=>AC720A>;8=0D=8E4AB8CH C>DA>5C74=4C74A;0=3B Help C>DA?A8248=2;D34B) ATcda]5[XVWcbc^cWT=TcWTa[P]Sb0\bcTaSP\BRWX_^[8]c[ 0Xa_^acUa^\AP[TXVW8]c[0Xa_^acX]R[dSX]VcPgTbP]S^]T _XTRT UNC Field ^URWTRZX][dVVPVT_Ta_Tab^]* <TTc6aTTc^]PaaXeP[0cBRWX_^[0Xa_^acQhh^da[^RP[<^eT B_^acbaT_ g7^cT[=XVWcbX]7^[[P]S 3PX[h7^cT[1aTPZUPbc 7P[U1^PaSBd_[T\T]c8]R[dSTS3X]]Ta Hockey Dear Tar Heels, "g5aXT]S[h6P\TbeTabdb[^RP[ËT[SW^RZThR[dQbfXcW^UËRXP[ aTUTaTTbP]SPbbXbcP]cb^]Pbca^_XcRWTb !gCaPX]X]VBTbbX^]b^]Pbca^_XcRWTb I'm thrilled to announce that we will be 2^PRWCaP]bUTabc^<PcRWET]dTbP]SCaPX]X]VBTbbX^]b "30H?0BBc^fPcRW;8E45XT[S7^RZThF^a[S2d_! # Tour the taking the program's first-ever %VP\Tb_TaSPh international tour in 2014, traveling to 7P[USPhVdXSTSRXchc^dab^UCWT7PVdTE^[T]SP\DcaTRWc 6dXSTS1XRhR[TC^da^U0\bcTaSP\ The Netherlands during the World Cup. 0[[caP]bUTabaT`dXaTSPRR^aSX]Vc^cWTc^daXcX]TaPahPQ^eT We will spend 10 days overseas, <^eTB_^acb0bbXbcP]RT!#7SdaX]VcWT_TaX^S^UbcPh2 3 ?Tab^]P[CaPeT[8]bdaP]RT Netherlands sightseeing, playing three games against PRACTICES MATCHES competitive Dutch teams, and cheering for our Tar Heel alums in World Cup competition. I believe this is a wonderful opportunity for Carolina Field Hockey, We will play three for each individual who is a part of our team now and also for the program as a competitive matches against whole. top-ranked Dutch club As has been the case with every other significant step in the history of our teams. program, our supporters will be crucial in making this trip a reality. I'd be grateful if you would consider contributing to the sponsorship of our trip. Every little bit helps! I remain extremely thankful for your belief in and support of Carolina Field Hockey. fff\^eTb_^acbR^\ All the best, Karen 34;8E4A8=6<4<>A01;43A05C8C8=4A0AH 10 DAYS P.S. Heels on three! One, two, three … B?>ACBC>DABC>DA>5C74=4C74A;0=3B May 29th – June 10th, 2014 8cX]TaPah\PhQTUdacWTaRdbc^\XbTSd_^]aT`dTbc P]S\PhQTBD1942CC>270=64 !( 3T_PacdaTUa^\AP[TXVW8]cTa]PcX^]P[0Xa_^ac <0H c^0\bcTaSP\BRWX_^[8]c[0Xa_^ac 0aaXeP[0\bcTaSP\0Xa_^ac3T_PacdaTc^CWT7PVdT <TTcP]SVaTTcQhh^da<^eTB_^acbaT_aTbT]cPcXeTbPccWTPXa_^ac " 1dbcaP]bUTac^W^cT[P]SRWTRZX] <0H ATbc^UcWTSPhUaTTPc[TXbdaT 6a^d_SX]]TaPccWTW^cT[ 1aTPZUPbcPcW^cT[ " 2XchC^daX]CWT7PVdT <0H 6a^d_3X]]TaX]cWTRXch^UCWT7PVdT 5aTT4eT]X]V 1aTPZUPbcPcW^cT[ 7^RZThCaPX]X]VUa^\(W"c^ W" ;d]RWPccWTW^cT[ 5aTT0UcTa]^^] 9D=4 <PcRW eTabdb;^RP[CTP\ 6a^d_SX]]TaPccWT7^cT[ 5aTT4eT]X]V 1aTPZUPbcPcW^cT[ ! F^a[S2d_7^RZTh3Ph 5d[[3Ph 9D=4 6a^d_SX]]TaPccWT7^cT[ 5aTT4eT]X]V CAROLINA FIELD HOCKEY Carolina Field FIRST EVER INTERNATI ONAL TOUR Hockey YES, I want to join other loyal Tar Heel supporters in funding the tour to the Netherlands! THE HAGUE 8 3 WORLD CUP NIGHTS DAYS NAME (Please Print): ______________________________________ The team will spend 8 nights in The Hague where Throughout the trip, the team will get to eXperience three full days at the 2014 World Cup watching world they will play two matches versus local teams as ADDRESS: well as receive a guided city tour of Volendam, ranked teams. including a boat trip, group photo in Dutch costume, CURRENT & POTENTIAL ______________________________________ a cheese farm tour and a wooden shoe farm tour, TAR HEELS TO PLAY IN and a tour of the city Utrecht. CITY: _______________________________ THE WORLD CUP: • Illse Davids STATE: ________ ZIP: ___________________ • Rachel Dawson • Katelyn Falgowski PHONE (Home): ________________________ • Jackie Kintzer (Mobile): ________________________ C74=4C74A;0=3B • Kelsey KoloJeJchick CWT=TcWTa[P]SbXbP_^_d[PaW^[XSPhSTbcX]PcX^]8]! PQ^dc \X[[X^] c^daXbcbeXbXcTScWT=TcWTa[P]SbUa^\4da^_TP]SUa^\UPacWTaPËT[ScWT D]XcTS BcPcTb P]S 2P]PSP P]S T\TaVX]V TR^]^\XTb bdRW• Pb 2WX]PCaitlin Van Sickle P]S 8]SXP5^aTXV]c^daXbcbb_T]SPQ^dcÈ QX[[X^]PhTPaX]cWT=TcWTa[P]Sb½ EMAIL: _______________________________ \^aTcWP]cWTP]]dP[TPa]X]VbUa^\cWTTg_^ac^U_[P]cbP]SÌ^fTab• Emily Wold 0\bcTaSP\ Xb cWT \^bc _^_d[Pa STbcX]PcX^] U^a U^aTXV] c^daXbcb CWT \dbTd\bbdRWPbcWTAXYZb\dbTd\P]ScWTEX]RT]ceP]6^VW<dbTd\cWT PLEDGE AMOUNT: aX]V^URP]P[b[X]TSfXcWT[TVP]cc^f]W^dbTbcWTPc\^b_WTaT^UUaTTS^\ P]SRaTPcXeXch½\P]hU^aTXV]TabfP]cc^bTTcWTbTfXcWcWTXa^f]ThTb 1dc cWT =TcWTa[P]Sb Xb P[b^ UP\^db U^a Xcb Ì^fTab) cWT Qd[Q ËT[Sb ^U =^acWP]SB^dcW7^[[P]SfXcWcWTXaSPUU^SX[bWhPRX]cWbP]Scd[X_bPccaPRc _____ $25,000 _____ $10,000 _____ $5,000 Wd]SaTSb ^U cW^dbP]Sb ^U eXbXc^ab TeTah hTPa _PacXRd[Pa[h X] 0_aX[ P]S <Ph CWT =TcWTa[P]Sb WPb P [^]V R^Pbc[X]T fXcW \P]h X]cTaTbcX]V c^f]b P]S ______ $1,000 _____ $500 _____ OTHER eX[[PVTbP]SPaTPb^U]PcdaP[QTPdchCWTQTPRWTbP]SSd]TbPaTXSTP[U^a \P]haTRaTPcX^]P[PRcXeXcXTbbdRWPbRhR[X]VfP[ZX]VbPX[X]VP]SbfX\\X]V CWTaTPaTP[b^TgRT[[T]cR^]SXcX^]bU^afPcTab_^acbUdacWTaX][P]S^][PZTb aXeTabP]SRP]P[b TOTAL PLEDGE: $______________________ 2 HAARLEM CWT3dcRWcWT\bT[eTb^UcT]Tg_[^aTcWTR^d]cahQhQ^Pc^aQXZTP]S\P]h c^daXbcb NIGHTS S^cWTbP\TCWT=TcWTa[P]SbXbRaXbbRa^bbTSQhcW^dbP]Sb^UZX[^\TcaTb ^URhR[TcaPRZ\PZX]VXc_^bbXQ[Tc^c^dacWTR^d]cahQhQXZT2hR[X]VX]cWT ÌPc[P]SbRP_Tb^UcWT=TcWTa[P]SbXbTPbXTacWP]X]\^bc^cWTaR^d]caXTb½ Pb[^]VPbh^dÂaT]^cRhR[X]VPVPX]bccWTfX]S CWT =TcWTa[P]SbÂb [^]V R^Pbc[X]T ^] cWT =^acW BTP VXeTb cWT R^d]cah P After The Hague, the team will travel to cT\_TaPcT\PaXcX\TR[X\PcTCWXb\TP]b\X[SfX]cTabR^^[bd\\TabP]S Send your donation payable to UNC-AA: PUPXaP\^d]c^UaPX] Amsterdam fff\^eTb_^acbR^ for \ a guided bicycle tour before they Karen Shelton head to Haarlem. There they will play their final UNC Field Hockey Office match against a local club. PO Box 2126 Chapel Hill, NC 27515 FANTASTIC WORLD CULTURE EXPERIENCE .
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