REPORT 2016 PROTECTING PEOPLE THROUGH NATURE NATURAL WORLD HERITAGE SITES AS DRIVERS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT A REPORT FOR WWF BY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The report was written by Dalberg Global Development Advisors, and the team comprised Wijnand de Wit, Tamara Pironnet, Ellie Marsh and Simon Allan. This report was made possible by the generous contributions from many individuals and organizations, and we would like to thank the following: Kamal Kunwar (Chitwan National Park), Angelique Songco (Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park), Diego Lynch (Asociación ANAI), Janelle Chanona (OCEANA), Alyssa Carnegie (OCEANA), Professor Andrew Balmford (University of Cambridge), Barbara Engels (German Federal Nature Conservation Agency), Tim Badman (IUCN), Remco Van Merm (IUCN), Elena Osipova (IUCN), Yichuan Shi (UNEP-World Conservation 0RQLWRULQJ&HQWUH ::)DQGLWVRI¿FHVLQ%HOL]H1HSDO3KLOLSSLQHV6SDLQDQG Tanzania. DALBERG GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT ADVISORS 'DOEHUJ*OREDO'HYHORSPHQW$GYLVRUVLVDVWUDWHJLFFRQVXOWLQJ¿UPWKDWZRUNV to raise living standards in developing countries and address global issues such as climate change. Dalberg works with governments, foundations, international agencies, non- governmental organizations, and Fortune 500 companies to make sustainable improvements in the lives of disadvantaged and underserved populations around the world. WWF WWF is one of the world’s largest and most experienced independent conservation organizations, with over 5 million supporters and a global network active in more than 100 countries. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable, and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. The designation of geographical entities in this report, and the presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WWF concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Published in February 2016 by WWF – World Wide Fund For Nature (Formerly World Wildlife Fund), Gland, Switzerland. Any reproduction in full or in part must mention the title and credit the above-mentioned publisher as the copyright owner. © Text 2016 WWF All rights reserved Design: Louise Clements Design Ltd ISBN 978-2-940529-29-2 PERFORMANCE Paper from neutral responsible sources 02).4%2 No. 01-13-609635 – www.myclimate.org © myclimate – The Climate Protection Partnership WWF International Dalberg Avenue du Mont-Blanc Rue de Chantepoulet 7 1196 Gland, Switzerland 1201 Geneva, Switzerland www.panda.org www.Dalberg.com CONTENTS FOREWORD 6 From WWF International Director General Marco Lambertini WWF’S CALL FOR ACTION 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 THE VALUE: 12 (FRQRPLFVRFLDODQGHQYLURQPHQWDOEHQH¿WVRI World Heritage sites THE THREATS: 16 Harmful industrial activities in and around World Heritage sites THE SUCCESSES: 28 World Heritage sites and sustainable development THE SOLUTION: 38 Principles for sustainable management of World Heritage sites IN DEPTH: 44 Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System WORLD HERITAGE SITES MAP 52 'H¿QLWLRQRIKDUPIXOLQGXVWULDODFWLYLWLHV ANNEX 58 © Antonio Busiello / WWF-US CHALLENGING THE ANTI-DEVELOPMENT MYTH SURROUNDING CONSERVATION FOREWORD FROM WWF INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR GENERAL MARCO LAMBERTINI For too long we have been told of long-term, robust and that conserving the environment sustainable development that removes economic opportunities EHQH¿WVSHRSOHDQGQDWXUDO for people. The adoption of the systems, including our social Sustainable Development Goals stability, economic prosperity, last year demonstrates that and individual well-being. We governments around the world are not going to develop a just are recognizing that social, and prosperous future, nor defeat economic and environmental poverty and improve health, in a agendas are intrinsically linked weakened or destroyed natural Marco Lambertini, and inseparable. The impact of environment. Director General, climate change perhaps is the This report shows that by WWF International most obvious demonstration of conserving large areas of habitat, WKHOLQNDQGUDPL¿FDWLRQV7KH natural World Heritage sites also same logic applies to deforestation, increase resilience to natural and RYHU¿VKLQJVSHFLHVH[WLQFWLRQV weather-related disasters, support and the list goes on. livelihoods for communities, and Protecting natural areas provide communities with vital and ecosystems is not anti- protection against the impacts development. It is in the interest of climate change. Protecting People Through Nature 6 FOREWORD Shockingly, almost half of all development. The responsibility natural World Heritage sites are lies with the governments threatened by harmful industrial that allow these projects or activities and operations, such concessions, the companies that as oil and gas exploration and WDNHWKHPXSDQGWKH¿QDQFLDO extraction, mining, illegal logging, institutions that fund them. It construction of large-scale LVWLPHIRUJRYHUQPHQWVWRIXO¿O LQIUDVWUXFWXUHRYHU¿VKLQJDQG their commitments to preserving unsustainable water use. the outstanding universal value that led to the declaration of these This should alarm all of us. More natural World Heritage Sites, and than eleven million people living for businesses to support their in and near World Heritage conservation. sites depend on them for food, water, medicine and jobs—that’s Healthy natural World Heritage more than the entire population sites contribute to poverty of Portugal. The well-being of reduction, help alleviate food communities is being put at risk by insecurity, combat climate change, harmful industrial activities that and restore and promote the degrade the environment, and that sustainable use of ecosystems. compromise the ability of these Protecting these sites and investing places to provide economic and in their future should be part of QRQHFRQRPLFEHQH¿WVWKDWDUHVR each government’s national action fundamental to local populations, for achieving its Sustainable as well as to our global community. Development Goals commitments. 'HVSLWHWKHREYLRXVEHQH¿WVRI This report, and the accompanying these natural areas, we still haven’t FDOOWRDFWLRQLVMXVWWKH¿UVWVWHS managed to decouple economic in a broader dialogue in which we development from environmental must all engage. Governments, degradation. This is the deepest civil society and the private sector challenge, and the greatest must work together to achieve imperative, of our time. Instead, ecologically-sound development too often, we grant concessions for that empowers local people, exploration of oil, gas or minerals, supports responsible business, and plan large-scale industrial and provides long-term sustainable projects without considering economic growth. This is the key social and environmental risks. driver to advance an integrated This approach favours short-term agenda that supports development ¿QDQFLDOJDLQRYHUORQJWHUP in balance with environmental sustainable and inclusive economic protection. IF WE WORK TOGETHER TO SECURE THE FUTURE FOR WORLD HERITAGE SITES, WE TAKE A STEP TOWARD ENSURING THAT THE COMMITMENTS MADE TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND CLIMATE ACTION ARE MORE THAN WORDS ON PAPER. Protecting People Through Nature 7 CALL FOR ACTION OF THIS REPORT, AND ACKNOWLEDGING THE POTENTIAL FOR NATURAL WORLD TERM SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OUTCOMES FOR PEOPLE AND THE PLANET WWF CALLS ON THE WORLD WWF CALLS ON CORPORATE WWF CALLS ON CIVIL HERITAGE COMMITTEE TO: AND FINANCE ENTITIES TO: SOCIETY GROUPS AND • Utilize the ongoing process of • Comply with the highest standards for NON-GOVERNMENTAL developing the Policy Guidelines responsible business conduct when ORGANIZATIONS TO: for the Implementation of the adhering to national and international World Heritage Convention to laws, as well as recognized international • Participate constructively in the GH¿QHDIRUPDOSROLF\DJDLQVW guidelines such as the OECD Guidelines management and conservation of harmful industrial activities. for Multinational Enterprises. protected areas at the local, national and international levels, and • Require governments, with the • Act as responsible stewards of capital, promote the potential of such places support of the UNESCO World in recognition of the potential for World to deliver sustainable development Heritage Centre, advisory bodies, Heritage sites to be drivers of inclusive outcomes for people and nature. and organizations with practical growth, and comply when investing experience of conservation of with International Finance Corporation • Support the effective natural World Heritage sites, to Performance Standard 6, which relates to implementation of the World report systematically on the social biodiversity conservation and sustainable Heritage Convention, particularly in and economic contributions these management of living natural resources. regard to integrating a sustainable sites make to communities. development perspective into the • Make public and formal no go processes of the convention. • Explore ways to promote greater commitments to refrain from activities involvement of representatives that threaten to degrade the capacity for :RUNZLWKEXVLQHVVHVDQG¿QDQFLDO of communities and indigenous protected areas, and World Heritage sites institutions to help them develop groups into the processes of the in particular, to support the livelihoods
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