Nr. 3-4 Mai- August

Nr. 3-4 Mai- August

ACADEMIA ROMANA INSTITUTUL DE ISTORIE "N. IORGA" REVISTA ISTORICA Fondator N. lorga :4.7-AFR .... a --..._ 4.11'g II /13II011IN- 4*741.1046:11 I a. -:.I --J 44. ,,, ;.- 'II:4. -\ rik. st:1 .. I t"'" -e.141'1,1.1.01,1 HYPgjill0140111111111 OW DWI Serienorth",Tomul XV, 2004 Nr. 3-4 mai- august ACADEMIA ROMANA INSTITUTUL DE ISTORIE N. IORGA" COLEGIUL DE REDACTIE CORNELIA BODEA (redactor ef), IOAN SCURTU (redactor §ef adjunct). NAGY PIENARU (redactor responsabil), VENERA ACHIM (redactor) REVISTA ISTORICA" apare de 6 ori pe an. La revue REVISTA ISTORICA" parait 6 fois l'an. REVISTA ISTORICA" is published in six issues per year. REDACTIA: NAGY PIENARU (redactor responsabil) VENERA ACHIM (redactor) IOANA VOIA (traduccitor) Manuscrisele, cdrtilei revistele pentru schimb, precum §i mice corespondentd se vor trimite pe adresa redactiei revistei: REVISTA ISTORICA", B-dul Aviatorilor, nr. 1, 011851 - Bucure§ti, Tel. 212.88.90 E-mail: [email protected] REVISTA ISTORICA SERIE NOUA TOMUL XV, NR. 34 Mai August 2004 SUMAR EPOCA LUI STEFAN CEL MARE $TEFAN ANDREESCU, Amintirea lui Stefan cel Mare in Tara Romaneasca 5-10 NICHITA ADANILOAIE, Spiru Haret initiatorul si organizatorul comemorarii lui Stefan cel Mare in 1904. 11-24 OVIDIU CR1STEA, Pacea din 1486 si relatiile lui Stefan cel Mare cu Imperiul otoman in ultima parte a domniei 25-36 EUGEN DENIZE, Moldova lui $tefan cel Mare la intersectia de interese a marilor puteri (1457-1474) 37-54 ION TURCANU, Conexiunile factorilor militari religios in politica externa a lui $tefan cel Mare . 55-66 LIVIU MARIUS ILIE, Stefan cel Mare si asocierea la tronul Moldovei 67-82 JUSTITIA LEGE $1 CUTUMA VIOLETA BARBU. Furtisagul" din vistieria tarii: de la justitiasumard la proces (Tara Româneasca, secolul al XVII-lea) (I). 83-100 OANA RIZESCU, Cessio bonoruni iinterventia statului in reglementarea datoriilor private. Curamai lepadarea datoriilor" in Divan in TaraRomaneascaa secolului al XVII-lea 101-138 DIPLOMATIE $1 CAPITAL ILEANA CAZAN, Pacea de la Zsitva-Tdrök si lupta Transilvaniei pentru titlul regal. 1606-1629 139-158 DANIELA BUSA, Investitiile capitalului strain in econornia Romaniei la inceputul secolului XX . 159-170 Revista istorica", tom XV, 2004, nr. 34, p. 1256 NEGUSTORI, BOIERI, NOBILI STUDII DOCUMENTARE GHEORGHE LAZAR, Lux 5i ostentatie la negustorii din Tara Romaneasca (secolul al XVIH-leainceputul secolului al XIX-lea) 171-178 ANDREEA-ROXANA IANCU, Stingerea familiei boiere5ti 5i strategii de salvare la inceputul secolului al XIX-lea in Tara Romaneasca. Studii de caz.. 179-200 LAURENTIU $TEFAN SZEMKOVICI, Diploma de innobilare cu blazon acordata de imparatul Leopold I lui loan Ursul (1701) 201-206 KINGA TUDOS, inmormantare la $umuleu Ciuc. Testamentuli inmormântarea lui Mikes Kelemen I, 1685-1686. 207-214 ISTORIOGRAFIE ADRIAN SILVAN IONESCU, Introducere in istoriografia studiilor despre moda 5i costum 215-232 NOTE SI RECENZII The History of the European Family, vol. I Family Life in Early Modern TimeI500- 1789, ed. by David I. Kertyer and Marzio Barbagly, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2001, 365 p.+XXXII+39 il. (Violeta Barbu); HELEN AIRY, Billy the Kid, un criminal velnic indrakostit, copilul tuturor americanilor, Edit. Eminescu, Bucure5ti, 2003, 153 p. + ii. (Adrian-Silvan lonescu); Bizyanttil in scrieri române5ti recente (Vasile Muntean); CONSTANTIN BURAC, Aqezdrile Tarii Moldovei din epoca lui .5tefan cel Mare, Edit. Ministerului Administratieisi Internelor, Bucurgti, 2004, 423 p. + 27 WO (Andreea Atanasiu-Gavan); CRISTINA CODARCEA, Société et pouvoir en Valachie (1601-1654). Entre la coutume etla loi, Edit. Enciclopedick Bucarest, 2002, 401 p. (Constanfa Vintild- Ghipilescu); ALAIN DEMURGER, Cavalerii lui Christos. Ordinele religios- militare in Evul Mediu (secolele al XI-leaal XVI-lea), Edit. Cartier, Chi5indu, 2003, 458 p. (Liviu Marius !lie); LIGIA LIVADA-CADESCHI, De la mild la filantropie. Institutii de asistare a sdracilor din Tara Romaneascd $i Moldova in secolul al XVIII-lea, Edit. Nemira, Bucure5ti, 2001, 254 p. (Constanla Vintild- Ghitulescu); TEREZ OBORNI, Erdély pénziigyei 1. Ferdinand uralma alatt, 1552- 1556, Szentpétery Imre Torténettudomanyi Alapftvany, Budapesta, 2002, 359 p. (Maria Pakucs); PAUL PALTANEA, Pecefi ftefaniene la Dunarea de Jos, Edit. Episcopiei Dunarii de Jos, Galati, 2004, 286 p. (Andreea Atanasiu-Gdvan); NECULAI A. URSU, Contributii la istoria culturii romaneVi. Studii fi note filologice,Edit.Cronica, Iai, 2002, 484 p.;Contribulii la istoria culturii romanefti in secolul al XVII-lea. Studii filologice, Edit. Cronica, Igi, 2003, 451 p. (Violeta Barbu).. 233-255 REVISTA ISTORICA NEW SERIES TOME XV, NOS. 34 May August 2004 SUMMARY THE TIME OF STEPHEN THE GREAT $TEFAN ANDREESCU, The Memory of Stephen the Great as Preserved in Wallachia 5-10 NICHITA ADANILOAIE, Spiru Haret Promoter and Organizer of Stephen the Great's Commemoration of 1904.. 11-24 OVIDIU CRISTEA, The Peace of 1486 and the Relations of Stephen the Great with the Ottoman Empire in the Last Part of his Reign 25-36 EUGEN DENIZE, Stephen the Great's Moldavia in the Clash of Interests of the Great Powers (1457-1474).. 37-54 ION TURCANU,Relations Between Military and Religious Factors in the External Policy of Stephen the Great.... 55-66 LIVIU MARIUS ILIE, Stephen the Great and the Association to the Throne of Moldavia.... 67-82 JUSTICE LAW AND CUSTOM VIOLETA BARBU, Theft From the Country's Treasury: From the Summary Legal Proceedings to the Court Trials (Wallachia, Seventeenth Century) (I) 83-100 OANA RIZESCU, Cessio bonorum and the Intervention of the State in Solving the Disputes Related to Private Debts. Curama and the "Relinquishing of the Debts" in the Princely Court in Seventeenth Century Wallachia. 101-138 DIPLOMACY AND CAPITAL ILEANA CAZAN, The Peace of Zsitva-Tiirok and Transylvania's Struggle for the Royal Title, 1606-1629 139-158 DANIELA BU$A, Foreign Capital Investments in Romanian Economy in the Early Twentieth Century . 159-170 Revista istoricd", torn XV, 2004, nr. 1 2, p. 1256 MERCHANTS, BOYARS, NOBLES DOCUMENTARY STUDIES GHEORGHE LAZAR, Luxury and Ostentation. Wallachian Merchants of the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries . 171-178 ANDREEA-ROXANA IANCU, Extinction of the Boyar Family and Strategies of Preservation in Wallachia in the Early Nineteenth Century. Case Studies 179-200 LAURENTIU STEFAN SZEMKOVICI, Ennobling Diploma with Arms Granted by Emperor Leopold I to loan Ursul (1701). 201-206 KINGA TUDOS, Burial Customs at $umuleu Ciuc. The Will and Funerals of Mikes Kelemen I, 1685-1686 207-214 HISTORIOGRAPHY ADRIAN SILVAN IONESCU, Introduction to the Historiography of Fashion and Clothing Studies.. 215-232 NOTES AND REVIEWS The History of the European Family, vol. I Family Life in Early Modern TimeI500- 1789, ed. by David I. Kertyer and Marzio Barbagly, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2001, 365 pp.+XXXII+39 il. (Violeta Barbu); HELEN AIRY, Billy the Kid, un criminal veqnic indragostit, copilul tuturor americanilor (Billy the Kid, a Criminal Forever in Love, the Child of All Americans), Edit. Eminescu, Bucharest, 2003, 153 pp. + il.(Adrian-Silvan lonescu); Bizantul in scrieri romanesti recente (Byzantium in Recent Romanian Writings) (Vasile Muntean); CONSTANTIN BURAC, Afethrile Tarii Moldovei din epoca lui Stefan cel Mare (Settlements in Moldavia in the Time of Stephen the Great), Edit. Ministerului AdministratieisiInternelor, Bucharest, 2004, 423 pp. + 27 maps (Andreea Atanasiu-Gavan); CRISTINA CODARCEA, Société et pouvoir en Valachie (1601-1654). Entre la coutume et la loi, Edit. Enciclopedica, Bucharest, 2002, 401 pp. (Constanfa Vintila-Ghi(ulescu); ALAIN DEMURGER, Cavalerii lui Christos. Ordinele religios-niilitare in Evul Mediu (secolele al XI-leaal XVI-lea) (The Knights of Christ. Religious-Miliary Orders in the Middle Ages, Eleventh- Sixteenth Centuries), Edit. Cartier, Kisinev, 2003, 458 pp. (Liviu Marius Me); LIGIA LIVADA-CADESCHI, De la mita la filantropie. Institufii de asistare a seiracilor din Tara Romaneascei qi Moldova in secolul al XVIII-lea (From Almonds to Philantropy.Institutions for Social Assistance to the Poor in Wallachia and Moldavia in the Eighteenth Century), Edit. Nemira, Bucharest, 2001, 254 pp.(ConstanfaVintilei-Ghi(ulescu); TEREZ OBORNI, Erdely penziigyei I. Ferdinanduralmaalatt, 1552-1556, SzentpéteryImre Torténettudományi Alapftvany, Budapest, 2002, 359 pp. (Maria Pakucs); PAUL PALTANEA, Pecefi tefaniene la Dundrea de Jos (Seals Dating to the Time of Stephen the Great at the Lower Danube), Edit. Episcopiei Dunarii de Jos, Galati, 2004, 286 pp. (Andreea Atanasiu-Gilvan); NECULAI A. URSU, Contribufii la istoria culturii romanevi. Studii qi note filologice (Contributions to the History of Romanian Culture. Philological Studies and Notes), Edit. Cronica, Jassy, 2002, 484 pp.; Contribufii la istoria culturii romeinevi in secolul al XVII-lea. Studii filologice (Contributions to the History of Romanian Culture in the Seventeenth Century. Philological Studies and Notes), Edit. Cronica, Jassy, 2003, 451 pp. (Violeta Barbu) 233-255 EPOCA LUI STEFAN CEL MARE AMINTIREA LUI STEFAN CEL MARE N TARA ROMANEASCA STEFAN ANDREESCU in Letopiseful Cantacuzinesc se pot citi,la un moment dat,cateva surprinzatoare randuri:...Dupa el au domnit Tepe1u§ vodas; §i au avut rdzboiu la Ramnicul Sarat cu batranul Stefan vodd den tara Moldovei. Atunce in oaste au perit §i Tepelu§ voda §i au fost izbanda lui Stefan

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