1944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 9599 the Department is then at liberty to ap­ Harper W. Capman, Lambertvme. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE point as many as it desires· to that rank. M. Adele Zinger, Ruth. Jennie L. Wyman, South Rockwood. A message from the Senate, by Mr. I was told that by an Army officer. Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced RECESS TO MONDAY NEW YORK that the Senate had passed without Thomas :J. Tighe, Jr., Amsterdam. amendment a bill of the House of the Mr. HILL. Mr. President, the Senate Eunice A. De Lisle, Berne. · following title: has now been in session for 7 hours. In Lucy B. Pulver, East Nassau. view of the statement of the Senator Joseph P. Hertz, Glenmont. H. R. 5566. An act to amend section 502 (a) from Pennsylvania [Mr. GUFFEY] I think Helen Wheatley, Greenfield Center. of the Department of Agriculture Organic Act we might well take a recess at this time. Mortimer E. Clement, Honeoye. of 1944. I therefore move that the Senate take a William Light, Morrisonville. The message also announced that the Mildred S. Makyes, Onondaga. ..:: ..1 recess until 12 o'clock noon on Monday Leo S. Kittell, Silver Creek. "'-: Senate agrees to the amendments of the next: Anna M. Isbell, Warners .. House to a concurrent resolution of the The motion was agreed to; and (at 6 W. Kenneth Atkins, Westerlo. Senate of the following title: o'clock and 5 minutes p. m.) the Senate Helen K. Morrison, Westmoreland. S. Con. Res. 23. Concurrent resolution es­ in executive session took a recess until UTAH tablishing a Joint Committee on the Organ­ Monday, December 18, 1944, at 12 o'clock Agnes Ellen Scow, Dragerton. ization of the Congress. meridian. .James C. Hill, Elsinore. The message also announced that the Nell M. Ekker, Loa. Senate agrees to the report of the com­ NOMINATIONS Fenton T. Draper, Moroni. Christena G. Frank, Providence. mittee of conference on the disagreeing Executive nominations received by the Thomas J. Morley, Salina. votes of the two House ~~ on the amend­ Senate December 16 <legislative day of LaPreal Richards, Spring Canyon. ments of the House to the bill (S. 1827) November 21), 1944: · Rulon L. Blain, Spring City. entitled "An act for the relief of Oliver N. Lois M. Jones, Sunnyside. IN THE NAVY Florence Taylor, Willard. Knight." Capt. Ben H. Wyatt, United States Navy, EXTENSION OF ;REMARKS to be a commodore in the Navy, for tempo­ rary service, to continue while serving as Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I commander, naval air bases, First Naval Dis­ ask unanimous consent to extend my re­ trict, and until reporting for other perma-· HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES marks in the RECORD and include therein nent duty. · an article. Capt. Thomas E. Van Metre, United States SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1944 The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Navy, to b~ a ccmmot;lore in the Navy, for the request of the gentleman from Mas­ temporary service, to continue while serving The House .met at 12 o'clock noon. as assistant naval inspector general and until The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera sachusetts? repor.ting for other permanent duty. Montgomery, D. D., offered the following There was no objection. Commodore Burrell C. Allen, United States prayer: Mr. LANE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ Navy, retired, to be a rear admiral in the mous consent to extend my remarks in Navy on the retired list, for temporary serv­ 0 harbinger of peace and of good will to the children of mankind, we ac­ the RECORD on two different matters, in ice, to continue while serving as chief of the first to include an editorial which ap­ staff to the commander, Western Sea Frontier. knowledge Thee to be the only Saviour of Capt. Paul E. Pihl, United States Navy, to the world. Thou hast broken the silence peared in the Boston Sunday Post and in be a commodore in the Navy, for temporary of eternity and made the face of the the second to include an editorial which service, to continue while serving as assistant Infinite God most glorious. Beneath the appeared in the Christian Science Moni­ chief of staff (logi~tics) to the commander, cover of frail flesh has throbbed the tor, of Boston. Western Sea Frontier, anq until.reporting for The SPEAKER. Is there objection to other permanent duty. · power which built the world, for in the' might of the manger cradle is the hand the request of the gentleman from Mas­ Rear Admiral Frederick G. Crisp, United sachusetts? States Navy, to be a rear admiral in the Navy, of the Creator of heaven and earth. for temporary service, to rank from the 1st 0 speak in this year of our Lord, that There was no objection. day of J~ne 1942. loathsome wickedness may lose its power, Mr. ALLEN of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Rear Admiral Edward L. Qochrane, United that untruth may cast aside its mask, and I ask unanimous consent to extend· my States Navy, to be a rear admiral in the Navy, that man may walk everywhere in new­ remarks in the RECORD and include a let­ for temporary service, to rank from the 21st ness of life and in the peace of brotherly ter which I received from one of my con­ day of June 1942. ·· esteem. stituents. As we contemplate Thy lowly birth, we The SPEAKER. Is there objection to CONFIRMATIONS feel a devout spirit of mystery, yet we the request of the gentleman from Illi­ Executive nominations confirmed by are conscious that the darkness is only nois? the Senate December 16 (legislative day the blindness of our own eyes, too weak There was no objection. of November 21), 1944: to bear the white light of the holy prom­ Mr. MASON. Mr. Speaker, I ask FOREIGN' SERVICE ise; 0 teach us of Thy ways that we may unanimous consent to extend my own re­ walk in Thy paths. We praise Thee that 'l'O BE CONSULS GENERAL OF THE UNITEQ STATES marks in the RECORD and include therein OF AMERICA we shall soon hear the angels' chorus: a news article. William W. Corcoran "Watchman, what of the night?" "Glory The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Charles W. Lewis, Jr. to God in the highest; on earth peace, the request of the gentleman from good will toward men." 0 Thou whose DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE halo is the light of timeless past, Illinois? Ugo Carusi to be Commissioner of Immi­ with Thine all-seefng eye move through There was no objection. gration and Naturalization, United States De­ Mr. HARE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ partment of Justice. this troubled world and touch its im­ prisoned soul; then the eyes of the mous consent to extend my remarks in SURPLUS PROPERTY BOARD blind shall be opened and the ears of the the RECORD and include an address de­ '1'0 BE MEMBERS OF THE SURPLUS PROPERU deaf unstopped and Thou wilt comfort livered by me at Knoxville, Tenn., De­ BOARD Thy people and have mercy upon the cember 1, .1944. Robert A. Hurley afflicted. Fill our homes with the sweet­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Lt. Col. Edward Heller est joy and bless the loved ones near and the request of the gentleman from South POSTMASTERS. separated far away. Keep in Thy loving Carolina? CALIFORNIA care our President, our distinguished There was no objection. Vera L. Toleman, Happy Camp~ Speaker, the Members, officers. em­ Mr. RANKIN. Also, Mr. Speaker, I ask LOUISIANA ployees, and the pages of the Congress­ unanimou~ consent to extend my re­ Minnie Murph-ey Fontane, Hessmer. may Thy merciful providence abide with marks in the RECORD and include an ad­ them. In our Redeemer's name. Amen. MICHIGAN dress delivered by the Honorable Win .. Charles F. Greenlease, Biteley. The Journal of the proceedings of yes- . ston Churchill in the House of Commons Sadie Curran, caseville; terday was read and approved~ -a few days ago on the Greek·situation. 9603 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.;_HOUSE DECEMBER 16 The SPEAKER. Is there objection to planted for harvest in 1945. Such insurance should not be repealed. Accordingly, the the request of the gentleman . from coverage was to be fixed by the Board at not House agrees to the Senate amendment. Mississippi? in excess of 75 per centum of the recorded Section 5 of the House bill, now section 4, or appraised average yield for the farm except amended section 518 of the Federal Crop There was no objection. that such coverage was not to exceed the Insurance -Act to. broaden the definition of FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE ACT­ investment in the crop. The Senate struck the term "agricultural commodity". The CONFERENCE REPORT out the provision in the House bill limiting Senate amended this definition. by adding sug­ the insurance coverage to the investment in arcane, timber, and forests. The House agrees Mr. FLANNAGAN. Mr. Speaker, I the crop. The House agrees to this Senate to this change. call up the conference report upon the change. The Senate amended the House bill by add· bill <H. R. 4911) to amend the Federal Section 1 of the House bill also authorized 1ng a new section 5 authorizing an appropria­ Crop Insurance Act, and ask unanimous experimental insurance with respect to many tion of $30,000,000 for making payments to consent that the statement be read in specifically named agricultural commodities, producers to encourage an increased produc­ lieu of the report. and in general with respect to all agricultural tion of tlax for the crop year 1945. It pro· The SPEAKER. Without objection, commodities, if .actuarial data are available. vided that this money shall be expended sub­ the Clerk will read the statement of the Experimental insurance with respect to any ject to such provisions of sections 7 to 17 of commodity was to be limited to-the producers the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot· conferees.
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