Pt. 1250 49 CFR Ch. X (10–1–20 Edition) Code Description Code Description 3532 Mining machinery and equipment, except oil 4022 Textile waste, scrap and sweepings. field machinery and equipment. 4024 Paper waste and scrap. 3533 Oil field machinery and equipment. 4026 Rubber and plastic scrap and waste. 3537 Industrial trucks, tractors, trailers, and stack- 41 MISC. FREIGHT SHIPMENTS. ers. 411 Misc. Freight Shipments. 354 Metalworking Machinery and Equipment. 41111 Outfits or kits. 355 Special Industry Machinery, Except Metal- 41114 Articles, used except for repair, recondi- working Machinery. tioning (41115), returned empty (421), remelting 356 General Industrial Machinery and Equipment. 4021). 357 Office, Computing, and Accounting Machines. 41115 Articles, used, returned for repair, incl. for 358 Service Industry Machines. reconditioning. 359 Miscellaneous Machinery and Parts, Except 412 Miscellaneous Commodities Not Taken in Electrical. Regular Freight Service. 36 ELECTRICAL MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES. 42 CONTAINERS, SHIPPING, RETURNED EMPTY. 361 Electrical Transmission and Distribution Equip- 421 Containers, Shipping, Returned Empty Inc. Car- ment. riers or Devices. 362 Electrical Industrial Apparatus. 363 Household Appliances. 422 Trailers, Semi-Trailers, Returned Empty. 3631 Household cooking equipment, all types. 44 FREIGHT FORWARDER TRAFFIC. 3632 Household refrigerators and home and farm 441 Freight Forwarder Traffic, Carload or Truckload. freezers. 45 SHIPPER ASSOCIATION OR SIMILAR TRAFFIC. 3633 Household laundry equipment. 451 Shipper Association or Similar Traffic, Carload 364 Electric Lighting and Wiring Equipment. or Truckload. 365 Radio and TV Receiving Sets, Except Commu- 46 MISCELLANEOUS MIXED SHIPMENTS EXC. FOR- nication Types. WARDER SEE 44 SHIPPER ASSOCIATION SEE 45. 366 Communication Equipment. 461 All Freight Rate Shipments, N.E.C., Inc. TOFC. 367 Electronic Components and Accessories. 462 Mixed Shipments on One Factor Rates Cnstg. 369 Miscellaneous Electrical Machinery, Equipment, of Commodities Representing Two or More and Supplies. Major Industry Groups Where it is Impossible to 37 TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT. Determine the Predominant Industry. 371 Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment. 47 SMALL PACKAGED FREIGHT SHIPMENTS. 3711 Motor vehicles. 471 Small Packaged Freight Shipments, Including 37111 Passenger cars, assembled. LCL or LTL. 37112 Truck tractors, and trucks, assembled. 37113 Motor coaches, assembled (including trolley busses) and fire department vehicles. [32 FR 20466, Dec. 20, 1967. Redesignated at 46 3712 Passenger car bodies and body parts. FR 9116, Jan. 28, 1981, and 46 FR 10745, Feb. 4, 3713 Truck and bus bodies and body parts. 1981] 3714 Motor vehicle parts and accessories. 3715 Truck trailers. 372 Aircraft and Parts. PART 1250—RAILROAD 373 Ships and Boats. 374 Railroad Equipment. PERFORMANCE DATA REPORTING 375 Motorcycles, Bicycles, and Parts. 379 Miscellaneous Transportation Equipment. Sec. 38 INSTRUMENTS, PHOTOGRAPHIC AND OPTICAL GOODS, 1250.1 General. WATCHES AND CLOCKS. 1250.2 Railroad performance data elements. 381 Engineering, Laboratory, and Scientific Instru- ments. 1250.3 Chicago terminal reporting. 382 Measuring, Controlling, and Indicating Instru- 1250.4 Rail infrastructure projects report- ments. ing. 383 Optical Instruments and Lenses. 384 Surgical, Medical, and Dental Instruments and AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 1321 and 11145. Supplies. SOURCE: 81 FR 87484, Dec. 5, 2016, unless 385 Ophthalmic or Opticians’ Goods. 386 Photographic Equipment and Supplies. otherwise noted. 387 Watches, Clocks, Clockwork Operated Devices, and Parts. § 1250.1 General. 39 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS OF MANUFACTURING. 391 Jewelry, Silverware, and Plated Ware. (a) The reporting period covers: 393 Musical Instruments and Parts. (1) For § 1250.2(a)(1)–(9), 12:01 a.m. Sat- 394 Toys, Amusement, Sporting and Athletic Goods. urday–11:59 p.m. Friday; 3949 Sporting and athletic goods. 395 Pens, Pencils, and Other Office and Artists’ Ma- (2) For § 1250.2(a)(10), the previous cal- terials. endar month; 396 Costume Jewelry, Novelties, Buttons, and No- (3) For § 1250.2(a)(11), 12:01 a.m. Sun- tions. day–11:59 p.m. Saturday; 398 Miscellaneous Manufactured Products—A. 399 Miscellaneous Manufactured Products—B. (4) For § 1250.3(a)(1)–(2), 12:01 a.m. Sat- 40 WASTE AND SCRAP MATERIALS. urday–11:59 p.m. Friday. 401 Ashes. (b) The data required under § 1250.2 402 Waste and Scrap, Except Ashes. 4021 Metal scrap, waste and tailings. and § 1250.3(a) must be reported to the 40211 Iron and steel scrap, wastes and tailings. Board via the method and in the form 214 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:01 Jun 17, 2021 Jkt 250234 PO 00000 Frm 00224 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\250234.XXX 250234 Surface Transportation Board § 1250.2 prescribed by the Board’s Office of Pub- (iii) Coal unit. lic Assistance, Governmental Affairs, (iv) Automotive unit. and Compliance (OPAGAC) by 5 p.m. (v) Crude oil unit. Eastern Time on Wednesday of each (vi) Ethanol unit. week. In the event that a particular (vii) Manifest. Wednesday is a Federal holiday or falls (viii) System. on a day when STB offices are closed (2) Weekly average terminal dwell for any other reason, then the data time, measured in hours, excluding should be reported on the next business cars on run-through trains (i.e., cars day when the offices are open. that arrive at, and depart from, a ter- (c) Each reporting railroad shall pro- minal on the same through train), for vide an explanation of its methodology the carrier’s system and its 10 largest for deriving the data with its initial fil- terminals in terms of railcars proc- ing and an update if and when that essed. (Terminal dwell is the average methodology changes. This explanation time a car resides at a specified ter- should include the unit train definition minal location expressed in hours.) that the railroad will use in its data re- (3) Weekly average cars on line by porting, which shall reflect its assign- the following car types for the report- ment of train codes in accordance with ing week. (Each railroad shall average its normal business practices. If and its daily on-line inventory of freight when a railroad changes its definition cars. Articulated cars should be count- of unit train it shall notify the Board ed as a single unit. Cars on private of the change at the time it goes into tracks (e.g., at a customer’s facility) effect in the form prescribed by should be counted on the last railroad OPAGAC. on which they were located. Mainte- (d) Unless otherwise provided, the nance-of-way cars and other cars in performance data, Chicago data and railroad service are to be excluded.) alert levels, narrative infrastructure (i) Box. reporting, and any methodologies or (ii) Covered hopper. explanations of data collection re- (iii) Gondola. ported to the Board under this part (iv) Intermodal. will be publicly available and posted on (v) Multilevel (Automotive). the Board’s Web site. (vi) Open hopper. (vii) Tank. § 1250.2 Railroad performance data (viii) Other. elements. (ix) Total. (a) Each Class I railroad must report (4) Weekly average dwell time at ori- the performance data elements in para- gin for the following train types: Grain graphs (a)(1)–(9) and (11) of this section unit, coal unit, automotive unit, crude on a weekly basis, and the data ele- oil unit, ethanol unit, and all other ments in paragraph (a)(10) on a month- unit trains. (For the purposes of this ly basis, for the reporting period, as de- data element, dwell time refers to the fined in § 1250.1(a). However, with re- time period from release of a unit train gard to data elements in paragraph at origin until actual movement by the (a)(7) and (8), Kansas City Southern receiving carrier.) Railway Company is not required to re- (5) The weekly average number of port information by state, but instead trains holding per day sorted by train shall report system-wide data. type (intermodal, grain unit, coal unit, (1) System-average train speed for automotive unit, crude oil unit, eth- the overall system and for the fol- anol unit, other unit, and manifest) lowing train types for the reporting and by cause (crew, locomotive power, week. (Train speed should be measured or other). (Railroads are instructed to for line-haul movements between ter- run a same-time snapshot of trains minals. The average speed for each holding each day, and then to calculate train type should be calculated by di- the average for the reporting period.) viding total train-miles by total hours (6) The weekly average of loaded and operated.) empty cars, operating in normal move- (i) Intermodal. ment and billed to an origin or destina- (ii) Grain unit. tion, which have not moved in 48 hours 215 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:01 Jun 17, 2021 Jkt 250234 PO 00000 Frm 00225 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\250234.XXX 250234 § 1250.3 49 CFR Ch. X (10–1–20 Edition) or more, sorted by service type (inter- for placement under the railroad’s gov- modal, grain, coal, crude oil, auto- erning tariff. motive, ethanol, fertilizer (the fol- (9) Weekly average coal unit train lowing Standard Transportation Com- loadings or carloadings versus planned modity Codes (STCCs): 2812534, 2818142, loadings for the reporting week by coal 2818146, 2818170, 2818426, 2819173, 2819454, production region. Railroads have the 2819815, 2871235, 2871236, 2871238, 2871244, option to report unit train loadings or 2871313, 2871315, and 2871451), chemicals carloadings, but should be consistent or allied products (all STCC 28 not oth- week over week. erwise reported under ethanol or fer- (10) For Class I carriers operating a tilizer), and all other).In order to de- grain shuttle program, the average rive the averages for the reporting pe- grain shuttle turns per month, for the riod, carriers should run a same-time total system and by region, versus snapshot each day of the reporting pe- planned turns per month, for the total riod, capturing cars that have not system and by region.
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