Contents 内容 Page 页码 Message from the CEO 2 ᤈੀ About Us 4 ԭ౯ժى BXAI Governance Structure 6 Ꮈᑪᴺᓕလຝ BXAI People 7 ጯᨲࢫᴚ Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program 20 ښԵၖ๚ᶾᤥॹᰂᦇ Enrichment Activities 32 ս۸ၚۖ BXAI Summer Program 2018 38 ጯᨲԵၖᎸᑪᴺา๗ս۸᧞ᑕ2018 AFLSP Scholars 42 ጯᨲᘏ Table of Contents Bai Xian Alumni Initiative Award 50 ጯᨲ$OXPQL,QLWLDWLYH$ZDUG ፓ୯ Preview: BXAI Summer Program 2019 52 物ጯᨲԵၖᎸᑪᴺา๗ս۸᧞ᑕ2019ޞᶼ Remarks॓ဳ: In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese translation, the English verson shall prevail. ̶ٵզԅڞᝑӨӾᦲԏᳵਂձ֜ྏ҅ 1 ݐๅٍᰒێଙ౯ժጱӞӻ᯿ᥝፓຽฎᵞӾᔜ One of our key goals for 2019 is to focus our ҁᓌښ᭗ᬦԵၖ๚ᶾᤥॹᰂᦇښresources to achieve more targeted results, which ጱ౮ຎ҅ଚᦇ ҂ਫሿᬯӻፓຽ̶ྌक़҅౯ժᬮ̀ښwe plan to bring about by streamlining the Asian ᑍ̿ॹᰂᦇ Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP). ୩ጯᨲ౮ާԏᳵጱ̶݄ۖଙ౯ժ౮ᒈԧےMessage ๕ᬰӞྍ We also hope to continue deepening engagement ૱within our community and I believe we are of to a ጯᨲտ҅ࣁռग़ጱᑌຄᕟᕢӥࣁԵၖݱउ ጯکԧग़࣋ၚۖ҅ᬯฎӞӻஉঅጱᒒ̶፡ېԈۑgreat start with the establishment of the Bai Xian ౮ ᔮ۸ԟى౮ԅӞӻᬰՈᴬݎfrom Alumni Association last year, which has already ᨲᐒᗭ ᑮᳵ҅౯ժႮݑἩᛩ̶زग̵़قhosted various events in cities across Asia thanks to տጱਞ our many proactive alumni who took the initiative to organize. It is very encouraging to see how the Bai the CEO ଙ౯ժᬮݐԧٌ՜᯿य़౮ຎғ Xian community has grown to become a safe yet ጱᩒۗښdiverse space that promotes human connections Ŏ᩻ᬦݷኞ឴ᒫԲॹᰂᦇ ᒫࢥጯᨲԵၖېԈۑand intercultural learning opportunities. Ŏࣁ۹Ղय़ᆱՂझ౮ ᤈੀ า๗ս۸᧞ᑕ ۑ$,$ ౮ Other notable achievements of 2018 include: Ŏᒫԫጯᨲ$OXPQL,QLWLDWLYH$ZDUG ॹᶱദԨ឴ᙯᴚշ)DLUVKDUH҅ېOver 80 scholarships were granted to the AFLSP’s Ԉ • fifth cohort of students • Successful completion of the fourth annual BXAI ԭᬯԶىSummer Program at the Yenching Academy of ౯ᦻᮀᴅଙಸጱٌ֟ᒍᜓ҅ԧᥴๅग़ ଙಸӾᬮํᛔጯᨲᘏ̶௳מPeking University ౮ຎ݊Ꮈᑪᴺᶱፓጱ ̶ޞଙጱၚۖᶼConclusion of the second Bai Xian Alumni Initiative ἩᛩՈஞጱඳԪ҅զ݊ • Award (AIA) with Fairshare crowned the winning team ེٚఽᨀय़ਹ౮ԅጯᨲय़ਹꁿጱӞާ̶ฎ֦ժጱඪ೮ ݎӧෙښᤈ҅ᦏॹᰂᦇڹ᧩ଆۗ౯ժᙒᨮֵ I invite you to read through the rest of this report to learn more about these achievements and our ҅ྌ౯ӧᙯఽᄶ̶ᬦ݄ࢥଙӾ౯ժݐԧᦜग़౮ programs. You will also find inspiring stories from ᖂ҅ᦏ౯ժٚളٚܳ҅ᖀᖅ᭗ᬦ۸ԻၞӨරᙙԅ ̶ێMs. Ronna CHAO our scholars and alumni, as well as a sneak peek of Եၖጱ๚ۗ Chief Executive Ofcer what’s to come for 2019. ็ణঀॊ Once again, thank you for being a part of the Bai ็ణ ᤈ Xian family. Your support and friendship help advance our mission and fuel the growth of the ጯᨲԵၖᎸᑪᴺᤈ AFLSP and for that I am extremely grateful. Let us take advantage of the positive momentum we have achieved over the past four years and continue to invest in the future of Asia through intercultural exchange and education. Dear Friends of Bai Xian, ਜ਼සጱጯᨲԏғ Yours sincerely, It is hard to believe that Bai Xian Asia Institute ፲ᳵጯᨲԵၖᎸᑪᴺҁᓌᑍ̿Ꮈᑪᴺ̀҂ইՔ૪ (BXAI) has already embarked on its fifth year of ᒫԲӻଙ१̶౯మྌտఽᨀݱ֖Ꮈᑪᴺ Ronna Chaoفᬧ operations. I would like to take this opportunity to Chief Executive Ofcer, Bai Xian Asia Institute ԭӞӻᔺێthank you for your continued support of BXAI and Ӟই෬ஃጱඪ೮҅ఽᨀय़ਹᦊݶ౯ժᛘ for sharing our vision of a prosperous, sustainable, ឍ̵ݢ೮ᖅ̵᧯ጱሿդԵၖጱౄว̶ and harmonious modern Asia. ٫ᑱ෭ႹࢯړࢧḒଙ҅ࣁᬯӻᤩӧ̵਼ As I look back on 2018, I realize that the Institute’s ಟጱӮኴ҅Ꮈᑪᴺಅᐽ೮ጱ᭗ᬦ۸රᙙᬰ mission to promote peace and mutual understanding ᮷ๅٍԎӨײଘӨፘቘᥴጱֵྲզஃձ֜ through cross-cultural education has never been ቖ໒ੴᥝෛӞդᶾᤥන፲ࢵقmore relevant and vital as it is today, in a world ᯿ᥝ̶ӧෙݒ۸ጱ ۸ᗭ֛ጱ᯿ᥝ̶᭗ᬦୌᒈزग़کthat seems increasingly marred by intolerance, ᴬ҅ᦩ ԭᬰԵၖӮኴݱێdivisiveness, and conflict. The ever-changing global ۸҅Ꮈᑪᴺபࣁङِᛘ ෛՈॊ̵మᶾڠᔮጱىऒݳ֢݊অ܄landscape demands a new generation of leaders ࢵԏᳵጱ դᤒ̶ڊthat looks beyond borders and recognizes the ᤥ importance of diversity and community. By building bridges across cultures, BXAI strives to cultivate innovators, thought leaders, and influencers who are committed to advancing regional collaboration and amity among the nations of Asia and the world. 2 3 ፘԻၞԟጱ׀By creating intercultural opportunities for young ᭗ᬦԅԵၖጱଙᘏ ۸̵ਯز಼ग़ڊscholars in Asia to learn from and engage with տ҅Ꮈᑪᴺጱᕣຄፓຽฎङِ one another, BXAI’s ultimate goal is to bring up ݎ᧯ቖقऒݳ֢զ݊ᬰԵၖ݊܄ಛଘቘஷ̵ innovators, thought leaders, and influencers who դᤒ̶ڊෛՈॊ̵మᶾᤥڠembrace diversity and are committed to promoting ጱ About US peace, regional collaboration, and harmony in Asia and beyond. ౯ժጱౄวֵ ԭ౯ժ OUR VISION AND MISSION Ꮈᑪᴺᐽ೮ጱౄวฎ౮ԅӞӻവۖሿդԵၖᔺឍى ٌ՜ښ᩼Եၖරᙙଘݣ̶᭗ᬦॹᰂᦇܓBXAI’s vision is to become Asia’s preeminent ਞਧጱ ۸Իၞԟտ҅׀educational platform that paves the way towards a රᙙᶱፓ҅Ꮈᑪᴺਖ਼ prosperous, sustainable, and conflict-free modern ෛӞդᶾᤥ̶ڊୌᒈ۸ᳵဋ᭗ጱ҅ଚङِ Asia. By building bridges across cultures, BXAI seeks to develop a new generation of leaders through scholarship and education programs that ౯ժጱ໐ஞհ꧊ create opportunities for intercultural exchange and learning. ᎸᑪᴺጱԲय़໐ஞհ꧊ᶾ౯ժጱ٬ᒽᤈۖ҅ඪ ೮౯ժጱౄว҅Ӭᐽಥ౯ժጱ۸ғ OUR CORE VALUES ᛔӧݶᙧวጱኞ᮷ᚆ឴מŎᐒտଘᒵғ౯ժፘ These five core values guide our decisions and actions, support our vision, and uphold our culture: රᙙտ զവۖᐒտᄍᬰێഀ࠺ᶾݎ᩼ғ౯ժܓŎᩳݻ • Social Equality: we believe that all students زጱग़܄ቖᐒقMr. Ronald K.Y. CHAO should have equal access to education and Ŏፘਜ਼᯿ғ౯ժ಼ࢿ Honorary Chairman opportunities, regardless of social standing. Ŏհ꧊᭄ғ౯ժ᯿ᥤ̵्ྋፗ፥ᦻ ଘܣŎᑌຄ݇Өғ౯ժവۖՈᴬࢵᴬԻၞଚഐ ኞ • Excellence: we are committed to achievingضٌ᳑็ ጯᨲԵၖᎸᑪᴺݷቘԪᳩ excellence in philanthropic leadership in our mission to transform lives. • Respect: we embrace and respect diversity in both local and global communities. • Value: we value honor, integrity, and truthfulness. ۸රמBai Xian Asia Institute (BXAI) believes that cross- ጯᨲԵၖᎸᑪᴺҁᓌᑍ̿Ꮈᑪᴺ̀҂ፘ we engage people and nations in cultural education is the key to a harmonious ᙙฎୌᒈӞӻፘቘᥴ̵ਜ਼᯿ଘᒵጱ᧯Ӯኴጱ • Engagement: active dialogue to uphold peace. Ძ̶ى world built on mutual understanding, respect, and equality. ᄶۜԵၖӧ̵ݎސ۸රᙙ҅զݎThrough education programs that empower and Ꮈᑪᴺࣁ ጱኞ̶Ꮈᑪᴺ๕ीᬰԵၖՈ࿆ԏ܄inspire scholars in diferent Asian countries and ݶࢵਹࣈ ᔮ҅ඪ೮य़ԏᳵጱݳ֢Իၞ҅ଚࣁ᎖௳ӡىregions, BXAI seeks to strengthen relationships ᳵጱ ቖ໒ੴӥङِ՜ժᐒᗭጱ୭ંఽஂྌጱقbetween the people of Asia, support partnerships ݒጱ between East Asian academic institutions, and ቘᥴ̶ cultivate a sense of community and mutual understanding within a changing global landscape. ҂̀ښҁᓌᑍ̿ॹᰂᦇښԵၖ๚ᶾᤥॹᰂᦇ ஃձ֜Ӟᳵ໐ஞ݇Өय़ڹᕳԵၖኞ׀Our Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program ႗ፍ AFLSP) provides scholarships for students from ੪ጱॹᰂ҅Ӟӻଙଶጯᨲา๗ս۸᧞ᑕ̶ࣁ) ጱଫኞښAsia to study abroad at any of our Anchor or ጯᨲา๗ս۸᧞ᑕ᯾҅ಅํॹᰂᦇ ݶ֛ḵ᧞झԟ̵ੜᕟᦎᦞ̵ԟᤈࢫوParticipating Universities, and our annual BXAI ਖ਼ Summer Program brings together current AFLSP Ꮈᒵӿၚ̶ۖݶ҅ጯᨲ$OXPQL ,QLWLDWLYH᧣֛ students for an enriching experience over the ԭᐒտጱڥ$,$ Ἡۜጯᨲ൭ಋํ summer that includes lectures, discussions, study $ZDUG ݶᥴ٬୮ՔԵၖݱොᶎጱᦓ̶᷌ᘒوզ҅ښtrips, and group research. The Bai Xian Alumni ᤈۖᦇ Initiative Award (AIA) encourages Bai Xian Alumni ጯᨲտࣁ᭐ᬦᘶ᧩݊රᙙၚۖ҅Ⴎ۸ࣁ to work together in teams to produce socially ෭Ⴙಘय़ጱᐒᗭӾጱԻၞ̶ responsible action plans that address critical issues in Asia, while the Bai Xian Alumni Association aims to deepen engagement within our growing alumni community through networking and educational events. 4 5 BXAI Governance Structure Ꮈᑪᴺᓕလຝ Advisory Governing Council Board 咨询委员会 理事会 Communication & BXAI People Nominating Executive Development Committee Committee Committee 提名委员会 执行委员会 拓展及传讯委员会 ጯᨲࢫᴚ Mr. Ronald K.Y. CHAO Honorary Chairman, BXAI Vice Chairman, Novel Holdings Limited ኞضٌ᳑็ ጯᨲԵၖᎸᑪᴺݷቘԪᳩ Ԫᳩ៰ۅݪلෛഴᙎᵞࢫํᴴ CEO's Ofce Academic Committee 行政总裁 学术委员会 办公室 Find Out More 详情请参阅: https://www.bxai.org/who-we-are/our-organization/governance-structure/ 6 7 Advisory Council BXAI People 百贤团队 ߎᧃާտ Mr. Yutaka ASO Mr. CHEN Shuang, JP Mr. Koji TANAMI Mr. QIAO Zong Huai Chairman, Aso Cement Company Limited Executive Director and Chief Executive Attorney at Law, Hashidate Law Ofce Former Vice Minister of Foreign Afairs of the Chairman, Kyushu Economic Federation Ofcer, China Everbright Limited People's Republic of China 田波耕治先生 ಅ Former Deputy Vice Director of Xinhuaۓ麻生泰先生 陈爽先生,太平绅士 क़ᒈݳဩԪ (ݪಗᤈ៰ԪّḒଅಗᤈਥ News Agency (Hong Kong branchلय़ഴᙎํᴴطἋኞဲ໌ୗտᐒտᳩ Ӿࢵ Ԝᕪၧᘶݳտտᳩ 乔宗淮先生 ᮱ᳩۅक़Ի᮱ܻ ᐒᳩۅᐒܻړෛᐒḕ Mr. Silas K.F. CHOU Mr. Masayuki MATSUSHITA President and CEO, Novel Holdings Limited Vice Chairman of the Board, Panasonic Corporation 曹其锋先生 ݪ 松下正幸先生 Mr. Sakutaro TANINO Mr. TUNG Chee Hwa, GBMلෛഴᙎᵞࢫํᴴ Ԫᳩ Former Ambassador to China and India Vice Chairman, Thirteenth National Committee៰ۅຂӥኪԾӱ໌ୗտᐒ Advisor, Japan-China Friendship Centre of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Visiting Professor, Showa Women’s University Conference (Faculty of International Humanities) 董建华先生, 大紫荆勋贤 Ԇଅۅࢵާտقӣ܈ࠟտᦓᒫܐ谷野作太郎先生 ӾࢵՈ࿆လ ଶय़ֵܦ洛嶆̵洛ܻ ෭Ӿঅտḅᶶᳯ ญঀৼय़ ࢵᴬ᮱ ਮଅරദ Mr. Mark SCHWARTZ Mr. SHI Guangsheng Senior Director, Former Minister of Foreign Trade and The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Economic Cooperation of the PRC 史华兹先生 Former Chairman, China Association of ṛፐᵞࢫ៰Ԫ Enterprises with Foreign Investment 石广生先生 Ӿࢵक़ᩆฃᕪၧݳ֢᮱᮱ᳩܻ 8 Ӿࢵक़ࠟಭᩒմӱܐտܻտᳩ 9 Advisory Council Governing Board BXAI People ߎᧃާտ ቘԪտ 百贤团队 Ms. Ronna CHAO Mr. CHAO Kee Tung Mr. Fumiaki WATARI Mr. XIANG Huaicheng Managing Director, 曹其东先生 Honorary Executive Consultant, Former Minister of Finance of China Novel Investment Partners Limited Managing Director, JXTG Holdings, Inc. Chairman, Novetex Textiles Limited Former Director, National Council for Novel Investment Holdings Limited 渡文明先生 Social Security Fund 曹惠婷女士 ݪ៰Ԫᕪቘلഴᙎ໌ୗտᐒឍಗᤈᶶᳯ Director, China Development Institute ෛᩒಭᩒํᴴ*7;- ݪԆଅل项怀诚先生 ὄᬡᕗᕢํᴴ ܻࢵਹᨰ᮱᮱ᳩ ᵑचᰂቘԪտቘԪᳩכࢵᐒտقܻ Ӿࢵ̵Ⴎࣉ ቘԪᳩ Ꮈᑪᴺݎᖓݳ Mrs. Yvette Yeh FUNG Professor John LEONG Chi-yan Chair, The Yeh Family Philanthropy SBS, JP 冯叶仪皓女士 Chairman, Hong Kong Hospital Authority ݨ࿄ਹ෧࠺चᰂԆଅ President Emeritus, Open University of Hong Kong Professor Emeritus, University of Hong Kong 梁智仁教授, SBS, JP Professor XU Kuangdi Mr.
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