retail CaSe StUDieS CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2010 CONteNtS We tHaNK OUr STAFF, SUPPLIERS, OCCUPierS aND lOCal PeOPle FOr WOrKiNG WITH US tO DELIVER VALUe, SaVe NATURAL RESOUrCeS aND MaKe a POSitiVe DiFFereNCe. Charles Maudsley Head of retail TOGETHER WE ARE ACHIEVING MORE this booklet features a collection of property management and corporate responsibility case studies from across our managed retail portfolio. all initiatives took place from 1 april 2009 to 31 March 2010, unless otherwise stated. Our 26 million sq ft of retail space includes 93 retail warehouse properties, 102 superstores and 10 shopping centres, as at 31 March 2010. Our portfolio is made up of both wholly-owned assets and properties we hold through our interest in funds and joint ventures. in this booklet we focus on a selection of the retail parks and shopping centres we manage directly. Find out more about what’s been happening at: – Birstall Shopping Park – Broughton Shopping Park – Eastgate Shopping Centre – Fort Kinnaird Shopping Park – Glasgow Fort Shopping Park – Meadowhall Shopping Centre – Nassica Retail and Leisure Centre – Parkgate Shopping – Puerto Venecia Retail Park – St Stephen’s Shopping Centre – Teesside Shopping Park – The Source at Meadowhall britishland.com/crreport2010 BirStall SHOPPiNG ParK 01 BirStall Shopping ParK, leeDS BirStall iS SitUateD Near leeDS aND HaS BeeN iN tHe BritiSH laND POrtfoliO SiNCe 1999. tHe ParK iS HOMe tO 6% 14 SHOPS, attraCtiNG 3.5 MilliON ViSitOrS a year aND less energy uSE BriNGiNG 800 jOBS tO tHe area at PeaK tiMeS. the team at Birstall reduced energy use by 6%, saving 8,700 kWh of energy and an Footfall went up by 7% this year, outperforming the national estimated £800 for retailers, as well as cutting carbon average. it is managed by an on-site team, with Savills acting as emissions by five tonnes. managing agents. BirStall SHOPPiNG ParK 02 BirStall SHOPPiNG ParK INVESTING IN THE NExT generation Local StUDeNtS FrOM MirFielD Free GraMMar aND SixtH FOrM DONNeD HarD HatS tO See BeHiND tHe SCeNeS at tHe Fit- OUt OF tHe NeW M&S SiMPly FOOD StOre at BirStall. this was a unique opportunity for students much work goes into making a shop, knowledge in a real-life context and meet to see an area of retail that would normally something that as a customer you don’t employers, allowing them to see at first be behind closed doors. One of the students often think about. thank you to Denis, M&S hand the skills used in business. in july has even decided to pursue a career in shop and Wates for making this insight possible.” 2010, the Birstall team will be presenting a fitting. the new M&S Simply Food store student with the Business and enterprise officially opened in july 2009. the team at Birstall has also provided award at the school’s annual prize the school with input into projects across ceremony. “The project has had a big the curriculum, helping to develop lesson materials and case study content for a “Students really enjoy and impact on my knowledge and large number of students, as well as understanding as we are able visiting the school and allowing students to benefit from the projects, as to find out information we can’t visit behind the scenes at the Park. do the teachers, who learn more about the business get from websites and see how Mamas & Papas has also supported a the retail sector really works. It business studies assignment in which world and are able to develop students researched recruitment and ideas to enhance teaching also allows us to talk to a wider selection methodologies and designed an range of people.” interview process for potential employees and learning.” at Mamas & Papas. Lorraine Barker Student feedback Principal at Mirfield Free Grammar this link between the Park and the school and Sixth Form Head of Business Studies, allison Simpson, helps to give students an insight into commented: “We were amazed at how the world of work, develop their subject ! Retail and business studies students welcomed the opportunity to The store opening in July was well attended. see behind the scenes in a new store fit-out. britishland.com/crreport2010 BirStall SHOPPiNG ParK 03 BirStall SHOPPiNG ParK POLICE COMMuNITY day iN SePteMBer, tHe ParK HOSteD aN eVeNt tO GiVe lOCal PeOPle a CHaNCe tO SPeaK WitH lOCal POliCe OFFiCerS. “The day proved to be a great success for us; it was really satisfying for my team to be able to spend time with the public, offering advice and reassurance where needed, as well as information about the different roles present on the day. We received some really positive comments from people, who were happy to have a chat with us all, gaining an insight into the varied types of work we all undertake.” Gary Calvert acting Police Sergeant COMPETITION WINNER Birstall helps to Local shopper, MarGaret FuNd A GuIdE dOG GierUla, PickeD up PrizeS The teaM at BirStall FrOM retailerS at BirStall. HelPeD tHeir colleagueS the competition, to celebrate the opening at Parkgate Shopping iN of the new M&S Simply Food store, gave rOtHerHaM tO FUND a shoppers the chance to win £140 of prizes GUiDe DOG for tHe BliND. donated by Boots, Gap, HMV and Next. Margaret was presented with her prizes by Boots Chief executive, andy Hornby, thanks to the efforts and generosity of and Director of Sales, Simon roberts. She staff, retailers and shoppers, they raised commented: “i am really pleased with my £2,250. this will help to transform the life prize; i haven’t won anything for years.” of somebody affected by the loss of their sight, by providing them with a trained canine companion. the Birstall and Parkgate teams worked together to fund a guide dog. left: Sameena Majid (Boots), Simon roberts, Margaret Gierula, angela Gott (Boots Store Manager), andy Hornby and Denis Copeland (regional Centre Manager at Birstall). ! www.birstallshoppingpark.co.uk BrOUGHtON SHOPPiNG ParK 01 Broughton PLATINuM AWARd the team at Broughton Shopping ParK, achieved the UK’s first Platinum Service Charge award following an independent audit CHeSter by the Property Managers association. this demonstrates the quality of service charge management and BrOUGHtON, Near CHeSter, HaS BeeN iN tHe BritiSH laND communication with retailers. POrtfoliO SiNCe 2005. the team has also successfully cut service charge costs for retailers, without affecting the quality of service. Forecast the Park is home to 31 shops, attracting 9.2 million visitors a year and service charge expenditure for bringing 450 jobs to the area at peak times. it is managed by an on-site 2010 is 8% lower than last year, saving retailers an estimated team, with Savills acting as managing agents. £47,700. britishland.com/crreport2010 BrOUGHtON SHOPPiNG ParK 02 Broughton SHOPPiNG ParK RESOuRCE efficiency ShopperS and retailerS at Broughton reCyCleD Six tONNeS OF WaSte. the team also reduced energy use by 3%, saving 6,500kWh of power and three tonnes of carbon. they achieved this largely by replacing lightbulbs with energy efficient alternatives. Water use reduced by an impressive 12%, saving 230,000 litres of water. ALL for A GOOd cauSE GeNerOUS SHOPPerS aND StaFF at BrOUGHtON raiSeD £5,750 for CHarity. With thousands of shoppers visiting the air Cadets demonstrated their drill routine Park each day, Broughton is a great venue in aid of Children in Need. Other charities for charities and community groups to which used the Park for fundraising raise both funds and awareness. included the British red Cross, the rNli and St john’s ambulance. the Clwyd army Cadet Force held a fundraising event in aid of the army British land also contributed £1,000 to Benevolent Fund which looks after British Crimebeat Clwyd, a local charity which troops injured in combat. the cadets also encourages young people to pursue regional Centre Manager at Broughton, Colin used the event as an opportunity to show projects within their community to prevent Gilligan, is a Governor at nearby St David’s High would-be recruits what life can be like in crime and anti-social behaviour. School. the Force. in October, the local Hawarden ! in February, five teams from asda living and tesco Father Christmas visited the Park to raise money for Phoenix Children’s Foundation and the rotary Club. took part in a three-legged race, flipping pancakes Children from abermorddu Primary School also entertained shoppers with carol singing, collecting as they ran. tesco was the clear winner. donations for a school trip. Chester Operatic Society also performed on site. BrOUGHtON SHOPPiNG ParK 03 Broughton SHOPPiNG ParK Local services tHe teaM CONtiNUeS tO worK WitH FliNtSHire COUNty COUNCil tO HOSt eVeNtS PrOMOtiNG lOCal SerViCeS aND raiSiNG aWareNess OF iMPOrtaNt issueS. Some 2,000 visitors attended an “The Foster Care Open Day at Broughton was an information road show during the summer, outstanding success, generating ten enquiries from couples and a further 500 visited the youth outreach bus in November. who wished to become foster carers. Four of these couples hope to complete the Skills to Foster course.” Other events to raise awareness of local services and issues included visits by Blood Colin Gilligan transfusion Service, encouraging people regional Centre Manager at Broughton to give blood to help to save a life, and the Foster Care Service, raising the profile of fostering. ! Broughton offers a comprehensive Visitor information Point, through the Chester Services Partnership. an estimated 2,600 shoppers collected literature on local leisure facilities and tourist attractions, or watched a DVD on the local area. Fire fighting Children also had the opportunity to play “This was a great opportunity on interactive games in the Fire Service’s In March, Fire offiCerS educational bus, whilst parents registered for us to promote fire safety, ViSiteD tHe ParK tO for a free home fire safety check.a targeting people who are encouraGe shopperS member of the Service then visited their out shopping with their tO taKe up tHe offer of property at a convenient time, carrying out a fire safety check and installing smoke youngsters.” a Free home Fire SaFety alarms for free.
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