CASH BOX NEWS 4TH RADIO PROGRAMMER MEET Satellites, Deregulation Spark Debate At NAB Conference by Mark Albert regulation on American businesses - a CHICAGO - New broadcast technologies policy which he has also clearly tied to the - specifically live satellite format program- controversial issue of reducing AM spacing ming - federal deregulation of the air- from 10 to nine kHz and his perception that waves and the proliferation of network and radio's role and impact has been mis- syndicated programming were the topics judged through the years. foremost on the minds of participants at the "The FM explosion of the past decade National Assn. of Broadcasters' (NAB) and its overwhelming marketing accep- recently completed Radio Programming tance by the listening public with a mul- Conference (RPC). Discussions of the titude of different interests has for all in- relationship between the record and radio tents and purposes doubled the number of industries as well as the increased competi- effective radio outlets in our country, thus GRACE BEFORE T/ ,HEAL In Los Angeles for an appearance at the Greek Theatre, - providing the listening public with a mul- the members of Je son Starship were treated to dinner at Chasen's by RCA Records. tion posed by new forms of home entertain- highlighted the fourth RPC, held titude of services," Fowler stated. "There is Pictured at the par / are (l-r): Jack Craigo, division vice president, RCA Records U.S.A. ment also the Hyatt Regency Downtown scarcely a location in the entire country that and Canada; Grac r Slick of the group; Barry Oslander, division vice president, west coast Aug. 16-19 at does not boast many program options for A&R, RCA; and Don Wardell, manager, product management, RCA. here. The tone of excitement accompanying the listeners. the dawn of a new era of technology and re- "It's in part for this reason that the com- Parker Denies established freedom from government mission last month decided that the trade- Wrongdoing reigns was quickly established in the in- offs inherent in moving from 10 to nine kHz troductory address by CullieTarleton, NAB (continued on page 17) In His Dealings With Presley Radio board chairman and senior vice president of Jefferson -Pilot Broadcasting, by Michael Glynn Court by attorney Blanchard Tual, court - who said, "In this age of runaway NARM Committee MEMPHIS - In a statement released by his appointed guardian for 12 -year -old Lisa technology and multiplying communication attorney Aug. 15, Col. Thomas A. Parker, Marie Presley, Elvis' daughter, in a July 31 outlets, the main premise of our industry Sets Meet With manager of Elvis Presley, denied accusa- ammendment to his Sept. 29, 1980 report. will not change. The key to success will con- tions made against both himself and RCA RCA, Presley's label from 1956 until his tinue to be effective programming. So, as Labels, Distribs Records of "collusion, conspiracy, fraud, death in 1977, had earlier issued a state- we introduce new hardware, remember by Richard Imamura misrepresentation, bad faith and ment saying, "There is no basis for any ac- that our bottom line for the present and overreaching" in their business cusations against this company in relation future is effective programming, with LOS ANGELES - The newly re-formed relationship with the late singer. The allega- to its dealings with Elvis, or his estate, or meaning, substance and relevance." National Assn. of Recording Merchan- tions were made in Shelby County Probate Col. Parker." Col. Parker's statement was Era Of Opportunity disers (NARM) retail advisory committee issued following Probate Court Judge Tarleton's comments were followed by will hold Its first industry -wide meeting Joseph Evans' Aug. 14 order to Presley's ABC Radio news commentator Paul Har- Sept. 10-11 at La Costa, Calif. Designed to Midline Success estate to cease payments to Parker and file vey, who emphasized more directly in his work out current issues affecting the retail suit against the manager for an unspecified keynote address, "You stand right now on and manufacturing sectors of the industry, Evident In NARM amount of money. the threshold of the most fascinating, the the meeting will also be attended by "I am shocked by what has occurred in most potentially fruitful era in the history of NARM's manufacturers advisory commit- Annual Survey the probate proceedings in Memphis, the world . .. you know the opportunity for tee and the manufacturers executive ad- Tenn.," said Col. Parker in his statement." excesses in our own profession. You are visory committee (major distributors). by Marc Cetner The unjust allegations that have been made aware of some of the deregulation which is "The committee was reactivated LOS ANGELES - In its first full year on the ... not only attack my name and reputation, now cause for celebration, but only so long because, due to the state of the industry, market, mid -line product proved one of the but also are unfair and insulting to the as we respond affirmatively to the self dis- retailers felt it was appropriate to bring it most successful merchandising memory of Elvis and his father, Vernon." cipline that deregulation implies. To the ex- back to talk about objectives we need to try phenomenons of 1980, capturing a 7% In the statement, Col. Parker recounted tent that we businessmen vacate our moral to accomplish," said Lou Fogelman, presi- share, according to an annual report on the the contents of an Aug. 23, 1977 letter from obligations of stewardship, to that extent dent of the 21 -store Music Plus chain and record and tape business issued by the Vernon Presley, executor of Elvis' estate at our business will be taken out of our hand." chairman of the committee. "We want to National Assn. of Recording Merchan- the time, in which he said he was asked to The comments, which only hinted at come up with achievable goals that will disers (NARM). Even more significant, " 'carry on according to the same terms and and introduced the record RPC attendance benefit everybody in the industry. We're not when mid -line and cut-out product are conditions as stated in the contractual of more than 1,800 registrants to the new inviting the manufacturers just to beat them combined in a total volume figure, they ac- agreement ... with Elvis dated Jan. 22, broadcasting concepts that would be the up for advertising or free goods." count for 17.6% of total sales in racked ac- 1976.' " Parker additionally indicated that focus of most of the workshops, forums and Fogelman said the agenda of the counts and 13.9% in retail stores. following Vernon Presley's death, the pre- after hour chatter in the more than 60 meeting will consist of five presentations on However, while mid -line product sent co -executors of the estate - Priscilla hospitality suites, were later reinforced in what the committee decided were the most flourished in 1980, the total industry gross Presley, Joe Hanks and the National Bank the closing speech delivered by Mark pressing Issues today at its inaugural revenues at retailers list price of $3.68 of Commerce - assured him in a letter Fowler, chairman of the Federal Com- meeting in Dallas in June (Cash Box, July billion remained almost dead even with dated June 29, 1979 that they wanted munications Commission (FCC). Fowler's 11). 1979's total of $3.67 billion. "things to continue as they have and as set address repeatedly emphasized the The five topics to be covered at the Album revenues Increased to $2.2 billion (continued on page 15) current administration's policy of less meeting will be: 1) the industry -wide im- dollars, up from the prior year's total of $2 plementation of bar coding; 2) the improve- billion. However, the survey also indicated ment of industry -wide communication via that singles continued their downward the standardization of forms and spiral, dropping to $250 million in sales procedures; 3) the improvement of the from the 1979 figure of $353 million. The quality of pre-recorded tapes and drop was partially attributed to the decline merchandising to perk sales and cut down of disco music, which dropped to only 1% of on home taping; 4) recognition of the ser- the market in 1980. vices and functions of retailers in breaking In contract, tape continues on the upsw- product; and 5) the future plans for the "Gift ing, and now accounts for 39% of the total of Music" campaign. prerecorded music sales, up 20% over 'Positive Attitude' 1979 and 24% since 1978. In another in- "We are going into this meeting with a teresting development, the percentage of positive attitude," Fogelman said. "We want 8 -tracks sold compared to cassettes has to address ourselves to the conditions in completely reversed itself within the three the industry today - where the state of the year period of 1978-1980. Cassettes were economy has left us with what looks like a responsible for more than 60% of tape 'no growth' situation for the next couple of sales in 1980, which stands as a complete years - and come up with cost cutting turnaround from 1978 when 8 -tracks were solutions that will help everyone, manufac- over 65% of all tape sales. turer and retailer alike." Although there has been a fast decline in TRANSFER AT JACKSON - CBS recording group the Jacksons recently played to a The bar coding presentation, which will 8 -tracks ($527 million in 1980, down from packed Montreal Forum in Canada. Returning to their dressing rooms, the group met emphasize the need for the entire manufac- $684 million in 1979), the survey indicated members of Manhattan Transfer.
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