Bibliography UNPUBLISHED SOURCES ARCHIVAL SOURCES NETHERLANDS Nationaal Archief (NA), den Haag (The National Archives of the Netherlands, NANL, The Hague) Algemene Secretarie van de Nederlands-Indische Regering en de daarbij gedeponeerde Archieven, 1942–1950. Entry Code: 2.10.14 “Staff Beppan Isum for April. 30 April, 1943. Bandung branch of Beppan”, JAVINT 3117/14, SEATIC Det. 23 Ind. Div., 28 November 1945. NANL, 2.10.14, inv. 5197. Translation of Beppan “Isum” for March 1943 compiled by Bandung branch of 16 Army Staff Beppan. NANL, 2.10.14, inv. 5197. “Ir. Soekarno”. Two-page typewritten document containing edited extracts from Sukarno’s wartime speeches and broadcasts. Dutch Government Information Service. NANL, 2.10.14, inv. 5509. “Japanese report of the state of affairs in Java. For the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in Java”. Batavia, September 27, 1945. NANL, 2.10.14, inv. 5203. 8 pages plus one-page annex. According to this English-language typescript, the document was signed by a major general acting for the “Supreme Commander of [the] Japanese Army in Java”. The officer in question was almost certainly Major General Yamamoto Moichiro. “Statement written by [2nd Lt.] Shiroguchi, Kempei”, 2 November 1945. NANL, 2.10.14, inv. 5291. 20-J06729 18 Young Soeharto pp435-474.indd 435 13/4/21 8:27 AM 436 YOUNG SOEHARTO “Statement by Capt. YANAGAWA, dated 14 Dec 1945”, Javint 3132/2, SEATIC Det., GSI, 23 Ind Div., 15 January 46. NANL, 2.10.14, inv. 5190. “Order No. 1 – Operation of Military Administration”, JAVINT 3131/4, SEATIC Det. HQ 23 Ind Div, 1 February 46. NANL, 2.10.14, inv. 5185. Memorandum from Lieutenant General S.H. Spoor to the Lieutenant Governor- General, 21 February 1946. NANL, 2.10.14. inv. 2662. “Schema van de Plaatselijke K.P.T. [Kenpeitai] Djokdjakarta”. NANL, 2.10.14, inv. 5192. “Interrogation of Lieutenant Onishi Kyutaro, Glodok Jail, Batavia, 17 May 1946”. NANL, 2.10.14, inv. 5280. Interrogation of Lieutenant Onishi Kyutaro, Glodok Prison, Batavia, 18 May 1946. NANL, 2.10.14, inv. 5280. “Interrogation of General Imamura Hitoshi, Supplement”, undated. NANL, 2.10.14, inv. 5284A. “Captain YOSHITAKE, The Beppan of the General Staff”, Kantoor voor Japansche Zaken, Batavia, undated. NANL, 2.10.14, inv. 5300. Archief van de Netherlands Forces Intelligence Service/Centrale Militaire Inlichtingendienst (NEFIS/CMI), 1942–1949: “TAN MALAKKA alias IBRAHIM BIN RASAD, ONG SUNG LI alias SOETAN IBRAHIM”, Anschrift Van: Letter No. 30. Dated 12 January 1946. To: D.L. Page. From: G.K. Dulling, “Communist Activities in the N.E.I.”, NEFIS/CMI, 1942–1949, inv. 1621. “Mohammed [sic] Hatta”, NEFIS/CMI inv. 1621. Netherlands Forces Intelligence Service/Centrale Militaire Inlichtingendienst NEFIS/CMI 1942–1949. inv. 2781 Abdoerachman Sajadin Panotogomo Senopati Ingalogo Hamenkoe Boewono IX. “Sultan of Djokjakarta”, Netherlands Indies Government Information Service (NIGIS) [WW II Radio] Monitoring reports, Reports No. 446, 729, 864, 882, 994, 1218, 1271 and 1355. NEFIS/CMI 1942–1949. inv. 2781. “Sultan van Djokjakarta – Zeer Geheim”. Netherlands Forces Intelligence Service/ Centrale Militaire Inlichtingendienst NEFIS/CMI, 1942–1949. Inv. Nr. 2781. “Zoelkifli Loebis”, NEFIS/CMI 2744, inv. 0036. “T.B. Simatoepang, Kolonel”, File no. 0081, NEFIS/CMI inv. 2772. “Points of Talks. Date: 16 August 45, begins at 12 o’clock night. At: The mess of General Nishimura.” “Taken from the documents of Capt Nakamura Hiroshi”. 4 March 1946. NEFIS/CMI, 1942–49, transferred from Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, inv. 2016. 20-J06729 18 Young Soeharto pp435-474.indd 436 13/4/21 8:27 AM BIBLIOGRAPHY 437 Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies – Indische Collectie, Amsterdam (NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Indies Collection, NIOD-IC, Amsterdam)* “The start of the national movement and the natives reactions”, translation of document B 29 taken from Prapatan Gambir 64, formerly Beppan GHQ, 24 March 1943, prepared by the Bandung branch of 16th Army Beppan. Java Int 3117, SEATIC Det., 4 Int. Unit, 23 Ind. Div., 14 December 1945. NIOD coll. 400, no. 581. “Appreciation of Political Developments by Kaigun (Japanese Navy)”. NIOD coll. 400, no. 581. “Interrogation of Shimizu Hitoshi, 27th November, 1945”, and “Report on further interrogation of Shimizu Hitoshi, 2nd December 1945”, with explanatory notes by a Dutch intelligence officer. Signed by Colonel S.H. Spoor, Director NEFIS. NIOD coll. 400, no. 601B. “Lt. Kol. Nomura Tetsu”. Kantoor voor Japanse Zaken, Batavia. Undated. NIOD coll. 400, no. 772. “Explanations Regarding All Kinds of Armed Bodies”, a document drawn up by the headquarters of the Sixteenth Army. NIOD coll. 400, no. 792. “Translation of statement by Capt. Yanagawa Munenari [sic], dated 14 Dec 45. (Continued)”. NIOD coll. 400, no. 601B. This is Part II of “Statement by Capt. YANAGAWA, dated 14 Dec 1945”, Javint 3132/2, SEATIC Det., GSI, 23 Ind Div., 15 January 45, held by the Nationaal Archief as 2.10.14, inv. 5190. “Record of the progress of the independence movement”. Gunseikanbu. Recollections of Nakatani Yoshio, 21 February 1946. NIOD coll. 400, no. 788. “Supplementary explanation of armed parties in Java under Japanese mil. adm.”, in “Document taken from 16 Army HQ”, NEFIS Document 2618, 14 November 1946. NIOD coll. 400, no. 601A. “VERKLARING. Afgelegd door: Kapitein TSUCHIYA Kiso (verbonden aan de Staf van de BEPPAN-NANSEITAI) gedurende verhoor afgenomen in de TJIPINANG-gevangenis te Meester-Cornelis (3–8 Maart 1947)”. NIOD coll. 400, no. 771. *Much of the research in the NIOD Indies Collection was conducted in 1999–2001 when that archive employed a six-figure file numbering system. However, research there continued intermittently until 2017, by which time most NIOD files had been digitized and renumbered using an entirely different four-digit system. In this book the new file numbers are given, except in rare cases where it has not been possible to identify a document consulted under the six-digit system. 20-J06729 18 Young Soeharto pp435-474.indd 437 13/4/21 8:27 AM 438 YOUNG SOEHARTO Item 1 of Javint 3134/3 of 4 March 46. “Taken from Capt Nakamura Hiroshi. Table of stages in the realisation of the plan for an Indonesian Independence Movement, Item 1 of a file dated 12 Dec 45, on ‘Record of Progress of the Independence Movement’, prepared by 16 Army Mil Adm.” NIOD coll. 400, no. 594. “Points of Talks” concerning a meeting at the mess of General Nishimura beginning at midnight on 16–17 August taken from the documents of Captain Nakamura Hiroshi. NIOD coll. 400, no. 4736. “Interrogation of Maj. Gen. Nishimura Otoshi on the Indonesian Independence Movement”, Changi Gaol, Singapore, 31 May – 6 June 1946. NIOD coll. 400, no. 339, also at coll. 400, no. 8251. Major General Nishimura, 10 April 1947, reply to questionaire of Mr. A.P.M. Audretsch, Office of the Attorney General, Netherlands East Indies. 15 pp. NIOD coll. 400, no. 722 and no. 774. Major General Nishimura, answers to additional questions from Mr. A.P.M. Audretsch, 15 April 1947. 4 pp. NIOD coll. 400, no. 722. Major General Nishimura Ototsugu (sic), answers to 22 April 1947, questions from Mr. A.P.M. Audretsch, 25 April 1947. 6 pp. NIOD coll. 400, no. 774 (formerly 059334). A different, and fuller, translation of this exchange, setting out both the questions and the answers, is to be found in what was formerly NIOD-IC 059333. 14 pp. “Interrogation of Rear Admiral Maeda Tadashi at Changi Gaol, Singapore Island, between 31st May and 14th June 1946”. NIOD coll. 400, no. 718 and no. 334. “Report of Interrogation of Tadashi Maeda, Rear-admiral, in Struiswijk jail near Batavia, on the 1st and 10th August 1946”. NIOD coll. 400, no. 718 and no. 335. “Record of Evidence”. Interrogation of Tadashi Maeda, Batavia, 26 August 1946. NIOD coll. 400, no. 718. Undated “translation of the Report of Maeda” made in reply to two questions put to him by Allied interrogators. NIOD coll. 400, no. 336. Translation of interrogation of Vice (sic) Admiral Maeda Tadashi, Batavia, 9 November 1946. NIOD coll. 400, no. 718. “Interrogatie Rapport” Maeda Tadasi (sic), NEFIS, Batavia, 16 April 1946. NIOD coll. 400, no. 718. Statement “To: Mr Audretsch, attached to the Attorney-General of the Netherlands East Indies. Submitted by Rear-Admiral Maeda (16 April 1947)”. Translated by Nishijima Shigetada. NIOD coll. 400, no. 779. “Statement of Yamamoto Moichiro on Indonesian Independence Movement during Japan’s occupation”. 13 pp. Undated. NIOD coll. 400, no. 1443. “Meeting on board HMS Cumberland, 21st September 1945”. An account of a report made by Major General Yamamoto, with attached “Statement of Ch. O. van der Plas, Batavia”, 2 September 1946. NIOD coll. 400, no. 757. 20-J06729 18 Young Soeharto pp435-474.indd 438 13/4/21 8:27 AM BIBLIOGRAPHY 439 Major General Yamamoto, “An Individual Opinion Which May Interest the Allied Powers With Regard to the Future Management of Indonesia”, plus covering letter addressed to Rear Admiral W.R. Patterson, Batavia, 23 September 1945. NIOD coll. 400, no. 750. Letter from Major General Yamamoto to Major General D.C. Hawthorn, Commander of the 23rd Division, Batavia, 3 October 1945. NIOD-IC no. 007337. “Interview” between Major General Yamamoto and Captain D.J. Joyce and Captain Salter, Bandung, 7 March 1946. NIOD coll. 400, no. 714. Afschrift, Pro Justinia No. 1/1948. 24313/R. Roodnr.: 336. “De Temporaire Krijgsraad te Batavia”. Sato Heikichi death sentence. NIOD coll. 400, no. 5723. “Interrogation of Gunzoku Saito Shizuo on the Independence Movement in Java”, Changi Jail, Singapore, 4–5 June 1946. NIOD coll. 400, no. 338. “Sworn deposition by Maeda Minoru”, undated. Tokyo Trial. NIOD coll. 402, no. 5936. UNITED KINGDOM The National Archives of the UK/Public Record Office (TNA: PRO), Kew War Office WO 203/3671 58604.
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