?4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Feh. 3. 1989 I WANTED TD I CARS CARS ITV/STERED/ I FDR SALE APPLIANCES BUY/TRADE FDR SALE 1979 PLYMOUTH Ho­ PONTIAC Broughm. ELECTRIC Stove. Sears, WANTED; Motorized 1978. Four door, auto­ % Spccioli$ifeD<ftf! 20", 4 burner. White tre a d m ill In good rizon TC3. Two door, matic transmission, air Nutone Coppertone working order. Reaso- 80,000 miles. New ra- conditioning, cruise Range hood with vent noble. Call 649-9824. dlals, brakes, shocks and clutch. Looks and control, Am/Fm radio to outside. Very good Today Is great day ... and cassette, power seats. I ROOFING/ condition. Ideal for runs good. $1000 or best CARPENTRY/ HEATING/ apartment or summer Classified Is a great wav offer. 649-5029 after Good rubber. Great CHILD CARE REMODELING SIDING PLUMBING ... to sell something! 643- buy. Hood needs paint­ camp. Both for $75. 2711._________________ 6pm.______________ ing. Asking $1295. Call Manchester, 646-0271. AUDI 4000S, , 5speed, MATURE, responsible 1986 Mr. Llndseyqt647-0200. PJ'8 Plumblno, Heating & fully loaded with sun­ mother will babysit In M.T.S. LEAKY ROOF? roof and blaupunkt ra- 1974 AMC JAVELIN. 98% her home. Monday- Mott roots can ba rtpgirad. Air Conditioning FUEL DIL/CDAL/ Automotive restored. Rebuilt 304 BUILDERS in piaca of total raroofing axpanial Boilers, pumps, hot water dlo/cassette. Immacu­ Frldoy. Ages V/i plus. FIREWDDD late condition. $9000. modified engine and 645-8763. Complata raroofing of ail typat. tanks, new and transmission. Hurst FREE ESTIMATES replacements. Call weeknlghts or 646-2787 SEASONED Firewood. CARS weekends, 649-8557. shifter. $600. 289-4174. Manchester Roofing FREE ESTIMATES Cut and split. Approxi­ I I BOOKKEEPING/ • Planning Design Service FDR SALE 1987 CAMARO, V6, 5 • Custom Homes 643-9649/228-9616 mately Vz cord. $50. INCOME TAX 645-8830 742-1182. speed, white, AM/FM lAUTDSFDR • Additions 1976 FORD Granada. stereo, power steering, IRENT/LEASE • Decks I MISCELLANEOUS Complete accounting services • Recreation Rooms YOU CAN enlov extra Needs some work. power brakes, rear de­ SERVICES Good V8 engine. $250 or frost, 34,000 miles. including A/R. A/P. P/R. G/L. • Sunrooms FLOORING I vacation money by ex­ FREE Mileage on low P&L Statement and Quarterly • Kitchen & Bath Remodeling changing Idle Items In best offer. 643-6925. $6500. Coll 647-1833. cost auto rental. VII- tax returns Can design • Window Replacement GSL Building Mainte­ your home for cash ... FOR Sale. .1974 Jeep J4000 1985 CHRYSLER New loge Auto Rental, 643- additional applications • Roofing nance Co. Commercl- with an ad In classified. pick-up, power steer­ Yorker. Excellent con­ 2979 or 646-7044. • Siding MIKE GIACALONE al/ResIdentlal building tailored for your business Call 643-2711 to place your ing, power brakes, au­ dition. 35,000 miles. • Concrete Work UNOLEUM SERVICE repairs and home Im­ ad. tomatic transmission, Loaded. $8,500. Call needs. Call 644-6191 • Framing Crew Available provements. Interior IMISCELLANEDUS Fully Insured Meyers 4 wav plow. 643-2624, leave lAUTDMDTIVE Quality Workmanship and exterior painting, IDFFICE/RETAIL $2000 or best otter. message. Free Estimates light carpentry. Com­ 871-0014.____________ I CARPENTRY/ S&G HOME plete lanitorlal ser­ I EQUIPMENT 1985 SUBARU, three door T O ILE R . Tilts, snow­ IMPROVEMENT FOR Sale. 1987 Suzuki LT hatchback. Front REMODELING CompMo homt rtnovRtlont 643-5439 vice. Experienced, rel­ mobile or utility. All iable, free estimates. GOOD, Used office furni­ 500 Quad Racer. Never wheel drive. Rusty metal, wires, lights. Intortor/oxttrlor painting. raced. Very low hours. Jones, Blaupunkt It’s easy to B & B in Coventry ■„ page 17 Oacka/kHchana/batt) ramodaling. 643-0304. ture. One third original $150. 643-7300. $2500, firm . 871-0014. Am/Fm cassette stereo RENOVATIONS Roofing. SNOW REMOVAL. cost. North Eastern Froa ELECTRICAL Company, 742-1074. FOR Sale. 1986 Suzuki with four speakers. Ex­ PLUS I Resldentlal- Quod Sport 230. $1200 or cellent condition. I CARS 871-65S2 or 872-6550 Commerclal. Drive­ 37.000 miles. $2975. 871- FDR SALE Complete Home ways, starting at $15. best otter. 871-0014. ELECTRICAL & I PETS AND 1002. Maintenance Let us remodel your kitchen or Coll Bob, 872-8841. 1980 PONTIAC Sunbird. SECURITY WORK SUPPLIES Repair / Renew bath from floor to calling. We Automatic, power Fire, Burglar and steering, power Ceilings, Walls, Painting, offer cabinets, vanities, coun­ DISTRIBUTION tertops whatever your needs Freeze Alarms. FREE to good home. brakes, air condi­ Papering. Carpentry LABELS are. Call Ralph Nadeau at FREE ESTIMATES Pure breed, Brindle tioner, Am/Fm In u n d • Stnior OltcounI Tired of manually addressing Boxer. Three years cassette stereo. High 643-6004 561-2020 distribution mail — we can old, house broken, mileage, needs some 646-2253 KHehea S Bath Detiga Ceater automate this process providing spayed. Excellent dog. work. $500 or best otter. quality servict; for a reasonable Call 649-0514. Looking for something price Call 644-6191 647-9004, after 6pm. CARPENTRY WORK MFIVI Construction special? Why not run a ilanrhcalpr ilipralb All Phatet Kitchen, baths, attics, "Wanted to Buy" ad In HAWKES TREE SERVICE IMISCELLANEDUS Framing, Roofs, Siding, Trim. basement additions, Classified. The cost Is Bucket, truck & chipper. Stump I FDR SALE Registered & Fully Insured garages, decks, texture small ... the response big. removal. Free astlmatee. CLYDE Vary Reasonable Prices ceilings. Call 643-2711. Special consideration for SUPER Saver Airline CHEVRCLET-BUICK, INC. Quality Work / Free Esilrrates elderly and handicapped. ticket to Daytona R O U TE 83, V ER N O N 232-6832 - 561-4423 Beach, Florida. Leave 742-1579 SPRAY THAT stain away. 647-7553 Bradley, pm, February S3 Nissan 280ZX *7495 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 C e n ts Ballpoint Ink stains on 10,1989, return to Brad­ B4 Camaro Coupe *5995 Saturday, Feb. 4, 1989 shirt pockets...other pla­ ley, pm, February 20, 85 Century Wagon *8595 FARRAND REMODELING I a d J a u to BRIAN’S HOME ces, too...can be removed 1989. Call 413-786-4920, 85 Century 4 Dr. *8995 Room additions, decks, roof­ almost magically by ■Do I SERVICES 6-11pm. *4995 ing, siding, windows and gutt­ IMPROVEMENTS spraying hair spray on the 85 Sunbird 4 dr. ers. All types of remodeling and Kitchens, Baths, Rec Rooms. spot then washing In the 85 Spectrum 4 Dr. *5195 repairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. Decks & Additions usual wav. Idle Items TIERINNI’S ENDROLLS 85 Electra 4 Dr. *10,495 Bus. 647-8509 FrM E $ilm ai0t • LtesnMd 4 I n u n d around the home can be Aulomotlva Englnairlng, Inc. 27'A width - 25# 86 98 Regency 4 Dr. *9995 66 Grand Am 2 dr. *8395 ‘Drug czaK exchanged for cash, al­ Res. 645-6849 646-3923 276 Hartford Rd.. Manchester 13Vi width • 2 for 25# most magically, when ad­ MUST be picked up at the 86 Celebrity 4 dr. *7695 vertised in classified. 649-5823 Herald Office Monday thru 88 Celebrity Euro *7995 Thursday before 11 a m only. ' ROUTE 83 Cars. Trucks. Vans, 4x4*8 86 Spectrum 4 dr. *4995 IRA g PAINTING/ IRA J PAINTING/ “Wa do tho unutua/ fo tho ordinary" *6995 ^PAPERING PAPERING 86 Nova 4 Dr. FLOORING ^ MOTORS. INC. I CARS 872-9111 CAMLUC a OLDSMOBILE a PONITAC • CMC TRUCKS FDR SALE for state? FRANK YOUNG Simon Simon PAINTING TILEMASTERS Interior Speclallata Tile Sales and Installation ‘Sin’ taxes would finance Pride taken in every job we do! Quality is our main concern. new fight,against drugs REASONABLE RATES We cater to the home owner. We are bath remodel and ceramic tile specialists. By Peter Vlles Jaekle said a separate court system to deal with drug offenses FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED Let us win your confidence! Call us today for a The Associated Press free estimate, commercial or residential. could be created within the Superior Court system without 643-6774 Member Chember of Commerce HARTFORD — State lawmak­ ers are readying for an assault on great cost. He said the separate illegal drug use, with House court would allow judges and Republicans proposing a “ drug other court officials to deal more fo o l APARTMENTS rnSTDRE AND n n S T D R E AND czar” and a separate “drug consistently with drug offenders. Merchandise court” and Democratic senators Judicial Department spokes­ 1 2 2 J dffic e s p a c e | 2 £ J fdr r e n t |35| OFFICE SPACE mulling increased "sin” taxes man Larry Moore said the and a tax on advertising to pay for department will not comment on MANCHESTER. Two 1725 DIVIDABLE souore EAST HARTFORD. New bedroom flat, first feet. Located In down­ office space In restored drug prevention programs. the plan for a separate drug court floor, near busline. town Manchester pro­ house, Burnside Ave. I FURNITURE Gov. William A. O’Neill report­ until a more specific proposal has New carpeting, great fessional building. 3800 souore feet with edly is expected to propose been offered. location, walking dis­ Priced below market basement. Con be di­ FOR Sale. Two Colonial The GOP plan also calls for a vided. Terms negotia­ sofa ond chair. Excel­ several steps to combat drug tance to stores. $600 per tor oulck occupancy. abuse when he announces his cabinet-level position — a drug Very negotiable lease ble. For Information, lent condition. One route month. One year lease 83 1989-90 budget next week, includ­ czar — to coordinate all state plus security deposit. terms. Marilyn Votte- coll Ruth FIske, 282- plaid, one print. $200 649-0795. ronl. Sentry Real Est­ 0651. for set. 649-2316, after ing money to hire more judges, drug enforcement, education and 5pm. MANCHESTER. Three ate, 643-4060. Get the Wont Ad habit ..
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