.. ·,.-�--�� .. More CIAAround the World · NCLC:Brownshirts of the Seventies The Great War:Africa Blood test of U.S. Foreign Policy -, 19?, ... 1-4 6 Vot.2, s •·• SL50 �9Y.����·- PY CoanterSpy praenu IlaOnt Letten to the Editor column. We b.. e recel,ed oome 500letten ID the put month. A crou-sectlon of them appearbelow. We'd alto like to expreu our thanlu to all of you who wrote. We appreciatethe crltlcluna1 weU • the support.We encourqe you to getout yom penand paper and teU COUNTERSpy m what you think about CounterSpy, the CIA, yolll'local SWAT team, or any other national 11ecurlty luue. The QuarterlyJournal of the Organlzln11Committee for a Fifth Estate I just wanted to drop you a note We work on a farm, On January 8, we sent you a contri­ of support on your statement and homesteading. Any contribution has bution of 52,000. A note should have my expression of solidarity with you. been to difficult to come by. But accompanied the check, but we It is quite amazing to watch so­ now we'll forsake next Spring's neglected to write it, so here it is now. cal1ed critics of the CIA show their replacement plow-points so that We are very glad to send along colors at a time like this. I would Fifth Estate can ei:posejust what this check, as we have been glad to like to take the liberty of pointing ex-agent Welch has beendoing to support you over the past few years. out that I don't think it is quite ac­ Third World peoplefor a living. It seems to both of us that you have Vol. J, 1uM 4 Wiater, 1976 curate to ascribe the outcry against Pleasestick it out, forall of us. been responsible and effective in �c�'!1:���eral Consensus / The State of the Empire / Abolish the CIA / you to "reactionary elements of the Stanardsville, VA your efforts to bring to public view Demilitarize the Police/ FBI terrorism/ Senate Bill One Press" or to "rightest cowards" the excesses of our country's secret alone. Certainly they are in the muckrake (Webster& Tbird New In• "intelligence" mechanisms as well forefront, but what seems to be even ternationalDictionary): as the unpleasant fact that secrecy more important really is the facile "to search out and charge with itself has become the accepted 8 Trends: way in which some liberal jour­ and seek to ei:pose publicly real or framework for our government's Agriagents at Work/ David Fine Free/ National ID Cards/ CIA on Campus.' nalists and the liberal establishment apparent misconduct or vice or dealings with us. Women Mercenaries/ KGB Agents Named /More Grand Jury News/ Denms in seneral is so willing to go along. corruption on the part of prominent Although we have never sought Banks Arrested Even the Laurence Stern article individuals (as public officials)" publicity for support we have given which you enclosed falls far short of "to investigate or go over to any organization, we would like what he might have said in a news assiduously with the purpose of to suggest that in the present 16 ana1ysis article. digging up scandal or in­ situation it might be a good idea for GARDEN PLOT& SWAT: U.S. PoliceAs New Action Army: The first documented overview of domestic counter-insurgency capabilities in In genera] I think your statement criminating" you to make a public statement is excellent and makes all the im­ "obs. rake for gathering dung in a about where your funds come from. the seventies, including Operations GRAM METRIC. LANTERN SPIKE. portant points of your (our) position heap" We would be willing to be listed CABLE SPLICER extremely well. Part of what Stern's I'm proud to know people in the among your supporters, and we article does is to try tp take some of tradition of Lincoln Steffens. Upton would have no objection to having the blame offyou byfcalling you "an Sinclair and Ida TarbeJI. -' the amount of our help listed as obscure left-wing group" and saying S.R. well. that you have scruffyoffices. You Washington, DC Since people who live in an am­ may be obscure and unimportantto biance of conspiracy seem to find it him but not to us and to me. With Warning to Harvey Kahn, Doug hard to imagine a simple, disin­ love from us all. Porter, and TRAITORS ETAL 1!1 terested act, members of the CIA - EditorialBoard Dick Goldensohn You bastards better clear out of are presumably trying to figure out Sevenda'j, ¥agazine our country! We, veterans will not if your support comes from a Julie Brooks tolerate degenerates who help mur­ "foreign source," "subversive Tim Butz. der our Americans who serve to elements," or whatnot. Eda Gordon protect the security of our country. It might be educational for them HarveyKahn The preposterous charge that you You have the list of our security to find that your backers are · Winslow Peck are responsiblefor the death of an agents. We have the list of you citizens who adhere to American DougPorter -.. American official shows how afraid traitors. We will make it our traditions of openness in govern­ Margaret Van Houten the CIA is of the growing con­ business to get rid of you. Dirty ment, honesty in international sciousnessthat plain citizens can do bastards!!! You don't belong in our dealings, and an informed elec­ Coonllnatonfor thla lauo something about the rat-hole world country. You belong in Moscow with torate. We count ourselves and you Ju1ie Brooks of government-sponsored secret the KGB. Traitors you'll die. among that number. HarveyKahn societies. The person who can only Several of us veterans. Vietnam Carol Bernstein Ferry watch passively at the worst excesses and World War II have met and W. H. Ferry 26 CIAAround the World of his age is no citizen in any voted not to allow you spies for a Scarsdale, NY Who was Richard Welch? / CIA Agents named in Europe and Zaire / David traditional sense, for he has no part foreign country and traitors to our Phillip's ARIO / □A Drug Trade / The Great Southern Africa War / in the most important decisions own to exist. Get out of the country The ferocity of the attacks and the Including new mercenary recruitment tactic:- determining the policies and the or dielll low-level ilk making them, proves moral character of government. Don'texpect the CJ.A. and F.B.I. the strength and the righteousness C:O-ter5pJseRds 1pecial thanks to: Hopefully the public will be able to protect you. You dogs!!! of your work. In solidarity with our Liz Andef!liffl, Oaip Berlet. Christine to understand the insidious stage­ P.S. Better be physically prepared. sisters and brothers, we remain. Bond. Robert Bonage. Minton Brooks. 40 TIP: Terrorl1tInformation Project managing of the news by in­ We will make sure to waste you!! The Wounded Knee Legal Frank Brownins, John Burgess. Carol National Caucus of LaborCommittees: the Brownshirts of the Seventies/ The telligence organizations. Call the F.B.I. to protect you. You Defense/OffenseCommittee Bernstein Ferry.W. H. Ferry.Morton Hal• Rise of Posse Comitatus You are showing the way. Keep it scum. You'll never have the nerve to Rapid City, Lakota Nation perin, Anne Hess. Dana Johnson. Kathy up. ask an American to protect a Johnson: Daniel Morris. Janet RatTel. Sel­ John foreign spy. Dogs!!!! ma Rein. Ron Ridenhour, BethStone. Jim Stanford.CA Con•,. on insideback COl'e'r True. Georgia Van Houten, Bill Wallace. 60 Keep on Keepln'On Anonymous / Literature Dale Wiehoff and the Counterspies of the Fifth Estate Annual Report/ New Organizations / Legal Actions FifthEstate. List . · AdvlooryBoard • the secret bombingof Cambodia . • massive illegal physical and technological surYeil­ for the.Organizing Committee fo�a Fillh Estate• lance of law•abidi�g American citizens by the CIA and PhilipApe COMMENT NSA Former CIA case officer • hundreds of burglaries and the organization of vio­ SyMaCrane lent reaction to socialchanac by the FBI National Committee Against Repressive· · · LegislatiOn· ''Thereis, cl,arly,something wrongwith the system. .." • conspiracies to assassinate foreign leaders David DelUnger • involvement of the Presidency and the CIA with or­ Institute for New Communications Senator Edmu'nd V. Muskie January 21. 1976 ganized crime and drug traffic hank Donner • the overthrow of a freely elected, lawful regime in ACLU Political Surveillance Project Democratic Party reply �o the years President's State of the Union Message Chile following JO of CIA and corporate coup Robed Kw d'ctats and secret wars disryapting and destroying mil- Assassination Information Bureau lions of lives While Ed Muskie and Jerry Ford obviously had op­ WIUIUIIKunaller • the collective crime known as Wateraate posing world views in their respective speeches on the Attorney and former OSS officer • rampant crime as the dominant fact of life Ill.mod- State of the Union there was· little to indicate their dif­ MarkLane ern ferences would move beyond simple election year rhet­ Americap society , . Citizen's Commission of Inquiry • executives on the boards of multinational ftnancial oric lo Offer the electorate a clear choiCC on program. SidneyLem · institutions . executing" and encoura&ins crime to main• Jerry Ford, speaking for his faction of the Republican Author, lahOr'oiganizer tain the corporate hold on America Party and more significantly for the positionof the Presi­ Dr. RalphLowla • a government no Ion pr of the peop1e, by the people dency, p�sented· a "New Realism." realistically insen­ Criminal Justice Research Director, Michigan and for the people but a government ruled by the priv• ... sitive to a public ravaged by years of simultaneous in­ State University ile flation and recession.
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