A. 26987 .Hinules.Reglliar. 5. 26. 201 I HOARD OF EDUCATION WAYNE TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS WAYNE, NEW JERSEY REGULAR BOARD MEETING May 26,201 1 Th e Regular Meeting of the Wayne Board of Education was held on Thursday, May 26, 20 11 in the Municipal Building Council Chambers, 475 Valley Road, and an Executive Session was also held at 50 Nellis Drive, Wayne, New Jersey 07470. The meeting was scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m. pursuant to the terms of the Sunshine Law. Th e meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Mr. Donald Pavlak, Jr., Board President. "Adequate notice of this Regular and Executive Meeting, setting forth time, date STATEMENT and location, has been provided in accordance with the requirements of the Open OF Pu blic Meeting Act by: COMPLIANCE I. Prom inently posting a copy on the bulletin board on May 6, 2011 in the lobby of the offices of the Board of Education, which is a public place reserved for such announcements. 2. Tr ansmitting a copy of this notice to The Record and the Wayne Toda y on May 6, 201 1. 3. Transmitting a copy of this notice with the Municipal Clerk on May 3 and May 6, 201 1. ROLL CALL ROLL CALL PRESENT: Donald Pavlak, Jr., James Jimenez, Mitchell Badiner, Robert Ceberio, Jane Hutchison, Franco Mazzei, Allan Mordkoff, Laura Stinziano, and Robyn Ki ngston ALSO PRESENT: Michael Roth, Interim Superintendent, Juanita A. Petty, RSBA, ALSO Schoo l Business Administrator/Board Secretary, and Nathanya Simon, Board Ge neral PRESENT Counsel Approval to Convene into Executive Session - RECOMMENDED ACTION: "that A-3 6-11 the Board approve to convene into Executive Session to discuss confidential matters, - Approved- as per the attached." A"" 26988 Minutes.Regular.5.26.2011 A motion was made to convene into Executive Session at 6:01 p.m. for the purpose of CONVENE IN' di scussing personne l matters. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion: D. Pavlak, .Jr. Second: M. Badiner Vote: 9-0 The Board reconvened at 7:30 p.m. in the Administration Building Co nference Room, RECONVENE 50 Nellis Drive. Mr. Pav lak., Jr. advised that the Board had been meeting in INTO PUBLIC Executive Session at 50 Nellis Drive for the purpose of discussing personne l matters. Infonnation regarding these matters wi ll be made pub lic if, and when, appropriate. The Board reviewed addendums and revisions to the agenda . The Board recessed at 7:35 p.m. BOARD RECESS Approval to Co nvene into Executive Session - RECOMl\1ENDED ACTION: "that A-3 6-UA the Board approve to convene into Executive Session to discuss confidential matters, - Approved- as per the attached. " A motion was made to reconvene into Executive Session at 7:35 p.m. for the purpose RECONVENE of discussing personne l matters. INTO EXECUTIVE Motion: F. Mazzei Second: A. Mordkoff Vote: 9-0 SESSION The Board reconvened at 7:45 p.m. in Co uncil Ch ambers at the Municipal Building, RECONVENE 475 Valley Road. Mr. Pavlak., Jr. advised that the Board had been meeting in INTO PUBLIC Executive Session at 50 Nellis Drive for the purpose of discussing personnel matters. Infonnation regarding these matters will be made pub lic if, and when, appropriate. ROLL CALL ROLL CALL PRESENT: Donald Pav lak., Jr., James Jimenez, Mitchell Badiner, Robert Ce berio, Jane Hutchison, Franco Mazzei, Allan Mordkoff, Laura Stinziano, and Robyn Kingston 2 A 26989 Minllles.Reguiar.S.26.2011 ALSO PRESENT: Michael Roth, Interim Superintendent, Juanita A. Petty. RSBA, ALSO School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Nathanya Simon, Board General PRESENT Co unsel, 3 Administrators, as well as 30 members of the public FLAG SALUTE MOMENT OF SILENCE 3 A 26990 Minutes.Regular.5.26.2011 ADMINISTRATIVE SUMMARY REPORT (Mr. Michael Roth): ADMINISTRA T SUMMARYRE rd Ju ne 23 - Dr. Librera, who is conducting a Superintendent Search, wi ll make a pub lic presentation and provide fo r input from the pub lic. A notice wi ll be fo rthcoming. Mr. Michae l Roth presented the fo llowing Administrative Summary Report: Good evening, Mr. Pav la k, Mr. Jimenez, Mr. Badiner, Board Trustees and members of the Wayne Co mmunity. Whi le one of the more important agenda items we will be approving tonight has to do with the budget cut we were re quired to make as a result of the budget defeat and the subse quent cuts that the Township Co uncil authorized us to make, we have been ab le to make the necessary cuts from items which wi ll not directly impact class size and the overall de livery of education throughout the district. d At the June 23r board meeting, Dr. Wi lliam Librera , the fonner Co mmissioner of Education for the State of New Jersey, who will be heading the search for a new su perintendent for the district, will be in attendance to speak to the pub lic. He will be ho sting a sharing session with the public to ask for suggestions and ideas on what attributes they would like to have in a new Superintendent. Co ngratu lations are in order to our Transportation Department who passed the New Jersey Department Division of Motor Vehic les' rigorous inspection this month of our entire tleet of buses. The inspection cyc le was smooth and efficient and comple ted without interruption to our passenger service and busy ath letic schedules. Co mpounding the di fficu lty of the inspection process is the fact that this department run s out of two separate lo cations. However, they were ab le to address any issues raised by the inspectors and ret urn all inspected vehicles to service with clean stickers. On behalf of the board and administration, I wou ld li ke to commend everyone involved in the process for their dedication and conscientious attitudes toward their responsibilities which is clearly evident by our ability to pass this inspection with tlying co lors. I wou ld also like to report the comple tion of a proj ect at Wayne Valley which was proposed by James Considine, a Valley student working toward his Eagle Scout award . His project built a playground area for children who are cared for by our chi ld care classes at Wayne Valley. He was ab le to create a safe play area covered in rub ber mulch which includes a clubhouse climber and is lo cated in a footprint area of the schoo l enc losed by the bui lding on all sides. This was a very needed project as there was no outdoor place for the chi ld ren to play outside the classroom. We thank James very much for considering Wayne Valley for this project and we commend him on the anticipated receipt of his Eagle Scout Award. Finally, I wou ld li ke to wish everyone a safe, pleasant, restfu l Memorial Day weekend. A 26991 ,'l-finutes.Regular.5.26.2011 STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES STUDENT REPRESENT A TIV1 Julie Zucker, Wayne Hills H.S . was not present, but submitted the fo llowing report : • Each year MSG Network holds their "V Awards". This award program is to choose the best tri-state production in 11 categories . • Co ngratulations to Jon Randall and Jim Hoogstrate for winning 4 of the 11 awards . No other district won more than 1 award. Each of these awards has a $5,000 award that is donated to the video program from MSG. So with the $6,000 that was provided to each program from MSG to start the year and this new $20,000 award, the 2 HS video programs have received $52,000 is award money from MSG this year alone!! • Latin students at Wayne Hills H.S. achieved awards of distinction on this year's National Latin Exam. The following students won the Gold Summa Cum Laude Medal, the highest mark of achievement: Latin II, Ch amaka Kalutota, Alyssa Hanel, Austin Hong; Latin III, Brett Goldberg; Latin IV, Lee Weisberger. • Winning Silver Maxima Cum Laude awards were : Latin II, William Jeon; Latin V, Lauren Mendoza. Achieving Magna Cum Laude status were, Latin II, David Mintz, Adam Sirkus, Fr an k Fa zio, Travis Vanderstad; Latin III, Yezy Lim, Tiffany Dharia. Attaining Cum Laude awards were : Latin II, Ronnie Od Ium, Brooke Rantus ; Latin IV , Gregory Zuber, Joshua Mordkoff, and Latin V, Andrew J eon. • Co ngratulations are in order for the Wayne Hills music program. Tuesday, May 10th, they played for the first time publically a musical piece that was commissioned just for them. The students and staff fundraised the entire year to pay for this special piece of music . • The Wayne Hills Symphonic, Marching and Jazz bands ret urned from their annual Spring Band Tour with three superior ratings , three 1st place division awards, and three Best overall ensemble awards. Junior Eddie Easse also earned a special award for Outstanding Instrumental Soloist for his rendition of "Ebony Rain. " • The Ch ild Development 3 class is finishing their extern experience in the Wayne Public Schools this week. 17 classroom teachers and their principals have graciously welcomed these senior students into their classrooms four days per week since Fe bruary. 5 A'· 26992 ,"linutes. Regular.5. 26. 201 1 STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES (CONTINUED) STUDENT REPRESENTA TI • Evelyn Kulesza had her artwork chosen for display at William Paterson Un iversity for the 2nd annual Professional Development School art exhibit. It is located in the 1600 building 4th floor. • On May 19 th, the Wayne Hi lls Foreign Language st udents participated in the William Paterson Poetry Contest Recital.
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