INDEX A Andaman Islands ABG Shipyard, 148, 149 in Indian geography, 56, 57 Academy of Military Sciences Indian Navy and, 93, 105 (China), 226 in India-Pakistan war, 66, 202 Afghanistan, 91 MILAN meetings, 198 Africa offshore oil, 155 in ancient maritime trade, 2, 48, regional shipping, 150 256 strategic importance, 107–8, 159 Chinese naval diplomacy and, tourism, 158, 159 187 2004 tsunami, 211n84 Chinese shipbuilding and, 129, Andaman Sea, 56, 57 165n21 Andhra Pradesh, 153, 155, 160 colonial period, 16 Anglo-Malayan Defence India and, 280 Agreement (AMDA), 292 Indian Ocean and, 56 Anhui, 137 source of oil, 130, 203 Annamalai University, 155 source of raw materials, 59, 83, Antoninus Pius, Emperor of Rome, 270 258 African Union Summit, 280 Antony, A.K., 99, 203 Akbar the Great, 257 AP 3000, 8 Akiyama Saneyuki, 13 APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Alang, 160 Cooperation), 311 Alcock & Ashdown Co. Ltd., 147 Arabian Sea Aleutian Islands, 72 Indian Navy presence in, 97, Alexander the Great, 2, 265 196 Alexandria, 258 India's strategic interests in, 56, Allahabad, 157 91, 310 All India Council for Technical Japanese naval presence in, 272, Education (AICTE), 239 282 335 10AsianTimeIndex.indd 335 12/30/10 10:33:19 AM 336 Index offshore oil and gas, 107 Five Power Defence sea lanes in, 203, 271 Arrangements, 292 Arabs, 2, 255 Great Barrier Reef, 42 Arctic Ocean, 36, 37 joint naval exercises, 274 Argentina, 24–26, 134, 277 maritime power, 22 Armada Republic Argentina, 25, 26 relations with China, 78, 131 Arthashastra, 216, 257, 263, relations with India, 198 264–66, 267 relations with Southeast Asia, 254 Art of War, 216, 263, 265 relations with the United States, Arunachalam, B., 298n35 274 Arunachal Pradesh, 109, 300n72 2004 tsunami, 193, 197, 282 Ascension Island, 25 Aviation Week, 226 ASEAN (Association of Southeast Azhical, 160 Asian Nations), 185, 207n24, 281, 285–88, 294–95, 311 B ASEAN Plus Three, 204, 286 Baghdad, 245n8 ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), Bagramayan, Hovhannes, Marshal, 182, 194, 204, 286, 292, 11 294, 311 Bahamas, 134, 277 Ashoka the Great, 258, 265 Balboa, 277 Asian Development Bank, 132 Baltic and International Maritime Asia-Pacific region, 58–60, 64n83, Council (BIMCO), 192 107, 181–83, 253, 282, 284 Baltic Sea, 10, 11 Associated Chambers of Bangaram Island, 159 Commerce and Industry of Bangladesh India (ASSOCHAM), 243 anti-piracy agreement, 287 Association for Bangladesh-India- fishing industry, 152 Myanmar-Sri Lanka-Thailand in India-Pakistan conflicts, 98 Economic Cooperation in India's maritime geography, (BIMST-EC), 194 56 Association for Relations Across relations with China, 187, 271, the Taiwan Straits (ARATS), 279 184, 185 relations with India, 44, 157, Atlantic Ocean, 16, 57, 142, 232, 197 277, 308 ship recycling industry, 160 Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 258 Baotou, 137 Aurangzeb, 257 Barak River, 157 Australia Barbers, 162 in Asia-Pacific region, 58, 59 Barus, 258 in East Asia Summit, 286 Basham, A.L., 265 10AsianTimeIndex.indd 336 12/30/10 10:33:19 AM Index 337 Batang Hari River, 261 Bonin Islands, 72 Bateman, S.W., 32n68 Book of Lord Shang, 263 Bay of Bandon, 260 Booth, Ken, 195 Bay of Bengal Border Peace and Tranquillity in ancient maritime trade, 259, Agreement (BPTA), 270 260 Borneo, 56 China's strategic interests in, Bosnia, 216 271 Brahmaputra River, 157, 158 Indian Navy presence, 97, Brazil, 22, 131, 134, 198, 200, 98, 196, 198, 236, 271, 280 289–90 Britain. See also British Royal in India's maritime geography, Navy; Falklands War (1982) 56 Chinese computer hackers and, nuclear submarines in, 293 227 offshore oil and gas, 107 colonial possessions, 16, 39, 65, Tamil Tigers and, 213n104 111n2 tourism development, 158 Five Power Defence U.S. Navy and, 202, 236 Arrangements, 292 Bay of Bengal Initiative for history of maritime thought, Multi-Sectoral Technical 7–8 and Economic Cooperation Indian Ocean and, 3 (BIMSTEC), 281 Japan and, 12, 13–14 Baypore, 160 maritime power, 4, 7, 9–10, Beidou satellites, 231 22–23, 308 Belarus, 100 nuclear capabilities, 67, 96, 293 Bengal, 254 relations with India, 98, 100, Bhagirathi River, 157 198, 199, 278 Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), trade with Mogul empire, 257 101, 241 UNCLOS III and, 43 Bharti Shipyard, 148, 149 British Army, 8 Bihar, 157 British Military Doctrine, 8 Bindusara, 265 British Royal Navy Black Sea, 2, 11 in British maritime power, 7–8 Boeing, 104, 243 in development of Indian Navy, Bohai Bay, 142 16, 90 Bohai Rim, 134 in Falklands War, 25–26 Bolgatty Island, 159 joint exercises, 186, 200, 236, Bombay. See Mumbai 254 Bombay Steam Navigation technological advancement, 238 Company, 161 Brown, Lester R., 134 10AsianTimeIndex.indd 337 12/30/10 10:33:19 AM 338 Index Brunei, 51, 52, 183, 286, 295 relations; China-Japan Buddhism, 260, 261, 266 relations; China-Pakistan Buenaventura, 134 relations; China-Russia Buenos Aires Container Terminal, relations; China-Taiwan 134 relations; China-United States Burma, 16, 258. See also Myanmar relations; PLA (People's Bush, George W., 304n116 Liberation Army); PLA Navy ancient maritime power, 3, C 14, 47–48, 70, 175–76, Cable, James, 177 251–56, 262 Cady, John F., 260 anti-piracy agreement, 287 Calcutta, 147, 151, 162 coastal regions, 86–87, 126, Callao, 134 127 Cambodia, 39, 207n17, 258, 259 computer hacking incidents, Canada, 22, 101 226–27 Canada-United Kingdom-United determinants of maritime power, States (CANUKUS) Naval 22, 60 Data Transmission Working energy supply, 83–84, 107, 130, Group, 219 185 Cape of Good Hope, 57, 91, 93 environmental protection, 139 Caranzalem, 160 European dominance over, 14, Caribbean Sea, 10 65, 111n1 Central Asia, 280, 281 fishing industry, 134–35, 152, Centre for Development of 163 Telematics (India), 241 information technology in, Chaiya, 259 223–24 Chalukya kingdom, 15, 257 inland waterways, 135–37 Cham kingdom, 267 international maritime Chandragupta Maurya, Emperor, agreements and, 48–51 257, 263, 265 marine tourism, 137–40 Chengdu, 226 maritime economic policies, Chengzu, Emperor, 256 126–45 Chennai, 151, 162, 297n28 maritime geography, 55–56, 59 Chen Shui-bian, 185 military spending, 89–90, 109, Chera kingdom, 15, 258 183 Chiang Kai-Shek, 71, 112n20 nuclear capabilities, 86, 113n32, Chi Haotian, General, 189, 286, 293 209n52 peacekeeping operations, 182, Chile, 134, 152, 187 207n17 China. See also China-India port infrastructure, 131–34 10AsianTimeIndex.indd 338 12/30/10 10:33:19 AM Index 339 relations with Southeast Asia, military diplomacy, 181 253–54, 285–96 PLA Navy and, 176, 185, 191, seafaring workforce, 142–45 270 shipbuilding industry, 75, 78, rivalry and strategies, 182, 191, 127–29, 163, 165 (nn13, 268, 272–74 21) role of the United States in, 87 shipping industry, 129–31, 163 China Maritime Surveillance space programme, 230–33 (CMS), 80 Special Economic Zones, 86, China National Computer 125 Network Emergency Response territorial claims, 42, 48–49, Technical Team (CNCERT), 51–53, 286 227 theories of statecraft, 263–64 China National Electronic Import tsunami relief, 193, 211n73, and Export Corporation, 287 230 2008 Beijing Olympics, 139, China National Offshore Oil 140, 227 Corporation (CNOOC), 142, China-ASEAN dialogue, 183, 286 207n24 China National Research Centre China Association of the National for Intelligence Computing Shipbuilding Industry Systems, 226 (CANSI), 128, 129 China National Tourism China Coordination Council Administration (CNTA), 138 for Overseas Seamen China Ocean Mineral Resources Employment (COSE), 144 R&D Association (COMRA), China-India relations 141 Indian exports, 131, 153 China-Pakistan relations naval diplomacy, 181 boundary agreement, 300n72 rivalry and strategies, 182, Gwadar port project, 84, 277, 270–74 280 Tamil merchant guilds, 258 India and, 279–80 war and border disputes, 109, Karakoram Highway, 271 122n197, 191, 233, military assistance, 302n103 303n112 naval diplomacy, 187 China Information Technology nuclear cooperation, 109, 273, Report, 224 280 China International Contractors' signal monitoring facilities, 231 Association (CHINCA), 144 China Precision Machinery Import China-Japan relations and Export Corporation, historical factors, 12, 13, 111n1 230 10AsianTimeIndex.indd 339 12/30/10 10:33:20 AM 340 Index China-Russia relations Chinese Academy of Social military and technical Sciences (CASS), 273 cooperation, 15, 75, Chinese Maritime Authority, 142 80, 181, 192, 269–70, Chirac, Jacques, 161 300nn68–69 Chittagong, 187 naval diplomacy, 187 Chola empire, 3, 15, 257, 258–59, rapprochement, 72 262 China Shipbuilding Industry Cholas, 175 Corporation (CSIC), 129 Chongqing, 137 China Shipping Group (CSG), Chulamani Varmadeva Vihara, 143 261 China's National Defense, 181, Chungshan Institute of Science 183 and Technology, 85 China State Shipbuilding Chunxiao gas field, 185 Corporation (CSSC), 129 climate change, 43–44 China-Taiwan relations Cline, Ray S., 21 international maritime Clinton, Bill, 304n116 agreements, 50–51 CNTA Information Center, 138 Russia and, 192 CNTA Logistics Center, 138 threats of invasion, 80–81, coastal populations, 37, 60n2 84–86, 176, 182, 184–85, Coates, Nigel, Rear Admiral, 201 207n26, 270 Cochin, 147, 151, 158, 159, 160 United States and, 48, 66, 184, Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), 188–89, 274–75 99, 147, 148 China Tourism Association, 138 Cohen, William, 189, 209n52 China Tourism Management Cold War, 11, 67, 188, 201 Institute, 138 Colombia, 134 China Tourism News, 138 Colombo, 187, 212n84 China Travel and Tourism Press, Commission of Science, 138 Technology and Industry China-United States relations for
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