W TIC—News; George Crook. reception. father was. one o f the men con­ "R edhrail WDRC?—News. 11 :.55-5VO.NS—New*. .sioner Benedict Holden, Jr., ', who couple has two other children. ^ ' er at the 11 a. m. service.at Rock- Getting rid of "junk." On a Thursday's progiam opened with V, li.\Y—New.s; Choristers. WHA5' —News. nected with the famou.s hatters’ From ls-'ied the warrant for his ar­ John III. who is four yeans old and i ■ville Baptist CJhurch tomorrow. warm spring day s woman can be "Niaqra"^ ^^■K.\’R Healing Waters. I?!ftft-WTIC—News; .Music, a publications breakfast m the i p,,, known in legal history, W j-om lng” B:I5—W TH T—Christian Sctencft. ■ 5\*DRC—News. rest. Christine, two.' ~ ** [ He W ill use a.s his sermon theme ruthlesa about throwing away school cafeteria. Miss Ann Foberg ^ town that could have ^MmsoD WDRC—Slioppers Special 12:30-WTIC—Music. Damato wa.s booked on an •\l .State Meeting are ! "W hat Must I Do To Be a Chris- things she.has put up with alT of the Slate Department of Educa- ; hcen the w oV l's greatest hat cen- 4:4ft-8:Bi WfiA5'—Pale.*»*.itie. Program. 12:55-New 8 charge of violating the federal E. Pierce Herrick and Charles A. . ;'tlah?’.’- . I::i0—WONS— Radio Carolers. winter. tloh dlsgussed the topic. ’’Y o u rite r ' But what happened? Strlkea W H AV—Mu.slca! Del. Buonglorno. bribery laws and lodged in Hart­ Robbin.s attended a slate meeting ^ ■ A group of visitors of the Trying out a new hair-do. 'In / n Child's Free Time- What Huiis, ; nnd lockouts rau.rB—N^wav PriloiTla. ' Hartford, treasurer;, Mrs- Alton ening or categorically ctyidemn- ciaily wheh'"you chl^'e ThrM ^J^s Keslauraht." You'll t:l5 -*W T l('—Serenade in Blue. Xiengkho^anir, 90 mile* «outheast ; , . "The Still Small Voice." . about spring that makes every­ (ft CHECK THE FIRM'S RELIABILITY ^ Browning, Lebanon, assistant ing spirit, as applied here to Man­ “SEMINOLE”— (In Color) WDRC—Viiic^.ot ,fb£ljgl(jiL o f Luanjfprabanff. . . ■ . Youth Sunday will be observed thing that isn't in tip-top shape like the restful surroundings, quiek service .. . and above YV'O.Nf?—To Be Ai^nfium‘»*fl. 24 Hour De/#Very Seiyice _ treasurer; Mrs. Alfred Tychsen. chester, our C8ty-Of Village Chhrm. rr.ATruK k i n ., S;M-a:ta-ia:aa at the St. John's Episcopal Church W T H T —Hellenic Programi. The French estimated the • CHECK THE GENERAL CONDITION OF ALL THEIR CARS look dowprijfht shabby. East Hartford, .Hartford district But we do say. that the Ameri­ f;30—WDRC— Religious News. tomorrow. There will be a family rn-HiT :;ta-«;ia-ain ail the delicious goodness of all our foods. Drive out to­ enemy column driving from the No wonder when poets write of representative. , can sen.se of fair play, the aplrit of WONS—Bark lo God Hour. service at 9:4!^a. m. with morning spring they hegled^Y to mention W TH T—Opera Album. northwest wa.s about five days morrow for Sunday dinner! * ’ - W TIC—Explorer's of Ihe Wild. prayer at 11 a. m. and sermon by what fpring means'^ the hnuse- from Luaiigprabang. The distance Make Manchester Motors You’re First and Final Step WCCC—News Hartford lewVah Life. is oniy Uf) miles but progress is Rev. Maurice Foulkes on '"Eternal wif?. A housewife’s Veaction to t:l5—WDRC—Let’s Go To Town. MOMARTY BROTHERS Slow over the narrow mountain Condemnation." The young people spring is too practical for poetry. Cont. Today and Sunday U’TIC—Faith in Action. 315 CENTER STREET «TE L. MI-3-5135 will leavt the church at 2 p. m. FULL COURSE DINNER - S1.75-S2.50 W H AY—Memorial Musfcal. trails which pierce thick jungles '51 PONTIAC CATALINA i for cathedral service and mite box ^ TODAY 10:0ft—W TIC—.National Radio Pulpit. and are cut by swift streams. Kadln, beater, h.vriramatir. (All rights reoerved, NEA Service, THRU Price* Mat. 74c, Eve. 81.00 KUAdiS, STEAKS, CHOPS .-uid SEA FOOD that ia ruahed WON.S—Radio Bible Class . As Is Specials rally. At 7:30 p. m. there will be Inr.) ( T A T E • roMI.Mi KI'MIAY, "MAIiARA"— W TH T—?Iessage of Israel. At the Plains of the Jar.s in •the a "Night in Mexico" program m a n c R e s t e r THURSDAY Child 50c all tlmeo, tax tncl. te ua from the Boaten Piera by foat expreaa. Luncheon* WCCC—Sincha Time. '51 OLDS HOLIDAY COUPE r»Ur ind “.MV PAI. (Sl'y heart of I.aos, enemy forces con­ Radin, heater, h.vdraniatlr, sponsored by the young i^ople of mud fnll courae dinnem aerved dally. We make qnr own W h AY—Notlzie Dali'Mon do. tinued today to pump heavy mor­ ' FINEST tl’RF delleloua plea and toe cream. They’re the talk of the town! W DRC—Church o' The Air. $1295 the church. W K N B —Ave Marla Hour. tar shells into Franco-Latoian de­ '51 DeSOTO 4-DOOR 1950 PONTIAC 6 Charles West, senior at the The world’s finest turf Is growm 19:15—\VC('C—V'lstas of Israel. fense positions. They have not yet Radio, heater, fluid drive. Hartford Seminary Foundation on the coast of^Great Britain. It W H AY—Moment Musira'I. makes the Deluxe Lawn 1950 OLDS “88" $1295 costs from 810 to $15 per 100 It will lire in .your heart foreyer! I a , D A Y B 19:50*- WCCC—News; Music from Lon-* attempted an infantry atta'k. will be tbe gUMt preacher at 10:45 '>s;9THtll ORKAT pieces, ia used for laying bowling . PLENTY OF FREE PARKING don. -A third invasion column from A meal of TURF ■UILOCR feeds grass lo '51 OLDS "88" 4-DOOR S.m. tomorrow at the First Con­ I ' W K.Nf^-Llth’Mr Ian HouK the north, meanwhile, drew stead­ greens, and is known as "Cum­ ■NTKRTAINMBNT greatest beauty, Scolls Seed starts mil­ Radio, heater, h.vdraniatlr, 1949 PONTIAC 8 $1195 gregational Church or Verfion Cen­ WONS—Voice of Prophecy, ily' 'clo.ser to the plain,' one of the berland." im n «C W T H T —Jewish Program. lions of husky grass plants to weaving ter pending the arrival from Eng­ T m U M P M B Y 1 W T IC —Art of Living. chief French defensive positions. " '51 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE 1949 OLDS "9 8 " $1395 l*re’« evnyeiM't Great STA E the velvety carpel. Do It younolf with land this week of Rev. James H. W H A Y —Gemme Musirall. i Their .nrrival might' signal an as- MIUT.ARY GENIUS AdToalure *f all lime, i tS U N .' .Radio, heater, power glide. Eddleston. 19:4.5—WTICv-t;uesi Star. •sault on the French lines. o slick Scolts Spreader. . .' Color slides will be shown at the Guatavus Adolphus', of Sweden, «ria|t y*a I* lb* Never Land fSlMClR J ]W / ' M W H AY —Fantasie Musirall. 1947 OLDS "6 6 " $745 •f meriial y*atk and ihrilU!WIU! vrAR ' If/ , M i ll:9p— WDRC— Salt Lake City Taber­ The movement of Vietrhinh TUHf BUILDtil provides all Ihe nutrients '50 OLDS "98" 4-DOOR .Sunday School tomorrow at 9 s.m. was one of the great military nacle. geniusea of all time. He is cred­ » J ICS CREAM B^* troops westward from the plain towns need lo get ond keep picture lawn Radio, healer, h.vdramatir In the First Evangelical Lutheran WHV PONT you BELIEVE .WCCC—Polish Hour. .sector, however, indicates their top 1941 FORD $200 ited with being the ' father of tOU«'H|flT!N HURT HAVf WONS—Polka Time. beouty. Economical — feeds 1 00 sq ft for Church. WMshlp service will be objective i.s to capture Lusng- modern military diacipline arid DI s i k ; ^ ' R lSTAU R ^*JJ*Jf^o«. Cow«- W H AY —Muslca, less than a dime. Feed *51 MERCURY CLUB COUPE held St 10:lo a.m. with sermon by W T H T —Church of the Air.' the father of the general ataff. prabang. The little town ia the Radio, heater, overdrlvei 1949 OLDS "9 8 " $1000 Rev. Gordon E. Hohl. Members of • W TIC— Wf rid of Music.. residence of 67-year-old King 2,500 sq ft - $2.50; 10,000 sq ft - $7.85 He also contributed to the art of W K N B —News;.Church of the Air. the church will leave at 3:30 p.m. .Sisavang Vong and is strategicallv Jijm. LAWN StlD Top *50 BUICK CLUB COUPE to attend the an.nual convention of war in organization. In the use 11 :.1ftr-WCC(%-Newa; Italian Life. 1947 BUICK SUPER $695 YHE WDRC—News; Invitation to Learn­ located on the important Mekong quality blend of all peren­ Radio, heater, d.vnafloss', the New England Conference of weapons, and In tactics. JOHT* ing, P e U k M jAM Rtt SR- river. nial grasses, reody to grow Lutheran Brotherhood to be held WALTBISNKY’B W TIC—Carnival of Rooks. W K NB— Lithuanian Hour. The French and LatoianA are a thick lawn in sun or ihade- at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. on« ^ W H A Y —.Nitlzie I.ocall E Statall, rushing a buildup of the defenses 99..91 •/,’ w eedfree. ., just a short (Iriye to the home of "Safety-Tested Used Cars'* ■Tarryvllle. 11:35—Muslra. of Luangprabang and Vientiane, A special musical servlet will be PUBLIC DANCE TECHNICOLOR 11:45- WTIC—Poetry .i.if Our Timeg M b-$1.50 5 lbs-$7.35 Afternoon the administrative capita^ 119 yraoentod tomorrow at 7 pjri.' at ■' - i*' 12:aa--\VDRC— Europe Story, miles farther south. SPRf AO fR l mbka Varnoa Msthodlst Church, the pro- City Vitw Done* H d l COUNTRY MMY NT CLOSED ALL DAIf WCCC—lUfian Life. ^ / The rapture of the two towns Idwn coy’e a brecia — Rrbm to Include Mthems by teth KEENEY STREET W'FHT—Irish Program. TBCHNICOLOII M ONDAYS . ^ WONS4—Battle or the .^rltones. woiild give , the Vi^tminh roughly V ^ / / $7.35 and $12.50. ‘M MOTOR SALES, Inc. 4hs Junior and senior choirs. Solo- Every Saturday'Night ■‘i^ 'A lA N DEAN WH?.Y-lUlian Voice. all of Laos.i one of the three assor tsu win bA'Mro. E14ns H. JohniUm 6 TaR4>t Mvamm Phil Green Fonons Slaging H0CT0R^BYRD*HlRBlRTi SAXON W TIC—Spin 'Em AgainL cfated sjatj^s'of Irido-China and a SILVER LANE ROAD. MANCHESTER OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 S f Vehton. Mix. Morgan G. Csntp- pfeirikatB# W tSO Pl«tvree.Tac. ■: • . - r - . e ^ o te o iii Adkeii,.; W K N B —Musical Varieifcs. key regioij in the defense of the beS o f RockviRs and jU v . carl -Coninie .Della Republka JOHN s: WOLCOTT & SON MANCHESTER MI-3-4134 ^ HARTFORD 2-9939 , ^ CCC—Ukranlan-Amerlcan Hcmr. A rest of sfoutheast Asid 'against 180 M AIN STREET W K N B —PNH Varietiea. . > Communiat aggression. 1 M PHONE MI 3-8.',97 ■j. '/ \ . A'-. '■ ■ ■ ■ \ < -V: \

,■ . ... r . - j RUSE FOUR ^MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAYrAPRIL 25, 1955 RAGE F iy »? ...... ' them on a' conducted tour df, the -Ing in on the meeting. They were the/ also visited the chamber of Coyentfy, will be at the donsote since NoV. 1 and have met in Helping USO Drive Barnard ^^tudents Capitol building where they haw introduced' tp, the members of the the Supreme Court of Errors. Bishop Gray H^re icds’ Stand Aid Given by Dillon People Flash Seen Admit Damage and dtirect the senior choir\iur-, homes of members o f the class.' States Seen many interesting thing.s, includirig ■House as they Stood up to take a In addition to the people being CHINGHILUS Tour State the Hall of Flags, the Constitution' how, and then had- the hoqor of "LIM ELIG H T" SETS RECXIRD 1 ing the Confirmation service. of Connectlcjit, the statue of Na­ For Goiifirmation confirmed, a number .arc, asking Let na introdnee jrtw to Is Praised by Armstrong To Cemetery You’re going to lose art hour’s meeting and talking with (3'over- The confirmation class being to he received into the Episcopal than Hale, the .Charter Oak chair lor. Tokyo i/T) —Charles Chaplin's thin fascinating and profit­ ►n Policies 600 Miles sleep tonight, but don’t worry. nor.^Iohn Lo)(lge. who asked them, .’’Limelight” set a hew Japanese presented to Bishop Gra.v by the Church having previously received V ictorious During the past week th ^ stu­ and the replica of the "Genius of a feU\'questions about state gov­ . Right Rev. Walter H. Gray, D. local rector. Rev. A. L. Wiliiams, able. hobby. Quality bteedlag You'll get it back next fall. motion picture attendance record Confirmation at thfe hand.s of a stock now availaHo' for' Harry Armstrong of 349 East into homes for a’ night’s sleep. Three. 14-Year-Old Boys dents of the eighth grade at the Connecticut,” the statue that used ernment, which they promptly an­ D., S. T. D.. will administer the contains both young people and Armstrong said he didn’t go back Daylfght Saving Time be­ to stand on the Capitol dome. during its fir.- t three weeks show- Bishop of the Apostolic Succes­ npring delivery.. Center street, who escaped injury | comes effective at 2 a.m. tomor­ Barnard School have been visiting swered chfrectly. adults. The ■young .people have sion. These include candidates tJnchanged in the train crash neaiv Dillon, S. . •to view then wreckage, and his From Site Are Turnefl Over to After the tour they enjoyed ,a The grpiip^ also visited the Stat ,, -hig at a Tokyo thefftfr. apostolic rite of Confirmation In been instructed in a .separate .sec­ For .Detaila Call row. If you turn your clock the State Capitol and the State from the Rii.s.stan Orthodox C.. Monday night, relatea\some of suitcase was brought to him. On Oil Bill delicious but inexpensive meal in Library wh^M they saw many, The newspaper Asahl reported St. Mary's Episcopal Church to­ tion of the Church School on Sun­ EMON CHINCHILLA his experiences while goings about He awoke early the nert morn­ Juvenile Authorifies ahead one hour tonight before Library in Hartford. They were the cafeteria. more interesting, things, a coin epT-" in mid March the Chaplin produc­ Church, the Roman Catholic RANiCH r m n O n e ) ) (Continued From Page-One) going to bed, you’ll be right In morrow morning at 11 a. m. day mornings and have been re­ Church and fhe Polish National his usual work in his weldin^shop ing about 6 o'clock. Those pas­ (Continned fm n Paf* Om ) taken in by special bu.s, accom­ tn the afternoon, the group was leetion worth approximately $75,- tion drew 105j000 theater-goera, Bishop Gray will also be Ahe quired to atterrd Sunday evening Tel. DHtehell 9-815$ Three 14-year-old boys 7- have step with the new time whet) panied by their teachers. Catholic Church. this morning. He arrived Home sengers who wanted to get started yesterday, a Defense department taken to fhe room in which the 0(10, portraits of alt the governors topping the 100.000 drawn in a preacher at this service. \ services and instruction through­ ______Z—__ overthrown by these people” (in on their trips again were taken to you wake up tomorrow morii- thought stories about’ the sub­ Upon their arrival the student.s Hoiiaex^f Representatives meet.s similar period by "Gone With the the atatelHtes). . Thursday , night after makini^a , spokesman said two atomic can­ confes.scd damaging four/ monu­ Ing.______through Governor Bojvlea..^ and a A guest organist. Mrs. Ruth out the winter. The adults have In 19.50 Canada had 57,’J96.6 two day stop in Washington. \ Mullins, S. C.. to bO;{ird another merged lands were newsworthy. _ were greeted by a guide who took and ha(l' the opportunity of listeri- miniature of the ship, ’^krtford." Wind.” Welles of Melody Farm. South been present on Sunday evening Chine. The edltoriel made niuch nons are to start here In about 10 ments at Ea.st Cemetery which miles of railway track. Read Herald Advs. of the fact that the President did It was an exciting night for train. Armstrong tvas among them / Morse said that "with some ex­ days from Fort Sill, Okla. Ob­ Cemetery Superintendent George T not mention China. It said a policy Arm.strong in Dillon. He praised ,^nd continued to Washington to ceptions, objectivity permeates ,-N the hospitality offered .by the resi­ visit two days with a friend be­ servers look for the canrfon testa Elliott estimates will cost several which tried to turn back "steadily to be made about May 21, when Washington correspondents.” He developing events” was doomed to dents of that town who did every­ fore coming home. hundred dollars to repair and re­ thing possible to make victims of !lte ^ ie work was well organized, the last explosion In the series is Obituary agreed with Douglas that working failure, in other words declaring contemplated. erect. the crash .comfortable. he said. People were taken from The youngsters told police they newspapermen in Washington that Generalissimo Chiang Kai- In the combat teams were men "with certain exceptions observe ahek was finished. It said Commu­ Armstrong .said he was a.sleep the wrecked car.s' as quickly as were walking through the ceme­ when the crash occurred. There possible a^d sped to hospitals or from Fort Meade, Md.: Camp a ,very high degree of journalistic nist China should be in the United Pickett, Va.: Fort Ord, Fort Mac- tery to their homes sfter attend­ ethics.” was considerable excitement in emergency first aid stations. ing a meeting when one of them Deaths Nations. his car, the eighth in. line. Lug­ Although hit. admitted being a Arthur and the Presidio, Calif.: Douglas declared that the St, Hits Aid IMan Fort Bliss and Fort Hood, Tex.: suggested "knocking over some Louis Post-Dispatch had given gage fell from the racks and peo­ little shaky fi^ni the accident, Camp Carson, Colo.; . Camp Polk, grave .stones.” Mra. Antonia P. Zenliich . The Russians did not appear to ple were tos.sed about. One woman Armstrong wa.s'’” hankful he was .support for federal ownerahip take very seriously the President's La.; Fort Sill, Okla.; Camp Chaf­ Tlie boys have been turned over Mrs. Antonia Petroaki Zenluch without which ’’this ■fight would was'thrown forward from her seat not hurt. He said lia. left the scene fee, Ark.; Fort Riley, Kas.; Fort to juvenile authorities, after ques­ auggestions that vast savings from at the front of the car and it was as quickly a.'j possible and didn't I’ratt Photo. of 47 Hamllh street died late last have been almost hopeless.” Morse xeanhament.' once peace is assured, Leonard Wood. Mp., and Camp Al- - Lti-Josepli'.M agnano tioning hi', Patrolman Ed\yai'(T night at the .Manchester Memorial -aeserted that' there-is-"not a sin- fortunate, because a large hiln-or have much' time to s^ze up the' terbury,. Ind. Swain. and Lt. .Raymond (Jriffin. could be turned to helping under­ came off the \vall at the same extent of fhe damages. \ Hospital. gle paper greater than the 81. This , was the first of four test!? Elliott reported four monuments Born in Poland,.she came to the Louis Post-Dispatch” In the coun­ developed nations. time ami landed in the seat where Armtffrong had been\visiting to which Congressmen have been The cooperation of the officers were pu.shed over and- their bases “A more pompous name for mch she had been sitting. two weeks with his brothm;, Wil­ and men of Engineer Company, United States 42 years ago and had try. invited by Rep. W. Sterling Cole and tops w ere chipped. He said been a resident of Manchester for Vote Due Next Week a fund is not enoughr’ said the The only injury in his car was a liam, in Fort l.jtuderdale, Flit. Hi.s (R.. N. Y.), chairman of the Joint Connecticut- Stale Guard, has been grave stoiies have been overturned editorial, intimating that they gash on a man's hand, Armstrong daughter. Mrs. Dorothy Ros", Atomic Energy committee. the past 30 years. She waa a mem­ Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D., of grcflt assistance to those striv­ before but could be set up again ber of St. James’ Church and of Wash.), an opponent of the bill, considered his sugge-tion was for said. The vestibule was snapped (ailed ^Florida for informatimi without trouble. a new version of the Marshall plan. off ,rt the rear of the train. Arm­ about her father hut was notified ing to put Manchester's current the Polish- Women's Alliance of said in an interview a final vote In some cases, flower pots have Manchester. . P’.'obably would come by next Although It was unsigned and strong helped a doctor up into the .soon thereafter in a telegram that USO drive over tlir top. local cam­ been removed from graves and the car to administer first aid. he was safe. iPtecIs Free Extra paign officials reported today. She leaves three daughters. Mrs. Thursday or Friday. All night entitled solely "on the addreas of flowor.s strewn around. • sessions are planned next week if President Siisenhower,” it seemed In a short time, there were hun­ "I can't add much to What has Mark H. Peterson, with whom she ■On Thur.sday. April 16, Satur­ Ea.st Cemetery i.s / frequentl.v made her home, Mrs. Joseph Bars, the debate goes on. clear from the wording that it was dreds of <'ars and people at the already been said and written', Aiiierieaii POWs day. April 18, and again today the u.scd as a .short cut to Bi.s.sell scene, he continued. Those persons Armstrong said in conclusion, "but also of Manchester, and Mrs. John j Both Jackson and Morse assert- correct to call the article a etaW- guardsmen in uniform and u.sing street and the Main street shop­ W. Campbell of Hartford; two I ed that the opponents would not ment by the leadership of tlie unhurt were transported in cars to you can say the people in Dillon llie.ir own mechanized equipment ping area. the Presbyterian Ch\irch In Dillon (CQ^^ued from Page One) sons, Joseph Petroskl of Portland, I crumble without a further fight. Soviet Union. were wonderful to all of us and provided a convoy throughout where they were served hot coffee their ho.spitality helped to wear loWn. With loud .speakers and mili­ Ore., and William B. Broneiil of Morse said there are "many It was clearly and dc;finitrly an and .sandwiches and then taken frded .Saturday said the Commun­ / Manchester; 10 grandchildren and great speeches” remaining to be answer to President Eisenhower's off the shock of the crash.” ists hold "more than 1J)00 serious­ tary marches they have helped to tell why all .should help the USO, About Town ai,x great-grandchildren. I delivered in the Senate. April 16 speech. ly sick and tvounded South Ko­ Under command of Lt. Joseph Funeral services will be held I The President’s views were ex­ (In that address, the Prc.sident rean prisoners ” near Manpo in Magnano the State Guardsm/n Monday-morning at 8:15 from the pressed In a letter to Sen. And­ North Korea.. Pvt, Earl Swecne.v, husband o f, erson (D., N. M^) who, with 24 challenged the new Soviet govern­ U. S. Informers who have generously contributed Mrs. Anne .Swecne.v of A Rogers' John B. Burke Funeral Home. 87 ment to prove its peace overtures There were n(i litter ca.se.s their time for USO are: LI. WMter East Center street, and at 9 other Senators, had asked his po­ News Tidbits among the Americans, British and place, has arrived at the Ordnance j sition on boundary claims by the by agreeing to global disarmament Von Hone, Sgt. George Risley./Sgt. Replacement Training Center at o’clock at St. James' ClhurCh, and taking concrete steps to end Were in Camp, Turk.s exchange Saturday. * Some Leonard Boinnger. Cpl. Burial will be in St. James' Ceme- states beyond the traditional . Culled from AP Wires limped slightly, but otherwi.se all Aberdeen Proving Ground, M(P. I three-mile limit. the tensions that threatened Rickci t, Pfc. Ronald Seavey, Pf.'. whei'c he will undergo eight wcck.s ter>‘. World War III. appeared to be In fairly gmeo .who, wooed, women, for well again appe.ilcd today to all and is serving .wi.th .the 1st. Cavai.- ; Broomhead of .Salt Lake City, was the ^^(iple (if Mdhchestei' to give' of Charles E. Neilson, died yestcr-, (■historic boundaries.” - ' • .....- also called for an end to Red ag­ He said there were lots of Rus­ their money, is divorced in Chica­ ry Division. Pvt. Starkweather, an day afternoon at Preston. She had married six days before leaving generously. .electrician, entered the Army in Sen. Daniel (D-Tex.) hailed the gression in Indo-China and Mala­ sians in North Korea- all riding in go by wife whom he once called for Kore.'i in 1952. He said his lived in Manchester (or many I President’s letter as specific recog­ y s an Austrian peace treaty, jeeps or other vehicles while the "his Juliet." » ■ July. 1952, and received basic' years and was a member of the Louis P. Merriman, 53, vice ’ plane wa.s shot down by Red anti­ 11710 76. Redlancjs, Calif., Hvy. training at- Fort Belvoir, Va. Ini nition of tlie lO's mile boundary unification of Germany and inde­ Chinese walked—and all dre.ssqd aircraft fire over norttiea.st Korea Covenant Congregational Church. I claimed by Texas in the Gulf of pendence for the east European in snappy uniforms with epaulets president of Hartford National Mortar Co,, 1st Marine Division, I civilian life he graduated from ' She leaves a niece, Mrs. Edith Bank and Trust Company and na­ ; Feb. 8, 19,52, while he was flying (fathcri Alley Rose; 12th ter- ; Howell Cheney Technical School ! Mexico. satellites of Russia.) and shiny bools. . , , ...... j from the Carrier Valley- Forge. Anderson of this town. I On. the other aide of the issue, (In Washington today. White tive of West Avoh, dies in Hart- rance. Redlanfl.s,/Calif, ; in 1949 and was later employed aS " The funeral will be'held Mon­ On the long mach north, Mul­ , Everything was in readiness for : an electrician at Chenej- Brothers. 1 I Anderson said in a statement that House press secretary James A. lins said, the column of prisoners 1 foid Hospital. . .One hundred Pfc Thomas ,R. Barnes, USMC. day afternixm at 2 o'clock at the production-maintenance workers the return of the top:lcvel truce 11 884 81, DadeVllle, Ala. Co. A. 7th Watkins P'uneral Home. 142 East I the President's letter ■"does not Hagerty said there would be no passed two jeeploads of Rus.sinns, .negotiators at 11 a. m. Sunday , make clear what attiude his ad- comment until the full Pravda sitting beside the_ road drinKing. j at Whitlock Manufai'tflring plant Regiment. 1st Marine Division, (no Girls Friendly Society sponsors. | Center street, with Rev. Carl In West Hartford out on .strike to h o p. m. Saturday, e.s.t,). Orig- relationship given) C. J. Barnes. of which Mias Hannah Jensen is ; Lugn. pastor of the Covenant Con­ I ministration will take if claims statement has been received by "They tried to get our North ' .support demand for m cent hour­ ! inally scheduled for Saturday, the I arc made by the states to the U. S. government.) Korean gUi’irds to line us up and ■ P, O. Box 1.5C DadeviPe, Ala. president, %vill conduct a military gregational Church in Hartford, ly wage Increase. i meeting wa.s postponed one (lay at Cpl. Jam/s W. Bullock, RA -14 whist Monday at 8 p.m. in St. 1 officiating. Burial will be in the [ boundaries wider than those clalm- The Soviet statement .sharply at­ shoot us,” He said. ! the Communist.^’ request. [ ed by the nation.” tacked some things Eisenhower The Kentucky sergeant said all ' 053 611, Fayetteville, N, C„ Btry .Mary's ^parish house. Door and ; East Cemetery. Only (inc major issue stand.s in B 503rd ^A • Battalion, 2d Divi­ playing prizes will be.awarded and The funeral home will be open I Anderson called for return of said and many things that Secre­ prisoners in his camp were forced the way of an armistice. The the bill to the Senate Interior conti- / } tary Dulles has said since the to attend indoctrination lectures sion. I No/next of km listed). a social with refreshments will for the convenience of friend? to­ Scots Are Tutoring UN Command refuses to return Cpl. William L. Conley, ER 57 follow the games. morrow night from 7 to 9 o’clock. mlttee to resolve "the uncertainty” President made his appeal in during which the Communists some 50,000 Chlnc.se and North I - . - or adoption of amendments to speaking ^ fore the American So­ would accuse the United States 430 46/). Morriltnn. Ark., Hw.s, Malay Fisheriueii Korean prisoners who have .said Btry. 82(1 AAA AW Battalion .SP. i The Christian Education com­ Mrs. .\ugusta Yurkshot "correct -the confusion.” ciety of Newspaper Editors. of using germ warfare, they do not want to go home. The Mullins said the Chinese "would 2(1 Diyision (motherI Hazel Ethel mittee of the Buckingham Church Mrs. Augusta Bauer Yurkshot, Sees A-War Threat Communists have insisted on the Conley, 10 Massay street, Mornl- i will conduct a military whist in j SI, of 303 Woodbridge street, Referring directly to Eisen­ get pretty mad” when he an­ Kuala Lumpur—(A5- Four .Scot­ return of all piisoners of war. swered : lon. Ark, the .social ,ioom Tue.sday at 8 p.m. | grandmother of Charles Yurkshot hower’s remarks, the Soviet state­ tish fishermen, veterans of the Red China's Premier Chou En- Cpl. .lohn L. Watter.s. Jr . Cpl. The committee includes Mrs. John i of 98 Summer street who was Brownell Hails ment accused him of trying to "We don’t have to use geim lai propo.sed last montli that pris- warfare. All we’ve got to do is d’op British herring fleet, are here RA. 6 ,894 755, Berkley. W. Va., Saglio, Mr.s. Charles Saglio, Mrs. ' drowned last Sunday afternoon threaten the USSR with atomic one;s who refuse repatriation be Walter Traskos, Mrs. Edna D ut-■while fishing in Ca.se’s Reservoir, war. another A-bomb. 'That would stir teaching Malay fishermen‘how to turned over to a neutral country Co/ A 38th Rcguucnt, 'id D(vision. up more germs than any germ, (WifeI Mrs. Bloisc L. Watter.s, J ton and Mrs. Walter Kearn.s. ; died yesterday afternoon after a Bingham (Eisenhower said- the. alterna­ increase their cateiies and provide pending a decision on their future. . Evirett Tomlinson will direct the . b ^ b s .” He made it clear, however, that 1743 Galrn street, SE Wa.shing- long illness. She-had lived in Man­ tives. to true peace endeavors eheaper fish for the peasant and ton, D. C. I games. The proceeds will be used chester for more than 50 years and were: at worst "atomic war,” at laboring classes. the Communists expect all of them . in sending young people of the ! ultimately to return home. ^Sgt. Jamc.'! F. Daniel, RA 34 waa a member of the Zion Luth­ best, "a life perpetual fear and hour Malay fishermen are oper- I church to the summer conferences, j tension.”) Airlines (laplaiii The UN Command, in agreeing 972,473, Covington, Ga., Medical eran Church. yi.ng with the jScot.smen on a to resume the truce talks, sug­ Co. 9lh Regiment, 2d Division. She leave.*! her husband, Adam (Continued^om Page One) The Soviet statement fully trawler, which was pureha.sed from I T.ocal Salvation Armv members 1 Yurkshot; ifoiir sons, Edward ag^reed with Eisenhower's plea (or gested Switzerland ps the neutral, (Wife) Bernice Daniel, 427 Eagle -Going to (College Scotland by the Fisheries Depart­ avenue, Alameda. Calif. ; will observe "National Pri.'on Sun- i Yurk.shot, Charle.s and Frederick editorial cr^rism is "understand- a lessening of tension and building ment last September. but re-emphasized that there can ' lay” tomorrow by attending a serv- i be no modification of its stand Pfc. George W. Rogcr.s. R.-\ Yurkshot, all of Manchester, and J able.” He/added: peace but it accused him of not First attempts at eiitching Ma­ ice at 8:30 am. at the State Prison ' Henry Yurkshot of East Hartford; being very consistent in his re­ East Orange. N. .1. — i/l>] - against forced repatriation. The 18 288074, Tul.sa, Akla„ Co. F. 'iMgylfemai ks were directed at layan fish with the Scottish ring 23rd Regiment, 2d Division, in Wethersfield. Captain Nornrian a daughter, Mrs. Gerhardt Ristau marks. Burt B. Budlong, a junior at Up- talks were broken off last fall i the ij^fc flaws of the loyalty jiro- net provided unsuccessful. The (mother) Edith M. Rogers, 435 Marshall will lead the group, as- of Bristol; a brother, Michael' "In his address.” it declared, sala College here is an airline pilot mesh was too large. Substitution after failure to settle this point. sisted hv the hand and ohorus. I grant; Nothing I said was intended "the President of the United As the transfer of disabled pris­ South 45th West avenue, ’Tulsa. Bauer of Woodside. N. y.; and six — a flight captain for Allegheny of a smaller mesh brought imme­ Okla. This will be the 38th annual prison grandchildren. I tq/reflect in any way upon the States for some reason considered Airlines. • diate results. oners continued Saturday, another Sunday in this country. ! ^ le and public-spirited who, un­ it possible to connect his proposals 38 Allied repatriates were flown The funeral will be held Mon­ Budlong is .32. He . -ent time Using one large boat and one day afternoon at 2 o’clock at th der the sound leadership of Sen. of peace with a whole series of with both the Navy and Armv Air small instead of two large boats from Korea to Japan for hospital Ttie annual meeting of the Man­ I Hiram Bingham, deserve praise preliminary conditions presented treatment before returning to the Holmes Fiini'ral Home, 400 M services during World War 11, and as in Europe, the unit has been chester PTA Council i.s scheduled ; .street, with Rev. Paul G. Prokopy j and great credit for their valiant by him to th e Soviet Union, al­ then put in a year flying in Alaska catching as much fish as the most United Stnte.s. Five men were car­ for Monday. May 4. at 8:15 in the ( ; efforts to n^ikc the loyalty pro­ though these claims are not rein­ ried aboard the huge C-124 Globe- Court Cases pastor of the Zion LuHleran and three years for Trans-World modern of local craft, with 21 men Verplanck .School. The executive I (Thiirch. officiating. Burialytvill be gram effective." forced by corresponding obliga­ Airlines. mrtster. The others walked up the aboard. Eventually the four stu­ ramp. board will have a meeting at 7:30. [ in the Buckland Cemite ' The Attorney General al.so com- tions from the side of the United He joined Allegheny in 1949 and dents of the Scottish fiishermen Donald' Plummer, 25, of 212 [ plimented the citizens who served States” Meanwhile, the UN prisoner of Center street, who wa.s arrested Friends may call at ^ e funeral entered Up.sala in June, 1951, He’s will be the teachers of many more Conrad Hauk, 17. of 794'Middle home tomorrow afteiroon from 3 on regional lovalty boards across Making it perfectly clear that studying busine.ss administration Malayan fishermen who now use war command said (Yiinese prison­ Feb. 5 on a charge of operating a ers on Cheju Island have turned on turnpike ea.st was arrested this to 5 and tomorrow njght from 7 to the nation, but said he still be­ they did not subscribe to or agree and hopes to be graduated in June, out-of-date methods to catch fish. motor vehicle while under the in­ morning on a charge of larceny lieved there were basic faults in to many of these "conditions," the 1954. Red agitators inside their stock­ fluence of liquor after, he told 9 o’clock. ades in recent days. Fifteen agita­ and his ea.se was continued In the system, including the provision Soviet statement pointed out that The most Important thing to him police, he had trie(Vto kill himself Town Court today to Wedne.sday. for loyalty hearings conducted by Russia, too, has claims and ideas is maintaining his status as an tors were beaten so severely that by turning over the car he was about what should be done. Predicts Stonus three died later, the command iiald. Judge John S. G. Rottner set bond departmental associates pf the em- honor student. That way, he gct.s driving, wa.s fined $125 in Town for continuance at $50. Patrolman Liceiise/Reiiewals plo"e being checked upon. The statement‘also took up Ei­ twice as many class cuts per sem­ Pro-Communist and antl-Com- Court this morning. senhower on his remark that muni.st groups of prisoners have Newton Taggart made the arrest. He said' he had discussed the ester as less industrious, non-honor By Couiitiiig Fogs Judge John S. G. Rottner also proposed Eisenhower sub.stitute deeds, not words, aiPi _ the peace, nolled Francis Furphey, night at Tinkfer Hall, waa reported Was nece.s.sary for the President ry in this Southwest Virgini.'\ I The official li.st (if Allied pri.soners 52, no certain addi'es.s. common a success. licenac.s wer(> issued. The office premium on youth, and he can't clo.=ed at noon. Ike Urged to Hike In a speech calling' for peace to expect it to go oh forever. town have followed Reed’s weath­ of war returned-by thfe Commu- drunkard, 360 dny.s suspended, two Contestants were chosen and threaten in language capable of er predictions in past years and nist.s today: years probation, and return, to jail winners of the door prizes selected A year ago this date, there were only one-interpretation— atomic claim he was almost 100 per cent Ensign Mn/ftin S. Broomhead, to eomplgte 360-day sentence; Ed­ by drawing ticket numbers from a 1,253 licenses distributed. Aid for Far East ■war?” accurate. USN 53 8977, Salt Lake City, ward P. Marcisenuk, 18. of 134 box. "Cinderella,” Mrs. Eleanor Total for the four days .so far is Discussing the apparent-^edndi- Development Plan ! Utah, mother, Mrs- Fav M. Bar- Oakland street, breach of the Buck, won a beautiful bouquet of neai'lv 5.300. about 1.300 more than (Continued From Page One) tions laid down by Eispnhower, the Each fall Reed consults the ; nard, 544 S. 3rd East, 'salt Lake the identical period last year. signs and predicts how many peace. $25, and Ronald C, Go(Jfrey. flowers from fhe Park Hill Flower statement said the . President i 9 “ y- 16, and Leonard LcBlond, 17, both Shop and a handbag filled with ac­ The office will be open from Secretary of State Dulles Is re- asked: "What is the Soviet Union' Begun in snows will fall during- the succeed­ Airman 3.C William R. Hily- 8:30 to 4:30 daily next . week ing winter. He does It by count­ of ^ckville, booked on the same cessories. given with the . comple­ porjed opposed to.,'taking on the prepared to undertake or do?” .rord, at 16 358 960. Columbu.s, Ind. cnafge in companion cases,-re- ments of Sunset Council. through ’Thursday. Current licenses foreign aid duties • now. Hi's main "It is well known/’ the state­ . New Delhi - - ('A'l Isolated ing the number of fogs in Aug­ 3rd Bomb Group, 90th Bomb expire at' midnight Thur.sday. ust, among other things. In 1951, ferred. to juvenile authorities; Other prize winners included: aim. officials said, is to shed sub­ ment continued, the Soviet Ladakh, the strategic? area of dis­ Sqdrn. (father) David A. Hilycord, Ronal(l B. Lgne. 19, of 12 Oxford for example, he said' Clintwood 1714 Cottage avenue, Columbus, second, Mrs. Janice Boucher, sham­ sidiary operations, rather than to Vnion /Uways manifests readiness puted bordering Com-, .street,, defective ..muffler, nolled. poo, .and WAVe.glft aet,from! Lily add to them, and; leave the.Slate tO'dlscuss and solve in a Mehdly muhl.st-'head Tibet, '-w'dl '-gel a would have ?*.«nowa. When win­ ■ind ■ ■ ' ter, ended and exactly 24 snows Also. Maxim Goid'on. 4J." New Beauty Salcin; third, Mrs. Mabel department to deal oiily with pol­ manner interriational questions on $231,000 facelifting under a new CpI- Wendell H. Treffery, RA Britain, speeding, $18; Mrs. Hospital Ndtes had fallen, Reed’s stock reached 11 16.5 660, Terryvllle, Conn. Medi- Weir, jewelfy set given by Mary icy-matters. ' r condition that proposals on the Indian- gbvernment development Frances Bblduc, 22. 58 Drive F, Russell, deputy from Hartford; , The busiwess ’survey strongl.v solution of these questions, no program. The government plan­ a new high Last fall Reed pre­ eal Co., Slst Regiment, 7tli Divi­ dicted 21 snows for thg 1952-.53 sion. (mother) .Mrs. \. Hawks- and Mrs. Frances Butler, 40,- 738 fourth, Mrs. Ann Farr, slip from Patients T od av...... 149 recommends tftiat separate foreign matter who shall make theni, are ning commission announced a Tolland turnpike, both ■ charged Gartner’s: fifth, Mrs. S a d l e ADMITTED'YESTERDAY: Mrs. aid missions'abroad be eliminated in sortie degree acceptable and are three-year improvement scheme winter. . Instead it snowed 22 ley, Terryvllle, Conn. times. Pfc. Theodore A- Juern, USMC, wiUi keeping unlicensed dogs, con­ Howard, gift from Past Pocahon-” Erma Gorman, 15 Hollister street: and that the U. S. Ambassador in not counterposed either to the including iixigation projdcts. vil­ tinued to Saturday: Donald E. Mrs. Elsie Martindale, 21 Norw*ood each country be given complete basic interests of the Soviet peo- lage handicrafts, agriculture re­ Reed sent his friends the follow­ 118 0212, Forest Park, III. Co. C. tas Florence Plitt; and sixth, Mrs. ing me.s.«age: 7th Regiment. 1st Marine Divi.sion Wiley. 21. of 60 Campfield road, Nonnie Hilding, pearls from Shoor street: Mrs. Irene Gray, 22 Sea­ authority in carrying out Ameri­ people and the interests of other forms, and establishment of health rules of the road, continued to May man circle: Fred Spielman, Jr.. can policy. peace loving peoples." facilities. ’-'I said there'd be at least 21 (mother) -A. Juern. 108 Belvedere Brothers Jewelers. snows. I ain’t responsible for avenue. Forest Park. 111. 9; •'^Walter Kuezynski, 18, 7 (Cot­ Many d<>or prizes donated by R(x:kville; James • Roach, , 104 In this connection, the business­ "We do not intend to enter into maintains an armed forces tage street, breach of the peace, Bridge street; John Pienadz, Rock- men criticized the maintenance of ■ discussion with the President on outpost and the highest airfield in no more snows than that.” Pfc. David P. Lapg, USMC. 612 merchants and Past Pocahontas 851, Brooklyn, N. Y., Co. A. 7th continued day to oay. Mrs. Irene were also won. villb: Robert Hilderbrand, 77 Ridge four Americans with the rank of his rather strange declaration the world near Ladakh's Himalay­ street; Dorothy Newell, Buckland Amba.ssador in Paris—one the reg­ about ■ some sort of an end of a an capital. . The area has as­ Regiment, 1st Marine Division, Bennett. 34, 60 Foxcroft drive, (mother) Martha Lang. 1075 Ber­ parking too far from the curb, $6. road: Mrs. Arline Rivers. 45 Du­ ular envoy and the other three definite era in Soviet policy," the sumed strategic importance since Desert Gives Up gen. Brooklyn, N. Y. rant street: Neil Ahern. 688 Cen­ dealing, with economic Issues. statement declared. Red China moved into western Ti­ AI.S0, Jamar M'oriconi, 25. of 56 Pfc. Thomas C. Fetly, US 52 122 Irving street, failure to grant right Issues Warrant ter street; Margaret Robertson, It is understood the business . "But we cannot accept without bet. Under the development pro­ Rockville; Raynor Barlow^ 48 Hol­ leaders urge steps to encourage surprise his conclusion that al­ Rar^ Gill Coins 063, Fairmont. W. Va.' Co. F. 15th of way to a pedestrian, nolle: gram, mineral wealth of the region Regiment. 3rd Divi.sion, (mother) lister street; Patricia Zeigler, the flow of private American capi­ leged the Soviet government must such as sulphur and borax will be Francis A. Makulis, 24, of 113 To Arrest Diinphv Rockville. tal overseas to replace government surveyed. Ruby Hack, Route 4. Box 269, Wells street, violation of rules of renounce its heritage of foreign Rang Mahal, Bikaner, North In­ Fairmont, W. Va. ADiWITTED TODAY; Loi.s grants. , .. policy, the correctness of which the road, $18;. and Robert Hyde, Segerberg. 38 Adams street; Some of the businessmen are dia —(.Pi Sweden’s 11-meniber M/Sgt. Gilbert Christie, RA 6 22. East Hartford, speeding. $24. John B. Dunphy, 31, of 332 Cen­ is proven by the enUre course of Bl'KGl^VR STA YED TOO LO N G archeological expedition in the Charles Allison, South Coventry. expected here May 7 to hear Staa- international development.” Dallas — (/PI - - When detectives 642 959. M()nteziima. Ind. Co. A, ter street, who was arrested on a Rajasthan Desert has uncovereari the products of V" ( 271 FRANKLIN AVE, HARTFORD, GQNN.-TEL HARTFORD fleeihg when the detectives came, Thorntem Boulter. 45. editor of the where he had worked for five boys and men die for every 1.000 chemical research; each has lim­ - ■ MIs, extending intermittently Playground xtfeet, Los Angeles, day. I monUia. He waa accused of - he said, "I thought I had"plenty (if San Diego Evening Tribune. Born Calif. girls or WDmen.ahd the number of itations, and each must be im­ .CITY . / ■' a M M to 218 iMgncyclesj time." ’ Meanwhile, tfeorkers received stealing tlref and auto acceaaor- ^ ' ' - ( , ) ' in Omaha, Neb. ' Sgt, Donald A- Roae, USMC, half pay. male deaths compared to female proved or fice obsolaacenca within r ies valued at $2,000. deaths is ijnerefsing. lO.years., H '-■ 7 V I- V >- ^ ■ • ‘ / -■ N ' - " . ' . '" / : ^ ' V .1 •: ■ \' 7 . ;;• I-j:-

PA6EBQI MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ SATURDAY, APRfti 25, 1963 IIANGIJESTER EVENING HERALDi MANGHESTERi OONNh SAtURDAY, APRIL 25; 1953 SEVCf -rr- thasa Indlviduala maah, of eburaa, green,oh the lahdacape, and" aghin' ; -I speaker from Connecticut Wes­ 4(anrlfp0tpr raactSonary Republican. the date for that subtle merging leyan College. Thfa seems not only an obvious of heart and Weather which la the Connecticut Throilgli Th* Week . How to Be ^ ^ttpnut^ Ifrraid misreading of the election result real, inner fullness of spring. Monday, 7:00 p.in., Girl Scout Living with Peace of Mind Troop 3. Skywatch Schedule last November, hut a dangerous It is, after all, a little bit com­ I ^ MBluS^nUNTlNO c o s i n e . Yankee Churches Tuesday, 3:15 ' p.m. Brownies; A Success IS BiiMlI Street theory for the p a rty to follow- fortable to he back on .schedule, to 8:45-7:30 p.m. Junior Choir; 7:00 By KIRBY P.AUE .-cannot be unlocked from outside, Manebeetcr. Conn. By A. H. O. ■ Sunda.T THOMAS r. rERGDSON, looking to future elections like know that, in thia best of ail pos- p.m. Boy Scouts; 8:00 p.m., Stan­ To.be at home in the invisible H must be opened from within. De- Midnight-2 a. m. TaleottvUla Congregational .... . Lloyd Davit(Bon, Richard L. MarrlK . WALTER R. rERGUBON. the Congressional election coming .sihle worlds, the pioper-cultivation 8t. dames' R. C. Church ley Group. Ladles Parlor. world of the spirit is man's highest »‘''e ®pe®» ‘t. the way we use our At Talking 2 a. m.-4 a. m...... Publisher* Tbia Republican General Assem­ ^ ¥ w T Church Rev. John F- Hannon, Pastor, . Wednesday, 9:30 a. m., Dorcas ..... Fred Bond.. i ^ j up in 1054. If a Republican iTTon- of our gardens la onieied by, I a-.vs ,, . , J J- . i freedom decides how acce.a.aible our 4 a. m.-6 a. m. Pounded Ortoher 1. MSI bly la a somewhat' reluctant hen. aam M A.- Bull, P asto r Rev, fieoi^e P.^Bughes Group, alt-day meeting; 3:00 p. accomplishment and deepest Joy. ,^e to divine In.truction...... Bob Lanning. . gress could barely squeak through more coiisi.stent and regular than By CY.N'THIA LOWRY 6 a, m.-9 a. rri. _ ..... Volunteers Needed. - PublishediHi«a Eretp ErenlbK ' Bsespt But it la.In-ita cage for a statutory Mrs. Anthony llrbanetti, Rew Edgsf F. Fhrrell m„ Cub Scouts; 7:30 p. m„ Teach­ Leitrning how to pray is our most Therefrre. learn w-hal to desire. AP Newafeatiires .Writer 9 a. m .-N n o n ...... 'S and Holidays. Entered at the in 1952, on the past record of Re- man's erratir ami presumptuous length of time, and eggs have been ■ Director of Music er-Training Class; 8:00 p. m.. Spir­ .....Arthur Thayer. PoStOJRic* at Manchester, Conn,, a* iiViportant endeavor. The good new.x Desire may be high or low. A current magazine expounding Noon-3 p. m...... John McCauley, Kenneth Ham* publicsh.4 in Congress, when fancy concedes them to be. put under it. and the chances are Sunday Ma.saesr\ ' itual’ Life Cla.aa W ith Mr. E dgar, Second gass jail Matter. is that every person can pray, can strong or weak. Thus there are on “How To Be a Belter Cnnverpa- mond. Ei.senhower was carrying the dav that it will have a hatch of some Sunday, April 26 For adulUs: 6, 7, 8,. 9, 10 and 11 leader; 8:00 p. m., Men's Club pray becauae he can desire of God. , many qcaljtlea of prayer. .Self- 3 p. m .-6 p. m...... SUBSCRIPTION RATES kind, before the time release opens 9:30 a. m. Sunday school for o'clock, with two Masses at 9. one meet in Coop«r Hall A sports tionaliat." augge.sta that on* of th* ...... lames Donovan, David RuddtU. Payable In Adrsnee everj-where, then it would socmii Prayer I- the .soul's sincere desire centered prayers are low. God-cen- 6 p, m .-8 p. m...... ; ...... Golumbia de Carli, Celeate King. One Tear ...... tile i-oop, door and lets it fly off to all ages. *® main auditorium for adults program will be featured. uttered or unexpressed. tered and Christ-centered prayer* heat ways la liateriing to good fon- 8 p.. m.-lO p. m...... "Vt.. that it might take an Elsenhower- • lliOO a. m. Nuraery for chll-; "®rt ®®e for the children in tlje ...... Raymond Fenn, Carl Sluaare^k. Month* ...... summer in tlie green paalure.s of Thursday. 1:00-2:00 p. ,m. Pray­ Through desire we open the door are high. When aelfcenlered desire versallon and, practicing what one 10 p. m.-M idnight ...... T S Three Months ...... J-IO BOY SCOUT Connecticut. dren of parents who deair*.to at-; ba.semcnt, and two Masses at 10, . ..Sam Clemens. type policy in Congres.s to create er Group; 3:15 p. m.. Intermediate to God. Becauae love la q voluntary is strong. God ia denied full oppor hear*. M onday Oee Month ...... I*"® This philo.sophical view of a tend service of worship. one in the main auditorium and Girl Scout Troop 17; 6:30 p. m, Weekly ...... -S the atmosphere for a better elec­ relationship, the Kingdom of God tunity to help'ya. When derire to Well, it's an old dream of mine M idnighl-2 a. m. ..’...... V olunteers Needed. Slncle Copy...... " reluctant- setting hen i.s not the 11:00 a. m. Service of Wo'r- one in the basement. Intermediate Girl Scout Troop ’9; tion showing in 1954. NOTES can be entered voluntarily only. know and to do Hi* will is domi­ to become a good conversalicnalist. 2 a. m.-4 a; m...... Wlliiain S. Hergan. MEMBER OF easiest thing in the world to •hip- '7 Friday, 7:30 p. m., choir rehearsal. Our Father always treats ua as I have more than a faint suspicion 4 a. m.-6 a. m. For our part; we believe that the ac'nieve, e.specfally for tho.se 'Ad­ nant. God has abundant opportun­ ...... H arry C®5ylea. THE ASSOCTATED PRESS an d Prelude— St. Bridget's Church free moral agents, never manipu­ that I'm not so goqd at it. I try 6 a. m.-9 a. m. ... Tha^Assoelated Press 1* excItisiTely people like Preaident Eiaenhower's ministration and legi.slative lead­ Theme from Sixth ity. and God never misses an op- ...... Victoria Fllewicz, Thomas Ruaadll. entIUeJKto the use of republicatlon of R«y. jBmes P. Timmins, Pnstor lating II.V as puppet* and never re­ porlunity< ver.V hard to he faaqtnating, but it 9 a. m.-Noon ...... Dorothy Belcher, Catherlns Jack. middle wa.v. In which he ia tryii^g ers who are entru.sted with reapon- Symphony ... .Tschaikowsky EiTMUiuel L u tk erM Cfiurch .Voon-3 p. m. .'...... all new* IHwtche* credited to It. or NEWS Rev. Robert Csrrail and Cart E. Olaon, Pastor '' garding ua as robots. It is the na­ Thus de.» P»P" to create s larger are* for free aibility for the hen's good and suc­ H ym n— * Rev... Theodore Onhala, in the middle of saying.something .3 p. m,-6 p. m. ./...... and also the local new* published here. cessful brooding. Philemoa Anderson, ture of God'a love to yearn over, ahlp to God and to nuin. So the ...... Richard Ruddell, Larry Duff. enterprise without, abandoning All Hail the Power of ' Assistants - pretty hilarious, irt.v victim's eye 6 p. m.-8 p. m...... All rlfht* of republicatlon of speclsl Over 200 attended the Blue and It's rather ea.sv, in fact, to get Jesus' Name ...... P erro n et Assistant to the Pastor I'B, to persuade ua. to win ua, but training of desire is decisive for ...... Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tedford. dispatch** herein dr* also reserved. begins to wander ahd when I'm ap­ 8 p. m .-to p. m< ...... Vincent Baiocchetti, John Moore. those things for the welfare | Hold supper held Thursday, March ''•'•'.V nervou.a and uneasy about Old Testament Lesson, Numbers Clarence W. Helaing, never't'o enslave us or to drive us character and for dertiny. Learn­ Maa.sea on Sunday at 7:00, 8:00, unwillingly. proaching the punch line, h* 10 p. m.-.Midnight ...... Benjamin Shankman. Robert Duff, Full aersle* client-of N. E A. Serr- the le.ss fortunate which only the 2«, at the Bowers .School, by the I " "’""'ly brooder, t.^cking an 21:1-9. 9:00, 10:00 and 11 ;0’o a! m. Organist and Choirmnster ing how to pray ia learning to want breaks In to excuse himself cour- Volunteer* mav register ..‘God speaks ,to .us-.through ojir God . w hat ,God . wants . and = to do at Civil Defense Headquartazs. Xua* J.. *“publ^r* RepreaenUllirhsj ' federal government cart do ef-| cub Scouts of Pack 91. ' t 't i* Ne'W Teatament Lesson, 'John teou.aly, mumbling; aomethlng' iripar Building, Manchester, hard to tell whether an.vthing is minds end emotions, our con­ what he u.x to do. It ia easy on Mondays and Fridays from 1—5 - Julius Mathew* Speclsl Asency New iiciently. And we think it will be ^ ^y the Scouts at recent 14:1-1.3. Third Sunday After Easter about glimpsing an old college p. m. York. ChicsKO, Detroit happening with all the eggs orig- A n th em -- St. Francis of Assisi Church 9:00, Divine Worship, with sciences and our wills. When we to see. then, thal prayer is man'.* chum on the other side of the MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF. a dangerous thing, politically, for : weekl,y den meetings were featured dzsire his help, he is able, -vith full CTRCULATIONS. inally placed under the hen. In Savior, Like a Shepherd South Windsor, Route SO Church School in pariah building. moat important business. room. People break in to give the ItcpuhUcan- reactionaries ,Jn. Con-1 "I 1*’* Cluiile.s Cpham cif likeJv to-he -few Guide Us Meredith Rev. .Arthur.4.. Heffennan,. Pastor 10:45, ■Di'vlne ..j.Worahlp, with respect for our. freedom to choose, waiter an order,- or-abruptly take ne^;spaper, lo r Xbt , whole trip. did_you -get ■ It ?" or "IWhat dfi yon The Herald Prlntinr Companv. Inc, gres* to behave as if they sijrns of progress until . v W Hym n — Rev. Francis V. Karveila, Curate nursery in parish,building. to provide guidance and power. (Tlila series Is sponsored by the over the eonveraat'i'on with an en­ Subject A delivered a solid hour s think of McCarthy?" IhAn all aMunoei no flntncial reiponRibUity for The door to human personality Manoheater Counell of Churches,) monologue describing in detail tipoiraphical error* Rppearinc in m - were tiJ. winners last November- " '//’'.'.'IAt the conclusinli of the supper ^ l»e flvoff d.-iy actually comes. I Sought the Lord ...... Anon. Prelude: "Largo'" ...... Handel tirely different subject. At dinner have to do is. relax and maki Tertiaementa and other reading matter In thia avtuatlon, the hen's ner Ferm on — Mas.sea at 7:30 and I0:,3^ a. m. Solo (first service) Mrs. Barbara parties, it alwava seems that the a recent operation he had under­ sure you don’t let your tye waa« • In The Manchester Evenlnz Herald. a film on wilii life and national gone, with -particular emphasis parka was shown to the cubs by voua handlers are resorting to all f-r. • \ Hope for Troubled Hearts. N usadorf mortal belief in a power opposed he held in the pariah hall Monday two gents flanking me are com­ der. Display aoTertisinc closinc hours: Cooper On Makinir Peace I kinds of efforts to reassure them- O ffertory— Anthem (second aervice) "Hark, pletely concerned with gueaU on on the amount of money the whole .lohn Mortimer, Institutional rep­ selve.a. N nrtir MetlMMlfHt 43iiir<-h • to God.” evening at 8 o'clock. ” thing cost him. Subject B merely For M6nd*y-I p. m. Wday. resentative of the pack. A atrip A llegretto ...... Dvorak 447 .North 5laln S treet. Hark, My Soul" ... .. Shelley The 50-50 Club (m arried the other aide of them—and 1 am For Tuesday—1 p. m. MorAay. Some ra th e r wi.se -Ayords came They spend a good deal of nodded and clucked aympatheti- For Wednesday-1 p. m. ^eaday. film on the "Fiindam entala of Hymn John E. Post, ftllnlater. Elsie Gustafson, soprano couple*) will hold their monthly alone with my food. their time talking to the hen, cally. The next day I picked two For Thursday—1 p. m. Wednesday. from Senator Cooper, .the^ Ken­ Scouting " wa.s also shown at the In Heavenly Love Eleanor Johnson, .contralto Church of Ihe Nar.arene supper meeting at 7 p.m. Friday, Eavesdrop For F rld ay-1 p. m. Thursday. telling hfr what a good Joh they Jam es W. McKa.v. obviotialy Intellectual types, and tucky Republican, the other (^eivcd Robert Morrison and m aking. .She responds, to mere meeting condiicted hy members of Gertrude Wilson, Co-Orgaiiiata, from articles to books. However, of building a new intermediate intendents Field and Rice in Poatlude, "Fantaaie in G Minor” hearsal ia omitted because of the school building. _ make peace, must be prepared to i James Counihan into the pack as qiieatinning, with a frie n d ly the "Parson's Club" from the Bach the magazine's first aiicccss story Bsturday, April M chick, cluck. charge. school holidav. No better result has been ob­ riak adver.se public opinion .at ■ BolM'ats. The attendance cup was University, of Connecticut. T o d a y - Siinday. April 26 - ' needed some adaptation for my When her handlers gel tired Worship service* at 9:30 and purpo.ses. It told about an am­ tained ip restaurants. I overheard awarded to^Den 1 for 100 per cent The W eek Annual convention of New Eng­ Church School -- 9:30 a. m.; To Whom The Mandate? home and make some limited con- attendance. of this, they take to lifting her 11:'00 with vested choir and special Tennyson McFall, superintendent. bitious Marine private who wanted an eminent author of intellectual ce.aaions abroad. Tue.sday.’ A pril 28. music. land Conference and W.M.S. open* Buckingham Congregational to police up his conversation. Hla type plays spend a three-course jrhe wote in the House on the Achievement awards were made off her neat, ruffling her tail at Trinity Lutheran Church, Wor­ Worship and Junior Church - feathers, and thniating her hark 8:00 p. m. A dult Bible Study Prelude, "Ai Gothic Cathedral,” Church method was to hide behind a luncheon complaining about hla The Oommuniata, said Senator to the following boys: Richard cester, Mass. 10:45 a. m. Sermon "Th* Remedy heusina Isatie the other day—cut- on -the eggs, rather forrefully. S\ group in the psrsonage. Pralella. Rev. Philip M. Rose, Minister stanchion in the mess hall and income tax i and noticed his vic­ Cooper, are likely to aak a numbtr Hamilton. Wolf badge and Gold ar­ M onday— for Ruin.” tini: out the continuation of the row on Wolf badge: .lames Best, To thia treatment she responds W ednesday, April 29 Offertory,“ Sunlit Cloisters” .... eavesdrop on the conversation of tim was trying desperately to of thing* we never can grant. But, t.'’5 ■ 3:.30 p. m. Brownies. 7:00, E xplorer .Scout.«i Youth meeting, 6:.30 p. m. Sunday, April 26; alum-clearance program President Bear badge; Terry Jeake, r»np year with a loud and Injured squawk, Eichhorn. Evangeli.stic me.ssagc, 7:30 p. m., his officers. H* carried a pad of catch anyone * eye. I listened in on the other hand, he said. If we service star; John Hutchlnapn. apllefni |>eeka at the handlers, 8:00 p. m. Dr. R obert T. P a r­ Postiude, "Toccatina . . Lardelli. 8:00, Manchester Messiah Chorus 10:00 a.m.. Church School paper in hia tunic, and eveiy time on a fambiia actress work through Eiaenhower’a housing administra­ meeting. "Tl'ie L iberating I^amb.” put ourselves in a ‘‘strait-jacket Bear badge; Ralph Waite. Silver and an a ttitu d e of Injured x-anit.v sons. Dean of the Kennedy School Anthem, "No Shadows Yonder",. 11:00 a.m.. M'orshlp service. Sub­ he heard ri new word, he’d write it a chef* salad arid black coffee tor had requested—raises a prob­ of Missions, Hartford, will .apeak Gaul. Tuesday . ' The M eek: ject, • Substitiite.s for Feats.” down. The author mentions that while lelivering a non-itop de­ a ttitu d e ,” there can he little ho|>e arrow on Wolf badge; John Ur- i.Tor the next three days. M en's Fellow.ahip Mpnda.v, 7:4.5 lem which will be confronted banetti, Silver arrow on Boar This ia the opposite of reaa- about his recent visit to Africa The .Scripture Lesson, Psalm 145. 3:15, Brownies; 3;.30 p.m.. Annual a'pring m eet­ two of the new word* were "stan­ nunciation of theatre critics. for any kind of permanent settle­ Dean Parsons .will also show a The Sermon, "The Art of Public 6:30, Boy Scouts p. ni.. at the Parish House, The ing of Hartford Ea.st Aa.sociation chion" and ''Junic.” This puzzled me I’ve ended a week of earnest many times as the new administra­ badge; Jason. Stansfleld. Gold and aurahee, so the handlers keep pastor will show miscellaneous ment anywhere. Silver arrow on Bear badge; Don- aeries of color slides to illu.atiate W orship. " 8:00, Sunay School teachers. of Congregational Churches. Sup­ because. In the first place, how did attempts at self-improvement tadth tion progresses^ standing-_-ju.spicloiia guard. The.v color slide.s of some o f his travels - . ‘-‘We ■ cannot -escape- -the-fact-,” aid Morriaon.. Silver arrow, on Bear j reach. tpf?now-and then.- and take his .talk. . Th.e public, is..inyiled. Nursery, program .at 10:55 6. m. mu.sic room ...... per at 6:30 and evening service at the privalr happen to overhear, the. a black pad. of paper. Didn’t evm ’it is si problem ‘which concerns Refreshments will be served kt for pre-school age children. Wednesriay— in the States,' Canada, Edi'ope and (':30. Deliegatea Ralph M inard, Mr. words "stanchion" and "tunic?” Senator Cooper said, "that some badge; John Reid, Silver arrow on out an egg. pinching it and ahak- A.Sia. pick up a new word. T his weeik. both principle and practical poli­ Wolf badge; Ronald Ntll, Silver ing it. They emmt the eggs, and the conclusion of the program. Today 9:00 12:00, Kitchen clean-up and Mrs. John Marinella. Clifford Did^aome officer say "I.a5ok at that I’m going to try another gambit. place along the line we will have The feuilding Committee will tics. arrow on Wolf badge; l,ani'e Clout­ note the po.sition of-each, to see if TTiursday 7:30 p. m. Senior 5:00 Methodist Yo:ith Fellowship com m ittee Planlf. Mrs. Samuel Plank, Mr.t. marine private hiding behind the I suspect that the very best., way I' .; meet Tuesday evening to prepare H arry O. May. The question of principle is that to make some concessions. In my ier. Bear badge; Selden Richard­ the hen ha.s been shifting them Choir rehearsal. travels to United Methodi.et Church 7:30. Emanuel Choir stanchion with a pad In his tunic?” to become a better conversatiqn- son. Wolf badge; John Howies. F riday - in Bolton for United Nations pro­ 8:00. Membership Class, chapel plans for an expansion program: The Week The second puzzler is how anyone alist ia to have a double handful of where the new administration opinion th a t la w here hope lies in about. Thev are auspiciibia of po­ Prayer and Pral*e meeting Wed­ Wolf badge; Billy M arch, Wolf tential ugly duckling.*, and of egg.a and the .3^15 p. m. Junior Choir re­ gram . Thuradav- • Tuesday, 8 p.ni.. Military Whi.st ever improved his converaation hy of questions like, "You've I6at the new .Eisenhower . adminiatra-! nesday, 7:45 p. m. KEMP'S, Ince should ■ chart its course, - ideol­ badge? George T^rkington.' Silver turning rotten, and of aome lhat hearsal. 6:00 Sunday Evening. Fellow­ 6:.30,'Glrl S eo u l* ...... in the a meets 2:00, May Fellowship Service. boudoir. Neverlheleas. the maga­ I hope that If the new adminiatra- D'Avanr.o and John Hutchinson, Dr. Watson W'oodriift N orth Main at N orth Ht. zine says this Marine private IPrhaident Eisenhower'a answer ., . .... one year service star; Fred Odelle, They worry lest the legislative Minlatrr Emeritus with Mrs. Be.ssie Colpitis. Man Council of CTiurch Women, Bolton f'ongregntional Church Arnold W. Toxer, Minister. hen. getting two hungry for her­ 1 :30. P ray er Group two m eets South Church. wound up in "Who’s Who." hfs been that it should be an ad­ tIon becomes convinced there IS a I Wolf badge; Richard Stephens, Andrew R- W atson Rev. Arthur IVallac*. Minister Barclay F.,Wood, Try Bestaiiranta Toniorrow chance for a real peace It will have j IJon badge. Gold and Silver nrrowa self. may wander off on feeding with Mrs. Catherine Batch. 8:00, Brotherhood; speaker, Organist and Choirmaster. ministration of the middle way. expeditions. .Minister of .Music Walter Grzyb, I've been eavesdropping on a the courage -even against adverse'®® LJ®® badge; Thomas Cosgrove, 8;00. Commi.sslon on Missions Arthur Anderson Organist and Choir Director It haa been his policy, campaign- We ii*«ul to vx-orry Jiiat about meets with Chairman Alton B. ntore selective basis. Most of it has A pril 26 S aturday • .Sunday, April 26 - public opinion to do w h at ia |hadge Gold and tW® Silver that way, with similar taetira, Cowles. been confined to listening to eon- li H .points; second. Moose,, P. I,. L. | moodv. and contrary and worri- C'ninniiinit.v Baptist Chureh 7:00 Boy Scout*. tain that it will be 9:15 Cht)rrh School for all ages, the German language. W ednesdav Notice tlje line dividing government re- iragedy , Stevenson. 800 points; third. Lion. ; some, this legislative hen. but there He is the Connecticut Dairy Farmer . . . the vital cog in the kindergarten through Junior high. .59.3 East Center Street iikewi.se if we do not keep on with ; P. L. R. Yules. 778 points; fourth, [ 1, also something quite appealinir John R. Neuhert. Minister 3:.30 p. m. L utheran H our 6:30, Merry-Wed* dinner-meet­ sjMnsibility and free enterprise. exciting, vibrant story of the bottle of milk. 11:00 Chunh School for pre­ rallv at Hamden High School. Dix- (ioapel Hall Zoning Board of Appeals war permanently rather than ever' P*®II'er. P- I- A, Weiss, 70.7 and human about her, once vou f e 4>rmand We*^, Jr. Organist 415 Center .Street ing: the meal prepared and served And the.se, the other day. Joined nursery through lower.- Junior well Avf.. off Wilbur Cross Park­ by fbe Fothergills, Dennes and In aecoi'dance w ith the require* admit', even indirectly, the obvious ' P- T- R®- your.self decide you might as well grade 4. , W’lth Southern- Democrats to die- r . t , 1. , ^ , han, 690 points, way, Hamden, Conn. Sunday, April 26 Butlcr.s. Entertainment by Bowers' menta of the Zonihg Regulation' fact that China today ia actually The Saturday pight be philosophical about her mode of Oftimes he is a maligned, misunderstood man. Aaually, he is an 6:.30 Pilgl'im Fellowship, J iin - ' Sunda.v. A p ril 26 live W eek for .the Town of Manchester, Ute that the Iegislsti\*e position cam pfire, performing. 10 a. tn. ■worship service. 10:30 Sr m , Breaking of Bread. and Posts. ruled ' by Chinese lor CYP and Senior ,fcYP aubs Tue.sday. 7:45 p. m.— Laymen's Conn., the Zoning Board of A*p- o| the administration should, on Communist*. conducted by Harry Maidment. average, intelligent, hard working individual, putting in long hours "Africa Night." Hymn No. K "Come T3iou, Al- 12:15 p. ra., .Sunday School. 7:4.5, Choir rehearsal in the Even with the safeguards Eisen­ Scout master, included group sing­ Club meeting. ' 7:00 p. m„ Gospel meeting. Sanctuary. |ieals will hold a public hearing this issue, be to the extreme right, daily, strivjng constantly to make ends meet . . . to utilize every bit of 7;00--Young Adults. might King” W ednesday, 6:30 p. m.. Adult- hower obviously intends to work ing and ended with the usual but Invocation and the Lord's Prayer The IVeek Thui'.»day - on Mondav. M ay 4, 1953 a I 8:00 rather than in the middle. popular ghost tale. Sunday morn- The Week group. 7:00, 3Tie By-laws Com m ittee P. M. in the Hearing Room of the into any agreements he reai'he.M. knowledge and skill he possesses to produce the best product MILK. M onday , Children's Story Tuesday 'How much of a "welfare state” ia || church w as led by A.s.si.stant Hymn No". 70 —"Tbere'a A Wlde- F riday: 8 p. m.. P ra y e r meeting. will meet at the parsonage. .Municipal Riillding on the follow­ there will be those who will main­ Scoiitmaater Harrison at 9 o'clock GARDEN PLOWING 8:00 Co-Wed rehearsal. 4:00 p. m.. Confirmation clas.s- wje should be is, we siippn.se, a W ednesday nes.s in God'.s M ercy" F riday — ing applications: - tain thal there can be no such in '.he main cabin. He is a small business man engaged in the biggest gamble of most S cripture Le.saon, M atthew 2616- e*. 8 p. m,, Pra.ver meeting. Oscar John.son for extension of . j^estion that will never be closed. The' Explorer group of the troop and HARROWING 3:.30. Boys' Choir Rehearsal. The Salvation" Arm,v thing as BUcceasfiil negotiation of business activities. He must by necessity be an electriciany plumber, 13 6:30 p. m,.. Junior Choir. permission to file and repair a ^ ’s Ttiere are undoubtedly sincere was lamped at the headquarters 7:.30, Senior Choir rehearsal. Saturday: 10:00 a. m. -^Con­ Captain Norman S. Marshall in basement of home and to liave any kind with the Communi.sts. caippaite. One group of the Ex- Thursday— / Pastoral Prayer, Mark .16:42-46 ffguments either way. All most Why spade your garden hy mechanic, bookkeeper. He has to know soil conservation, animal Anthem, "The Glory of the Spring " firmation claaaea. St. John’s Polish National Catholic small sign for .same at 90 Summit Denying the poaaibillt.v of negntia- ■ plorera worked on Kore.sUy and 8:0Q. New MemJjera night for o{ us know is thsf private enter­ hand when I have the equip­ husbandry . . . the crops to grow . . . the stock to raise. Arr. Sullivan Church .Sunday ■ .street. Re.sidence Zone B. tion. they atop short of telling us C'®«I‘'®K merit bmlge.s while the Confirmation Class. 23 G ol«ny Street 9:.30 Sunda.v .S( hool prise has never done very much ment to save you-time and F rid ay - .Sermon, "Flowr#'s to the I.Jving” Wayne Wright for extension Of w h .i .If,1. ™ others devoted their time to build- Hymn No. 181 "Holy Ghost with Rev. Stephen Stryjewakl 10:.50 Holine.ss meeting. ..Sermon, permission to have repriirer’.s li' about eliminating slums, that they what allefnative there is. The ^^g up the camp.site. toil. Nothing too small. Call .3:15 Brownies, Wapping Community Church alternative, of cOurae, is an at- 1 To understand and solve these problems, nearly 2,000 producers Light Divine" David (irnckett, 5Ilniater Mia* Clara .Skrahnez, Organiat "The True Temple" Captain M a r - en.se at Rear of 202 New Brilton egn be eliminated by government today. 3:30 Pilgrint Choir rehearsal. tempted march to Moscow, but Mardi Ora* held by Cub 8..30 Annual ' Co-Wed musical, 7:00 p. m. Youth Fellowship. George Coflina, Organist *riall. j Road. Rural Re.sidence Zone. of Connecticut Fresh Milk are united into the CONNECTICUT MILK 2:00 Ho.spit.al vlsilaUon | Wayne Wright for extension of programs, and that eliminating they won't aay that. 1 Scout Pack 151 at Verplanck "5,3 !?ki-Doo,” Waddell School. The Week Sunday, April 26. —' ■ Rev. Arinin C. OMsen tljem is good for ourselves and T» i. r-i ■ .... School la.st F riday night was a siic- ROLLAND L MESSIER PRODUCERS’ ASSOCIATION. This organization, since 1916 has S atu rd ay — M ondav - Siinday. April 26. 8:30 a. m . Mass. 2:00 Silver Lane .Simday .Si hool j permission to have directional g^d for our reputation in the It is the Eisenhower belief, on ,„d all who attended had a 10 Bunce I>rl»e, Manchester been devoted to helping its farmer members market better, fresher 9:30 a. m. Cherub - Choir re­ 8:00 p. m. Church business 9:30 a. m.. Church school. 10:30 a. m.. High Ma.s.s. ' 6:4.5 R esidential Evangeli.sm I .sign at inleraoi'tion of New- Bolton LUTHERAN HOUR yEAKER the other hand, that peace ia poa- meeting. 7:00 Old fashioned prayer meet-I Road with Middle Turnpike Ea.st. •wbrld as the prestige leader of the wonderful lime. A aubalantial Tel. MI-9-9922 hearsal. 10:45 a. m.. Worship servif-e. amount of money was 'raised for milk every day at the low-est possible prices and to bring to you 8:30 p. m., Annual Co-Wed musi- Tuesday— I r ‘ 7 ' mg Residence Zone AA. Sponsored by /he d^ocrstic way of life. aihle. His own pronouncements Prelude, Cantiiene in Bh Hosmer St. .Mary's'Episcopal Church the pack fund, and some of the nature's ihost complete food for your better health. . cal, 75.3 SUi-Doo," Waddell School, 7:30- p. m. Teachers, Officers Hymp. “O Day of Rest arid Glad- .*:30 flospel .Service. Sernidn: .lohn M it c h e ll for exten.sion of have been made on that basis, and Churc'h and l>ociis1 S treets "W ho Will 5'oii Blam e? " The LUTHERAN LAYMEN’S LEAGUE [The problem also asks determi- 'money will be used to send the followed by "After-Glow" in and Board of Christian Education ■ncis." Masnn. permission to hav* lighted free his historic speech of last week Cltailel ■ Band anri Songsters u'til , nation from the point of view of pack to_ Camp Johnson. The bal­ W®®d>i'If Hall. C enter Church. m eeting. Offertory. Con.mlat ion, Mendels­ Kcv. .Mfred L Williams, Rector standing ground sign, at 367 Oak­ was nothing more or lesa than an Fi'iday - provide the miisir of the .setvice. 56 LANGU AGES TELL A STORY*— X piacUcal^ politics. Here the ques­ ance will be used from time to sohn. Kcv. .lohn J. Johnaon, Curate land Street, Residence Zone A. invitation to the Comniunlats to time to give the'pack entertain­ 6:30 p. m. Choir rehears,al. ' The W eek Edwaril Mello for permission to . .'. It is estimated by Bible scholars that sixteen languagw tion very swiftly resolves . Itself ment. The evening wa* enjoyed E.vaDgrllcal I-utIveran 7:00 p. m. W ork night; Anthem, "Olm O'er- t)ie Hill ", i The .3nl Sunday after Ea.ster; were employed at the’ time of Die first Pentecost. Conaidarid' enter upon the bargaining pro- TASTES REAL GOOD . . . Senior choir. ' ' i Monda.y — conve-rt two-family dwelling into d^wn to this: V\’ho. as a result of all who attended and many <'hiiiTh 7:30 p. m: Executive board i 8:0(1 a.m.. Holy Comtnuhion. three-famil.v dwelling which will the birth time of the Christian ^urch of the New ’Teatament teas. And. H he can find the right prizes were won by the Scouts and WinU^r and Garden Streets Hymn, ".My Soul Be On Thy 7:30 The Friondsliip Circle will' the election of last November, has .meeting. - I CeleluanU, the Curate. ^ meet at the.citadel. contain two undersized aparl- era. Now an international radiVprpRi'Bm the International Ijl- kind of peace.-he obviously Rw. Erich Brandt, Pastor * Guard" Mason. - the leading right to determine ■ ' **' ‘ ■ their guests CONNECTICUT-FRESH MILK! 9:3n a.m, Holy Baptism. ’(First Tuesda,V • ' meiita and which i'.^ located on lot theran Hour with the slogan ‘‘Bringing Ghriat to the Nations* Lendsvto m akeJt. The main prizes wrere.wxia by the Iviyi Beckwith. Organist and *»K Worth cct«idren'».- 'aem i.....' having lea* area .than regulation.* is .broadcast in over half-h«4h^red .langu^es,. exa^y. 56. Thia. w^st ' Repu.bKcan party pdlicv B fi G. T H E R S Choirinaater Rhufh Melhniliai rh'ilreh 2'i00 The Weimen's'Ho-me League Again.st thal poaaibilily, it be­ following: door prize, Gary Van I Having In Life. , ' , i through Grade 4. Parenl.s' choir. wiU meet at the citadel, .sllnw, at 130-132 Eldridge Street, is unheard of in all Church hlatorj* of the'world. eljould be? Auadall, son of Mr. and Mrs. C; C- ' Main Street and Hartford Road ‘ Hymn. Ualk m the hoove* the American people, theni- Authorized Sales 6;U> Songster, rohea'rsal Residence Zone C, JThe fact would seem to be that Van Auadall of 19 Creatwood | I Stmday; April "26, Third 'Stmday Rev,.- Fred R. Edgar.' 5Dnlstcr alkrri' 10:0.5 *. m.. M orning P rav er "MOMENTS COMFORT"— — aelvea to do some sane thinking. Rev. Percy F. Smith M orning 8;'xisting pon h ticket harely squeaked out a nar- lam.s, the season haa taken lU Middlebrook. a Girl • Scout and u'hiih IS located 17 1-2 feet from row* victory. RANGES^ Postiude: "Postiude,” Koch. Glory." Sunday School. ‘It a m. Me, B reath of God” Satuidav a/ own chill and deliberate path back ; brother of Cub Scout William Mid- Kelvinator Bengal The H eek Anthem "Then Round About the Wedne.sday mciwmg. 8:00 p.m. Offertory. "I.,et Not 5'our Heart 10:00 .lunior legion meeting for •slieei line which ia- 2 1-2 feet Zion Evangelical )On baRi* o f thos#* reaulta, it toward calendar normalcy j dlebrook. and’daughter of Mr. and Universal Tappan, OCAR MltlCMAfsi : T uesday; 7:45_ p.m. W e Two Starry Throne"* Handel. Rea.ding loom hours; Tuesda.va Re. Tmublefl " ...... Foster youngsters under 12. I lo.sei- than regitlation.s allow, at wbuld seem that the people voted All th e w arm t’h T l Fehriiai v. William Middlebrook of 14 group meeting at the Church. The Offertor.v Anthem "By the Wat­ and Fridays, 12:00 to 4:00 p.m.; Reco.ssional, "Fling Out th'e Ran- , 102 Charfer Oak Street, Re.sidence Dover road. ers of Babylon.James. Zone B. ' for Eisenhower, and what they Xlarch, and early April has gone WASHERS:. Rockville L utheran Couple.* Group Wednesdays. 7:00 to 7:.55 p.m. I REC4Mi.M/.KD NEED thought he stood for. And tha", will he gue.ata. H ym n “I.a)rd Jesus. I Love Thee," The public is cordially invited Wedne.sdav: 10 a.m.. Mid-'Cei-k [ Hilrr.v Fi a.ser for permi.s.sion to for nothing except the enjoy­ Since the boiling point of ox­ Easv Rlackstone Add — _ Q uai4t 4# iwy lUjular W ednesday: 7:.30 p.m. Senior Goj'don. lyiclosp existing iwrch which i.s lo­ Lutheran Church qqite obxiously, was the middle to attend our service and use our, relebiation of tlie Holy Com- I Raved streets first ■ were tried ment and hope it provided then — ygen is higher than that ijf nitro­ ARC Kelvinator Choir rehearsal. Rereption of New Members*. cated 23 1-2 feet from the street wby. ■ gen. the two gasses in-the air may reading room. i ®"^ * Roman emporer who COOrKR AND HIGH STS., MANCHESTER, CONN. and the spring ia now exactly as if MUk M iw try. Sermon "You Can Have Ever­ "Probation After Death" will be Secular Events: ; recognized the need fop efficient rlo.ser than *ut some members of the Re­ j be separated by liquifying air and IRONERS: lasting Life." Dr. Fred Edgar. legulations allow, at 15-17 Spring PARISH HOUSF:—120-122 Cooper St. there had never been any P®*‘ i boiling off the nitrogen. J Coveminl-Congregational Chureh the subject of the Les.son-Sermon A piiblie card parly, given by ; transportation facilities 2000 years publican party do not feel it Easy Hymn - "Ten Thou.sand Times Ten for Sunday, Apiil 26. 'I'he Golden '• *rie G. 1'. S. Spon.sors' group, will j ago. * ' Stiect, Residence Zone A. PAUL G. PROKOPY, Pastor sibility of its being . tinnatiirali.v Irorirlte Rev. G. A. Siiber, P aator Thnii.sand," Alfoi;

<■ \


bera to receive Sealtest founda- H ebron Tldh. "awafds for' deriionstratioils, haiid-outs and' choice morsels, Judging teams or record books. Comedy Play Local Man Han Carved a Stable-Full o jf Horses Developing of Keeney St. hangs around,; the house and acts Hunters Bag Lion Winners of the prizes offered by "real cute” to attract attention. Petition Sought the local PTA for those who sold When this fails the canny rascal III Populated City the most tickets to the melodrama Scoresja Hit Poses Problem for School begins a campaign of his own to are Alice Ann Hammond, Billy ■A* ' ' ’ further the supply of edibles that were so abruptly terminated. Against Odors Secord, Sirreno Scranton, Jri, Luthenceth Turn in Fine * '''' Uvingston,* Mont. — (A5 — A Manchester Joyce Kinney and Muriel Warner. Numerous problems surroupding,* for May.. 8 at 7:30 p, m. in the Oauae Heavy Damage mountain Hon wandered into a School, children have sold about Performance II tide r the construction of a new Keeney | hearing room of the Municipal "We have niany cases of heavy yard and knocked" out the glass )n In Local Plant $95 worth of ticket.s, street school, many of them con­ Building. damage wrought by maddened and a' living-room window. He theh ' ^ h ool Notea Director MorrisseUe cerned with the probability of in­ Meannwhile they asked .Arnold hungry squirrels,” the warden-ex­ ambled.off through the snow,-leav­ Mrs. Walter C. Hewitt, who has creased residential development in Lawrence, architect, to rough out plains. "I've covered a few such ing a bloody trail from a ctit paw. Of Business Hebron. Xj(n\ 25—(Special)— substituted in the Hebron school To the pleasant sound of hearty the scKpol area, cropped up at the a plot plan showing the school V calls myself and it seems impos­ A ' hunt was organized wliq It was reliably reported here today for the past two weeks in place of laughter and sincere applause the meeting' last night of the joint moved from its present location at sible that such a Rny creature can hounds leading the, way.. The trail that a croup ..of residents is seri­ Mrs. Marion Fields of Lebanon, in curtain came, down on the Luther- cause so much damage.” led through .back yards and the ously considering the circulation of subcommitteea on plans fqr the-, the Keeney street end of the plot grades one and two, will have two weds production of "Pulling the elementary plant. And what damage it is. Every­ municipal parfc;,,The beast was a petition protesting odors from r. to a high point ne.ir the rear of, ■ treed an4 finally’’ shot. He meas­ weeks more to complete before Curtain" at Luther Hall, Emanuel I Muqh of the disc'Usaion hingeo^on the land. Lawrence will show an thing frdtn chewing holes through loc^l poultry plant; ured 7 feet 6 frfim the. tip of his Mrs. Fields’ return. Lutheran Church, last night. The 1 whether land on the west side of 18-room School—the ' largest overstiiffed furniture to gnawing ■. The long rainy spell has helped Boys of the local school are pla.v, an amusing comedy of a pla.v tall t6 the tufts of his ifars. EYEBROW TINTING , to contribute to the situation by I Keeney street, across from the 27 school authorities, feel an elemen­ off insulation on electrical cables. Manchester Dry Cleaners for Fur Storage slated for a basketball game within a play, is the club’s first I acre school site, would be devel­ tary plant should ever become— "Hobbyist nt Large (['its historical value. Ahd besides, it All because of the hungry squir­ keeping the odors confined in one against Coventry. April 29. Play­ general area and causing discom­ venture in play acting/, and if the oped quic'kly if a .sewer were ex- and al.so show how the whole plot rel’s food source was cut off by HAIR SHAPING aiA STYLING ers who wish . fo make the trip applause and laughter is any cri­ i" Almost everyone pursues a hob- comes In handy aa a punch bowl Family Cottage fort to nearby residents. ThO- planU tended along Keeney street to might eventually be used. ■ by during Idle moments. Not all of whenever friends come to call. It’s someone who tired of the animal's must have permission slips from terion, their hard work and long antics. in operation before zoning wept j serve the school. .AcceHs to Hackmatack . ! us refer to these pursuits as hob- ^ ■*'“ **“ when he fails NEW ROSY TINTS FOR MAKE-UP Into effect here; has otherwise- their parents. hours of rehearsal were amply re­ Sherwood Robb, Board of Eklu- General Manager Richard Mar­ In one o f the cases which re­ Not Fit to Live in Personal Mention warded. bles; It may only be the occasional! to share his prized posseaalons been unobjectionahK". cation member, and Ray W. tin was instructed to investigate reading of mystery stories.' But y'^**^*’ acquaintance and often a quired his investlgatiop, the war­ ALL AT, THE Hope for Sunshine A son was born Monday to Mr. The cast of 15 well chosen parts, Goslce of the School Building com- the possibility of getting a way of den found that squirrels had and Mrs. Jo.seph Pagach at the n evertW ss. it is afi avocation de- stranger will come away Wexford, Ireland—(/Tl—The tiny The question sUimping most each- one a character in his own j mittfee, both felt the sewer is an access of .some .sort from the signed to fill in the spaces when ' a complete set of mess gear, chewed thelr-Avay through a cedar residents is whether the.y have any Manche.ster Memorial Hospital. right and working together to pro­ shingle ro6i to get into the house. thatched cottage where Michael I important factor in development school site to Hackmatack street. \ the work-a-day world doesn’t re-i Fenelon fathered, his 63 children is .recourse in the matter because of The child’s name is William Joseph. duce a closely knit, swiftl.v paced ' of the land. Both said developers Miss Vioia Osborn of Shelton l.s He will al.so inve.stigate" the possi­ \quire our constant attention. to House la Overrun to be pullbd down. Local authori- the pre-zoning aspect of the estab- play, was directed by Darrell Mor- , had been interested in hu.ving and ...... Lhis to money? None at all, visiting; lier ,, ^istpr,. Mrs.. Ernest bility of sewering the school b,v _^.-Once inside the home it wasn't ^ 99 E ast Cenjtei: .... ■' llshment*. Several are- hoping for rissatte- . A. newconier..alanced. all so ' General Manager Richard Mar- existing sewer there. .takes up too, ..much room in the squatter's shack,- Maltress stuffing- Visit Jones Furni­ . tion of the melodrama. "Berthii. Pendleton, telephone HArrlsnn nature for someone else. Recently bedroom. vvas scattered from one end of the He died'in, 1900, aged 99. , neces.sar.v in bringing to life I tin pointed out that a-s’sesshients The general manager will al.so, ture and Floor Cov­ the Beautiful Typewriter Girl,” at S-S.1.19. ' amateur theatricals, and so often we have come across what appears Want a good tenant? - room to the other. Two or three More thaA 250 of Michael's des­ MA8CHESTER I for tl^ sewer, if it is built, could ask the State Board of Health to to be an unusual hobby and cendants still live in Wexford. ering 8 t o riB for the elementary school auditorium. larking. be ma The group scheduled a meeting drainage conditions. addicted with handing out orders ' Dan Backer, Prop. feld, Tom Turner. Edith Petersen, Britain. Kurtz, graduate assistant caused by squirrels. "HoW^ver," he In the list of baptisms at the Haverbeke, 1.55 Florence street, a mals, among them pigs, cows, that resemble a police state action, Japanese I**6Ws Oak St„ Manehester, Conn. Elsa Olson. John Nelson. Harold Is (siveii Boost In rural sociology, promised an complains, "people always get mad Hebron Congregational Church Wapping, April 25 (Special) — member of the Printing Depait- ^leop, ducks, roo.slcr.s, „eiis, but more like a kindly father wish­ early spring or sumnier report. *It Is time once again to store Phone MI-9-10i4t Cleaning Seryiee last Sunday, the name of the in­ Macintosh, Doroth.v Holmes, Jo ing to send his offspring along the at me when I volunteer to set Manchester Dry- Cleaners Leslie Newberry has called a meet­ Anderson. Verner Gustafsonj j iiient at Travelers Insurance Co., /and ponies. Upon special request, Chalked Words Water, Not Air The research is being directed by • In Red Cdutrol those precious fur coats, and one I fant daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. (Continued From Page One). ; are no exception. / h e recently carved a hobby horse right path of life. ‘ traps or use other methods td rid moderately priced. ing at the Town Hall for Monday Everett Johnson, William Luett- the Storrs Agricultural Experi­ of the most dependable places we | Dennis Burks of Williitiantic As a . resiilt. Van Haverbekeveibekc for the Newington Home For Imagine a guy like that with a ment Station and consists of door- their homes of the pests. They It is time, also, to h a v ^ your at 8 p. m. to hear opinions of gens, Riith Benson and Marian \ knovz of is The Manchester Dry ^ '' should have been given as Bette were nt least mindful of it as they started carving and designing Ciipplcd Children. mania for war surplus articles! to-door interviews. The actual in- feel that I’m being unduly cruel." Hong Kong— (A>)— The pro- heavy winter garments ejefcned be­ tobacco farmers on the Buckland Huttman. (Jleaners. You are assured of cer- I •Lu. The baptism of Donna Marie, wrote the final statement. rocking horses and barnyard kni- Van Haverbeke notes that hiS Of Bank Theft terviewa began in January and Perhaps a note of warning can Natlonalist Kung Sheung Dally fore putting them aw)4^ There is TREE PRUNINQ T. P. HOLLORAN I idaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bill to create a- tobacco commi.s- The production committee in­ American. British and French* 'Oignity’ Drops Swiftly be found in a report from London tified cold rtorage when you en- i sinn. - ’ nials for iiis grandcbildren. Jean carving equipment is meager. Stonewall. Colo.- i/Pi- To save He sheds his dignity like a drop­ most of the field work was expect­ News reported recently from Can­ trust your furs to The Manchester actually less risk iiystorage * when Rajaniemi. was omitted. This clude Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner, Foreign »J;ni-'!tcr.s meanwhile R|,.p„rd Berggren of 38 Cor which shows that the British gov­ j FUNERAL HOME Newberry, who opposed the for­ Comprised of a saw. file, hack­ tire casings and rolling stock, ped cloak when he's alone with his ed to end by winter’s close. ton that the (Chinese Red militaty Dry Cleaners and the cost of such | garriients at homp-''^when the cer- ntakes five children baptised at Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berggren .scheduled a Big Three se. sion in, „p|] np,] they now hhve one Plans Ignored water instead of air is being used Prompting such a survey is the ernment has declared a shooting Bomething else.ro consider too. If RRi REMOVAL Ideally located—coaveoleat ofid mation of such a commi.saion dur­ and Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Benson. saw. blades and special wood for precious possessions. His living had-arrested a Japanese adviser for storage is a moderate One indeed. ! ' Hebron and two at Gilead. the trench Foieign Ministry at ,5 , f,f {|,p largest stables o f/m k in g marking and outlining, in the Ure.s of underground ve­ volume of movement in North war on the unwelcome Americsn "leakage of military Information.” you should dptArt to use a certain away from the Imay tkoraogli- Attends Regional Meeting ing a recent legislative hearing at The stage in Luther Hall, seen p. m. when all world problems con­ quarters resemble a war surplus grey squlrreK A bounty 'of one If you need a repair job done on' Have y«ur trees pruned and East Wind.sor, ha.s' Invited growers steeds and wooden aninu^ls in Con "The liobby horses can be easily (Continued From Page One) hicles at the new six-n)illion-dpllar depot struck by lightning and the Coventry from 1940 to 1950. How­ . The paper said that Yanagida garment irFh hurry, It is all clean, fare.. Diattnetlve Service. Kod- John E. Horton of this commu­ for the first time last night by fronting the West will come up for ever, local .residents tell us that shilling (about 14 cents U. S. your coat or wish to have it clean­ removed by licensed find In­ and town reprc.sentativcs to attend necticut. / taken apart and stored away for Allen coal mine of the Colorado unwary visitor is likely to trip over Jio. a,ttached to the central-south perfectlv'-pressed and ready to era FoclUtlea. nity 'Was present Thursday eve- rnany in the audience is well light- 1 ^^c-se include the situation Fuel and .Iron Corp. iji southern,. South Coventry Is jpst as actiye. money) will be paid for each ed and glazed, they will gladly do . sured tree surgeons. — ning at’ the Andover meeting - of from all neighboring tobacco grow­ TTie.. Manr hesLor mpn. exlvibiled Xulure use.’.;, he says...... ' . ----- whizzed overhead.. Outside mbtor; a bale of' South- Pacific copra-or .mililahv., district. command., of., the so for a' lsmatt'additional" fee. 'Sim- j w e a r y / / ,. ,...... irid^Ch^a and-hS^Jo handie a- Colorado. when it comes to being a focal 'squirrel tail produced hy bunt'ers. "' Reds, was arrested for revealing tlie Temporary Regional High ing communities, including East two hand-carved rociring horses at Jjiseph receives many requests ists fled their cars for cover. Cuban sugar cane when entering p)y request the service you wish Jhe new machinery that Edwin very adequate for tl)e pioductioh of | Possible Russian call for a four- the Travelers Hobby fdibw at for his animals and keeps busy Officials said 100 pounds of point for newcomers and also Addition to Wildlife that at liaat 7,000 Japanese prison­ P. H bU O R A N School Planning committee. Hor­ Hartford, Glastonbury, Windsor, .Assistant Circuit Attorney Ray­ Into this hoqse of mystery. I when you dial MI-3-72S4'knd ask Agostino is installing at his amkteur plays. It is to be hopch neighborhood. Especially when Special events will idcUide: t'enietcry Project niornmg service to discii.ss an ad aircraft in Europe. The U. S. Tuesday, at 12r30, recorded Comping Equipmonf Co. Tuno*up8 Auto Rtpoir Johnson, Mrs. Maurice McOuatie. will put up about half the mone.y YOU This Midas of the mish-mush they see squirrels in abundance for ViROMt P. Hanin The 4-H Garden Sprouts leader music, Vivaldi’s t-Four Seasons;” plan to meet at 2 p. m. tomorrow n , val W,II K ’ / '" ‘'‘‘"S ’ A p -[ m is . Carlisle Potter. Mrs. F. C. for the planes, .spurring the air­ doesn't feci the least embarrassed the first time.” TEL. MI-9.8115 307 NO. MAIN ST. 40 fool n iHit* made for a 30 by Sav.age and Mrx. Walter Wheaton. The dog warden says most folks at 8:30, "Recrtjtr'Trends in Ameri­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bela 4(1 foot addition at the west md craft procurement program and by the strange assortment. "After COMPLETE LINE OF: Middle Tpk. W. (Cor. of Broad) The Jones Construction Com all." he sa.vs. "why should I? Some almost immeiiiately make one big can G raphic/Arts,” lecture for TEL. MI-3-4848 ■ Schreier and from there to go to of the rhuTch to three more pumping needed dollars into the members and guests by Mr. Buck- • TENTS (All ttlzea) the Burrows Hill graveyard to pany of Columbia was low .bidder people collect stamps, others col­ mistake. They start feeding this European economy. ley. general curator, in the Morgan • SLEEPING BAGS continue their work of cleaning up a n T l ^ '” "l I';/school for ronstructinn ...of a three-snan The ministers agreeil to pul up lect gvins. I collect war surplus." distant relatiYe to the rat. Th*» |-ontinuoiK^ steel riveted plate Rird- Perhaps the fnost unique item In "After the novelty wears off,” LectuMf Room;„ Wednesday, at • KNAPSACKS Attention Home Freezer Owners and otherwise beautifying the in­ a solid front of watchful waiting 12;^ . gallery talk. “Contemporary teresting old cemetery. The’ to*^ xin ‘‘'’•^"” '’ 1'^^ er bridg'e which will be built over the entire grouping is a huge lens- the expert continues, "people de­ • DUFFLE BAGS . and I.«cker Holders 10 cost I th shetucket River In connection towards the current Riis.sian peace African Drawings,” by Mr. Sprouts now have a membership of j mobilization. Tlie NATO chiefs do V Icss searchlight unit that was cide the squirrel can shift for him­ Save Up To 15% . DUBALDO Legion Activities self and shut off the food supply^, -Huckley, in the Avery Court, and • COTS—COT PADS 22. GET MORE abatidoncd by an anti-aircraft out­ In-Buying Your Meat / Abe Mille'r Post, American L e -!-rmprolem "nTin^No'^^^ discourage any fur- This is the next biggest m istake/ Thursday, at 12:30, recorded music, • HAMMOCKS PTA Note* thcr gestures hut they still do not fit on the beaches of a South Pa­ In Quantities / MUStq CENTER gion will hold a meeting Tues/Jay Advanced In Rank cific Island. He prizes that for It's like waving a red flag at s/jet Stravinsky’s "Le Sa^re dVi Prln- Gone are the days when a per­ Attending the PTA convention at 8 p. m. in- Community Hall when, feel that Rii.ssian moves up to now teraps.” manent wave was considered and styling to compliment them 10% Off On 12 or B^re IM A iDDLE TPK. WEST Danielson this week was Mrs. Carol Jaswlnski. Donna Spear­ plane an4 expecting it to hklt in and no two people are exactly TEL. MI.9hBA36 plans will be made for the annual' warrant any relaxation of the mid-air.” somewhat of a luxury. Today It is 2M SPRUCE S'ntEET Packages Of Frozen ^prat TEL. MI-G-6205 rett B. Porter, delegate from man and Jo-Ann Thomp.son. alike. Therefore, the term "individ­ or Vegetables membership party of the Post and Browhie.s; were advanced to Girl NATO posture of defcn.se. Summer Rose - - Top Billing The squirrel, used riF the free an accepted necessity for evfery ■ inn, also Mrs. ' Richard M. its Auxiliary which, will be held They garerd to give all po.s- ual hair .styling” is not a mean­ Instruction in Guitar nt and Charles M. Larcomb. Scout rank at a candleli.ght fly-iin woman who wishes to look well ingless phrase. ; Saturday, May 16 at Community .slble encouragenirnt to the Euro­ Grange Notes Study. IJ. S. History ceremony. Mrs. Henrv Ranim and groomed. Yet. strangely enough, Mandolin, Violin, nano. Hall. Mrs. Laurens Holbrook, Girl Scout pean Army treaty nations to get Bright. Expectation few women stop lo consider the • 'Never have your hair waved L. T. WOOD The eighth grade history class that organization finallv approved Accordion and Drums The ticket for admission will be ' conducted the ceremony VALUE Hillstown reasons in back of a good wave without having test curls taken to [ LOCKER FLANT has started the study of the Spa a 1953' membership card. A not'"’'"with the R.ssistance o f Mrs. v..Cr ;\. '" -ri,-i? „ . as , soon , as . pos- A harv'est supper was served to again.st one that Is mediocre or find the proper processing time. | jsh-Amerlcan War and emergence The Weldon Beaut.v Studio takes ! . a MEAT HOUSE . Instruments and * of the United States as a uwld roa t dinner will he served cafe-; Carpenter. Brownie leader. , " T niinisters declared in a Grangers and friends Who gath­ just plain unsatisfactory. Many 51 Bissrll 8L—Tel. MI-S-S424 teria------style. After . . . dinner ''''V there * " ‘-"f* will I Scouts Hold Party I women are,,di.ssatisfied with their test curls each time a wave Is Musical Supplies power. Mrs. Maude Bbttpmley Girl Scouts who have been work- 'atified bv Its six meni- ered at the meeting hall Thursday given, for the hair ma.v change Keep Acquainted principal, is teaching the c^' be varied entertainment and bowl- waves yet do not know how to be Orchestra For Hire' bei slates as the best - means of at '6:30 p. m . A class of candidates somewhat from the texture it had Young Editor i ing on-child care badges for quite i as ine certain of a really natural look­ A Sorvico I some time held a party this week' ,*’*1 man troops into was initiate^ into the third and ing permanent. when your last test curl was taken. Miss Su.sie Sellers, d^ghter of lAlembera Listed ■"''Stern defense. Of ■ '4a The lohn ■ several youngsters at the town Bernice Juiil of the W'eldon At the Weldon Beauty Studio, a Prof; Charles C. Sellers, of the committee includes But, even as the ministers reaf- fourth d e g ^ s at the business ses­ Sincorlty faculty of 'Dickinson,4:;ollegc, Car­ Marowka, co-chairman. Melvin i I’" " ' w'’ " were be­ sion w hlc^ followed at 8 p. m. Beauty Studio haa a few ai'mple record is kept of each wave, but-, WE PAY j nevertheless, full tests arc made lisle. Pa., summer residents here, is stead, Edward Curtin and C om -!‘ 'i'"".. Mrs. iMbelle Leone was chair­ rules which she follows njeticulpus- / U'here Personal DON WILLIS cartoon artist for the Periscope, / , played games and enjoyed a story man o/" the supper committee.' ly, and. by so doing, is certain that ejich'time to be certain of perfec- mander Dennis Riordan from the 11hour » and j were served j refreshments. . 1 (ion. ' : Consideration HIGHEST Carlisle High S9H00I paper. post; Mrs. Edward Curtin, Third, degrees were exem'plified by each and every -wave she or he.r Is A Tradition GADAGE She will edjt the make-up of (hairmnn .. iM, n T- , } l-eaders for the Gill Scouts at this SERVICES the ladies team with Mrs. Celina operator, Dorothy Hofile, gives 4i^I I Some hair reqiiires sperial PRICES next .year's p^per. Her late mother. P«!nc Mr. 1 session were Mrs. Wilbur Fletcher Scranton as master. Fourth de be soft and easily manageable. 1 ■'Ji'aving lotions, and this is a 28 Woedbridg* Strofit !>*!./' ‘i?. Mrs. land Mrs. Henry Ramm. Afra. Bur- ' That Interpret The Wishes 18 Main s C Tel MI-9-4531 For Rags, Scrap Metal Mrs. Helen Gilbert Sellers, of Heb-, Denni- Riordan from the auxiliary. grees were conferred by O'jpnge When asked for advice, MisS'Jiiul j matter for a^ trained person to i 400 M*m Stroot ron and Carlisle, had written .sev­ ton' Ives has also helped the girls Of The Family . officers with Past Master Frank gave the followinjli information: I determine. The wrong lotion ran ; and Other SalvageaNe Side Notes to earn their child care badge. SpBciolixing In eral c h il^ n ’s books and short, sto­ W ednesday -the fire department .Ruff.in charge..State Deputy' John No satisfactory, porinanent. is. ; result Jn dried, frizzy hair or in a Materials ries be^re her death. — flmreh jServIren — • pbs.sible without haVing the hair was--^called at 12:30 p. m. to extin­ .Griswold. Jr., conducted an or­ i wave so weak it will not ‘ p m Town Fair Slated Rev. Henry.G; Wyman pf Coliim- ganizational inspection. properly shaped. -Afferent .shaped I hold at all. BRAkE~8ERVICE CAIX or WRlTk guish a grass fire at the J. E. biaCtongregatlonal Church xvilliise joWXW rk^ l?./Tohh Perham, chairman, an- The Pioneer Past Masters’ As­ facc.s -require proper hair shaping 1 The importance of conditioned »#ncces that a town fair will be Shepard fahn on Criffin road. All as his sermon tomorrow morning FUNERAL HOME Front End Aligniiwiit schools in town closed yesterday the topic ‘'Within Our Power.” A sociation will meet at ^Somers „ Lfi- There -w.jll be ex-. Grange HalLMonday-evening for-X; OSTRINSKY ^ nSRs, demohstrations, racea.'rides ^and v ’Hl reopen M a-’i.' ' Twembw o f the Women's'Guild'58-111 “ “ T7 EAST CENTER ST. The $lio|ipiiig dollars ^du speni Dealerii 'In 'Waste' Materials - _____ ^ 5 ■ be in charge of the nursery, school ppt^ck served at 6 o’clock. The W ork rr-hnd .tbe^uatontary auction.-T^oae Tel. Ml-S-6868 ------" 182 BiaMlI St.—Tel. MI-S-fi87t 1 .Manchirster Evening ” Herald which is held in- the. little white rneelihg will .start at 8 o’clock. MORRY'S having articles to donate for the Mrs. Evelyn H. Coughlin, Lecturer auction may communicate with Wapping correspondent, Mrs. .An­ schoolhouse .so that parents ,can A.MBULANCE SERVICE in your homo community give you For Laiuri that's terrific Wo^ngmM*s Sfor« nie C'olllna, telephone Mitchell attend services. of Hill.stown Grange, is in charge any 4-H club member, arid some 10 MOTIFS of entertainment. All pa.st masters We c^rry a complete line of one will be sept to transport the S-4419. . The fire department here an­ H IG H G R A D E swered an alarm for a brush fire the MOST VALUE for your money are invited to join the association. be specificV,. Sa^ (QUALITY WORKCLOTHES, S£sr^/f/v£> articles. A place has been arranged Hillstown' Grange ha.s learned to keep them until the day of the Wednesday afternoon near the FOOTWEAR, SPORTSWEAR. guction. Italian Film Stars Nelson place on U. S. Route 6. The DONT that 'Mr. and Mr.s. John Krause have returned to their home on- It's the possword to beautiful lowni PRINTING 1 Hot Lunch filcnu fire was out by the time they had arrived. Throw Them Away Hillstown road, Manchester, after everywhere'. . . and so easily ochieved ADAMY'S The hot lunch ihenu for the Get Mo / ■ '1:1. i ' / ' ; y1' A 1

H-4'. > i V . ^

1 V' - ' -,v V- 1 \



O U P M /'N F i s h e r 's Fa m o u s Fl i v v e r ttU&INESS OP REMOVING THE W INTER TOP Roach Injured^ Roi^for- lUIUMk-llill.l^l' X— Do what yOti' can with what —that we should respect the. - ypu have. ■ rights of others aa. scrupulously , as we would have bur rights re- A pious ladjr who lived'by, her­ spected-:rla hot a mere cou.nsel of . Yanks "Off'to RefereeSt^anned fdrVeU." . shp replied.,.,‘'the. , lan­ . r*-r»:.i^ss»’aqr.iT , .Hfey, SPJ>ea>- b* J.>}d‘.ng the ta ^ m a n a ^ to. b r e ak. knockout viotocy. in . their sched­ Totala .. .V...... Y5- 3 ■Y-27 8 "o' guages are somewhat high. My panic overtook him. MerWen . . , . ' T .000 of winning their ^ ttfth ^ straight i Kellner's string 5)1 scoreless innings SCHEDULED softball ga^e be­ put the country joined today in [ Many newspapers had to shut dff. uled 15-round bout last night at <•) Middletown 0 2 .000 last check covered $,10 for Eng­ P'irst We're lost. What on pennant the easiest of the lot at 21 2/3 whetyGeorge Kell doubled tween Nassiffs and Frankie’s Sun­ protests against Referee Tommy | calls to their sports’ de|wrtments. the Boston Garden, outraged pro­ AB R H r o A E lish. $20 for Latin, and $110 for Bloaaick, 3b 4 0 1 3 2 0 earth shall we do? The Yanks, riding a four game home Dick Qemert with two out day libs been postponed until May Rawaon for not halting sooner the ! New England fans who saw-the tests .were heard almost every­ Sayers, 3b ...; 4 0 3 0 By HAL TURKINGTON Scotph.” ...... , SecQnd--Kecp ..your shirt, on!. , winning streak,„lead the leagite by where' 'itelevlslon. , reaches. . Only Croaa. ,rf .3 0 0 0.. f t , in the the Murth but .the .Arisona .»v ■...... - ...... bepttng of Tommy Collins of B os- ’ ^B*»t outside the blacked mrt Bos- - Manchester High won Its Decbnff Shoot an extra deer and the game two games. They’ve won eight and Boston was blacked out in the na­ a-Lathrnp. 1 0 0 0 0 •southpaw^’as the master the rest ton -by lightweight champion Jim -' area, were equally bitter. Kucitliialci. aa .. . 3 0 3 0 5 1 That we should flo unto others warden will be here in a minute lost just two to the same clubs ERNIE DOWD, Russ Paul and tion. straight game of the year at Mt, ^ -2 S -S 3 of the way. my carter at Boston Garden. Boaton City Councillor Frederick Coolt, It ...... 3 0 0 0 0 ■| had it mada for him for warm d ?--— tha front and as we would have them do >mto vis and a half. that beat them in five of the first Charlie Hurlburt will represent THE DIRECT TARGET of the Bell, r ...... Nebo yesterday afternoon turning K on ^ n ty , making his first ap- Tlie w^aye of criticism continued C. Hailer, Jr., said the fight was gats tiradl" nine a year ago. the Manchester Little League at public fury was Referee Tommy Pardua, lb . . . . pean^ce this year, had a no hitter hours after Carter knocked Collins "a show of barbarism” and .said he Sprenldc. cf 3 0 1110 back Windham 3 to 0 behind Cap­ ^ X lL Y CROSSWORD PUZZLE THE YANKEE.S of 19.52.floun­ the annual pre-season banquet of Rawson, a highly competent; light­ tain !Pete Maneggia's three-hitter, for Philadelphia until Danny down 10 tihtes to gain a fourth will a.sk tlie Sthte Boxing commis­ Rlalay, p ...... 3 0 0 1 3 1 dered through the first' month and fonnell singled with two out in state L. L. officials in New. Brit­ weight battler in his own' right but the Indians witnessed the end with round technicbl knockout last sion to make an investigation. Totala ...... 30 0 3 24 1 3 3 OUT OUR WAY tiY J. K. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLE it wasn't until late Ma.V that they ain Thursday night. N"l’‘°nal about two decades ago and now a of Jimmy Roach’s fabulous school­ sevepth. The other Pittsburgh Commissioner Carl Stotx will be night in their nationally-televised ”To let a boy with Collins’ cour­ Manclieatcr ...... ; . V)0 (lOl (I2x—3 climbed, above the .500 mark to successful Cambridge contractor. Rura Inttad In, MancKRls 2; two-baaa boy career as the standout aW ete came in the eighth when Dick the main speaker.- bout. age almost got hilled isn’t the I'VE HERDED THAT BIS ' stay. But this season only Ale: The two members of the* Massa­ liitt, 'MancKKiv; atolan baaes. Ncvin 2, wound up In Manchester Memorial Cole doubled. Words such as ‘‘«n ii r d e r,” sport of boxing,” Haller declared Kopplln 2. Boacli.' Bloaaick. Faycra, BHIHO THIS PAR TOWARD Kellner; the Philadelphia lefthand­ chusetts Boxing Commission at Hospital, with either a diglocsted I'M Answer to Previoua Kixxia ’’slaughter,” ’’atrocious,” V.|iitllul,” angrily. "The Boxing Commission Sprcnkla; tacriflcca. Maneggia; double TMAT'4 ME,MA30Rf A JOS, A^)vMl«y/ t h a t , MANAGING PERSONNEL of ringside also drew sharp criticism or broken collarbone. ^ L00KIH6 MV COOSl^i, VJILL “ Wt don’t fe«l they’ r* to •xpontivt. madam, whan you er. has found their number. should be made to answer for this. Uya. KuchinakI to Bloaaick to Pardua; ALOME WAVES ME THE ^ Hail, Colum bia! QCSEi Tgm the Little League' acted last night "disgusting,” ’’brutal,” and /’gnie- from widely spread TV viewers. Sprenkle to Bell to Sayera; left on ROACH’S INJURY that will FOR DOFFV, PA6GEDME consider that the salesman’e tlnro alone fa worth ?? rn • p a Kellner, who became the /first to, allow each of the eight teams to Bome” Were used freely bj^/TV It could have been a tragedy.” bsaea. Manchea’.er 4, Windham ,3: baaea WOMANl OF.t h e w e e k / LIE] But the victiffi of the most sav­ sideline him for at least six Weeks, -THE VMORD ABOOr hour!” OL] three game winner in the riiajors cari'y five additional boys on ros­ w a te h e rs w h o sw a m p e d neivYc- ” My boy will never fight in age battle ever televised, Collins, on balla, RIaley 5; atrlkeouta. Maneg- just about the balance of the sea­ — I OUE»HT 1D4TAYAkK> a n d Massachusetts a^ain,” said the gia 13. RIaley 8; umpirea, O Leary* 5WOMK you — STEP HOKIZONTAD VEBTICAL this season by whipping/Boston ters during x: the coming season. papers and television stations himself, supported Rawson's offi­ Toomey. son, somewhat over-shadowed the ^ I'M 11^ THE 6MA(^y 6ee HIM DIG THE FiR«Ty^ These boys will be available as re­ mother of a Worcester. Mass.,- a c i m n yesterday, shut out Nei^York on across the country with telephunn ciating with the'very first words great game, but it' is understand­ MAJOR A»JD VOE'tL ROM SPADEFUL — ITLL BB SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH I 1 Official------1 Faithion placements for Injured or sick antuteur boxer. "It was the moat AS HISTORIC AS THE • of the District □ L i B a opening day and came ^ c k in five Pitching — Gene Bearden, Chi­ calls. he Uttered reaching his dressing able since Jimmy is regarded as AMOS B. OviER -THE 2 Bewail day later to repeat/the white­ playtrs. disgrapeful thing I’ve ever seen.” room. ' one of the all-time stars of ';the 6URREK}DER o p of Columbia is E s a a a cago White Sox. allowed only three Rawson explained he let the bout HOOPtE.' 3 Exaggerate Othe^ Boston fans predicted an school. It happened on the' -Uiirt « e i P T / CORWWALLIS.'^ the American □ □ L 3 M washing—something/that hadn't hits and no runs in 8 2-3 Innings continue because ”it wa* a cham­ ”Of course I don’t think Raw- 4 Be victorious ■ iQ happened to a Yapkee team since , •M7 and the players and crowd'on hand FROM OUR Totala 601 604 F.5I 607 •585^ 600 3448 w-on. the .opening game, of tlie.sea­ Gazette; ’.‘That fight sets. boxing gave him a greatovatl6n.''5"~"~ MASTERS’. 39Entreat Philadelphia Phillies extended their Oak (trill (t) son over the Phillies It was his didn't they stop it quicker?” paid back 400 years.” yelled in his ear 'Can you con­ St. L ouii .S25 1.10 107 92 n o 654 Chicago .... .835 LAST NIGHT the Writer 40 Roman bronze lead to a full game by whipping Itnpllfl . . , . 112 103 100th complete game in the majors. Christenberry after viewing the tinue?’ Each time he replied, "Yes, Philadelphia K ppmov .. . . 9.1 97 128 lit 95 632 “ If wc want to .see a bull fight, .600 42 Compass point 108 bout on television in New York. I’m fine.’ ” Boaton ...... 383 vlaited Roach in the hospital. Pittsburgh, 5-3, on the two-hit G ivpU«» .. . 10« 109 127 104 115 12.3 686 Larry Went all the way in the 4-1 we'll go to Spain,” a caller told St. He said the a h o u rd S r . didn’t 43 Erects pitching of veteran Jim Konstanty. B(Hintiip.« . . 94 104 88 125 M 102 601 "Millions of people witnes.scd Louis Station KSD-T'V RAWSON FINALLY stopped the Waahington .232 triumph. The victory was his sec­ Detroit ...... 300 start to pain him for eiwtaile 45 Picayune Brooklyn smothered New York, .... n o i:i2 118 136 109 96 701 ond in five opening starts for the this black eye to boxing, and it will tragically uneven contest when (coll.) one of Oollina’ seconds; ’’Googie’’ but his hand begah..‘to,, swell 12-4. S't. Louis at Chicago and Cin- Thtala 5.*15 554 564 580 515 526 3274 Giants.' take a long time for boxing to I couldn't stand it any longer. 46 Incrustation make up for it,” he said. McFqrland, brother of Boxing When he got to the. hospjtal. Dr. HO I shut off my television set," a Edmund Zegllo was to opente this on teeth ”lt was the worst exhibition of Commissioner Tommy McFarlamT, 48 Dyestuff man told the San Francisco Exam­ rushed into the ring . after the M l mornihg and repair the di^age. Imxing offielating I have seen in iner. ..3.33 Deep Inside, ^ a c k ptObably was .50 Achieve 50 years,” said George Barton, challenger toppled for the 10th ..333 Fans In Washington called the time. 0 , J .000 Juirt, knowing Ms schoolboy car­ 51 Cotton fabric president of the National Boxing bout "murder” and "atrocious.” “ I'm a Democrat! Sinca the Republicans are in, Dad haa 52 Next to Windham Tops Cheney Tech, 5-4 It i.s likely that many in the 0 1 .000 eer-ended as quickly os it started I Association, at ringside. "It was murder and slaughter” Blit, be^ showed no outier-emotions. got eo excited about budgpt talk he has lopped a buck 53 Scanty “ I can’t understand why the nation-wide television audience I and "that referee should have his would have been amazed 1( they TODAY’8 GAMES I wohtt quit. I’ll help coaqli Snd Rallying for tw o runs in the I referee permitted Collins to take license revoked,” declared several Amerieaa off my aJIowanca!" / had been able to view Cpllins In Chicago at St. Loula—Byrne (0-0) va. be a traffle. director from the bottom half of the sixth inning, I such a beating.” Barton said. 'The Chicago fans. PUlette (l-Ol. coaching box: It was in the books; CHRIS WEtKIN, Planeteer How’.s That Again? BV RUSS WINTERBOTHAM I fight was so hopelessly one-sided ...... his dressing room. Less than five Windham Tech of Willimantic THE minutes after hg had been guided . Detroit at ■ Cleveland — Newhouaer and you can’t hmu city hall,” 'welte BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES What Now? BY EDGAR MARTIN edged Cheney teach yesterday that I think it should haye been BOLT BOLTS AG.\IN (0-0) va. Wynn (0-01. » Jimmy's only woraA , stopped after Collins had been from the ring, CMIlins had show­ Waahington 'at New York —Marredo WELKIN,ir&MV PAINFUL afternoon in the Thread City. 5 to ered without assistance and was (0-1) or Sima (0-01 va. Ford (0-01. Maneggia a n n e x e /M s .eeoond r p ¥ i 4. Manchester outhit- the winners, i knocked down for the third or Philadelphia at Boaton—Schelb (0-0) straight win and will qbw’.Ycet tot Pirry TO NOTIFY you o f WTWWVARE T NO!,CAWjOS!I ARE THE KIND iNO.CARLOSf ^ WILL RIDE IN THIS SHOW Herald Angle Las Vegas, Nev. April 25--(/D - able to discuss the wrecking of 6 to 4, but committed seven boots ij, fourth time in the third round.” va. Parnell tJ.;0). the Bristol game hbre iie j^ ^ d a y . C»e)^„1tECKXM VOpR ^VFW^IOM FROM you HAVING MEfi \ WANT TO SEE ONE,RICARDd! WHAT A ItOUARE ‘ AS I NEVER HAVE RIDDBI BEFORE ‘ Nine golfers broke par and Tom­ his championship hopes in: lucid Nallaaal TWE-^DtCE PLAT- afield which led to all the winners' !. NBA Commissioner Ab(j .1, my Bolt- broke a putter and bent Pete Struck a vital blow, a'-.two- THE n.ANETEEC>,FENP)N© THISISOaNG V OH.N0,ITW0NT,PeAR! BRING HIM HER^ ) WHAT IT IS ’ SHE TOLD you LAST ^W R O N G ! . -AND WHEN SHE HEARS THE ACCLAM By j’ Greene said at his home in Pater- fashion. Nea- York at Brooklyn —Janaen (1-1) FOEM KEPTOUZ tHVB^TISATIOS... scores. R, driver to set up the third day of va. Krakine (1-0). out double that pusned over 'bvo TOBEKINOOF-\ ME UNPERSTANPS ID MEET 1450, (.-THAT MAKES] 1 NIGHT, SHE HAD TOLD , MY TRIUMPH Wia BRMG-THEN EARL W. YOST I; son, N. J.. that 'Tl seemed the fight But his face was battered and Plttabu^h at Philadelphia—LIndell Aea\AL A ^BCCET? KENNY IRISH started on the play today In the $35,000 tourna­ his left eye almost closed. runs in the eighth inning. The fin t AM-EMEARRASSINGJ TM0R0U6MLY-ANP RICARDO? WOULD \HER KIND 10 j you MANY TIMES BEFORE? ] HER EVES WILL open! Bporta Edltar i went far beyond the time it should (0-11 va. SImmona (2-0). hill for Cheney but* was removed ment o{ chamnions. The par- Cincinnati at Milwaukee— Wehmeter Kiny-MEETIN^ HE’$ MENSUCM A ' NOTTHEHOR^ /ALL I CAN SHE LIKES you-VES! have been stopped." Neither o f the State Boxing in favor of Gene Yost in the first brcaker.s did it with generally Commissioners in attendance, new­ (0r0( re. .Spahn (t-U . after Roach had/ been retlaoved COOP STMT AtOUT SNOW BE sooth BUT LOVE-THATISi frame after Windham scored three Harold Kaesc. columnist for the St. Loula at Chicago— Miller (0-01. from the game, ^ e way, Pete was Boston Globe, wrote "It was piti- steady golf. Boll was about as ly appointed Henry Lamar, a Har­ va. Mlnner (0-0). RKB4T along! ENOUGH? FOR HIM-alone! runs, Yost put out the fire and SHOTS HERE AND THERE *-olic priesthood in Niagara Falls unsteady as they come. On the controlling the /Windham batters, One - of the classiest looking Canada, while Cardinal pitcher fu to sec” and 'where does the vard sports cc^ch and former hurleh runle.ss ball until the fatal i u » ...... back nine, after a good start the heavyweight boxer, and McFar­ that one run proved to be dnoufh. •) sixth. The locals scored twice in Class A baseball teams In this sec- Jack Faszholz, who attend.s Con­ contest leave off and humanity IT WAS A SCORELESS duel for 5 tor is Bob Jackson's East Hartford step in?’' .sonictimes terrlble-tempered Mr. land, also an oldtime boxer, would the second Inning and added single cordia Seminary in St. Ixiuis dur- B. wound up the day using a innings. Rival pitcher Bill Risley, Hornets . . Southington High, a (V)g the off-.«easons, will be or­ Dave Egan of the Boston Daily comment in any fashion about the MAJOR LEAGUE markers in the third and fifth No. 2 iron for a putter, and a one-sided battle that schocked the although he worked faster than stanzas. Cla.ss B school, has two fine dained a minister in the Lutheran I that any pitcher should, handcuffed the coaches in .Joe Fontana «and Walt Chui-ch next winter,. St. Louis ''Permitted this boy to driver that he bent back into nation Iri.sh and/Zira each collected shape himself. He also wound Indian sw^gers and was working Lozowskl. Southington Is one of "I have no comment and I won’t two hits for the winners while no Cardinal first sacker Steve Bilko j ® beating that have up tied for 18th in a field of 20. on a no-nitter until that .sixth ■the be.st schools In the state for have anything, to say tonight,” member of the winning team was i.a a volunteer fireman in the off- ■'•j*'''''? “ Qn top at the half-way mark’ in Inning. There was one out '■when turning out winning teams in the Lamar said as his associate By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS able to, get more than one blow. season In Nantlcbke, Pa... Robin | •a hitter cha.se for a $10,000 first nodded agreement. Jim Nevin rapped a hard grounder The locals, one and one for the three major spoils — baseball, RoMerta of the Phillies will be SwtlrhlMinrds of newspapers In on one skid—not a hop—thqt prize was Lew Wor.shnm. the 1947 Although the ill-fated Collins BftUIng — Wyroitek. PhlUdfIphla. PRISCILLA’S POP A Story In Installmients BV a L VERMEER season, will be idle unlil May 5 ba.sketball and lootball—with the feted to a day by Philly fans on Boston, Washington, Baltimore, caromed off the knee of first base­ MICKEY FINN Pittsburgh, St. l.oiiis, Detroit, Clii- National Open champion from ruled as Boston’s current fistic .500; Bruton. Mnwaukae. .424: Cole. LANK LEONARD coaching staff tops . . Coaching the PUUburgh. .5^1: Robineon. Brooklyn, when they meet New Britain in Sunday a.s the "greatest pitcher Oakmont, Pa. idol, his most rabid supporters man Ron Pardua. The bail , relied the Hardware Ci(y. varsity baseball team at St. in the game toda’y,” Roberts eago, San Kranelseo, New Hnvrn. and Torgesot). Philadelphia. .367. towards the pitching mound end agreed he had to deliver an early jtuna—Gilliam. Brooklyn. II: Snider Nevin was safe. Failed in Just H A V ; ^ Y O U Summary: Thomas again this season is Rev. will reteive a 1953 Cadillac, re­ knockout to dethrone the highly and Robinson. Brooklyn. 9; Bruton, Wllllnianllr I.U . short of the grass for the right- AMOT John Sullivan, one of the best frigerator. con.solc TV-radio com­ competent Carter. Carter weighed 'Milwaukee and Hamner. Philadelphia. AR n II PO A K pitchers ever turned out in Greater handed batter, Pardus was over- Grpmko. aa ...... 3 0 0 1 0 bination and a home air-condition­ 134 <3 and Collins 13354. ^ Runs- Batted In—Campsnella. Brook­ Dartalt. 2b ...... 4 qt 1 0 Hartford. Another ex-SL 'Thomas ing unit set. Collins Agreed Referee lyn. 16; Mnthewe. Milwaukee. 12: defensed for the hard smash end . 3 1 0 9 0 2 ,\S A RESULT, the champion it went for a hit, the first off Ris­ HANKYi Valerlf. c ...... pitching star,' Bob Kelly will be was top-heavy 2-1 favorite when Snider. Brooklyn. 10: Ennla. Philadel­ her. p ...... Yr. 4.... . 3 1 2' 1 0 0 2 ordained this summer. Kelly is now ROOKIE Di t c h e r Ilarvey phia..9; Ditlmer. Mllnaukee and Thom* ley. Nevin stole second and took F. Burkr. I f ...... 1 0 he entered the ring before a ,12.- •on. New York. «. third on a wild pitch to Rick KOp- R. Burkr. If ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 a prefect at St. Thomas . . Charlie Haddix. of the Cards still carries Did Right in Title Bout 477 crowd. And, from the very first Hlta—Brut'on. WUwaukee, 14j Snider Evans, rf ...... 3 0 1 0 0 Horvath is handling only varsity and Campanella. Brooklyn, 12;' Robin- pUn who eventually walked. The 1 0 5 0 0 two shot gun pellets in hla body fistic exchange, Carter dem- Lurknr. lb ...... »> 3 basketball at Weaver High in the result of a bla.st when he was aon. Brooklyn. Lockman,- New York. run came home on the old' double Dprolsl(»r. rf ...... 0 0 0 0 0 i ontlratod his superiority In de- Wyrostek and Torgcaoii:, Philadelphia. ^clafr. rf ...... T 1 0 0 .0 0 Hartford. The former University of five years old... Two of - the steals Boston. April 25—i/Pi—While . "He was a faster punrlirr than | dslve fashion.! 11. In the eighth, Nevin" ^ a in Msdunn. 3b ...... 3 0 1 ‘3 2 0 Connecticut athlete gave up base­ brightest pitchers in the majors millions of irate television, radio t thought.-” said Carter,’ "He stun-1 'phe battlers spent the first Double®—-Dark. New York. 6: Ilam- ball and football at his own request today, Hoyt Wilhelm of the ner. Philadelphia. 5: Snider. Brooklyn. singled, a sharp liner to center.. Totals ...... 27 5 4 31 6 5 and ringside fans screamed that" nert me a bit in that first round each other out and. Torgeaoti/ Philadelphia and Schoen- Kopplln sacrificed and was safe, Manrheater . . Ed Sandall handles the diamond Giants and Warren Hacker of the referee should have stopped the with a right hand. He's a great' „ppg,.gntly. Carter learned all he dlenat. St. Loiiia. 4. AB B K PO A B Triplea—Bruton; .Milwaukee aird- Nevin winding up on. third, when 4 0 1 3 3 1 and grid Clubs at’ Weaver. „ Chicago dirt not ■ enjoy- W’tnnin’j boiit earlier,'frail-Ifioking Tommy' fighter." •- ' ' e wanted tn know during" the first Cuneo, 2b ...... sea.sons before moving into the O'Connell. Plttaburgh. 2; nine players Risley threiiV -wild -off Perdus* I r is h , p. 3b-‘r‘./a. 4 2 2 0 1 0 Collins the guy w)io .absorlied all Willie Ketchum, Carters nian three minutes. tied with one each. glove. After Kopplin stole second W lsnieskl. ss ... 3 1 0 1 1 0 STOCK CAR racing will be big show. Wilhelm had a 11-14 the puni.shmenl—sat on a rubbing ager. said: . A. soon as the second session Home JLuna—Mathewa. Milwaukee. brae. Ed Madsra, .Roach’*., sub, Z ir a , c ...... 4 0 2 2 1 1 resumed tonight at 8:15 at the won arid lost record at Mmneano- table and disagreed. ’’Rawson should have stepp«l in ^______4: Campanella. Brooklyn. Dlttmer. Mil­ ig»i by Lnutrnbarh. ef .. a 4 0 1 1 0 0 opened. Carter lacerated Collins struck out on a big hook, that lis .and Hacker was 8--15 with Los . .chainpidn. . waukee and Enhip. Philadelphia. 2; Al€0OXlAid. .Uv.Wo ,3 O 0 Riverside .park .Speedway.. Man­ -Lightweight, Jimniy;t^tcr_ Collins was kn^’k^l^ with. hlS-jiSyo-fUted attack to the eifM -playera lied* wttb -J’-eacb.- 'rolled away from the catcher and . CAPTAIN EASY ^ Mias Burke '’Barmy’’? Butkos. Ib-T..*^ .-2 r o 10^ chester's G’ene White is listed as a' AhgelesT.' Cha'n’hel Six will carry Carter had just administered one . tlnie.s Fh the third i fi(in(F and body... He put the Etos- «-Stolen Baaea—Gilliam. Brooklyn. 5: Madsen reached first to load y»em TUltNER FjiEt’iiLES AND‘ HIS FRIENDS Hors De Combat BY MERRILL C BLOSSIIR Y o s t, n ...... f7 a 3 0 0 h 4 3 probable starter..... John Bunn. of. the. Glanta-Brooklyn single, games of the worst bealings.evcr given a suta enough ^ for 10 Ionian, down seven times in, the. Bruton. Mil«*aukee. 4: Snider, Brook­ CUrver. 3b V..... 1 0 0 0 0 0 lyn. 3: Ryan. Philadelphia. 2: ' ' eight up. Harry'. Grisw/ild poled,^. long, TWO SOB $A.V$ Bettififfer, r( ... 2 0 0 0 0 r Bpringficld College and Oswald today and Sunday. Next Satur­ man in the boxing ring. fighters all put together. ■ round and three times more St o u t f e l l o w . . playera tied with.p.pf, ggeh. fly ball and alt runners moved up, UBERT WILL Tower, editqr of the basketball rule day and .Sunday It will be the But Collins stood last night for President Jim Norris of the lO" ; befoT'e Raw.son intervened At 2:28 Pitching — Erakine, ‘ Brook'v n, Snr- Nevin crossing the plate. Windham LUCIUS, OLD BOff-l T o t a ls ...... a 30 4 « Ifi 10 7 ternationiil Boxing Club prai.sed ,(,e fourth. LIVE TO $EE TH’ book, will .spend a month next fall Dodgers and Cubs (Rat.) and the long minule-ii under the shower, kont . Milwaukee'and 8ln)monp. Phila­ appealed at third-and Nevin was we KNEW MOU. W illim antic ...... 300 002 1 .. .u — .. Collins as "the gamest little man' The hnnt's delphia. “2-0. 1.000; nine pitcher® tied COROMATIOM..NO M a n c h e s te r ...... 210 010 0— 4 in the Faiv’East Command as in­ Dodgers and Braves on Sunday . . letting the warm water soothe his .ooui s fijkt financial re- HAD IT IN TDU.f .u-_ Ive ever .seen in tlje ring. with 1-0, 1.000. out for leaving before the catch, MATTER WOT TH’ iiouve JUST Runs batter! ilu Cuneo. Zira 2; Valerie.' structors in schoals for training Bnice Edwards, former Brooklyn battered body, then sal on the table ^ ,, port, subject to revision, assured Strikeouta— SImmona. Philadelphia. Maneggia then stroked his double DOCTORS SMP, Lee. I.,erlalr; iWo-base ' hits. Irish. Ketchum. said 13: Roberta. PliUadelphia. 12: Meyer. TAKEN THE ZIrj: ‘three-base hits, Zlra: stolen basketball officials and rules in­ and Chicago catcher, is playing and .said: „ . , , . I Collins of hi.s richest purse. 22'i down the left field 'line with two manager with the SpringflcM Brooklyn. 11: Eraklr.e, Brofiklyn. Jan­ STOM P OUT OF bases. Cunen 1. LautCnbarh 2. GTemko terpreters . . Frank JanuszewskI of "Of c-ourse 1 don't think Tommy , th e" hour® aen. New York. Haddix and Staley. St. outs, on a 3-2. pitch, for the two 4. Burke 1, MrDonaht 1. Butkus 1. Lee Cubs in the International Lea.gue. STOMP-BOUk/ New Britain has been elected cap­ Rawson (the referee) should have TOLD' RAWSON.” fie^cIrttFVwL*'^f^nI^^^^ Loula, 10. runs. • 2: Luckoi> 1; left on bases. WillirnanUr Amertcaa I,.eaine CHEERIO/ 7, Manchester 9; bases on balls, Yost tain of next season's Springfield Edwards is now a first ba.seman. Stopped it earlier. 1 was still swing-I "what do you want to s ^^as 37 * p e r c e n t - r WINDHAM DIDNT ' post a Jack Wallaesa once again is the B alling—Philip-. Philadelphia. .465; ,1, Lee 5; strlke-ouls. Irish 1. LCi^*9: College varsity basketball team . . Ing wa.sn’t I ? ” ! do. ge” him the champion’s customary Share- W oodling. New York. .448: Kuenn. De­ t'hreat in the game. Only three hit by pitcher. l»y Iflsh 2j ulnntnjr big gun for the Cubs! of the combined revenue. Plainville. Stadium will be the W'hile-those crow;dcd into Collins' 1 But Ketchum quoted Rawson as troit. .418; Kell. Boaton. -.412: TerwUll- men reached base, two getting as pitcher. Lee !l-0>; loslni; pitcher, Yost scene of a stock car racing pro­ ger. Waahington. .375. far as second and the dther one (0-1): time. l:ho. steaming dressing room marveled replying: "I know what I'm do- RUipa—Tternial. Philadelphia. 10; Man­ gram Sunday afternoon. First heat at his seemingly quick recovery FINAUSTS on third. Maneggia fanned 13 in ing. ■ Pinehurst, N. C.. Aorll 25—(/P i- tle. New York. 9: Delaing. Detroit and will be at 2 o'clock . . Attendance from the fierce beating, Collins Ketchum .said hik fighter "could Jooat. Phllade^hla. 8; Mlnoao, Chica­ the game. He put down,the last figures for the 29-day spring meet­ said: Six-foot. four-inch Bill Campbell of go and A%'ila. Cleveland. 7.. elevien men in a row, eight via the have o|>encd up fa.ster, but we told Huntington. W. Va., and five-eight Runa Batted In—Dropo. Detroit. 11: ing at Lincoln Downs set a new ” 1 KEEL >_ HA)IR...OWN$ A «HOr ANP THERE'S AN A«VFUU Lincoln, were made. The highest a 6-2 victory over the. Braves. ing he’d, suffered. rer. Waahingtoc. 5;’ White; Boaton. er.” said Ketchum. "Why gamble ? Snencer. Galletta trounced Geqrge SOMEWHEI^ ON LOT OF SHOPS ON price was the $7,000 paid for T l » ' YEAR.S AGO — Howard 'Those in the dre.ssing room of McAllister, 8 and 6, for the 1944 \Voodllng. New York. Philley. Phila­ KUCHOLA& SHtBEX • NICHOLAS STREET. SUITS Buss Up. Pollet outpttthed . Johnny Vander the tough, little Collins realized, We just told him to work,on the title. delphia and Jenaen. Waahington. 4. M T i Triplet—Phllle.v: Philadelphia and Z WEUEVE... SOME­ STAN MUSIAL, only major Meer as the Cards whipped the though, -that they couldn't calcu­ body amr watch for-his spots.” ketchum said Carter will lay off Jenaen. Waahington. 3; 14 playera tied TIMES HE'S WITH leaguer active today who holds Reds 1-0. late the hidden damage of those J.ACOBS .AMONG TOP TEN with one each. (MI for’ a month or so. bpt there are A WLONPE. membership, in the ”2000 Lifetime TWENTY YEAR.S AGO — The scores, of vicious blows rained by New York—UP) -Although train­ Home Runa—Gernert. Boaton. 4; Pqntt oimI shirts, mo- Hits C lu b .e x p e cts to welcome Yankees beat the Senators 6-0, on no definite plans yet as to his next Zerrial. .Philadelphia. 3; Delslng and Carter. They couldn'l see inside opponent ed H irs^ Jacobs has not 'topped Nleman. Detroit, Mantle and Babe. New teammate Enos Slaughter into the Russell Van Atta's first pitching York and Wertz. SL Louia. 3. his head and stomach and rib.s. "We might go back to Montreal : past eight years roon and gold.^ Used te.-iternity this season. Slaughter test. Stolen Baaea—Rivera. Chicago. 3; Collin’s'only worry when he ar­ to fight for the title against Ar- renaalns amon^the top ten Groth. St Loula. 2; Umphlett. Boaton. entered thC current season need­ . rived at his dressing -.room, said mand Savoie (the Montrealer who in his field. Jacobs has not ap­ Mlnoao and Stephena. Chicago.. Mantle. EVERY on* Mosen, like n«w. ing 79 safeties to reach the covet- HIALEAH IIQTSHOTN Manager John Conlon. was that peared at the top of the list since New York. Miranda. St. .Loula and er Frank Thomas studied four defeated Cs^'l^r In ,a . non-title Buaby.. Waahlhgton. 1. Miami. Fla.— (N ^ A )— Five of ’^he'd let his public.ijqwn.';. match reccntlj’). We might fight 1944. During that time, howevqr, . Pitching—Kellner. Philadelphia. 3-0. Mok* m* dn offor. Td.^ and one-half years for the Cath- the biggest moneje-wlnning horses •' Later Collins .sai(S:p’’We’’ll just he has won 650 races. 1.000; Pierce. Chicago. Lemon. Cleve­ SUN. AFT. 2:31 George Araujo (the Providence, land. Reynold!. Sain and Lopat. New be the 100th of his major; league of all time—Citation. ‘ Stymie. have to start all over again.” R. I., boxer who rates as the logi­ Robert H. McDaniel, currently AdnlU HI CUMie* M* career., New Pittsburgh outfield- The Carter camp heaped tribute York and Stuart. S t Loula. 2-0. 1.000. MI-Y.9953.' Armed, Assault and Whirlaway - cal contender for Carlcr> light­ the leading trainer, has been at the Strikeouta—Truck!. St.. Loula. 14; V r e e P A R K ora ed Frank Thonfas studt«d four raced at Hialeah at one time or on Collins for bis coufqge and weight crown.) It's acgoi'ding -to top of the list for the past three Sain. New York and Shantz. Philgdel- ii »•». 9. %. PM. I BCt»r. 1>M fcy WCA fary.ee. W.J and one -half years for the Cath- another. / Alm ^t superhqfflan endurance. phl*. II: Maateraon. Waahington; 10; jp e rh ^ a who gives the money.” year*.,. . ' Kellner, Philadelphia, 9. \ ^ ( wf ' f'. ' 'T . t . V. ... . * ' />


Articles tor Sals Hoqaahold'BGqdy" HoosehoM Goods 61 Wanted -to Rent Houses tor Sale 72 ^ '4 Lots for Sole 72 Aatomobiles for Sale ' 4 Automobiles for Sale 4 Bitefnins Servtecfs' Offerrt 12 ," H c*tlng-^nuihblii^ IT 'Help 'Wanted—^Female ' 35 "Help 'Wanled^MaTe 36 Dogs—Birds—Pets -.z- 61' Two^^reacherg GO TO secretarial SEHViCE—Typ­ A PLUMBING shop-at your-door. WANTED—Girl for general laun­ FEMALE BOSJON Teri'lor. .H i. HELXIN h ic k s Golf clubs, 2 " 20% DISCOUNT ^ WANTED— Four o" five room Un­ AA ZONE 166 x 266 lot. Shown hy woods, 5 irons and golf bag, $35. END OF MOj furnished rent. Adult family of FOUR-ROOM and Classified pUY THE BEST FOR LESS! ing, Atenogfaphy, mlmcographingi ,. No, time lost. New work. Altera-, dry work! Apply in person. Maple IT MEANS A LOT years old. Spayed, Inoculated appointment only: Carlton W. HfARTF'ORD ROAD vari-ty'plng, mailing for small or tions, copper piping, fixtures, hot 'Dry Cleancrtoand Launderera, 72 . and housebroken. Call- MItcheU Phone Mitchell 9-9538. ON ALL TOASTERS, three. Call Mitchell 9-4873. Hutchins. MItcheU 3-9669, Mitch­ With One Name 1951 STUDEBAKER • Champion V. ■ CAPE COD HOUSE * / large., buslncs.ses. Reasonable water aiitoniatic heaters. Yourtgs- Maple street.' ' .. . TO ENJOY YOUR JOB 9-34.75. "'''.o T'. \ CLP4R,^GE I fc / • . ell 9-4694. • S^rlight Coupe. -Heated USED CARS- UdEp BURKE'S Rotary pump for DllX^JRS, W AFFLE IRONS, BUSINESS COUPLE, desire 3 or Expandable. Many extras. Good Q—Did Joaeph Stalin, study for Advertiseiiients 1950 CTUDEBAKER Champion rates.' Phqnc Mitchell 3-7601..'^/,. to^-p sinks kold. Estimates'Riad- sale. Good condition? Inquire, evc- Rocky Ford, Colo.—<>IV- Rev. WOMAN WITH mcndihg expef-- ONE-Of X iQJ^ WATKINS .4 unfurhU'hed rooms. No children. rfiortgage arrangement. $11,500. COVENTRY LAKE—Two choice the priesthood? Starlight Coupe. Radio and 'H.eat- ly givcn. G. O. Lor.cntseii. Mitch'- / Why Not Investigate ntngs. MltcJhell 9-9966. MItcheU 9-1387. Charles S. MundeU of Rocky Ford CLASSIFIED ADVT. AND SEE BUD MICHALAK VtflNpOW SHADES made to orde." fell 9-7636. ' ^ ience for ouf''dry clcaniilg de- Live Stock— ^^Vehicles 42 STEAM^IRONS AND , • / lota, approximately 50’ x 100’ A^Yea. er. Oyerdiive., . and' .installed. Venetian blinds ’ partment. Apply In-,person. New each. Well maintained beach. Call and hit house guest, Rev. Chariot - DEPT. HOURS 1948 STUDEBAKER Land Crui.seri. ‘‘The Working Mi^’s Frigid’* The Possibilities At / ' “ BABY^ c a r r i a g e with mattress. FLWITUR] WANTED— Five ur six room un­ THE ^ ^ and curtain rods 24 hour service. SUMP PUMPS. Ruud Pcnnaglas Model Laundry. 73 Summit street. A GOOD Eamily cow. will freshen COFFE-MATICS Mitchell 9-6051., Xk—What was the Href broase S. MundeU of Los Angeles, havo a'!’'- S;15 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Radio and Heater. 'Overdrive:, ' . lit'June, gave 30 pourid flrst calf. Good condition, 81$. Mitchell furnished apartment or house PHIL HALUN AGENCY Esliihatcs gladly given. P'pgan and Bra'dford automatic hot WANTED- - '"interesting position sculpture to be cast In the United lot in common besides haying the 1948 STUDEBAKER Copyertible SEE TI’IE!:^: GRAY RESEARCH AND For .more details call Mitchell 9-5388. * \^N|^APPLIA] Limited NumbSer< family of four—k'ancheater. or vi­ Realtor States? Coupe. Radio and Hcater>Oycr- Windmill. Shade'CV), Route 44. at water heaters/American Stand- for young woman .ytho ;Can make eame'name. COPY CLOSING TIME Boltoti Notch Mitchell 9-4473. - 9-5962. “"'-V • cinity. Moving to Manchester fpr Suburban tor Sale 76 A ^ T h e ''Indian and Panther' drive. ' 'x. .SPRING Sl’ ECIALS-!. 'ht'd plumbing lixlureaaold and in- her oy.n clothes. 'Trained to be­ DEVELOPMENT COMPANY " ^ LOAM ^ CHAMBERS ^FURNITUhE business reasons.'- permanent rest-' , MItcheU 9-9231 \ FOR CLASSfFlED ADVT. sljillcd by Tom Dawkirls,. mastet. come sewing teacher at the local Subject to Prior.Sale by Hehty .Kirke ^ ow n . Both are retired minlaters, hut 1950 CHEVROLET DcLuxe 2-Door IX10R.S OPENED, keys fitted, WORK HORSES, saddle horse*, dence. Call MItcheIl.9-8847/ WINDSOR LOCKS—12 rooms, 3 Rev. Charles Simeon MundeU of MON. THRU FRI. Sedan. . . pliimber. I'erm.S arranged. Phone Singer Sewing Center. Pleasant , SUPERIOR QUALITY' baths, excellent condition. 2 acres, 1949 CHEVROLI-rr s t ;\t io n w a o ; copied, vacuum. cleaners, irons, “A GOOD PLACE poncy, saddjes and bridle.s. On* CI^HES D ^ R , Thor Electric;'' AT THE GREEN ElAST. HARTFORD,'4 room house, Q—Are people, atlll Uvlng In Rocky Ford was a minister In tha 1950 BUICK Special DeLuxe 4r ON. Radio," heater, Full price Mitchell 9-9669 before 8 a. m. or work in pongeniaL surroundings. furnished. Storm windows, oU wonderfur view, large bam, ga­ 10 :30 A. M. , guns.' etc., repaired. Shears, TO W O R K " fat lamb. J .C. Scranton, 428 HiUs- /..^NO STONE /Was $2fiD.0(l< ...... $198. the atom-bombed city of Hiro­ Methodist Church and Rev. Door. Dynaflow. ^ - $795. after 1 -p. m. Apply in per.son at the Singer town Road,. \ 5 0 1 Middle Turnpike East Hoases for Sale 72 heat, new roof, snfesite dHve, rages, located on n.'ain highway. SATURDAY 9 A, M. 1948 BUlCK Super 4-Door. Radio, knives,, mowers etc. pul into con­ shima, Japan? Charles Samuel MundeU of Lot 1951 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE Sewing Machine Co., 832 Main TApLE LAMR,'-Composition pine- television. l>i miles from Air­ 2 miles from Bradley Field. As a A —Yes. ‘Angelea was a Congregational '-.Heater, Whitewall, tires.- ^ POWER-GLIDE,.^ Radio, heater, dition for coming needs.' Braith- PLUMBING And heating. Special­ .street. '•^Manchester, Mitchell 3-7320 f REX! 80 U. S. Choice Steaks 6 LARGE ROOMS, custom home, walte, 82 Pe'arl street. tpple base, fabirle, shade; was craft. No agents $9,500. MItcheU rooming house this would give minister. lO tm COOPERATION 1946 FORD 2-Do6t, libLuxc signal lights, visor.-. One owner izing in repairs. Copper, water , DRAFTSMAN Poultry and Supplies 43 $29.50 ...... 7.$14.75 wltn'.purchase of 22 or 19 ft. chest ehtrance'hall, fireplace, tile bath, 9-7456. buyer above average income. Q-r-Hoiv does Buenos Aires rank Both hrq the fathers, of two BE APPRECIATED/ V-Eight. Only $1,495. piping, I'cmoleling clec^lc equip Rockville 5-5652 / or jpHght home freezers. Mltch- oil hot .water heat, fine tiled rec­ Newly painted, hot water oil heat. ATTH?S AND Ba.i'cmcnts cleaned. ment for plugged drains. Edward, SENIORS! reation room, g^age, amesite among the ports o f the New sons and two daughters, but the 1949 STUDEBAKER >,i-Ton Rack 1950 DODGE (iORONET. . Etilly Previous background required in BROAD-BREASTED Bronze. T u r ' - --- _ ^ V IN G ROOM. Lounge sofa. In (11 D-87S5. LARGE, Six room Cape Cod. in ex­ Ail metropolitan services.- Priced Wortd? Body . - ■ Rubbish and ashes hl&iled, . All Johnson. M itch e ll/3-6979 or layout and design .of small electro' keys, fresh "rozen, 10 to ' 22 green Nylon boucle, matching I.4M Angeles MuiideU has forged equipped. Original 21.000 miles. jobs done at your convenience. Boats and Acccayilts drive, trees' ■’ liekr . bus. stores, cellent condition. Near Bowera at only $19,500. Call Wm. Mc­ D ia l M I - - Guaranteed one owner, .11,.'195, Mitchell 3-.5044. MANCHESTER mechanical parts and sub-assem­ pound.*!. Schaub's Turkey Farm, .lounge chair lA beige; was $398.00, SACRIFICT —Ctavenport-bed and i school. Carlton . W. ' Hutchins. A —Second to New York City. ahead in the grandchildren de­ 3 5 / 2 1 MANY OTHERS Reasonable rates. Mitchell 9-3802 school; $14,500. Call Phil Hallin Bride. MItcheU .:-4816. J, Watson 1918 CHEVROLET CLUB COi,T’ E. blies. Exefelient possibilities to the 188 Hillstbwn road. .. 2 li H. P. JOHNSON^ twin /o u t - N... $298. lounge chiur with new tailored MItcheU 9-5132, Mltckell 9-4694. Agency, Realtor. MltchfeU 9-9221. partment. He boasts seven, al­ TO CHOOSE fTlOM or 9-9791. HEATING From/A to Z. Con­ HIGH SCHOOL right man. slip covers i)|[ItcheU 9-1483 Beach A Co., Sole .> gents, Hart­ 0 —^Who discovered ManUnotb though he is younger than his IvOW mileage. Like new. Locally boardl 30 pounds. Like n e^B eau . ford 2-2115. '*v Cave ? owned. version b u rn ^ , boiler-burner TABLE LAMP, Brass base, cut 9-7184. \ BUILT BY Doctor three' year* DUPLEX—6 - 6—One car garage. Colorado ebUeague, vrbo has only Iiost and Found STUDEBAKER CALL MITCHELL 9-1192 to have units, com plc^ healing sy-stems. If you are graduating this June, Articles for Sale 45 tlful troller. ,-$75. Rarstow’s. ruby font, fabric shade; was' A —Robert Houchina in 1799. five. 19,50 CHEVROI.ET TUDOR. One ago^ six room v,ape Cod, five fin­ Walking distance to all stores, 6-ROOM Cape Cod with attached SALES AND SERVICES ytVtic garden jilowcd or light All work g^raritecd. Time pay­ we invile you to talk over with us Mitchell 8-723^ / / $29.00 ...... ,.$19.75 THINKING OFF W RVGS c — See the owner. Only .$1,195. li'iickihg. Up to one ton, any dis­ JIG BORE OPERATOR ished, open stairway, plastered improvements,-reasonable. Mltch- garage.’ 2 bathrooms, sun porch, The Rev. MundeU of Rocky UOST ontlONAI, ments arnwged Moriarty Broth­ the following openings for perma­ new Imported 9 x iVtone on tone. Q— Has a waterproof match 1 9 5 0 FORD. ’CUSTOM FOKDOR tance. • BURPEE 14 FT.. STAp^LE$£k..Bteel Spocts- DINING - GROUP, Knotty pine walls, aluminum, a to m windowa, .eU"9.-.7837. ______... • wiash room, 'recreation room with been Invented? Ford first . started a cocroapond- vSHAUE BOOK Nn.nH2 V-R. $1,195. ers. Tel. ^ tch eU 3-5135. nent year-hound positions as: Mu.st have ability to set up from $38; also- newt exqmi^te blocked oil hot water heat, metal kitchen ------— ------1;;:!.______Notice is hcfw y plvcn that Op­ CHORCHES MOTOR SALES man boat/tarp/feover, 7 ft. oar.v, Welsh dresser, oblong spoon-fbot fireplace and bar finished with A —Yes. ence with hit Loa Angeles Mend 1911 CHEVROLET CLUB CtKJPE. MA.NCHF.STER'S Old Reliable blueprints and have experience on i FLOWER and VEGETABLE 2'.^ h. p. Jol^iuon twin Seahorse. imported antique hooK^ 9 x 12 cabinets, garage. Tree". Near bus, MANCSIESTER—Cape Cod,, over- when he read about Charles Sam­ tional ShaiT B( 1051 OLIXSMOHILE “08” BEDROOM, Maple double dresser ing room, rugs, studio couch, SELLINd? BUYING? Call a Man- ROCKVILE — Good investment. land. .1 motors al.so re,>aired/ Capitol and children's clothing. Mitchell perienced. New car agency, Apply ROYAL AND Smlth-Coroilk port­ pairs, aojusts watches expertly. Home 4 large apartments, 6-car bath, steam heat, oil fired, auto­ Is Well Injured parts and service at Russcir.s Sale.". Open evenings 'til 9. Earned Davs Shopping Time and mln-or, full size pineapple curtains and miscellaneous, ' . 20 cheater Realtor becauae they HO’ 'DAY 4-D(K)R SEDAN Equiprnent Co.. 38 .Main atreet. 9-4.379, Mrs. Brnnelle. in person only. Chorches Motor able and standard tytiewriters. Reasonable pricca. Open dally, garage, large lot. This home in matic hot water, ecreens, storm Barber Shop, corner Oak and poster bed; Kling quality; was . Chestnut street. MItcheU 3-5443. know Ma.i0)iester values best. 19M PLYMOUTH hard top mode). Mitchell 3-7958. / Social and Salea, 80 Oakland street, -Man- All makfes of adding machines Thursday evenings 129 Spruce good condition. Priced right.- windows and awnings*, one car Spruce streets. Phone Mitchell II ■ ...... m m. U . 1 1 m $290.50 ...... $224. Call the EllSworth Mitten Agen- 'WUsonville, Neb. —(•)— Mem­ Equipped with radio, heater, signal .$ 1.800 Recreational Opportunities cJift'-ter,- Conn. sold or rented. Repairs on ail street. Mitchell 9-4387. garage, large lot with garden 9-5522. w ir in g I.NSTALfiATin.N at all Moving— ^1 rucking— ' I. MItcheU 3-6930. A —TungaUn. bers of the WUsonvUla Msthodist makes. Marlow's. WATER HEATER, 30 Gal. Hand­ M usical In stra m en ts 5-1 <^y* Realtors. We Have Several Good Lota In Top lights, sun visor and two-tone Rca.sori'',h)i- aelling Buying home-. t,vpc.s. No job tob .sniaLl. Peter YOUNG MAN over 18 with driv­ epece. Don't-aay next year, 'I Oiurch are hoping t ^ the third W S RENT Power, and hand rol­ Storage 20 Modern Ixiw-Cosl Cafeteria ley-Brown automatic gas; was Spots.' Let Ua Show Them To Yet, Realtor. bird nupic • ' • their new church wUl isst for a dire rotary tillers, chain saws, $1,795. Terms can be arranged. cellent for den or cottage. U.H.F'. Mitchell 9-4543. ■ —V-''■■■ ' ' " ' ' ' ■» ery. Ixtcal Ugh? trucking and PERSONNEL 459 Hartford Road. tuner, $75. Phone MItcheU fl-5650. BED, Mahogany twin size paneled lection of instruments in .town. ed garage and finished breeze- 7- room home, oil heat, screens • A —It la not knoivn. while. V sickle mowers, rotary mowers, Tel. Mitchell 3-6140. 1941 PONTIAC Sedan, heater, MANCHESt / r T. V. Service! PEAT HUMUS. Excellent wil con­ way. Oil steam n ^ t. Storm and storm windows. Fully land­ package, delivery. Refrigerators, DEPARTMENT style; was $52.00, HALF PRICE, All accessories. Expert repairingr WAREHOUSE POINT, North Three .times In the past 50 y s v t hedge trimmers, extension lad­ radio, black. A. real gowl car, radio and /f.V. sperialt t.s since ditioner, top dressing. Mitchell windows and screens. IJxceptlon- scaped. Owner leaving state. This 1949 MERCURY, 2-door sedan. was'ners |ind stove moving At LOAM, Dark rich cultivated Grade $25.00 Ward Krause, 87 Walnut. Mitch­ Maln'atreet—9 room older home, ^ Q—Which American tree has the congregation has huUt s new ders, .'tanders, paint sprayers, post $250. Tcrpis to suit you. , Cole 1P3'!. Houfefc service call S3 50. PAINTERS WANTED 3-6515. ally large yard with imol and home being sacrificed. Price Very clean, radio, heater, all specialty. Mitchell 9-0752. THE No 1, $3 cu. yard. Grade No. 2, ell 3-5336. I in good condition, 5 room#, lava­ the widest range? chuKh. The first two buraod down; hole diggers. Capitol Equipment Motor.", 436 Cenief-.;Ureel, .Mltchell/'9-2 186 day or night. FREEZER, to cu. ft. Cooleralor; brook. Priced at $14,000 "tor im­ $11,500. equipped. Full price $108iS; Brun­ $2 cu. yard. Delivered in truck SPECIAL—McIntosh aitples and tory and acreenod porch on flrat A—6Tie trembling aspen. the third is now in us«. Co., 38 Main street. Mitchell ALBAIR & BERRY, rubhtfeh re- CONNECTICUT ILIUTUAL For year round private work. load lots. Screened sand, atone, was $385.00 ...... $289. MUSIC Instrument rental. Com­ mediate sale. Owner leavlng'^town The new one has ssbastos sad 3-7958. ner's, 358 East Center atreet. 1941 P’ORD Tudor, hlhck. Good moval, household and comin'crcial. potatoes at reduced prices. Call MANCHlSSTER-vNew 6-room Colo­ floor, 4 bedrooms and bath on aec- PARAMOUNT LIFE INSURANCE fill and gravel delivered. Order plete line of instruments. Rental —June occupanicy. Small down the last Stats to fireproof roofing plua "a lot of AN Open tonight 'til 9:30. condition. Asking $200. N^lltchcll Light trucking. Mitchell 9-2^91. To fill vacancies— not merely Mitchell 3-8116. U C. Bunde. BED, Solid maple Truetyep twin applici. to purchase price. Repr nial with 14 baths, large lot; Near ond floor. Oarage attached for one ALL ALUMINUM now, Nussdarf Construction .Co. poster; was $73 00; HALF PRICE, payment needed. Exclusive mth. schools, Btorea, bus. This home Is Inauranca," . AcconMag t » CtaMMS ■ UBISRAL' Hospitalization-benefits.' 9-'8562. \ COMPANY •- seasonal additions. ILIusT lie resenting Olds, Selmer, Bach, car plua detached garage for two 1861* 1953 CHEVROLET Bel-Air fordor. AUSTI.V A. CHAMBPIRS ?9 ,, Phone MItchcU 9-7408. PREMIER AND Robinson straw­ $36.00 Elva Tyler, Realtor, .Mitchell well below market value. Treat, who heeded the buUdiag Phone your local Mutual of TRIPLE TRACK WINDOWS -Pedler and Bundy. Metier's Music care. Copper plumbing, hot air L ' Positively like brand new. Fully 1949 STUDEBAKER C’hamplcin. local and long distance movinf:, first-class men. berry plants. $1.50 a hundred, or 9-4469. ; A —Tennessee. committee. Omaha agent. Mitchell 9-7375. 110 Garden Street NEW 21" Television, famous make. Studio, 177 McKee. MItcheU heat, city water, sewers, ideally equipped. Immediate delivery. Fully equipped. Very clcah, AND DOORS packing, .storage. Call illtchcll $12 a thousand. William McNall. CHEST-ON-CHEST, Tyrolean ma­ Power booster, tone control, U. ple. 5 drawers; was $149.00. .$74.50 3-7500. WELL LOCATED Cape Cod, six set up for roc.alng house aa 1st Trade and terms. Douglas Motor.s, $1,000,. Mitchell 9-8780. .3-5187. Hartford 6-1423. Hartford, Connecticut Highest Wages Mitchell 3-4564. 103 Avery street, IjOUNTRY SIDE REALTY HASTINGS H.F.. color. $219.95, , regular finished rooms. Oil heat, tiled floor now baa bedroom for owner. how long have British Personate 333 Main. Manchester. GOSSIP BENCH, all upholstered in Favorable layout for doctor's of- sovereigns been Ulcing tha oath 1952 CHEVROLET BF.L-AIkI c;" $319,95. Save $100. Terms. Guar- bath, fireplace, garage, large Crossed Signals \ ALUMl AWNINGS HOU.SEVVIVE.S NEED -....extra , C a ll...... green plaatlc-damask;. blonds legs, Wanted—"To Buy 58 MItcheU 9-6643 flea or Just right >for tha .• largo, at Westminster? THE PROSPECT Hill School for LOOKING FOR A Dream Boat? like new. Save Save! Sav". Cen­ ■ Paintihg— Papering 21 • antee.">IItfhelt 9i0980. • ' ' COW MANURE, delivered by the landstaped lot. Other extras. C a ll/ mo-pey? We have an income plan nail trim; was $59.00, HALF family.. Reasonably priced at A —Since 1066! “ young children. Transportation A One-owner car, we a o l^ l^ e w . ter Motor Sale.s, 461 .Main. Open A n d DOOR HOODS load, for your lawns and gardens. owner. Mitchell 9-9930. to . e.lp you. Reliable, neat appear­ C. F. CHAP^BONNEAU. Jr. TOP SOIL- Type to suit your soil PRICE ...... : ...... $29.50 WANTED TO BUY — Old Glass, Hartford 32-7423 $15,900. Call Wm. McBride. Confuse Soldiers furnished. Mrs. Lela Tybur, direc­ Only 10,000 miles. 1951 Hol)|Ceood evening.s 'til 9. PAINTING AND Paperhanging. Call Peila Bros. Mitchell 3-7405, Chins. Picture Frames, Pblnt- Q—Who Installed^ the' tor. Phone Mitchell 9-5767. — ------.a______Free eslimate.s, no down payment. Free c."timates. Paper books ing myther.s of .school age children condition and' pocketbook. Cov­ SPECIAL—Must Da sold quickly, MItcheU 3-4816. J. Wateon Beach first club coupe, two tone paint.fradin, PHONE MI-9-R632 or MI-9-7819 OCCASIONAL CHAIR, bfbiide ings. Furniture, Silver, Lamps, lightning rod? ----- 1941 CHEVROLET ( 2 Fordors 1 3 years to pay. available. Get our spring outside can q' •g^if (^^lify. Write Box A, Herald. entry Pilgrim 2-7161.' '■ edge of town—5-roora ranch, one BOLTON LAKE — Four, room • 0>., Sola Agents, Hartford With French Union ForcM In heater, Hydramatic, wliitc wall 1 PREMIER STRAWBERRY planU frame, black cretonne' cover; was Etc. For in(ormation call Vir­ A—*enjamln Franklin In BALLARD'S Dri'/lng School. Man­ -club coi.'pe. Inexpcn.'ive tramspor- prices now. Call Cliff Scorso, $12 a thousand. Frank Glode, year old, large kitchen and living house, automatic oil heat, picture 2-2115. 762. Northern Indo-Oilna—5ok at this bcautlful'1949 BUD MICHALAK MItcliell 9-8866. Madeline Smith. MItcheU 9-1642, were expect^ their orden, an pert Instruction call the Manches­ WEAVING of bums', moth holes Will employ several m?n as grim 2-7161. POTTED TOMATO Plant" leT all A-1 condition. Sale prices from single. Brick construction, shed schools,, $11,500. .’Qwner, 236 Hud.son sedan. Has had only one “ The W orking/lan’s Friend” SIDE CHAIR, Truetype cherry, MItcheU 3-4679. Q—What Is the taw regarding American battery lfi06 mllee away ter Driving Academy. Pilgrim and torn clothing, hosiery runs, REMODELINCJ— Painting in.>ride branch manager trainees. Must YOUNG MAN Wanted for gen- tuce, cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, $395 to $1195,'including delivery. dormer, >nclo8ed porch, hot water School street, Mancbefeij^ar, ,, the. number o f stripes in our flex? •■■•2-7249. ;■- owner. ' - Radio.— air-conditioner, has .soinic real specials in be high school graduate, college -' eral'factory wo-k; Apply Ka-Kiar Sheraton style, green striped seat; 36 months to pay: Open' Mondays In, .Kocenalao. listened, for. thetec. handbag's repa'fed, zipper re­ and out. Papering. Ceilings whit­ cauliflower, at Krause Green- heat, two fireplaces, tile 'bath, ANDOVER AND Coventry^-i-Over- W int. their own ordere drowned LOW COST SPECIALS' IN s e r v ic e s t a t io n private beach. Several other new A —hfo. out the Votes from Koran. shades, made to mea.snre. All PAI.NTING AND Paperhanging. group life insurance, vacation: lib' premium price. Also other com­ I WANT A RELIABLE maple, upright, shell carved top: Rooms wlthbiit Board 59 Three year old Cape Cod; 4 CALL ANDERSON —2/ j yard body, dual range \ Cape Cody end ranch types, un­ Radio omcers explained that nl* RUN GOOD-- metal Venetian blinds at a new Satisfaction, guaranteed. 35 years eral savings and retirement plan. References required. Steady work bination windows as low as $19. was $42.00, HALF PRICE.. . $19.95 down, two unfinished up, full shed SIX ROOM Cape Cod. near Bowera Apply 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Eve­ TRUSTWORTHY PERSON .NEWLY DECORATED, beautiful­ usual locations, $11,900 and up. Q—Whet la unique about the though ^ e range of artillery" GREENHOUSES axels. Good condition. Full low piicc. Keys made while you experience. Raymond Trudeau, j and good pay for a good man who Call Mr. Wellman. Mitchell dormer. Immediate occupancy— School, $10,900. Mitchell -9-2655. LOOK GOOD — AND ARE ning hours by appointment—Mon­ 9-2710 for demonstration and Who’s Going Housekeeping CABINET SINK —' 42 ” Murray ly furnished and spacious room. $12,500. •Welles Agency, Coventry. Tel. pronghorn antelope? control rndloa le not doaigaod for price $805. wait. Marlow's, Phone Mitchell 9-1614. is not afraid to work. Pilgrim 2-6872. Mitchell 3-8486 GOOD FOR MANY MILES day through Friday. e.stimate. TO TAKE OVER make with shallow, and deep 'The most co.npiete light house­ ^ —It sheda end renews its grenti distances, their xigania are See Van for Interview At bowls: was $129.95 ...... ,$88. keeping facilities available in Two family, oil heat, good in­ horn covers every year. Day or Evening V a INTING And fiaperhan'ging. No UNPAID BALANCE EAST SIDE PRACTICALLY New, four rooms bfter carried hundreds end hun­ THIS COMING .5UMMER 1050 Chevrolet I'.j Ton Building— Contracting 14 PERSONAL 1 MAKE MOTHER'S ironing day Manchester. You will marvel at come. in excellent condition. Pric­ job too small. Phone MItcheU Monthly Payments WASHER, ABC Wringer - type and Jtiath, and two-family house. dreds of miles through atmospheric 155 Eldridge Street Stake— Full pidce $705. VAN'S SERVICE STATION ea.*>ier witli a fine steam iron, the cleanliness of this building. ed right. Q—How many people are bur­ 1946 NASH 600 SEDAN. Complete­ WE CAN BUILD you a garage 3-8372. _ ■ \ FINANCE COMPANY washing machine; was $171.95, TWO-FAMILY DUPLEX freaks. $18.95. Kemp's, Inc. Mitchell $21.16 Children accepted. Central. Pric­ Routfei No. 31, South Coventry, led in the catacombs of Romo? ly overhauled. Black. for $898 complete. If you need AND GARAGE $99.00 Three family, central location. near Gpve (was Hayloft). Sea 1010 Chevrolet I o Ton Pick- SPRAY PARNTING, furniture of 3-5680. NEW FURNITURE ed /*o reasonable you'll gasp! Be One side vacant', other aide vacant A —Six mllUon. Aiitomobiles for Sale 4 one it's a bargain. Estimates also 80(j Main Street In good condition. Gro.«s income Sunday.Xor call Hartford 46-9567. 1946 HUDSON CONVERTIBLE SU­ all kind.s. Wicker furhllure a \21 Hartford Road And Appliances ELECTRIC RANGE. Florence (our sure and see this one. Mrs. Dor­ Up — E.xcellent condition. given on large garages, breeze- COKE MACHINE, store size, very over $2,300 per year. A good in- within six month!. Ideally located. Horse Climbs Up^: ■ \ BLACK BEAUTY 1949 Plymouth PER 6. Radio, heater, new top. .specialty. Tel. Pllgi im .2-6i57. Phone Mitchell 9-7430 Wliich Is Now In Storage burner; was $219.95 ...... $135. sey, 14 Afch street veatment. . Q—Is there such s thing Only $705. ways, pow'hes, dot mers. ete. p'or rea-sonable. Manchester Dry Nice size lot. BOLTON -V Old Colonial, eight race of albinos? . special deluxe sedan, radio, heat­ No Telephone Calks ' OriginaJly sold to a ypung couple rooms. Two*, fireplaces, bath and er. Looks like new. Ea-sy terms, 1917 KAISER SEDAN. Four new full partieulars call W. G. Mc­ INTERlOR;;>A.N'D Exterior paihL Cleaners, 93 Wells street. Tc). who unfortunately are not getting CREDENZA - DRESSER. Genuine AT /Th e CENTER — Pleasant S. A. BEECHLER, Realtor A -N o . . / Won’t Come'Down tires. Runs good. Nally * Son. Tel. Mitchell 9-9992. ing. No job too small. MItchcU ■ 5’OUNG MAN to.learn automotive Mitchell 3-7254. mahogany, 634 inches wide, 4 *roohi (or one or two gentlemen, MANY OTHER LIS’nNGS lavatory. 'Ex^-a large living room trade.". McClure Auto Co., Inc. married. and dining r o ^ . beamed celling.r, Tel. 9-9442. Auto Accessories— ‘Tires 6 9-4907. -. \ accounting, knowledge of book­ Salesmen Wanted S6-A drawers. 3 tray-drawers, pigeon­ 'in bed.s. 14-16 Wadsworth Phone* MI-3-6969 Q—Which ia tha oldest dye? 191R HUDSON CLUB COUPE. Ra­ keeping helpful. Boland Motors, BEDROOM SUITE hole compartments behind tam­ oak floors first'floor, 3-4 acre let. E ^ ver—(•)— So what goes- up dio, heater, whitewall tlrea. RooFing— Siding 16 AUTOMOBILE Salesmen. Part Sirereel. T. J. CROGKETT A —Indigo. NEED PLENTY of room? 1948 369 Center street. LIVING ROOM SUITE bour doors; was $335.00; HALF W ell' landacapedXnear lake, bus mqat come down, eh? Just try teU" Green. / CAN'T AFFORD a new car Buy time and full time. Apply in person FOR SALEL- 2 family house, cen­ Chevrolet station wagon, in lir.sl FOR GUARANTEED ROOFS that Repairing 23 .5-PC. DINETTE SET PRICE ...... ; ...... $167.50 /------^------Phones: Office MItcheU 3-5418 line and school 'flu*. Bara and ing that to a balky horae, aaya a Ward rebuilt motor and save! Boland Motors, 369 Cer^ter street. trally located, good neighborhood. Q—Who invented the Arabic class condition. Former owner's 194R PLYMOUTH SPilCIAL De- Terms as low a.s $15 down, $10 stay on in any kind of storm, and ■PHILCO " ELEC. REF. ,/1 ROOM. PHONE MItcheU 9-0086 garage combined.'Borne repairs numerals? Dmiald Dean, 22. of Denver. name., on i-equcst. Terms, trades. LUXE CLUB COUPE. Radio, gutters, conductors and roof re­ MATTRESS Your old mattresses THREE GOOD DIE Makers. Ap­ SPACE FOR RENT "BENGAL” COMB. RANGE after 4:30 p. m. Oil heat, newly redecorated. Tel. Residence MItcheU 9-7751 ■ needed. Also bulldingsltea. Robert A—The Hindus of India. Dean borrowed a horse frofii n monthly. Lib^al trade-in allow­ fteriilzeu and rem ^e like new. Situations Wanted— SIDE CHAIR, Empire style, chw MItcheU 3-5820. McClure Auto Co., Inc. Tel. 9-9442 heater, New motqr job. pairs. Call Coughlin, MItcheU ply 234 Hartford Road. INDUSTRIAL nr STORAGE "MAYTAG" WASHING MACH. J. McKinney, Bolton Iifke. MItch­ friend and rode to the top of TaUe ance on your old motor. Wards Call Jones Furnitu^ and Floor ______* Female 3 rj*. with green covering; was 3-7707. "HOOVER” VACUUM $31.50, HALF PRICE ...... $/.95 CENTRAL LARGE, comfortable WEST SIDE— Lovely six room sin­ eU 3’ 3543. \ — Mountain near Golden, weat of arrange" Installation for you. Covering. 36 Oak. MItchcU 9-1041. 5 ^ NCHES'TCR Roofing and Sid­ CARLSON & c o r "EMERSON" TELEVISION MANCHESTER—Looking for a Q—Why ia the Iroh Crown of 1948 PLYMOUTH Coupe, full price NO MONEY DOWi^ ON THESE WAN.TED—Housekeeping for one j room in quiet, heme. 20 Wads, gle, open stairway, fireplace, oil Denver. But when he atarted* down, CARS IF YOU HAVE A GOOD Motors for mo.st popular cars. ROOFING, .Siding and carpentry. ing Co., has opening for a carpen­ 44 STOCK PLACE Simmons Mattress and Boxspring, nice house that could be a home ATTRACTIVE Ranch hoibe. Full Lombardy so called? ■' $588. '51 Pontiac Catalina, hard­ oi^ two adultr. Live in. Call Mitch- j CEDAR CHEST, Modern g ra /w a l­ worth street. \ burner, storms, screens, garage, tha horse apparently decided the (?REDIT RATING. Montgomery Ward, 828 Main Alteration.s and additions. Ceil­ ter. and a painter. Call MItcheU Alexander-Smith Rugs. Inlaid. plua a business? I> have one in ba."en.ent, flreplaae. playroom, A —Its name comes from an In­ top, full price $1988. '47 Mercury street, Manchester. ell 3-7477 after 5 p. m. nut. automatic lid tray/ was amesite drive. Vacant. Price going was too steep and refused to ings. Workmanship guaranteed. Courses and C lassed 27 9-8933 after 5:30., Lamps. Tables. , Dishes. Pots $54.95. HALF PRICE CLEAN, COMFORTABLE single nice condition with large lot, out garage. Picture window in'Jiving ner iron circlet which tradition sedan, full price $688. '49 Chev­ .. .127.45 says waa beaten from a nail of the bildge. Terms! Tradcsj Many More Cars A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn and Pans. room. Private home. Quiet neigh, buildings, and priced at only greatly reduced. Must sell. Wm. room having 11 ft. flr^Iace rolet f-edan, spotle.ss inside and In Stockifrb Choose From! LEARN RADIO — Electronics^ CEDAR CHEST, Modeni Oak in Goodchild, Sr., Realtor. Mitchell Cross of Christ. So Dean built a fire and tried to out. full price $1988, '49 Hudson Business Services Offered 13 street. MItcheU 3-4860. Phone Me Iidmediately bbrhood. Gentleman preferred. $14,700. Call the Ellsworth Mitten mantel with oak paneling, kitchpn- Television servicing at Connefe WAREHOUSE. >IAN w'heat finish; was 169.50... .$39.75 References required. Mitchell Agency, Realtors. MItcheU 3-6930 3-7925. keep warm durin;, the night until \coupe, full price $848. '50 Olds McCLURE AUTO CO.. INC. ticut's oldest electronics school.' Htfd. 6-0358: AFTER 7 P. M. maid cabinets. Mahogany den:\i3 Q—Who was the officer who searchers reached him the next convertible, new top, very clean POWER BURNERS and Range MANCHESTER . Roofing and Sid­ 'S^^ational Foods Concern hak an 3-8183. acres, 3 mllea from UConn. Ta^ Hudson Sale.s. and Service ing company. AL"o all types of two evenings per week. Weekly 46-4600 STEP TABLE. 20x32-ipch Truetype AN UNUSUALLY fine seven room ARBOR HOMES brings \ to this captured John Brown aftar hla raid morning. The other' horses coaxed 1.888. '49 Cadillac sedan, hydra- Burners expert.y cleaned and owning for a warehouse man to solid maple: was $42.00, HALF road, school bus. Owner Williman-' painting and carpentry work. payments $5. Cla.s.s starting soon. See It Day Or Night home, two car garage, copper area a new and proven method of on Harper's Ferry? Dean's steel into making the m ^ c , radio, heater, full price. Telephone Mitchell 9-9442 serviced. ld amid a walk from .center of town. Will Without obligation tc you, wa \ Of the Lusitania M ortRaKcs 31 H. -T. liElN Z CO. . cost new /$335, used tlx months, I PRICE .. y '...... $15. numerous plans of the pre-engin- wilt appraise oh make you a cash thi'ougff.the streets by Charles D. mates. Open evenings. Jones Fur­ display at 41 Oak street. F. H. A. most,picturesque and natural setting. With more than six hun­ be shpwn by appointment. Price King. \ 195i CHEVROLET Siyieline de­ 1953 CHEVROLETS, Immediate Financing. Tel. MItcheU 3-8177. now $185 installed. Watkins, 935 ee*-*^ homes in our file. Favorable offer for property. Sea ut before niture. Oak . atreet. Mitchell -170 Tollan.d Street dred feet on the lake and four hundred fifty feet on Vernon Road I ARM C^AIR, "fruetype maple Apartments— Flat^— ' $14,800. Exclusive with the Phil luxe tutonc grty and ivory. deliverey, one Bel-Airc fordor, one FIRST AND Second mortgages Main jlreet. financing arranged. Call (or an you sell. „ Roialare Harbor, Ireland—(F)— Poyerglide. ExcellciK condition 9-1041. ^ bought for our own account. Fast, the property i-onsists of approximately seven ai-res of gradual bamboo turned Windsor style: was Hallin Agency, Realtor. Mitchell Q---Whai is a superstitious be­ Bel-Aire tudor. Fully equipped. 36 greateastern Tenements 63 appointment at vour convenience. BRAE-BURN REALTY Salvage qhipa are fitting out her# throughout. Only $1,495. Center confidential service. Manchester Ea.st Hartford sloping, cleared land, shaded with 150 year old hardwoods and NEW BI^NDIX, automatip drier, $29.95, ^ALF PRICE ...... 1)4.95 9-9221. lief about t1)e mandrake plant? for another trip to the Atlantic’s months to pay. Douglas Motors. COMPLETE llepalra’tjy Stuart R- ROOFING AND many apple, pear and peach trees. A magnificent view of the 5'.j ROOM FLAT A-1 condtticn. Tel. Mitchell 9-4389. Phone, Mitchell 3-6273. A—It is ‘’^supposed to shriek Mqtor Sales. 333 Main. Wolcott, A-1 r.epair. Sales, on Investment Corp., 244 Main St. regulai/iy $239.95 reduced to $l89. PRICE REDUCED- - FjlU Side ■ "ship’s graVqyard"-^a 100 mile C0,NSTRUCTI0N CO. Phone MItcheU 3-5416. lak.e and Boltoh Church Spire can he seen Kom the gray shingled Marlon's Furniture Dept. , New furnace, oil'heat. $85 per LISTI.NGH Wanted. Single, two- when pulled out of the soil. * ' ^ stretch off the Irish coast, w hen 1950 BUICK super four-door v.-ashlng' machines, vacuum clean­ residence of twelve rooms and three baths which retains all of w a t :I Grazladlo, Real­ valuable lead, copper and eteaL LOCAL HIGH Cla-*?s retaU poultry iMMintry honte-in a heautifnl and peaceful-setting. . prints, stripes, solids. Elxpertly ElASY WASHER ,and Universal for Rent / 64 attractive dining room, three nice 1<>. acre lots.. Tolland Road, in Paris in 1653. hut they were O ne unconfirmed'report aaid they BEFORE YOU Buy a. used car Open evenings. " LTFETUTE store. Main street location. Won- Notice, is bereby given the laxr bedi'ooms up, large ceramic tile tor. MItcheU 9-5878. 109 Henry letter covert or wrappers on which -AX>L.K1NJ3S of/AGarpentry ...work. finished, $5 dow’n, $2 weekly, elfectric range taken on trade-in.. Bolton. ',a. mile ea..5t of Bolton, atreet' - may try , for the cargo of the Cun- ■ see 'Gorman - Motor - Sales. Buje^ ' Alumimim ClapboardB " • 'derfifl' opportunity. Good '"tneome payers (if'the 'Ttrwii Of TJovenlry TlfOCATIONt' iletton: carriage, expensive. Ail decorating done. churches. Waa owner occupied. BUILDING LOT on comer of Hoi- wild on Connemara bogland and increased five times by 1958. This "Please accept my personal chock r-'/; >' 80% OFF Uiies Installed— Cellar Water­ MItcheU 9-8725. $8. MItcheU 9-6987.-. bought it on tl)e spot. traffic may grow to about 1,500 for $50 aa a.UttIa b o ^ to the beet A-1 CULTIVATED BETTER DEAL rant at oiiet. lost of rof> i MItcheU a-5550. . . Price $13,300. lister and Bond'streets. For infor­ proofing Done. CARR0LL-DRI60S REALTY ABENTS mation inquire 89 Oakland street. Former owner R. T. Curley now million tofi-miles per year by 1960, government In this mlxodnUp i.- Terma To Suit You. ’ Jarvis Realty Co. MAHOGANY Table, brass lamp, ROPER GAS Stove with heating QUIET,^ Middleaged couple, no the aur\’«y indicated.. • world.” FARM LOAM I REALTORS has had the pony trained tor ^ i l - PONTIAC DEALER 654 Center Street •ranees. Con you hdp? MoKINNEY IROS. hall i^ it, electric stove,’ General unit, Westinghouse electric roast­ children, need 2, 3:or 4 room part­ Inquire 168 Woodland Street dren’s riding and hopes it 'may The donor explained tbet the 'c o l e m o t o r s ' ■ ■ Electric refrigerator. Inqure 22 age exempted him flr«m fd g ttf .CALX. or M1-S-15S1 ' » 1 ' 'l* ■ • . I TeL HI-S-41IZ s e w e r a g e DISPOSAL CO. 754 MAIN ST., EAST HTTO,— PHONE HTTD. $-4164 or irlMO er. Simmons studio couch. Inquire ly furnished or unfurniahad reriL /• ^Utchell 3-8474 BUILDING LOT on Essex Strfect, atariirt a demand for Connemaraa A 1951 census ahbwed Canada 4M Center S t MItcheU 9-0980 C an M I.3.51!21 ISO -m Pearl SL TfeL MI-Z-AS08 Locust atresL MItcheU i-6998. M Wadaarorth -atrafet eaat Writa Box Q, Harald. SO' X 110*. Tel. Ml^tcheU 9-79M. am*WjRf American youngsters. . has 8,648 Britimoa. aay IneoflM tax. •I \ '' ' ' : . • / \ t / \ - I: 15. -y ------.. A. ,,,g. r. -■vi ■ / \ - J y-. ' ■ C

V / '■ • 'V SA1 APRIL 25, 1968 Avdntge Daily Net Prem Run I./J------The W e a th »...... rftQBrotm i^EN For the Week Ended ' -' Fafceatt af O. 8. Waathar Bafeaa e;« iO April 18, 1853 player. We learned the boys 10,952 Partly cloudy teniglit aad- ta- were buying the gum just to,get Hearing Is Set GOSMETIGS i morraw. Little chaagg la tasn^ra- A b o u t T o w n the pictures and^ then threw the ) ,Cliurilla-Palmer ^Nuptials Member of the Audit tnre, rain possible. Heard Along Main Street gum away. • ' WE CARRY ALL ^ Bureau « l ClrealationB By Rec Board LEABING BRANDS . A Manchester— A City*of Village Charm Murtel C. Blalsdell w m granted Even the Beet laild Plans . . • divorce In Superior Court hi. And on Some o f Manche$ter*$ Side Streets^ Tdo Latest tidbit in the Animat, i Arthur Drug S io rM i Hartford veaterday from Robert J. Vegetable; and Mineral depart­ Sixth and Final Discus­ VOL. LXXII, NO, 176 (ClaaaUled A d T e ii^ g eu Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. APRIL 27, 1953 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) , PRICE FIVE CENTS Blaisdelli both of. Manchester, on ment comes from Guy Woelk. a 9 the ground of intolerable cj-uelty. Even This T , •ing conditiofts and the gentleman year old DP who works as sion Will Be on ll With the plaintiff awarded $25 a A bit of information regarding seemed well satisfied. week aUmony and $25 a week for Herald newsboy. Guy, and hiS par­ At Municipal Bpilding a brand new telephone company in^ The proprietor then escorted ents. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Woelk, \ the support of one child. PHONE Time Check vcntion that the Belt people dis­ his- new dishwasher Into the wijh. .whom he lives at 82 Foster kitchen toward the sinks. En The Advisory Park^nd Recre­ WASHER MT-9k45S7 Auxiliary Police will report to- closed recently indicates that the .rtreet, have 11 hens. scientist, in his effort to mhke route the dishwasheKatopped, and ation Commission hax set May 11 morrow hioming ‘at » o'clock, Recently one of the hens laid a as the date of a public hearing at modern living simpler and. no ore , sniffed. . midget egg one day and a good REPAIRS -weather permitting, at the Finley "Whatever is cooking smells which the use of/schoipl buildings street shooting range for target important, more efflcient, has final- ' sixed double yoked egg the next. ly bitten off more, than he can. very good," he commented. for '-recreatalonXl /nactivltles for racUce. Otherwise, they will meet "It's a beef stew. Would you The small version l.s somewhat chikjren and yMUlls will be dls- Prompt, Ecenemieol Stohday night a£ 7 o'clock at the chew—at least we nope so. bigger than a pheasant's egg. we The new invent ion. type of me­ like some?" - cus.sed. / ^ Guoremt— d earing shooting.^ range at the Union chanical rhan. or. rather, in this "I certainly would." are told by a sportsman friend ! The hearing, which will take School. X ' ^ • case, woman, is an electronic tele- : •The restaurateur thereupon who saw it. , i place- in Lhe hearing 4-oom of the Hovi'^d It happen? We asked I MuniclpM Building beginning at Wringtr-Rells Roploeod Teachers of science in all pub­ phone device that can intelligently served up an overly generous por­ Washiiurton. April 27—{/Pi • •'"“r f ' « ' ‘‘*»y-s»turday react to spoken numbers. tion of the stew and supplemented Roger blcott, an egg raiser whose |'7:30 p7m .. is the sixth and last iVBsningio^ I 1^ Senate record for marathon lic, parochial and private schools teaching experience makes it easy i in aperies designed to a.ssist the and colleges are invited ta attend Like anybody else—and let's , It with bread and butter. " POTTERTON'S .^ e n a te and held th4 Senate in Its face it—these creations of man's | for him to explain things clearly. J commission In making recommen- | the second annual meeting of the The dishwa.sher ate and said, ISO renter Bt.. Cor. of Church Taft, declaring _ flllMSWrS overnight session since 1950. increasingly Ingenious mind have Olcott raid the occurrence.^is not i d ^ o n s for a balanced passive and j Connecticut Science Teachers As­ "That was very good. I'm going are weakening," aimed today' , Taft has threatened around-the- more characteristics of a person to enjoy working here." So very unusual. It happens gener­ ! active recreation program. sociation Saturday, May 2, be- than of a machine —the new device ally when a lien is beginning to lay As the result of the first five for a test vote in the wordy clock meetings as routine bCgln- .ginning at 5;i5 a. m. in the Sterl*. He then explained that he must ha.s-a mirne.'^Tt’s Audrey. leave for a moment and-he-walked ■wr*- ...... [/t’pttkltc-mtTtlngs and executl-ve -ae's- battle over ownership » f the nin* unless., tber«^ is, Sottlh Koreans Voiciff ObjeclirtDS Ing Chemistry LaboratoryK. Yale • TheoreltCally. all a person has The hen 1» Ikying small eggs sions which followed the commis­ University, New Haven. \ out the door. pll-rlch ■ 's to do is speak into an ordinary If an elderly gentleman, well- anyway. Ulcott skid, although he sion has recommended: ___ lands. - w , , keep the Senkte In Session hext teiephone and Audrey does the mannered and respectably dressed admitted the oneiwe described n 1. Acquiring land near Rob­ The Ohio legislator. sald_, he look- ~ Move Designed Cecond Lt. Charles K, J. Morse rest, relieving the caller of the task enters your restaurant and applies •smaller than usuaL The double ertson Park along the-Hodkanunv has joined the Medical Company ed for a clearcut show of strength call Fhr Votes of dialing and maybe wearing out fot the dishwasher's job, and If he yoke egg is just two of the hen's River and near Union Pond. this afternoon on an amendment o f the 40th Infantry Dlvision'.s a hngcr. expresses admiration for your regular sired ones put together In 2.. Buyiiig lights now installed Once the And^sor amendment 160th Regiment in Korea. His by Senator Anderson ID., N. M.l, Th^ company says that Audrey the sanr.e .•■hell. at Robertson Park, lind planting Is disposed of, Taft\ald he will call wife, the former Ellen' Murphy, beef stew— an advocate of federal control of ia still only a child, however, far The flring mechanism which pro­ some trees there. the controversial areas. for votes on amendments by Sen­ • daughter of Mrs. James Murphy, from thV.^ge where it—that is, she 3. Rebuilding a dam at the ator- Hill (D-Alai and Malone (R- T o Young Enterprise pels unshelled eggs into the shell­ resides at 36 Maple street. —can go to work. But Taft aald he was "not aw­ One of the fellow staff members ing department misfires and sends Oak Grove .street property and fully optimlatic” about setting up a Ne.v,). . ' „ But evert; so, we can't under­ passed along the following story stocking the area with trout. Hill's - proposal would go a step Marine Pfc. VV. H. Taft. Jr., son two unshclled eggs in at once. The date for a final vote on the House- stand how A ^ rey, even when she recently. 4.. Installing more lights at beyond Anderson’s by providing Tokyo, April 27—-.in the mil­ courts each new school, at Rob­ to mineral rights on moat federal lets carried the message In the Rus- except for bleacher seats. We were told by another egg A tablish state title to the offshore ilan, Chinese and Korean lan­ in a training cruise and vi.siting lions, or is it biliions'.'of persons If, ertson F^ik, and at the West Sid" public lands within their bound­ \ Cuba, Jamaica and New Orleans who daily use the telephone, At the Iasi moment, one mem­ raiser that the phenomenon also lands within the states’ historic aries. guages. ber of the party took sick and " ’as occurs in hens which are approach­ Rec. - V boundaries. It would substitute In a move unprecedented in the,.; • ^ fo re returning to Norfolk, Va., Anyway, we're hoping that this 6. Cooperating, with the Con­ Oppqnents of state ownerahip unable to go. Several phone calls ing the cud of the lajirg age. We A-, provisions to give the federal gov- have a strategy caucus scheduled Korean war. th4 Command prom­ May 27 Set neixt month. latest encroachment on a domain w y necticut Society for Crippled Chil­ were placed with friends in an'ef- suppose that corresponds to an as­ Ren. 55’a.vne 3Ior*c,...... ernment Independent title to the lands, with today, but. Hill said .he . . doubts______they_ ised political asylum for the flrat heretofore thought to be reserved dren in providing swimming for exclusively to fleah-and-blood hu­ fort to gel some one to use the sembly line that has developed Renatnr from Oregon, looks at his j 67'.i per cCTt of revenues from off- willing., to quit talking flier to come over and any others , bugs because it is -worn out. crippled rhijdren one day a week THE OFFICE OF man beings proves a dud. After third ticket. No one was available. * / .loMph P. Naylor Stutlic Match 2'.! hour* and 36 minute* "bore developments in the margin- Taft said yesterday who w’ould follow. Those who i So the two men. with the three After reading all: this you may MRS. EDWARD/g . CHURILLA / at the EasvSide Rec. after he began his Alibuster M sea going to the coastal there was no press of legislation follow would get 650,006. For Actioii all, what would become of that still be wondering, with ,is. which Some Suggestions are still to be DR. RICHARD C. celebrated "Voice with a Smile." tickets, set off for Boston. Outside against the tidcland* el) Idll. Sen­ Bankers of federal control, while the next two weeks but he felt Row'ing Diatrnat 1 ^ 4 ^ ^ \ • tive park they saw a youngster came first—^Henry Ford or the hen. acted upon. ^ conceding they are outnumbered opponents were "rather An official announcement said j ' No Audrey could ever replace Palms and spring flowers decor- • hat and gloves, blue shoes and /■' \ \ ALTON ator Morse's marathon. I* report­ standing near the main gate. One pur.se to match the dre.s.s. ed tn art a record of worffage. two—to-one by Senators favoring i inclined to' be reasonable" about the offer was made to get "in­ that. • Mental Tidbit atrd St. .Ismea' Church at 9 o'cjOck fur stole of the Manchester men asked the and also a corsage of two white Said the Senator: “ I'm not Inter­ state control, have held the floor ending the debate, valuable technical Intelligence" to Every once in a w-hile, a Heard this morning for the wedding of ' CHIROPRACTIC What's rookin'? boy if he wknted to see the game. orchids. ested in breaking record*. I'm in long speeches which the.v con-| Ander.’ on said on an NBC tclc- sow distrust, and suspicion In the The youth said he did but did not Along Main Street staff member Miss Eleanor Mae Pfllmer, daugh­ tend are designed,' not ss fill-| vision .show la.st night he thinks An elderly gentleman, well;man- cornea across an item he thinks A reception for 1.50 gue.sts was PLOWING AND p h y s ic ia n Interested in fighting this Nil. .” Communist air force. , Washington, Apiril 27- have any ticket. The extra ticket hualers. but to "educate , the . the state ownership bill will be The leaflets dropped in North nered and res^ctnbly dressed, en­ w'ln add intellectual tone to the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H .. held at-the American Legion Home which would give coastal states — The administratioR wl the loical man had was given to the CLOSED^ UNTIL, title to off-shore oil deposits, public." I ■ " ■ ■ Korea ca^ed a photo^aph of tered a Main street restaurant one boy who said he would be along in column. This, for your pondering Palmer of 201 Broad street, and on Leonard street. For a wedding HARROWING put into effect May 27 iu morning recently and explained trip to New York, Detroit. Niag­ (NF.A Telephnti)into.) Senator Morse's (Ind-Oret more j (C^nntiniied en Pnge Ten) Franclsaek Jarewskl, a Polish Jet aecUPHy a minute. during these lengthening spring Sgt. Edward G. Churilla of the program kde- that he wished to apply for the days, is siich an-item: ara Falls and Duluth, Minn., the CALL A. BUTLER MAY 4 ^pllot who flew hia MIG-15' to Den­ position of dishwasher for which The local niVn were seated at U. S. Air Force, soft of Mr. and bride cho.se for traveling a ootil- mark and was given political aay- signed to keep out of fedel^l Cora who is three times as old Mrs. George P. Churilla of 82 Fox- MI-9-9543 he had seen an advertisement. game time but tjie seat next to lion blue suit with .natural shoes lum only recently. jobs those whom PnesUdht them was empty. A t the start of as Anne was when Corn was twice croft drive. The double ring ccrc- The proprietor, having looked as old .aa. Anne .will, in . three and purse. |)ink ha.t and glove.s Aautli.Koreans, many carrying signs, stage a. demonstration In Iteoul. 14oulh Korean .capItaL aa •rile measage in the . Riiasian Eisenhower .. calls ..“the die- ' the second Inning a Mg bloke came m'ony was performed- by Rev. John and mink jachet. The couple will full-scale armistice talks were resumed by ITN and Red negotiators at Panmunjom. Rome of the ianguagd^ began “Comrade pllota” the applicant over carefully and years be three times ss old as Hannon of St. J'ames' Church, and Open Clash loyal and the dangerous.” spoken with him for a few min­ in and sat in the box. Hie said to re.side in Duluth. signs are in English. Large sign in front reads: "Give us iinlflcatlon or death.” (,\P WIrephoto and was entitled "Road to Free­ the local men, "I didn't think I Anne was two years ago. How old the traditional bridal music was Detaila of the plan were Outlin­ utes, decided he would probably are Cora and Anne? Mrs. Churilla graduated from radio from Tokyo). dom.” The one in the Chinese ed at a White House news confer­ coiil.l buy a ticket hut I finally played on ^he organ. language' waa addressed to "Cou­ qualify for the Job and should be — A Non. Manchester High School in the 4 ence today by Attorney General got one from a kid outside {or only Given in piarriagc by her father, Over Tariff - rageous Jet pilots.” given a chance. the. bride had aa her matron of clas.s of 1951. Brownell, a few lioura after they They discussed wages and work- five bucks." \ Of NATO Sessions The official announcement aald Sgt. Ch'virilla graduated with the honor her .<>iatet>. Mr.s. Catherine' ' W E ’RE that the Air Force hoped'to . get had been dtscuaaed at a regular Oiimshne Honor Hutchinson Giard of 88 Drive B. Silver Lane cla.s.s of L9\8. .served 12 months in \- Monday conference of GOP legta- Japan and six months in Korea Is Averted Red Plan on POWs Disco Tale the same results as ground - forces Spruce street wss cluttered wl Homes. Bridesniaid.s were Doris letive leaders with the PresIdML and was formerly employed at the Washington, April 27—— The new Korean ai-miff- ing to United Nations Command ty- . •. , ^ • just what they were doing. aid chief St'aasen arrived from fopeas . . . ■ t Sion of Kl^ 80th birthday. TTiey with a bodice of imported white trade hill which would bar any itice talks deadlocked again today aa the UN Command flatly Bubble gum Is being put out In raria at 9:28 a. m. I t. s. t.) ih a She State Capitol, Hartford, *m the same .way, officart of the AppSOa To AH ; a thin slab form, and tn each pack enjoyed a pleasant social time. A | Chantilly lace with fingertip length lowering of tariffs to levels rejected a Red prisoner e-xch^nge p^posal which it said of- OPEN SUNDAYS sleeves, and a skirt of nylon tulle Military Air Transport plane. He April 27— (fP) —The top of- F w . East Command beliave the It will be applied to SepsittVir there is a picture of a baseball feature of the refreshments was a ; , You .5Ia,v Have An Early■i7 said he expected to see Eisenhow- jound to imperil Americgn in- fer« only return to Communtst rule dr ‘‘endless captivity” for papMit operation eliould reduce the with appliqued flowers. She wore Appointment flcim df WilllnfTord fire- posItVOnS in all agencies as w ill'ls er some time- today and goy before d u stry . ‘ ------.>'•■ - ■■ ■ ■L-;—— ■— ■' '*'"■■—'• Reds 'who wlus* to' go home. cOmlMt mectiveneaS of the Com- to the few departments cm oped large birthday cake, surmounted 1 a fingertip veil with a crown of For Private Auto Driving ' . _ In . their Second meOtlng ainee works factory, declared today 9A.M.to1P.M. the Senate Foreign Relations com­ muniet air force . . .' under..the former TntauiP. GOAL-COKE by 80 candleli. I lace and seed pearls, and carried INSTRUmO.V . _ _ N Simpson's new’ stand seemed Oct. 8. both Allied and Commi nist mittee tomorrow. he felt that Harold Disco of "Henceforth, a m Ig flight ladder trtM . ' He received a number of st-1 a bouquet of stephanotis with a From Your Home 1-C .a-a'mVOA'S'naT **’‘*•5’ g® * •®"g "'ay toward House Debates dclegat'e stood pat. on their own 6P.M.io9P,M. white orchid center and streamer.^ Mini.sters of the North Atlantic r * I 1 IT X L t v V m t y W ' *-''*rting a sharp, open clash be- Norwich, a fireworks dealer, should bd evert More concernetf The program waa sat forth Td. MitelMl 3-snS tractive gifts, about/ 1,50 cards' If You Call Council counti'ie.i in Pari.s were so plans for settling the exchange lest MS own flifht shoot Mm down hanging- tliercfrom. U)ClD r 'A , tween President Elsanhower and was telling the truth when he lengthy exscutlvVO ortiw aignsd^ snd a beautiful bouquet of ffowers L Mitchell 9-1370—TODAY hu.sy with their own work, he told problem and bringing a~ tract In and escape. 'He will, tend to be DR.il. GERSHANOFF from Manchester Grange. He The matron of honor wa.s -at­ I key House Republicans on the reported a $4,000 “ shflke- Preaident Bissnnower. tired in a ballerina length gown of Bh. A A A . A . A A , A A A , .AA reporters, that "we didn't have Daylight Time Korea. wary about the other pllota in his has been a Granger, for almost 50 time" to give very much study to Washington, April 27M/P) It sets up procedures fbr h< pink, made with a lace bodice and Quality materials, prompt service, helpful afivice... ■at as far c tained t ^ . cha^est criticism - t o a. m. yerterday for. an estimated tiate co/istriictlYely. Lt. .Gen. Wll- f — ground. ceSsories and a fqr cape and a cor- i as he knew, it was true, and ------sage of two white orchids. 'The | KEMP'S MIKK 4 laPPLY Cai came so/far from the new admin- 60 million'Americans. liam K. Harrison.. Senior Allied added: HOT OVEN GRINDERS Many suns have warmed many istration of the Truman regime's Miirdei - Scene But not in the nation's capital, LOAM gardens, mother of the bridegroom chose a Aided by Jets Delegate, said it's "far too early” , "Di.sco ia an honest man. I be- blue silk shaptung dress with pink | w ■ rearmament .program. ! • where Congress acts a.s a eity coun­ Dark. Rich, CnIMvated While eighty years have rolled to think about such a move. ! lieve him when he .said ao." L A P IZ Z A From WlUlnuinMc, Kyes I* Kryman cil. It’.’' stiil eastern standard time Meanwhile, the Panmunjom gate - Backca explained that as he first Bullejdbtis .Grade No. t $6.00 eu. yd. 'round. Rockville and Storrs: The No. ,2 man' in the Defense On Polii*e Film 111 Korea War c . 1 . 1,, 7,.., finedom for sick and wounded i the stolty; t h i money, Grade No. 3 $3.00 cu. yd.. PHONE MI-9-45 Enterprise M.5.5. department announced: . __ ...... i Allied nr HOMEMADE PIES AND DOUGHNUTS Delivered In Truck Eighty , years of toil and of labor. i »toofi dosed b y - ' ’ ‘-iv disco a«id jv-s., U e d or from the Wires "Because in some instances the) Van Ntiys. Calif., Aprilill 27 -IF—-IJ * bill authorizing the district; _ T .bun by formal' .State Reh. Domi­ - .. • HAMBURGERS — HOT DOGS Load Lots—Order Now Eighty years of laughter and fun; ^coul, April 27 - - IP — Deadly mobilization haae is too widely A msn s'rted out for Mlice the . commi.s.sioner.s to-m ove Wa.shfng-1 ‘ . , Screened sfuid; atone. 6U Work, play, strife, war, peace and Just Boyond Boltoii .Notch — Country Road, Route 44-A i^mcriran Sabre jet.s flew dive TOlice nick I’edace of Norwich./^ Repiib- diffused, there- will he stustlon.*nvay he ssid he best h is>is'yife 'ife to ! ton'.* docks ahead an hour. Bui , ^ 1;' )I lican parly official, w*5t to go to APPROVE NimONATlONS and gravel 'delivered. : plenty. bombing missions in close support where a suffeient quantity of the ' death with a croquet mallM and the House fSdn’t get around to de- Have paused In review, every one. of Allied ground forces today for pri.soners ended their delivery. In the co-chairmen W the legists- WashIgtoB, April 37—UT> »i . NUSSDORF Item manufactured is not required ' chopped off her hands vmh a bating it until today, The Seaate Jadlelarjr eeaadlttea the fir.st time in the 34-months-old to maintain a minimum ecohnmic ! hsichet, \ i When all the oratorical .shooting' •seven daya they turned bad: 684— CONST. C O . Many friends have walked through 1-19 Americans 470 South Korean (Continued on Page Tea) today approved the MadMatfade. Phone Mitchell $-740$ ‘''T W e "sX e s until recently “ Arid while he starred In Ibis ' ' -ia over, (Tongreaa probablv will ap- ef former Gey. ThaadM g. Basai hia portals. the grisly drama, swinging the mallet p,ove—aa it slwaya haa the11,. right11 -Ml. wdijian. snd 64 dis- Old, new, rich and pemr, sad and only for air battle with Red MIG ^‘"*** ‘^•***' belt of Ohio aad fonaer':3Mae jeta pounded Communial troop, ‘ .*»« "‘ "P sgsin. a police, movie camera and , of the Di.atrlct to go on fa.at time Thev hid nrol^ed'^8' Harry Gala o f Waahlagtaa, hMS' gay. and oAsitioria , Production, and where neceasan' sound equipment recorded his a c ,h it „anta to, i •' Pr°nil*e“ . "’ <“1’ for standbv. while In’* t«ns Inspecting a movie troupe on the annual April whing-dint to be rMurned other.*, tlje tools'will be handled location. ^,t on the good .side of the farm H*’ " " originally plcd^d. It did not locate the targets. PLANE THOUGHT DOWIT TAKE ADVANTADE OF THESE PRICES Twenty-four U. S. Marine Pan fn such a, manner as to aaaure their I Richard E. Fredericks,..,.3.5. re* , folka back home bv denouncing‘ "I’ 'Y Tokyo, April 27 — 1A*I — Aso VANDERBILT ______- ...... availabliity. The -general policy turned Saturday night from Maple- dsyiipht time. J */*.'I'* Communists continued Manila, April 31 — iff) — A.' thcr jet fighter-bombers blasted an volcano erupted thunderously to­ Clark Air Force Base apolr^. L amBiunitVon factor^ M cinnampo '‘■'‘H *>e that of retslnhig the low , wood. N. J.. where he was arrest-] ' st its ,500-a-day rate. day, killing at least six of 400 NOTICE TakeV'arefiil l-nok man aald tonight a commeritia a ' with 5(1 tons of bombs . while o*?«t produced of desired goods as ed, was taken to hia Van Nuya (Continiled on Page Three) school children peering into' it s ! PREMIUM QUALITY TIRE$ At Monday's i52-minule srml.*- Air Force Capt. Zachary .Dcaa, plane wpa heUevod. down. aoiMy . A public hearing will be held by the Town Planning ^nmni'Mim, JhuM Coiaaiis hit a weapons and storage ! the high coat nroduce-." home yesterday. The camera on depths. ' .... *Douglas*. Kss.. shot down by the NEW 1952 day. May T. 1953, at S:tK) P. M. in the Hearing Room of the Munlolpal area at Haeju.^\ ' f But Kyes also said "careful cbn-''a rolling tripod followed his every tlce meeting, each side suggested where betweea Okinawa add the One hundred children were re­ Reds In .\priL 1931, speak* from Philippiacs. The report eaaaa Building to consider the following proposed xone changes and ameno- On the eastern fiont. U. S. 45th ? "'derstlon"^ would be given to pre, move snd s tape recorder w-hifred that the other take another care­ ported injured in Aso's first erup- , ful look at its proposaL * iPreedom Village to hi* wife in from OUaawa but gave na dp* me-nts to the Zoning Regulations; ^ nf $ 1 . 0 0 $ Divi.sion infantrymen hurled back "erring industries vital to defense recording the firgl crime re-en- tion in 20-year.*. ' Tokyo. Dean, nmong ln*t POWo li To change to Business Zone III all or part of an area conaiatlng 1.00 a pre-dawn attack of 150'North i " ’*''*’'' <1° •>*'’* full opportunitv actraent ever filmed hy Los An- Harrison told newsmen. "In thi.* tails a* to the type af plana sboct time .we -hav’e no.real ebasts ..^’’ .The youngsters were Op aq., to^beexchange toU .n^’siaea ndaalBg..or .the, a— her ahaasd*'. approximately 23 acres; on the Southerly *lde of MldtUe Turnidke Kcifcii'rt-s -VW.ae in tlie' main -Allied' eronomyr-f-notinif :that-'gelea police.. - /.i.-.. News Tidbits excursion “^nstde the l5-mile-wlde how he aiM Asooctat^ 'Prei* pho^ west of Broad Street, now in Residence Zone A and Rural Residence for ass:imii)g the Communists will Buy on* tir* at Von- line on the eastern front j "the aircraft industry is an exam- Dels. Al-Ortiz and C. S. .Stewart great crater of.5.267-foot Mt. Aso- tographer: Frank Nodeoeaped Zone,, bounded and described aa follows: ^ginning at a The U. S:-tix>ops. counted--26 P i' • 1 «aid Fredericks, ap insurance Culled from AP -Wirefu notnegotiateingood,faith.*' ■ ABANDONS PLAN on Kyushu, Japan's southernmost., from their - captor* la n August, NEW ’52 DODGE TON PIGKUP Southerly side of Middle Turnpike West. 920 feet West o f the inter­ darbilt list pric*, Reds killed or wounded in the 3.5- major ^ licy^ statement by-i clerk, to'd thl.a story: A reporter had asked him if the Bonn. Germany, April 37 4 speed tranamisalon 11” clutch, high side body. Full list price section of Broad Street with Middle Turnpike West: thence, along said UNC was considering a new sus­ island. They were looking into one 1951. but were *recapturcd three (F) — Cbaaeeltop Konrad Adod* 913UJ!5. . minute comnanv-size attack near ’■****‘'**‘* **’'* '“ '■* "''f'* pension. of five volcnnic peaks inside the day* later.. Noe| ha* been a Southerly line of Middle Turnpike West. 2,323 feet to a point approxi­ otoHibt tir* Sam* sin, the L riinchbowl___nn the eastern Views of Secretary of Defense' Ruth. .32. got Into an argument* Kenya Colony's anii-tvhitr 3Iaii auer abandoned tonight Mb bald mately 200 feet Easterly of Deerfield Drive; thence Southerly and Wilson, who haa been in Europe. becau.*e she wanted to go back to 3laii fanatics add three more while "J think it 1.* far too early to gaping crater when it awakened ' prisoner since December. 1950 axd plan to get the Europoan A m y Hun* qudify for $1.00 front. come to any definite conclu.sion on ------I ha* not been repatriated. (.\P Going At $7,595 Easterly along boundary of lots In "Pine Acres Terrace' to land now Four smaller probe.* also were settlers to'lts roll of victims . . . treaty signed without the ap*' or formerly St. James Church; thenc-e Easterly along 1®"** St- James (CoaHniied «a Page EITkt) (Cnntinued on Page Eight) .\iihiir Godfrey to leave hi.* multi­ a matter of that kind." Harrison (Continued on Page Seven) ' WIrephoto by radio trom T ^ y o .) provni of both Houseo af ParWhi White 'walls nr^blsrk .walls slopped along the 155-mile battle said. He added that no one can Church, to land now or formerly Nell and Constance Ellis, 490 feet plus ta.\, exchange casing. fi Ant. including one against Allied ple radio and television aljows to meiiL NEW 1952-D3-2 Reuther, pledges every iiseliil step C. B. Backea. preaident of . M. Deluxe cab, dual .mirrors, 8.3S x 30, 10 ply tires. Full list price point of beginning. ^ , SALE — 600 Sets Seat Covers By THE .\S.>*tKil.ATED PRESS .» group of -repatriated 2. To change to Business Zona II all or part of an ares now in Rural London, April 27 ■— i,P) — Lead-* with a rep'y of its own to Presi against “ stupidity of mass unem- Americans | Fireworks Mannteetmtag $3460.10. . Tokyo. April 27 — ilP) \ re- will start for the U. S. by plane Residence Eone bounded and deacrlbed aa-follows; North by Windsor HBERS LOW AS $9.00 DeGaullc Losing ing Brjtlsh newspapers took the 1 dent Eisenhower. An raitorial i.j ] ployment." \riiiy (*li<|iie Held Cempaay, regarding peraaw .Street 138 feet, more or less; East by Wilbur Cross Highway. 305 view today that Russia's latest . Szabsd Nep, offleial/- Bud:roest. j President Eisenhower and ,Se<-rc- palriated U. C. corporal who once ','ln the next few days." He gave Buppoaed to ,he able ta Inline afo Going At $2,157 DELICATESSEN offer of talks to settle outstanding ^ newspaper of the Hungarian (%m- tary of State John Foster Dulles escaped from a Red prison camp no specific date or number, ; feet, more or leas; South by an approach to Wilbur Cross Highway, PLASTICS LOW AS $13.95 In Early Returns dlapoaltloa of aatt-flrewortti 1 West bv relocation of Windsor Street. 35-A OAK STREET TEL. MI-9-8244 world troubles may hold hoody i muniast party. like the Prsvda are listed aa apcakcra for annual Parlv lo Murder for four da.v* said today rome fel- ',. Ala. (Contianrd on Page Three) A UN apOkesman said the first- (CtmUanrt aa Fags Threa) April 34. V V I-.’) j?