FIGHTING 69TH INFANTRY DIVISION ****fissoC!iafion, ka. VOLUME 34 No.3 MAY - JUNE - J ULY AUGUST 1981 "THE THREE B'S" 101 STEPHEN STREET BOLTE'S B1VO UAC1NG BASTARDS NEW KENSINGTON. PA. 15068 41 21 335·3224 OFFI CERS 1980-1981 Roben Myers. Pres/denr 10453 Cumberland Drive bulletin SunCll Y,AfIZ 85351 D,y Hq Chester Ya strzemsk., V,cePfeSrdenl Annual Reunion, August 9 to 16,1981 29 Skinner 51 reel Southampton. N Y 11968 272 Frank Nemeth. Secretary In Pennsylvania Dutch County 66Gaplng ROCk Road levlIlown , Pa 19057 269 Earl E W'lzteb. Jr Treasurer PO 80)(69. Drawer M Chammon, Pa 15622 273 Clarence Marshall . Membership 10\ Stephen Street New Kensington. Pa 15068 D,y HQ Anthony Keller, Audlto! 272 Harold Starry. Co·Chaplam 272 Wilham Snidow . Co -Chaplam 661 Sam Wool! . ScholarshIp 273 LADIES AUXI LIARY Mary Balzano. PreSident Emily Fletcher. Secretary Margie McCombs, SunShsne Lady BOARD OF DIRECTORS Loar Quickle, BoardChairmtJn .271 1980-1981 Kenneth Slemel 569 Howard Hoover 271 Gerald Rodelll 269 Paul Shadle 271 Waller Ooernbach DIY HQ ClilfOld Btank 661 George ShapirO 272 1981 ,1982 Vlclor DeCarlo 271 Hershey Park Memorial Strausburg Railroad ViC l orWoo . 69QM. JosephW'lghl Dlv HQ William Besw ick 661 GeorgeGallaghe, 69QM. & MP. Ra y Fahrner . 273 Roben Kurtzman 272 1982,1983 Sumner Ru ssman ........ Div. HQ. Robert Ellis. .271 Herb Callaway ............... 272 Jacob Stark . .272 Roben Bement ........... Divany Ray Lot:ie. .269 William Snidow. ... 661 Vernon Wirth ................ 777 PAST PRESt DENTS 'Mal Gen E F Relnhardl . Texas DIV HQ "lesterJ Mlhch.N J 569519 'Hyman E Goldstein. N Y 272lnl Clifford E EWing , Ga 7690rd Sherman lawrence. N. Y 2721nl Murry Galulen . Okla 272 Inl 'Henry Madison, N Y 272lnl ' Sol Rosenbillt Fla 2711nl CYIII Ba,on, Fla DIV HQ Loa' l QUickie. N J 2711nl Harotd M Starry, Pa 272lnl Wm A Mallach, N Y 2731nl Sam Wooll , NY 273lnl Geo. E. PhilliPS, Fla 271 In' Albert Carbona II, Conn 271 1nl Stanley Olszewski. Conn 273 1nl John Morlally, Mass 69 MP. Covered Brid ge Amish Farm House 'Deceased scribe to this constit ution and by- laws (except. t. hose excluded Constitution and By-Laws in subparagraph Id ] of t hi s Article) shall be eligible t.o active me mbership in the Association. Upon notification of the death The proposed amendments to our Const.itution and By­ of an active member to t he Association , hi s membership shall Laws of the 69th Infantry Division Association are printed here be made avail able to hi s heirs who must be of blood relation . in t. hi s Bulletin, so that you may consider the changes which 2. All individuals who at any time served with the 69th will be brought before the membership of our Association at. Infantry Division in \Vorld War II or in units allached to t.he our Annual Meeting on August 15, 1981. at 10:00 A.M .. during Division in World War II and who were seriously and per­ our Reunion at the Host Inn. in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. manently di sabled by virt.ue of wounds received as a result of combat or incident t hereto. shall upon application be entitled PLEASE NOTE, to an active life membership in t he 69th Infantry Di vision Association . and shall have the same rights and privileges as The items in the Constitution and By-Laws which appear any other active member of the Association. here in b-old type are the newly proposed changes and additions 3. The Board of Directors of the Association or any of it s to our rules and regulations of the Association. branches are vested with the sole and exclusive discretion of It is further proposed that we delete Article VI in our determining whether or not. an applicant is ent.itled to mem­ Constitution, and Section 6 of Article I in our By-Laws. bership under t.he provision herein above ment.ioned and its If you wish to com pare these changes with the original decision shall be final. Constitution and By· Laws. refer t.o your old, Vo lumn (b) Honorary Members. 33 No. 1. Sept.e mber - October - November - Decembe r, 1979. The Board of Directors of the Associat.ion or of any of its General Bo lte's picture appeared on the cover page of t.h a t. branches are aut.horized to nominate a nd elect Honorary Mem­ Bulletin. bers of the Association or it.s branches respectively. However, What with the hectic well-planned program during the Honorary Members of the Nationa l Association must be sub­ Reunion. it. is planned that a Resolutions/ By-Law CommiUee mitted to the Board of Directors for approval. Honorary meeting be held Wednesday evening, August 12, 1981, at 7:00 member s shall not be entitled to vote or hold elective or P.M .. in Chuck Herring's room. T his meeting will be subject to appointive offi ces, but shall be extended t he _privilege to pay change if necessary. dues, as assessed . and may receive t he official Bulletin of the Association. CONSTITUTION (c) Associate Members. OF T he Board of Director s shall be a ut horized to approve as THE SIXTY-NINTH INFANTRY an Associate J\·lember , the sonl s ] of aD Active Member . An DIV ISION ASSOCIATION, INC, Associate Member shall not be entitled to vote or hold elective or appointive offices, but shall be required to pay dues, as PREAMBLE assessed, in order to remain in good standing and receive the We, t he former members and associates of the 69th official Bulletin of the Association. Infantry Division, in order to perpetuate t he friendships born Id ] Exception to Membershi p. of a common danger a nd to maintain t hese bonds fo rever, to No ind ividual who has been dishonorably separated from provide fo r t he general welfare of its members and secure and t.he service or who has been convicted in civil li fe, of a n offense keep fa st the bl essin gs of li berty and democracy to ourselves involv ing moral turpitude, shall be eli gible to hold member­ and our posterity, do ordain and establ is h t hi s Constit ution for ship in t his Associat.ion. t he 69th Infantry Division Association, Incorporated . ARTICLE IV ARTICLE I T he management of the Association shall be by a Presi­ t he NAME of t he Association shall be: dent, Vice President, Secretary. Treasurer, and a Board of The Sixty-Ninth Infant ry Division Association, Directors Inot to exceed twenty- four ]. Incorporated . ARTICLE V ARTICLE II The ELECTIO N OF THE MANAGEMENT shall be as The OBJ ECTS of the Association shall be, fo ll ows: (a) To aid and benefi t t he me mbers of t he Association. (a) T he Officers of t. he Association shall be elected by t.he (b) To perpetuate t he brill ia nt record and achievements membe rs at t he Ann ual Meeting, and shall hold off ice for two of t he 69th Infantry Division and to assist t he units whic h years or un til t heir successors are elected a nd qualified . fo rmed the Division in main taining t he spirit t hat animated it. (b) T he Board of Di rectors shall be elect.ed by t he me m­ (c) To promote social relationships between t he members bers at t he An nual Meeting of t he Association, a nd shall hold of t.he Association. office fo r a period of t hree years as hereinafter provided . At (d) T hi s Association shall be absolutely non-po li tical and each Annual Meeting one-third (1 / 3) of t he members of t.he non-sectarian. and shall not be used for t he dissemination of Board of Directors will be elected fo r three years, excepting, pa rtisan principle, nor for t he promotion of t he ca ndidacy of however, t. he first Annual Meeting whereat. t.he original Board any person seeking public offi ce or preferment. of Directors elected shall be equally div id ed int.o t. hree (3) classes. one class to be elected for a period of three (3) years; (e) This is a civili an organization in which mili tary rank one class to be e lected for a period of two (2) years, and one sha ll not exist. class t.o be elected for one (1) year . ARTICLE III (c) Vacancies on the Board occuring through causes other The MEMBERSHIP in t he Association shall be as follows: than expiration of the terms of office will be fill ed by election at the succeeding Annual Meeting of the Association. (a) Active Members. (d) The Secretary-Treasurer shall be empowered t.o 1. All ind ividuals who at any time served with the 69th e mploy any personnel necessary to carryon the work of the Infantry Division in WORLD WAR II or in un its which were Association, subject t.o approval by t.he Board of Directors. atlached to the Div ision in WORLD WAR II , and who sub- I Continued on Page 3 ] Page 2 (Co ntinuedjrom Page 2) No amendme nts shall become effective unless receiving the affirmative votes of two-thirds (2/ 3) of the votf'S cast at such (e I All Past Presidents shall automatically become meetings at which a quorum is present. Honorary Members of the Board of Directors but without the right to vote.
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