DOCUMENTATION AUSTRIAN W INE 2006 Table of contents 1 Austria œ the wine country 1.1 Austria‘s wine-gr wing regi ns and wine-gr wing areas 1 1.2 Grape varieties in Austria 5 1.2.1 Breakd wn by share of area in percent 5 1.2.2 Grape varieties - Brief descripti n .1 1.2.. Devel pment f the area under cultivati n until 1111 .5 1.. Devel pment of the climate 1161-2002 .6 1.2 W ine-gr wers in Austria - A current overall view .1 1.5 The 2006 harvest 22 1.6 The 2005 vintage 25 1.3 Brief characterisati n of the vintages 2002 back t 1160 23 1.8 Assessment of the 2005-111. vintages 55 2 The Austrian wine industry 2.1 Ec n mic imp rtance of the wine industry in Austria 56 2.2 The harvest 2006 (Status Oct ber 20066 51 2.. 7arvests 1160-2005 61 2.2 8ualit9tswein (8uality wine6 in Austria 2005 65 2.5 Austria‘s wine supply 2005 68 2.6 Devel pment f grape and wine prices 31 2.3 General regulati ns f r wine pr ducti n 32 2.8 EU-Measures f r the Restructuring and C nversi n of Vineyards 32 2.1 The Austrian W ine B ards 80 2.10 The :alue f Origin 8. 2.11 DAC: the l gical key t Austrian wine 82 2.12 8uesti ns and Answers - a Guide 86 3 The Austrian market ..1 C nsumpti n of D mestic Wine and Sparkling W ine 81 ..1.1 C nsumpti n of D mestic Wine 81 ..1.2 D mestic C nsumpti n f Sparkling Wine 1110-2005 10 ..1.. Per-capita Alc h l C nsumpti n 10 ..2 Market segments 12 ... The h me c nsumpti n f Austrian wine œ GfK 7 useh ld Panel 1. ..2 Austrian W ine Sales in the F d Retail Trade 5Nielsen Trade Panel6 100 4 Austrias foreign trade in wine 2.1 Internati nal f reign trade in wine 2005 101 2.2 Austrian Imp rts and Exp rts (Financial Year6 1185A86-2002A05 10. 2.. Imp rts and Exp rts (calendar years6 2001 - 2005 102 2.2 Imp rts and Exp rts (Ban œ June6 2006 106 2.5 Austrian wine exp rts - l ng term pr gn sis 103 DOCUMENTATION AUSTRIAN W INE 2006 5 The Austrian W ine aw 5.1 The W ine Law of 1111 108 5.2 The 2000 Amendment t the Wine Law 101 5.. The 2002 Amendment t the Wine Law 110 5.2 The 200. Amendment t the Wine Law 112 5.5 The 2002 Amendment t the Wine Law 112 5.6 The 2005 Amendment t the Wine Law 112 5.3 W ine Labelling Regulati ns in Keyw rds 116 5.3.1 General p ints on naming and labelling 116 5.3.2 Austrian 8ualit9tswein 58uality wine6 113 5.3.. Austrian Candwein (:in de Pays6 118 5.3.2 Austrian Tafelwein (Table wine6 111 5.3.5 Austrian Schaumwein (Sparkling wine6 120 6 The Austrian W ine M arketing Board 122 7 Important addresses 12. 1 Austria - the wine country DOCUMENTATION AUSTRIAN WINE 200 1 Austria the wine country 1.1 Austria‘s wine-growing regions and wine-growing areas For the first time since Austria $oined the European Union, Austria was re(uired by the Regulation ,ECC- No. 301213 of the Council of the European Community to conduct a survey of the area under vines with a reference date of 31 August 1333. Also for the first time, data from the e5isting viticultural land registers of the wine-producing states 6 7urgenland, Nieder8sterreich ,9ower Austria-, Steiermar: ,Styria- and Wien ,Vienna- 6 were included and analysed as secondary statistics. The organisation —Statistics Austria“ ,Austrian Central Statistical Office- obtained the data of the other states by conducting a written survey of the vineyard owners. Austria was determined to have a vineyard area of appro5imately 48,000 ha. This was about 8,400 ha less than in 1332 at the time of the last vineyard survey, which was conducted as a primary census. The area devoted to white wines had fallen since 1332 by around 11.1% to 3 ,140 haA there was a smaller decline in the area devoted to red wine, which fell by 1.3% to 12,300 ha. Among the reasons for the decrease in vineyard area were vine removal in accordance with EU vine pulling schemes and national reserve campaigns as well as losses due to frost damage. The 1333 amendment to the wine law created a new wine-growing region called —Weinland Austria“. The advantage lies in the fact that wines from Nieder8sterreich and 7urgenland, a large area even by European standards, can now be used for the production of 9andwein. The 2002 amendment also changed the wine region Steiermar:Bs name to —Steirerland“. There are currently 4 wine-growing regions and 13 wine-growing areas defined in Austria. The four wine-growing regions are defined as Weinland Csterreich ,including the states of Nieder8sterreich and 7urgenland-, Steirerland ,that is the state Steiermar:-, Wien, and 7ergland Csterreich ,including the states Ober8sterreich ,Upper Austria-, SalDburg, EFrnten ,Carinthia-, Tirol ,Tyrol-, and Vorarlberg-. The wine-growing areas are: Nieder8sterreich, which geographically includes the wine-growing areas Weinviertel, Wachau, Eremstal, Eamptal, Traisental, Donauland, Carnuntum, and Thermenregion 7urgenland, which geographically includes the wine-growing areas Neusiedlersee, Neusiedlersee-HIgelland, Mittelburgenland, and SIdburgenland Steiermar:, which geographically includes the wine-growing areas SIdoststeiermar:, SIdsteiermar:, Weststeiermar:, and Wien. 1 1 Austria - the wine country DOCUMENTATION AUSTRIAN WINE 200 The wine-growing regions Weinland Csterreich 31.13% 7ergland Csterreich 0.04% Wien 1.40% Steirerland .11% W ien W einland sterreich Bergland sterreich Steirerland The wine-growing areas Eamptal 1.31% Weinviertel 32.14% Donauland 0. 3% Thermenregion 4.80% Eremstal 4.48% Wachau 2.87% Carnuntum 1.84% Traisental 1.41% Wien Neusiedlersee 1.40% 11.12% Weststeiermar: 0.83% SId steiermar: SIdost 3.03% Mittelburgenland steiermar: 3.81% Neusiedlersee-HIgelland 2.23% SIdburgenland 8.0 @ 0.92% wine-growing area of Nieder8sterreich: 1.8 % Nieder8sterreich without wine-growing-area: 0.08 % wine-growing area of 7urgenland: 23.3 % Steiermar: without wine-growing-area: 0.0000 % other federal states: 0.04 % 2 1 Austria - the wine country DOCUMENTATION AUSTRIAN WINE 200 Vineyard areas 1333 (by earning capacity2potential- Final results (areas in hectares) Vineyard area by potential yield Total Name vineyards Total Productive Not yet productive planted area holdings area white wine red wine white wine red wine AUSTRIA 32,044 48,557.67 34,851.23 11,636.88 1,293.27 714.75 48,496.13 W ine-growing regions: W einland 27,692 ,567.53 32,003.99 10,688.52 1,133.67 687.95 ,51 .15 Steirerland 3,821 3,290.83 2,291. 8 6.81 129.15 15.27 3,282.67 W ien 97 678.30 5 5.27 93. 2 29.19 10. 2 678.30 (ergland 3 21.01 10.53 8.12 1.25 1.11 21.01 BUR ENLAND 9,654 14,563.62 8,958.03 4,935.28 298.64 347.54 14,539.49 W ine-growing areas: Neusiedlersee 3,268 8,326.3 5,97 .32 1,890.30 230.63 209.61 8,30 .85 Neusiedlersee-H+gelland 3,652 3,911.55 2, 0 .32 1,396.66 50.53 59.68 3,911.18 ,ittelburgenland 1,098 1,877.2 33 .15 1, 71.56 7. 61.82 1,87 .97 S+dburgenland 1,636 8. 9 2 5.25 176.76 10.0 16. 8. 9 NIEDER&STERREIC( 18,038 30,003.91 23,045.96 5,753.25 835.04 340.41 29,974.66 W ine-growing areas: Thermenregion 1,282 2,332.30 1,379. 7 861.70 6.08 38.32 2,325.57 -remstal 1,397 2,175.87 1,809.05 285.86 56.9 18.92 2,170.77 -amptal 1, 91 3,868.87 3,151.77 561.63 111.69 1.92 3,867.00 .onauland 1,710 2,731.96 2,221.60 28.01 51.39 29.65 2,730.65 Traisental 706 682.5 570.07 89.37 16.22 6. 6 682.12 Carnuntum 7 5 891.53 55 . 3 26 .32 30. 6 2.32 891.53 W achau 867 1,390.33 1,193. 6 151. 6 39.92 5.38 1,390.23 W einviertel 9,77 15,892.2 12,131.02 3,107.72 82.3 157. 15,878.52 0utside wine-growing area 66 38.26 35.08 3.18 - - 38.26 STEIERMARK 3,821 3,290.83 2,291.44 846.81 129.15 15.27 3,282.67 W ine-growing areas: S+dsteiermar1 1,066 1,7 1.0 1,355.67 276.99 98. 5 7.8 1,738.95 W eststeiermar1 91 32.85 55.33 371.90 3.10 1.53 31.85 S+doststeiermar1 2,25 1,115.16 879. 6 197.27 27. 6 5.90 1,110.09 0utside wine-growing area 10 1.78 0.98 0.6 0.15 - 1.78 W IEN 497 678.30 545.27 93.42 29.19 10.42 678.30 other states 34 21.01 10.53 8.12 1.25 1.11 21.01 Analysis of the viticultural land register of the wine-producing states Minor discrepancies are due to rounding Source: Statistics Austria 3 1 Austria - the wine country DOCUMENTATION AUSTRIAN WINE 200 Area under vines 1333 Final result (area in hectares) Planted vineyard area by age of vines Name Nurseries 14 3nder 3 to 10 to 20 years 3 years 9 years 19 years old and older AUSTRIA 2,008.02 7,096.28 13,955.24 25,436.59 61.54 W ine-growing regions: W einland 1,821.63 6,129.78 12,6 1.18 23,921.57 53.38 Steirerland 1 .
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