298 The Paschal Mystery Index Page numbers in color indicate illustrations. Titles of paintings will be found under the name of the artist, unless they are anonymous. References to specific citations from Scripture and the Catechism will be found in the separate INDEX OF CITATIONS. A at Annunciation, 12, 71, significance of number of, 72–73, 258–59, 259 109 created by God, 11–12 Ark of the Covenant, 253, 290 Abel, 45, 251 defined, 11, 290 arrest and trial of Jesus, Abram/Abraham, 56–57, 60, demons and Devil, as fallen 136–38 65, 75–77, 249, 251, 290 angels, 36, 291 The Art of Dying Well (St. acedia, 279, 290 as intercessors, 12 Robert Bellarmine, 1619), 130–31 Adam and Eve as messengers, 11 Ascension of Jesus, 168–79 creation of, 9, 21, 24, 24–25 Angelus (John Paul II, 1986), (See also human beings, 167 additional reading, 176–79 creation of) Angelus prayer, 258–59, 290 Assumption of Virgin Mary Jesus Christ as New Adam, and, 173, 175 animals 43, 94, 294 focus and reflection Adam’s naming of, 21–22, 32 naming of animals by, questions, 175 reason, non-possession of, 21–22, 32 Pentecost following, 170–71, 205 original state of holiness 171, 295 Annunciation, 12, 71, 72–73, and justice, 19, 27–28, 293 presence of Jesus/Holy 258–59, 259 prayer, as models for, Spirit remaining with us Anointing of the Sick, 250–51 after, 170–71, 174 Sacrament of, 221 temptation in the garden, promise that we will St. Anselm of Canterbury, 36–39 follow, 173 152–53 Virgin Mary as New Eve, 10, truth about, 174 St. Anthony of the Desert, 44–45, 72–73, 294 asceticism, 263 263 adoration Assumption of Virgin Mary, apostles of the Blessed Sacrament, 173, 175, 290 calling of, 103, 109–10 123 St. Athanasius, 48, 85 defined, 109 as form of prayer, 272, 290 St. Augustine, 79, 176 Against Heresies (Irenaeus of Eucharist, commanded to Lyons), 72, 80, 115, 192 continue celebration of, 121 Agony in the Garden, 136, participation in sacrifice of B 228, 229, 255–56 Christ, 145 Pentecost, 170–71, 171, 295 American Indians, 207, 225 Babel, Tower of, 45, 56 resurrection of Jesus and, angels Babylonian exile, 62 156–57, 158 Bakhita, St. Josephine, 25, 30 © Sophia Institute for Teachers Index 299 Balestra, Antonio, Prophet with the Ten Commandments as covenantal union of God Isaiah (18th century), 63 (1662), 250 with His people compared baptism St. Bonaventure, 9, 131, 241, to marriage, 96 conversion of heart, call to, 288 Eucharist and, 124–25 219 Borromeo, St. Charles, 276 holiness, call to, 206, 208 holiness, call to, for all Bouguereau, William- keys of the kingdom given baptized persons, 203, Adolphe, The First Mourning to St. Peter, 109 204–5, 208 (1888), 41 Magisterium, listening to of Jesus, 59, 76, 84, 89, 91, Bourdichon, Jean, The Holy teaching of, 206 92, 92–93, 99, 112, 208 Trinity (ca. 1508), 15 prayer in, 257, 258 meaning of, 93, 99, 161, 162 Bread of Life Discourse, 121, Virgin Mary as type of, 173 290 Original Sin removed by, circumcision, 60, 290 205 Breughel, Jan, the Younger Clement of Alexandria, 215 prefigurements of, 59–60 Creation of Adam in Colombel, Nicolas, Christ Paradise (17th century), 9 sanctifying grace through, Healing the Blind (1682), 107 221, 296 Paradise (ca. 1650), 37 Communion. See Eucharist Transfiguration paralleling Paradise with the Creation communion of friendship, 23 baptism of Jesus, 112 of Eve (ca. 1640), 21 communion of persons, 23, The Baptism of Christ Brown, Ford Madox, Jesus 32, 290 (Anonymous, ca. 1500), 208 Washing Peter’s Feet (ca. communion with Jesus, Bassano, Jacopo, The Good 1856), 279 prayer as, 239–43 Samaritan (ca. 1563), 232 compassion of Jesus, 82 Beatitudes, 188 C complementarity and Bellarmine, St. Robert, equality of male and female, 130–31 23, 290 Benedict XVI (pope), 100, 111, Cain, 45 Conca, Sebastiano, Christ in 177, 207, 231–33 , miracle of wedding at, Cana the Garden of Gethsemane bishops, 110, 290 91, 94–96, 96, 108 (1746), 228 blessing, as form of prayer, St. Cecilia, 204 “Concerning the Creation,” 272, 290 charity. See love from An Exposition of the blind, healing of, 107, 117 St. Charles Borromeo, 276 Orthodox Faith (John of Bloch, Carl, Sermon on the chastity, 23, 73, 224, 291 Damascus, ca. 743), 15 Mount (1877), 273 chosen people, 57, 60, 61 concupiscence, 43, 205, 291 Bloemaert, Hendrick, Saint Christ, defined, 74, 290. See Confirmation, 208, 221 Peter in Prayer (17th century), also specific entries at Jesus conscience, 205–6, 211, 291 262 Christ contemplation, 260, 264, 291 blood, eating/shedding, 55 Church conversion of heart, call to, Boaz, 58 bishops and pope, 110, 290, 217, 218–20, 291 Bol, Ferdinand, Moses 295 Councils of the Church. See Descends from Mount Sinai also Vatican Council II Lateran Council IV (1215), 17 © Sophia Institute for Teachers 300 The Paschal Mystery Trent (1547), 67 Crucifixion, 81, 104, 120, 135, resurrection of the dead, Vatican I (1869-1870), 17 139, 142, 189, 226, 256 26, 105, 121, 158, 161, 165, 191–92, 296 covenants Cyril of Alexandria, 117 Decalogue (Ten with Abraham, 56–57, 60, Commandments), 57, 291 290 D Decree on Justification defined, 53, 54, 291 (Council of Trent, 1547), 67 marriage, compared to, 96 St. Damien of Molokai, 111, 114 Defregger, Franz, Grace with Moses , 57–59, 60 Before Meal (1875), 222 Daniel, 170, 280 New Covenant , 59–60, 120, Dei Filius (Dogmatic “dark night of the soul,” 246, 121, 133, 162, 294 Constitution on the Catholic 278, 282 Noahide covenant, 45, Faith, 1870), 17 The Dark Night of the Soul (St. 55–56 Dei Verbum (Dogmatic John of the Cross), 282 with people of Israel, 57, Constitution on Divine 60, 61 David, 62, 63, 65, 73, 75–77, Revelation, 1965), 68–69, 187 253 Coypel, Antoine, The Baptism demons, as fallen angels, 36, of Christ (ca. 1690), 59 David, Gerard, Christ Nailed 291 to the Cross (ca. 1481), 189 Cranach, Lucas, the Elder, descent of Jesus into Hell Garden of Eden (1530), 27 de Sales, St. Francis, 241, (harrowing of Hell), 78, 155, 288–89 Creation, 3–17. See also 156 human beings, creation of de Vos, Maerten, The Deus Caritas Est (papal Incredulity of Thomas (1574), additional readings, 15–17 encyclical, 2005), 231–33 158 of angels, 11–12 Devil death, 190–92. See also focus and reflection as fallen angel, 36 Passion and death of Jesus questions, 14 Jesus incarnated to destroy The Art of Dying Well (St. form and shape, God power of, 78–79, 109 Robert Bellarmine, 1619), providing, 8–9 130–31 miracles of Jesus revealing Genesis, defined, 6 defeat of, 109 defined, 190, 291 God’s complete authorship serpent in Garden of Eden descent into Hell of, 7–12 as, 36–39, 43 (harrowing of Hell), 78, 155, historicity of, 6–7, 21 156 temptation of Jesus in desert by, 91, 93–94, 97, 100 human happiness, God’s eternal life in Christ, 185 plan for, 3 Didache (AD 50-120), 129 immortality of the soul, importance of 205 dignity of the human person, understanding, 5 19, 20, 291 Jesus facing full weight of presence of Trinity at, 8–9 human fear of, 136 discipleship in Christ, 216–33 reading story of, 6–7 Original Sin, as additional reading, 231–33 as religious versus consequence of, 41, 142, 190 conversion of heart, call to, scientific truth, 6–7, 21 particular judgment after, 217, 218–20, 291 of seen and unseen, 9–12 105, 190–92, 294 Eucharist and, 217, 222 truth about, 13 © Sophia Institute for Teachers Index 301 evangelical counsels Elijah, 77, 101, 110, 112, 253, 298 Paschal Mystery and, 119, (poverty, chastity, and Elimelech, 58 121, 122, 162, 222 obedience) and, 224, 291 Elisha, 101 Passover and, 119, 120 focus and reflection Elizabeth, 76, 258 Penitential Rite prior to, questions, 230 274 end of days love, role of, 217, 218, prayer and, 257, 277 final, general, or Last 220–21, 224–27 Judgment at, 105, 183, 190, Real Presence in, 121–22, prayer, importance of, 217, 291 126, 240 222–24 resurrection of the dead resurrection from the Sacraments, importance at, 26, 105, 121, 158, 161, 165, dead, as foretaste of, 192 of, 217, 221–22 191–92, 296 truth about, 126 sacrifice and suffering ends justifying the means, Virgin Mary and, 221 entailed by, 217, 223, 225, 209–10 227, 228, 229 eucharisteo, 275, 291 enemies, loving, 226–27 truth about, 229 evangelical counsels equality and (poverty, chastity, and distraction from prayer, 277 complementarity of male and obedience), 224, 291 Divine Office (Liturgy of the female, 23, 290 Eve. See Adam and Eve Hours), 258, 293 eternal life in Christ, 185 Exodus from Egypt, 57, 60, 65 divinization (theosis), 80 Eucharist, 119–31 Exultet hymn, 46 Domenichino, The Rebuke of additional readings, 128–31 Adam and Eve (1626), 39 adoration of the Blessed dominion over creation, Sacrament, 123 F human beings possessing, 19, Bread of Life Discourse 20, 291 and, 121, 290 Dominus Iesus (Declaration faith Church and liturgy of, by the Congregation for the struggling with lack of, 124–25 Doctrine of the Faith, 2000), 278–79 86 defined, 60, 291 as theological virtue, 186, discipleship in Christ and, 186–87, 200–201, 291 217, 222 E the Fall. See Original Sin early church’s practice of, fasting, 93, 291 124, 129 St. Felicity, 194 focus and reflection Easter Vigil service, 89 femaleness and maleness, 19, questions, 127 Ecclesia de Eucharistia (papal 21, 21–23, 22, 32–33, 38–39 Greek work for encyclical, 2003), 128 Fendi, Peter, The Evening thanksgiving (eucharisteo), Eden.
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