School of Materials, Energy, and Earth Resources •Ceramic Engineering •Geological Engineering •Geology & Geophysics •Metallurgical Engineering •Mining Engineering •Nuclear Engineering •Petroleum Engineering 202 — Ceramic Engineering riculum, which emphasizes fundamental principles, Ceramic Engineering practical applications, oral and written communication Bachelor of Science skills, and professional practice and ethics. The depart- ment is distinguished by a nationally recognized gradu- Master of Science ate program that emphasizes research of significance to Doctor of Philosophy the State of Missouri and the nation while providing a stimulating educational environment. The Ceramic Engineering program is offered under The specific objectives of the ceramic engineering the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. program are to: Ceramic engineers produce materials vital to many • Provide a comprehensive, modern ceramic engi- advanced and traditional technologies: electronic and neering curriculum that emphasizes the application optical assemblies, aerospace parts, biomedical compo- of fundamental knowledge and design principles to nents, nuclear components, high temperature, corro- solve practical problems; sion resistant assemblies, fuel cells, electronic packag- • Maintain modern facilities for safe, hands-on labo- ing. Ceramic engineers generally work with inorganic, ratory exercises; nonmetallic materials processed at high temperatures. • Develop oral, written, and electronic communication In the classroom, ceramic engineering students learn skills in all students; the relationships between engineering properties and • Coordinate leadership and team-building exercises the chemistry and structure of ceramic materials and go that are needed for success in industrial, research, on to apply these scientific principles to the design of or academic careers; new formulations and manufacturing processes. If you • Supplement formal academic training with co-op, are interested in the “why” of things, ceramic engineer- summer intern, and department research experi- ing will definitely interest you. ence to enhance student preparation for graduate Ceramic engineering usually appeals to those who school or careers in industry, research, or academ- have a strong interest in finding practical applications of ics. the basic sciences, especially chemistry and physics, • Promote a dynamic and interactive learning envi- and can be described as one of the disciplines where ronment in the classrooms and laboratories and en- ‘science and engineering intersect’. Design occurs at the hance student-faculty communications through ex- atomic or microstructural level of solid materials. The tra-curricular activities. UMR department of ceramic engineering specializes in glass and optical materials, electronic materials, and Faculty high temperature materials, but the same scientific and Professors: engineering principles that are learned can be applied to Harlan Anderson (Curators’ Professor Emeritus), Ph.D., the design of new materials for other applications, in- University of California-Berkeley cluding biomaterials, high strength materials, materials Richard Brow, Ph.D., (Department Chair of Materials for energy generation, etc. Science and Engineering), Pennsylvania State Uni- Most ceramic engineering classes and laboratories versity are held in McNutt Hall, but other research laboratories Delbert Day1, (Curators’ Professor Emeritus), Ph.D., on campus are available to our students. Equipment ex- Pennsylvania State University ists for X-ray investigation of materials, for detection of Fatih Dogan, Ph.D., Technical University of Berlin, Ger- thermally induced changes in chemistry and structure, many for high temperature processing, and for measuring a Wayne Huebner, Ph.D., University of Missouri-Rolla wide variety of electronic, optical, magnetic, mechanical P. Darrell Ownby1, (Emeritus), Ph.D., Ohio State and thermal properties. The Graduate Center for Mate- Mohamed N. Rahaman, Ph.D., Sheffield, England rials Research makes additional research equipment Robert Schwartz, Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urbana available to ceramic engineers, including electron mi- Champaign croscopes, optical, infrared, and X-ray spectrometers, Associate Professors: thermal analyzers, and high temperature/controlled at- William Fahrenholtz, Ph.D., University of New Mexico mosphere furnaces. Students may broaden their expe- Gregory Hilmas, Ph.D., University of Michigan rience by assisting faculty in research projects, either Jeffrey D. Smith, Ph.D., University of Missouri-Rolla for academic credit or for pay. Undergraduate student organizations are very ac- 1Registered Professional Engineer tive and participation in local and national activities is encouraged. Cooperative education and internships are Bachelor of Science available with companies and research agencies around the country. Additional information about the depart- Ceramic Engineering ment is available at http://mse.umr.edu/. FRESHMAN YEAR First Semester Credit Mission Statement Fr Eng 10-Study & Careers in Engr. .1 The department will train the future industrial and Chem 1-General Chemistry . .4 academic leaders in ceramic engineering by providing a Chem 2-General Chemistry Lab . .1 comprehensive, forward-looking and broad-based cur- Chem 4-Intro. Lab Safety . .1 Ceramic Engineering — 203 Math 14-Calculus For Engineers I . .4 Note 2: Students may substitute Math 8 and 21 for Engl 20-Exposition & Argumentation . .3 Math 14 and 15, respectively. H/SS Elective1 . 3 1) Eighteen hours of H/SS electives to be taken in ac- 17 cordance with the School of Materials, Energy, and Second Semester Earth Resources policy. Met 125-Chem of Materials or Chem 3-Gen Chem . .3 2) Technical electives must be selected from 200 and Math 15-Calculus For Engineers II . .4 300 level engineering and science courses with the Phys 23-Engineering Physics I . .4 advisor’s approval. H/SS Elective1 . .3 3) All Ceramic Engineering students must either take IDE 20-Eng Design & Computer Appls. 3 Math 204 and one statistics course (200-level or 17 higher) or an introductory statistics course (200- SOPHOMORE YEAR level) plus an advanced statistics elective (EMAN First Semester Credit 385, Stat 320, Stat 343, Stat 344, Stat 346, or Stat Cr Eng 102-Atomic Structure Cryst . .3 353). Cr Eng 104-Cer in the Modern World . .2 4) All Ceramic Engineering students must take the Cr Eng 111-Cer Mat Lab I, Char . .2 Fundamentals of Engineering Examination (FE) pri- Math 22-Calc w/Analy Geo III . .4 or to graduation. A passing grade on this examina- Physics 24-Eng Physics II . 4 tion is not required to earn a B.S. degree, however, 15 it is the first step toward becoming a registered pro- Second Semester fessional engineer. This requirement is part of the Cr Eng 103-Intro to Glass Sci & Tech . .3 UMR assessment process as described in Assess- Cr Eng 122-Cer Mat Lab II-Glass & Trad Cr . .2 ment Requirements found in the Undergraduate Math 204-Diff Equa or Statistics Elective3 . .3 catalog. Students must sign a release form giving H/SS Elective1 . .6 the University access to their Fundamentals of En- IDE 50-Engr Mechanics Statics . 3 gineering Examination score. 17 JUNIOR YEAR Specific Degree Requirements First Semester Credit 1) Total number of hours required for a degree in Ce- Cr Eng 231-Cer Proc Lab I . .2 ramic Engineering is 128. Cr Eng 251-Phase Equilibria . .3 2) The assumption is made that a student admitted in Chem 241-Physical Chemistry . .3 the department has completed 34 hours credit to- Cr Eng 203-Thermal Proc in Cer . .3 wards graduation. The academic program of stu- Cr Eng 291-Characterization of Inorganic Solids . 3 dents transferring from colleges outside UMR will be 14 decided on a case-by-case basis. Second Semester 3) The department requires a total of 18 credit hours Cr Eng 242-Cer Proc Lab II . .2 of humanities and social science. Cr Eng 259-Thermo Solid-State Materials . .3 Physics 107-Intro to Modern Physics . .3 Ceramic Engineering Courses 1 H/SS Elective . .3 90 The Ceramic Experience (LAB 1.0) Hands-on IDE 110-Mechanics of Materials . .3 experience with the fun of discovery through ex- 3 Statistics Elective . 3 perimentation in the fabrication, properties and 17 applications of ceramics in the modern world. Pre- SENIOR YEAR requisite: Freshman standing. First Semester Credit 102 Atomic Structure Of Crystalline Ceramics Cr Eng 261-Cer Senior Design Lab . .1 (LEC 3.0) The crystal-chemical principles used to Cr Eng 284-Elect Prop of Ceramics w/lab . .4 design and manufacture materials with specified Cr Eng 338-Thermal Properties of Ceramics . .3 properties are developed and applied to oxides, Met 315-Met Process Design Principles . .2 clays, silicates and other nonmetallic compounds. 1 H/SS Elective . 3 103 Introduction To Glass Science And Technolo- 2 Technical Elective . 3 gy (LEC 3.0) A study of the atomic-level structure 16 of oxide glasses and the relationships between Second Semester composition, properties and structure of glass- Cr Eng 262-Cer Senior Design Lab . .2 forming systems. Simple rate processes will be in- Cr Eng 306-Mech. Prop. of Ceramics . .4 troduced to explain temperature-dependent prop- Cer Eng 331-Ceramic Processing . .3 erties. Prerequisite: Cr Eng 102. 2 Technical Electives . 6 104 Ceramics In The Modern World (LEC 2.0) An 15 introduction to traditional and modern applica- Note 1: Students may replace Chem 1, 2, and 3 with tions of ceramics providing a broad overview of all Chem 5, but will need
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