y FS High School 10.7m Fleming House y N Stewart 97 to 107 Court masonr g in p Skerton Tide Gauge lo Learning S Centre 1 to h PH 3 t OWEN ROAD Pa Lune Park Rigg House Childrens Centre Mast (Telecommunication) Y MAINWA Mud 1 Acre Court 11.0m to Path o 91 10.7m t 3 AR Centre 65 Ellershaw House 5 ath e Ryelands cle P RYELANDS PARK ingl Cy 1 347050 347100 16 347150 347200 347250 347300 347350 347400 347450 347500 347550 347600 347650 347700 347750 347800 347850 347900 347950 348000 348050 348100 Dr a 462600N 348150E 1 in E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ST LUKE'S to and Sh 3 Mud CHURCH Greg House 6 Bandstand 63 L AD 4 IES 1 53 to W Miller 12 St Luke's Court 12.5m Church 33 1 to 3 Frankland House 15 Park Church Court 462550N rise Garage 11.9m p 41 to 51 r 7.3m 22 e ake Ente 1 L Shards Court to FATHERS HOUSE 11 39 Bridg d Shingl 12 e Hou e ELIM CHURCH 13 to se Mud an 23 d Shingl RS 27 ST Mud an 14 462500N Kiln 10.1m Court to 11 7.3m 1 MORECAMBE ROAD n Drai D OA R E REVISEDRevised JUNCTION junction 6.7m e CATON 462450N hingl S NCN 69 footway/ Car Park NCN 69 FOOTWAY / ud and cycleway open at Mud M CYCLEWAY OPEN AT RIVERWAY all times HOUSE Carlisle ALL TIMES e Bridge MORECAMBE ROAD ingl Co Const, ED & Ward Underpass y CCLW Mud and Sh Bdy OUR LADY'S cle Wa Cy 462400N CARLISLE BRIDG CARLISLE CATHOLIC COLLEGE Sewage Pumping SKERTON BRIDG r e Station t 7.9m Rock and Mud 7.6m Wa h g 201 to 207 an Hi 301 to 313 Me 401 to 420 501 to 520 Y North A 601 to 620 View Me SW 701 to 720 G a n High N KI The Old Bus Depot Wate 29 E 93 6.4m ST GEOR City View G r KINGSWAY SE' 1 to 30 462350N QUA Y 50 El Sub Sta 59 58 7 39 6 85 Tennis Courts 7.0m 55 20 to 44 35 6.4m TWO-WAY TRAFFIC 1 to 17 Two-way traffic Revised junction 49 REVISED JUNCTION Riverside Lofts THE SIDING RIVER STRE 18 ET 12 5.2m 43 14 29 Mud 5 19 59 7 1 to 8 S 24 12.8m 28 44 5 LUNE STREET Underpass 3 33 7 PH 27 5 NE STREET a LU 462300N 69 27 REET REYNOLDS STREET 5 1 26 23 6 EARL ST 30 1 36 BY ROAD 6.4m R 81 DE 13 Maritime Posts 6.4m y 3 Museum 8 55 Arm LB 16 l f 46 No right turn n i o al El at H Whar 6 v Sub Sta rlton 1 to 25 George and 1 for buses or Sal Ca Dragon 2 9 Hotel 56 4 14.6m 23 (PH) MLW cycles AL 2 462250N B 22 1 1 to 21 9 ERT ROAD Stone 9 y 6 66 r e e 6.7m Th Pumping T Station 1 Co Const, EDCCL &W Ward Bd CATON ROAD 1 37 10 ROAD Smokehous 16 an High Wate 1 Shelte 18.6m WEST COAST MAINLINE Me RI DUKE STREE1 to 23 ULK D 78 B Brunton's LORD STREET ne r 13 Quay Meadow Sports Ground Warehouse 4 er Lu 6.1m v 1 13 Ri 2 20 BACK LORD STRE Posts 11 e a RIVER LUNE RIDGE STREET25 ingl 25 20 14 12 1 Playground d and Sh to 8 Mu Stone 462200N 112 21 26 Peel E 1 El Sub Sta T House PINE STREET1 to 12 Mud 17 Victoria 18 E a 11 y Wharf 19 17 17.4m d TERRAC 2 Slipway Laundry Un 32 NE GR LU E 23 QUAY MEADOW 14 to 19 1 EN STREET Ward Bd E Mud d 4 Stone Mu 33 SPORTS GROUND TCB 2 rs 24 to 27 e 6 Mud 6.7m LB 1 oymast MP.25 Bu 1 to 11 6.7m 18 e Mu 3 14 ac Underpass 1 26 12 ED & Ward Bd d rr 462150N to e 4 20 T 1 REET e Slipwa PARLIAMENT STREET 3 r n 19 GP to E ST s D 1 to De Stone y 15 11 GREYHOUND BRIDG IN y f gh Wate H Millennium Bridge WB Glad Bridge Hi 11 REVISEDRevised JUNCTIONjunction 23 Stone (site of) GREYHOUND Greyhound Bridge ALBION Mean 11.9m 2 ST 23 8 5 REE Stones 1 BRIDGE RO 2 T 6 MLWS 12 A D E 1 4 3 2 Path Vicarage ST GEORGE'S Terrace 3 22 FB Underpass MILLENNIUM BRIDG 348150E 347050E 347100E 347150E 347200E 347250E 347300E 347350E 347400E 347450E 347500E 347550E 347600E 347650E MLWS 347700E 347750E 347800E 347850E 347900E 347950E 348000E 348050E 348100E QUAY 1 Hawarden 29 Cottages462100N Def GREYHOUND BRIDGE BULK ROAD Greyhound Bridge 43 TEMPORARILY CLOSED 34 20.1m Path FACTORY HI Path (um) Temporarily closed LL Stone FOR VEHICLES, CYCLIST 1 Mud 37 1 to 24 for vehicles, cyclist 8.2m AND PEDESTRIANS KEY 3 KEY BULK ROAD and pedestrians 42 El Sub Sta Path Britten 6.7m CycleCycle HallRoute Route open at at all all times times during during works works El Sub Sta Lane 18 SL El Sub Sta 31 to 40 Shelter SL 19 to 30 41 to 52 59 60 1 Vicarage ED & Ward Bd 53 OptionalOptional cycle Cycle routeRoute 5 6 E 1 to 46 10 to 18 T 1 to 4 3 ALBION Excavation 45 Site Lune Vicarage Field CR WATERSIDE 2 37 Temporary route closure Temporary Route Closure MEW Square to y 33 LEONARD'ST GA 6 S 9 to 12 1 to 85 1 to PHOENI 36 32 to S The Millrac 11.9m 22 6 4 1 to 24 X ROMAN FORT Supermarket 12 STREET 31 t o REET 25 7 St Leonard ST 17 3 E t STREETSHAW 1 4 o 24 Court 14 to to 2 20 10 20 e 21 2 PH DE VITR 1 5 6 19 3 S 7 WA Site of 26 to 32 T JOHN'S MEWS 1 16 7 ROMAN FORT Priory 1 8 14 (Benedictine 8 4 TER founded 1094) 9 S 1 TREE CABLE STREET Depot 4 Three Mariners Hall 2 Vicarag 1 34 to 43 1 S e (PH) 1 to The King's 17 to 24 T u 11.3m gar Hous 55 15.5m to 25 1 7 Community Church 2 BRIDGE LA to 12 7 6 7.0m 1 23 2 37.2m Car Park 1 20 1 to 16 e El Alley 50 Posts 10 Sub Sta 44 to 55 38 T Club 11 6.7m SM E NE 9 Fire Station 7 CABLE STREET 36 STREET ULC 25 FB Y ULC 6 PH 34 5 WOLSELE 1 b PRIOR Mitre House 3 8 34 3 DENIS STRE 33 12.5m 1 to 1 6 3 2 1 15.5m SIDNEY 38 Y 7.0m 8 CLOS 0 St Mary's Church Car Park TERR 4 ACE 17 ST MARY'S E Car Park 42 CHAPEL STREE6 t 5 N 11.6m 6 1 NU E 26 T IL 4 1 to 28 E E CHURCH N' R STRE se WOOD STREET FLEE u S SD Alexandra Cour STR ORY CLOS I 27 t Mariners SQUA 28 30 s Ho 27 E PR View T 29 T Factory ard' E 6 Lancaster ET 31 16 YMCA Bus Station 2 32 to 34 32.9m BUS STATION PH t Leon Greycour Car S Works 1 1 SL 1 Prior T y Path and Cycleway SL Park 11 36 E Walk 7 Cycle routes duringParade bridge works y 6 r C 9 E Post St Mary's Gate 11 Po 3 LANE t 26.3m s UL BUTTERFIELD STREET s Castle 38 to 42 ts ason 10 8 Church of St John 41 0 m 9 5 The Evangelis 8 2 ng 27.7m DYE 43 i LONG 37.2m DAMS 5 NORTH ROAD Slop CHURCH STREET BRIDGE 6 1 1 1 PITT H 3 MARSH LANE I D'S GATE 28 DE STRE 3 13.4m ALFRED STR O 47 R 20.1m 2 A 19.8m USE 1 STREET T 4 ET SEYMOUR STREE 5 L ST LEON NEW ROAD 11 88 AN Gran 12 D Fn Judges' 80 2 E d Th 14 9 to 48 11.0m HI 78 4 Lodgings L 44 e L (Museum) 96 at Covell W Works k 3 74 2 3 the bridge. to refurbish £3.7m from the DepartmentforTransport Lancashire CountyCouncil hassuccessfullysecured • • • implemented: restrictions wouldberequiredto on thecurrentrateofdeteriorationfollowing Inspections ona2yearlybasissince1995.Based The bridgehasbeenthesubjectofGeneral years untilthecompletionofBayGateway. works requiredhadbeendeferredforanumberof restrictions toAbnormalLoadsandallHGVs.The of thebridgeandtopreventimplementation of theviaductisrequiredtomaintaincapacity Bridge Road)overtheRiverLune.Refurbishment Lancashire andcarriestheA589(Greyhound Greyhound BridgeislocatedinLancaster, www.lancashire.gov.uk 2029 –bridgeclosedto all vehicles Fire Engines 3 tonnesweightrestriction, permitsfor 2020 –ClosuretoallHGVs,implementa 2018 –Closuretoabnormalloads Greyhound Bridge Greyhound Bridge www.kirkbylonsdalecoachhire.co.uk Changes tono.8service onlycanbefoundat www.stagecoachbus.com changestobus timetablescanbefoundat Full www.lancashire.gov.uk dates oftheclosurecanbefoundat detailsoftheschemeincluding Full build uptothemainworks. minimise disruptiontotheroadnetworkduring the peak timesandovernightto Autumn 2017.Theseworkswillbecarriedoutat off Bridge, asshownontheseplans,willstartinlate two-way runningofvehiclesonthenearbySkerton Enabling workstoremodeltheroadnetworkallow users areshownonthe2plans. motorists, pedestrians,cyclistsandpublictransport in early2018for6months.Thealternativeroutes Greyhound BridgeRoadwillbecompletelyclosed Major maintenance comms: 5125 comms: ater d Bdy ar W Skerton Greenwater House igh H W Ward Bdy Pa t L TORRISH Court h n OLMEROAD GP a CC Me N Mud Co Const, ED & W OWEN ROAD FB Ryelands Park 109 Pavilion Tennis Courts S MLW 1 & 10.7m FS to MH 3 Skerton Community FS High School 10.7m Fleming House 07 1 nry Stewart aso 7 to 9 Court g m n Skerton Tide Gauge Slopi Learning Centre 1 to PH 3 OWEN ROAD Path Lune Park Rigg House Childrens Centre Mast (Telecommunication) MAINWAY Mud 1 h Acre Court 11.0m to Pat 10.7m 3 AR Centre 65 to 91 KEYEllershaw House 5 e cle Path Ryelands gl RYELANDS PARK Cy 1 347050E 347100E 16 347150E 347200E 347250E 347300E 347350E 347400E 347450E 347500E 347550E 347600E 347650E 347700E 347750E 347800E 347850E 347900E 347950E 348000E 348050E 348100E Drai 1 n 462600N 348150 ST LUKE'S E to d and Shin 3 u Temporary bus stop M CHURCH Greg House 6 Bandstand 63 LA DI 4 E 1 S WA 53 to Miller 12 LK St Luke's Court 12.5m Church 33 1 to 3 3, 3A, 7, 49, Frankland House k 55 & 555 15 462550N Church Court to 51 Garage 11.9m rise Par 41 rp 7.3m 22 e e 1 Lake Ent Shards Court to FATHERS HOUSE 1 1 Shingl Bridg d 12 e House d an e ELIM CHURCH 13 to 39 Mu 2 Shingl 3 Bus stop RS 27 and d ST Mu TWO-WAYTwo-way TRAFFIC traffic 14 462500N Kiln 10.1m Court 7.3m 1 to 11 2, 2A, 2X, 4, 6A, Bus stop Temporary bus stop MORECAMBE ROAD 8, 40, 40A, 41, 42 Drain D A REVISED JUNCTION 6.7m Revised junction e TON RO A C 2, 2A, 2X, 3, 3A, 4, 4A, 6A, 7, 8, 462450N NCN 69 FOOTWAY / 2, 2A, 2X, 4, 6A, 8, Car Park 40, 41, 42, 49, 55, 500, 501, ud and Shingl NCN 69 footway/ Mud M 40, 40A, 41, & 42 RIVERWAY RIGHT TURN 502, 503, 504, 555, 556 & 935 CYCLEWAY OPEN AT Right turn only LEFT TURN cyclewayALL TIMES open at HOUSE ONLY Left turn only Carlisle ONLY Bridge ingle all times MORECAMBE ROAD h Co d S C onst, ED & Ward B an d CC Mu LW dy OUR LADY'S Cycle Way 462400N E BRIDG CARLISLE CATHOLIC COLLEGE Sewage Pumping SKERTON BRIDGE r Station 7.9m Rock and Mud 7.6m igh Wate H 201 to 207 an 301 to 313 e M 401 to 420 501 to 520 North 601 to 620 View Mean KINGSWAYSWAY 701 to 720 High Wate
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