607 Was read a second time, by its title, And referred to the Committee on Corporations. On motion of Mr. Harrinston, House bill entitled " An act to amend Section 12, Chapter 42, of the Revised Code, entitled, Of free schools," Was read a second time, by its title, And referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes . Mr. Marvel, Clerk of the House, being admjtted, inform~d the Senate that the House had passed and requested the concurrence of the Senate in the following House bill, to wit: · "An act to incorporate the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay Ship Canal," And presented the same to ~he Senate. On motion of Mr. Cooch, the bill entitled "An act to incorporate the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay Ship Canal," Was read. On his further motion, Rule 14 was suspended, For the purpose of reading the:bill a second time, by its title.· On his further motion, The bill was read a second time~ by its title, And referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. Cooch, in behalf the special committee to whom was re• ferred the bill entitled 608 " An act to vest the title of a certain lot of ground, with the -buildings thereon erected, in the City of New Castle, in trustees, for the uses and purposes ther!'lon mentioned," . · . • Reported the same back with. a favorable recommendation. On his motion, . ~he same was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, Was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. On the question, "Shall this biJl pass the Senate?" The yeas and nays· were ordered, Which, bE1ingtaken, were as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Cooper and Horsey-2. Nays-Messrs. Betts, Cooch, McWhorter, Pennewill, and Mr. Speaker-5 . So th!) question wa.sdecided in the negative, And the bill was Lost. On motion of Mr. Pennewill, the bill entitled "A further supplement to the act entitled an act in relation to oysters," Was ta~en up for consideration. On his further motion, Was read a third. time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question, " Shall' this bill 'pass the Senate?" Was decided in the ·affirmative, 609 . And tb~'bill Ordered to tlie House for concurience • .· Mr. {7~<>~h.in pursuance of previous noti~e,: . "" A-ud, on motion of Mr. Cooper, . • ' ' • J Obtained leav~ to· introduce a biH enAied · ·''An act to iricorpora.t;ethe Delaware Improv'ement Company," And, on his motion, The same was read, On his 'motion, Rule 14 was suspended, For the purpose of readhig the bill by title, And! ,on tpe furth,r motion of Mr. Cooch, The bill was read a second time, by its title, A'lid.referred to the Committee on Corporations • . Mr. Pennewill, from the Committee on Enrollment, reported as duly and correctly enrolled, the following, _Senate bills and joiqt ;resolutions, and presented the same for the signature of the­ Speaker of the Senate, viz : · · "A supplement to. the . act entitled an act to incorporate the Front and Union Street"Railway' Company/''· · . ••An. act to straighten a publiq:·:road· in. Mispil!ioQ. h,undred, K~.:~u.nty," · · . ; ·.. : . ·-' , , . · ,,, . .:. · ,:· :· .. ••An act to amend Section 6, of Chapter 4 78, of Voliime 18.,of the Law~ of Delaware, entitled an act to incorporate th~ towo,.of Georgetown," .. ' · ' 89 610 "A supplement to the act entitled an act to provide for the refunding of the present bonded debt of this State at a lower rate of interest, passed at Dover, March. 16, 1881," . · .. "An act to unite School Districts No. 26 and 122 into one School District, under the title of the Canterbury Public Schools,'p "An act to authorize the laying out of a public road in North West Fork hundred, Suss.county, State of Delaware," ••Ao act to. prevent tpe spread of contagious. or infectious­ pleuro-pneumonia among the cattle in this State," "An act to enable Wm. W. Dashiell to locate certain vacant. lands in Sussex county, and complete his title to the same.'' " Joint resolution in relation to printing the report of the In­ surance Commissioner," He also reported and presented for the signature of the Speake~ of the Senate, the same having been signed by the Speaker of t.he House, the following duly and correctly enrolled House bill, viz.; · " An act to incorporate the Tomahawk Branch Ditch Com­ pany." Mr. McWhorter presented a bill in favor of the Every Evenio~ Publishing Company, against the State,.for printing, for the sum, of $176.34. On motion of Mr. Cooper, The same was referred to the Committee on Accounts. O.i motion of Mr; Betts, House bill entitled:., ·.. An act to ,mend an act entitled an act to enable the owners. of the marsh meadow near Newport, called Conrad's Cripple, to keep the banks, etc., in repair, and to raise a fund to defray the expenses thereof," Was read. On his further motion, 611 ~ule 14 was suspended, For the purpose of reading the biil a second time, by its titl~, . And, on his motion, The bill was read a second time, by its. title, And referred to the Committee on Corporations. On motion of Mr. Betts, House bill entitled "An. atit to incorporate the Roman Catholic Male Protectory of Wilmington, Delaware," - . Was read a second time, by its title, And referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. Uooper, from the Committee on Agriculture, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, House bill entitled . uAn act prohibiting live stock from running at large in a part of School District No. 84, in Sussex county," And, on his motion, The same was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motion, Was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. The question, " Shall this bill pass the $enate ?" Was decided in the· affirmative, And the bill Pasaedthe 'Senate, Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill re­ turned to that body. 612 Mr. Pennewill presented the bill of Wm.'E. Kerbin for daily and weekly newspapers, furnished for the use of the Senate duripg preseot session; for $70;82, · · · Which was read, And, on motion of Mr. Penhewill, Referred to the Committee· on Claims. Mr. Cooper, from the Oomrtiittee on: Revised Statutes, reported back, with a favorable reco.. mmendation, House bill entitled· " An ·act to amend Section 6, of Chapter 106, of the Revised Statutes, entitled, Of ·pleading and practice in civil actions," On his motion, The same wa~ t.aken up for consideration, And, on his fut"ther motion, Was read a third time, by paragraphs,· in order to pass the Senate. The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" Was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Passed the Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill re­ turned to that body. On motion of Mr. Perinewill, House bill entitled •lAn act prescribing certain duties of the Prothoootary and Recorder ~f Deeds in each of the counties of this State," WllSread. On motion of Mr. Harrington, House bill entitled "An act to amend an act entitled a further additional supple- 6J.3 ment to the act entitled an act to establish a company under the name of the Mispillion Navigation Company, passed at Dover, March 4th, 1875," Was read a second time, by its title, And referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. Cooper, from the Committee on Agriculture, reported back, with a favorable recommendation, the House bill entjtled . " An act for the more effectual protection of property agai~st fire." . On his motion, The same was taken up for consideration, And, on his further motioµ. The bill under consideration was read a third time, by para- graphs, in order to pass the Senate. ·, The question, "Shall this bill pass the Senate?" Was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Pa88edthe Senate. Ordered that the House be informed thereof, and the bill re- turned to that body. ' On motion of Mr. Horsey, Senate adjourned. 614 SAME DAY-2 o'clock P. M. Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Cooch presented a communication from John F. Staats, Esq., . Which, there being no objection, Was.read, A.nd referred to the Committee on Revised Statutes. On motion of Mr. Harrington, House bill entitled " An act to .authorize the laying out of a new public road in Milford hundr~d', Kent county, and State of Delaware," Was read. Mr. Cooch, from the Committee on· Education, reported with an amendment, Senate bill entitled "A. supplement to the act entitled an act to encourage the edu- cation of the colored people, passed March 22, 1881," · On his motion, The bill was taken up for consideration, A.nd the amendment was read, A.nd, on motion of Mr: Cooch·, Was Adopted. Further, on his motion, The bill under consideration as amended was read a third time, by paragraphs, in order to pass the Senate. 615 The question, " Shall this bill pass the Senate ?'' Was decided in the affirmative, And the bill Paaaedt1&8 &n.a.t.6. Orderedto the House for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Cooch, House bill entitled · "&l act to prohibit live stock from running at iarge in School District No. 7, in New Castle county," , · . Was read a second .time,.l>y i~ titlti, And referred to the Committee on Agriculture. Mr.'Oooper, in pur~uance of previous notice, And, on motion of Mr. Pennewill, Obtained leave to introduce a bill entitled " An act to provide a uniform ballot for election purposes," On motion of Mr. Cooper, The same was read. On his further motion, Rule 14 was suspended, And the bill was read a sec~nd time; by its title,.
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