ANNUAL REPORT 2005–06 DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE iii Published by Department of Infrastructure 80 Collins Street, Melbourne www.doi.vic.gov.au © State Government of Victoria 2006 This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the Provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 Authorised by the Victorian Government, 80 Collins Street, Melbourne ISSN 1441-4805 Printed by Penfold Buscombe, 181 Forster Road, Mount Waverley Contents iv Abbreviations vi The year in review Transmittal letter vii Secretary’s foreword viii Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games xii Meeting our transport challenges xv About the Department 1 Vision, mission and values 3 Infrastructure portfolios 4 Organisational structure 8 Departmental executive management 11 Policy and strategic framework 15 Chief Finance Offi cer’s executive summary 19 Outcomes Report Outcome 1: Public safety and security 21 Outcome 2: Infrastructure delivery and management 39 Outcome 3: Access and mobility 59 Outcome 4: Connected Victoria 79 Outcome 5: Rural and regional development 93 Outcome 6: Effi cient movement of freight 107 Outcome 7: Secure and sustainable energy supply 117 Outcome 8: Integrated policy development 129 Outcome 9: Organisational capability building 141 Financial Statements 149 DOI ANNUAL REPORT 2005–06 v Appendixes 227 Statutory authorities 229 Statutory authorities’ executive numbers 246 DOI people profi le 247 Employee relations 249 DOI Audit Committee 251 Budget portfolio outcomes 252 Output performance measures 257 Better Roads Victoria Trust Fund 280 Environmental performance report 281 Whole-of-Government reporting 284 Indigenous affairs 284 Multicultural affairs 291 Women’s affairs 296 Youth affairs 298 Legislation (administered as at 30 June 2006) 302 Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001 306 Freedom of Information 307 Victorian Industry Participation Policy 308 National Competition Policy Compliance 309 Building Act Compliance 309 Disclosure of Major Contracts Compliance 310 Consultancies 310 Major Publications 311 Information available on request 312 Disclosure Index 313 DOI Contact Information 315 Abbreviations vi Please note: Where the term ‘the Government’ appears throughout this report, it refers specifi cally to the Victorian Government. AAV Aboriginal Affairs Victoria MTC Melbourne Theatre Company AEMC Australian Energy Market Commission MUARC Monash University Accident Research Centre AER Australian Energy Regulator NECA National Electricity Code Administrator AIFRS Australian Equivalents to International NEM National Electricity Market Financial Reporting Standards NEMMCO National Electricity Market Management Company AMES Australian Multicultural Education Services NSW New South Wales ARTC Australian Rail Track Corporation NTS New Ticketing Solution BIF Broadband Innovation Fund OCEI Offi ce of the Chief Electrical Inspector CALD culturally and linguistically diverse OCIO Offi ce of the Chief Information Offi cer CCTV closed-circuit television OGS Offi ce of Gas Safety CEO Chief Executive Offi cer OH&S Occupational Health and Safety CML CityLink Melbourne Ltd OPE Offi ce of Public Employment CPRD Capital Planning and Review Division PIAP Public Internet Access Program CSI Customer Satisfaction Index POHC Port of Hastings Corporation CTO Chief Technology Offi cer POMC Port of Melbourne Corporation DDA Disability Discrimination Act 1992 PPD Planning and Policy Division DE&T Department of Education and Training PPP Public Private Partnership DIIRD Department of Industry, Innovation PPPS PPP Solutions and Regional Development PTS Public Transport Safety DHS Department of Human Services PTSV Public Transport Safety Victoria DSL Digital Subscriber Line PV Partnerships Victoria DOA Development and Operations Agreement R&D research and development DOI Department of Infrastructure RACV Royal Automobile Club of Victoria DPC Department of Premier and Cabinet RASV Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria DPI Department of Primary Industries RFID radio frequency identifi cation DSE Department of Sustainability and Environment RFR Regional Fast Rail DTF Department of Treasury and Finance RMF Regional Management Forum DUKC dynamic under keel clearance RMS Royal Melbourne Showgrounds DVC Department for Victorian Communities RTBU Rail, Tram and Bus Union ECI Enhanced Crash Investigation SCSA Southern Cross Station Authority ED Executive Director SEES Supplementary Environment Effects Statement EES Environment Effects Statement SEITA Southern and Eastern Integrated Transport Authority EMS Environmental Management System SET science, engineering and technology EPA Environment Protection Authority SME small-to-medium enterprise ESC Essential Services Commission SSC Shared Services Centre ESV Energy Safe Victoria TAC Transport Accident Commission ETIS Energy Technology Innovation Strategy TEU twenty-foot-equivalent units FM Facility Management TJH Theiss John Holland FRC Full Retail Contestability TNSP Transmission Network Service Provider FTE full-time equivalent TPAMS Telecommunications Purchasing FTTH fi bre to the home and Management Strategy GST Goods and Services Tax TPWS Train Protection Warning System HRM Human Resources Management TTA Transport Ticketing Authority ICT Information and Communication Technology UK United Kingdom IDC Interdepartmental Committee USA United States of America IRI International Roughness Index VAGO Victorian Auditor-General’s Offi ce ITS intelligent transport systems VENCorp Victorian Energy Networks Corporation KAMCO Keane Australia Micropayment Consortium Pty Ltd VET vocational education training KPI Key Performance Indicator VicRoads Roads Corporation of Victoria LPG liquid petroleum gas VicTrack Victorian Rail Track Corporation MAPT Multi Agency Policy Team VicUrban Victorian Urban Development Authority MCE Ministerial Council on Energy VIPP Victorian Industry Participation Policy MIL Multilingual Information Line VPS Victorian Public Service MMV Multimedia Victoria VRCA Victorian Regional Channels Authority MOU Memorandum of Understanding VRET Victorian Renewable Energy Target MPTP Multi Purpose Taxi Program VRS Victorian Rail Services Pty Ltd MPV Major Projects Victoria WAC Wauthaurong Aboriginal Cooperative MRET Mandatory Renewable Energy Target YES Youth Employment Scheme MSV Marine Safety Victoria DOI ANNUAL REPORT 2005–06 vii 2005–06 Annual Report 4 October 2006 Peter Batchelor MP Minister for Transport John Lenders MP Minister for Major Projects Theo Theophanous MLC Minister for Energy Industries and Resources Marsha Thomson MLC Minister for Information and Communication Technology 80 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Dear Ministers Annual Report 2005–06 In accordance with the provisions of the Financial Management Act 1994, I have pleasure in submitting for presentation to Parliament the Department of Infrastructure’s Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2006. Yours sincerely Howard Ronaldson Secretary Department of Infrastructure Secretary’s foreword viii This has been an extremely hectic year for the At the time of writing, DOI has completed Department of Infrastructure (DOI). The Department infrastructure works on the four RFR corridors and its people have risen to the challenge, and in between Melbourne and Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo many cases achieved beyond expectations. and the Latrobe Valley. This unprecedented infrastructure renewal program has resulted in In particular, DOI’s collective expertise in delivering a quantum leap forward in the quality of the rail major infrastructure projects and managing infrastructure and rolling stock on Victoria’s main transport services was demonstrated by the regional rail corridors. It leaves a long-term legacy excellent performance of facilities, transport and to the State and will provide regional commuters security services provided for the Melbourne 2006 with better services and greater comfort and safety. Commonwealth Games. The new V/Line timetable, incorporating the improved RFR services, has been launched providing over 400 The Department ensured the timely completion of vital additional services every week to regional Victoria, Games infrastructure including the Athletes’ Village with services targeted to meet commuters’ needs. and Stage 2 of the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre development. In close collaboration with The release in May 2006 of Meeting Our Transport Games organisers and transport providers Connex, Challenges: Connecting Victorian Communities Yarra Trams, V/Line Passenger and bus operators, the was the culmination of extensive policy development capacity of the public transport system was boosted to and planning across the Department and portfolio. carry around 25 per cent more passengers due to the This substantial commitment sets down the extra demand from Games patrons and participants. Government’s long-term strategy for addressing Victoria’s transport challenges over the next 25 years. Over the 12 days of the Games, around 35,000 It commits $10.5 billion of Government expenditure additional public transport services were provided on new works and services, over 10 years. Key and an additional 1.8 million people were transported commitments include vital improvements to transport to Games events. Around 90 per cent of people safety, increases in rail capacity and the provision surveyed by Metlink rated public transport to the of signifi cantly improved bus services to the outer- events as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ — a measure of the metropolitan suburbs and regional areas. outstanding success of this major
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