Number 110 Spring 2015 The Searchable Bonhoeffer: A Review of DBWE in Accordance and Logos Last fall Fortress Press published the final volume (17) of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, English Edition (DBWE): Index and Supplementary Materials which provides a handy reference for readers and interpreters of Bonhoeffer who seek to better utilize and understand the first 16 volumes of DBWE. Fortress Press published the first volume of DBWE (Volume 5: Life Together and Prayerbook of the Bible) some 20 years ago. Since then significant advances in technology have permitted access to and interaction with texts in a way that few likely envisioned at the time. In the first half of 2014, three Bible software platforms - Accordance, Logos, and Olive Tree - each released 16 volumes of DBWE, available individually or as a collection in each of the three platforms. The following review assesses Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, English Edition, as the Works appear in Accordance, version 11, and Logos, version 6. First, there is a description and analysis of DBWE in Accordance; then a similar evaluation of DBWE in Logos. This review also includes some comparison of the two platforms, with emphasis on how each has produced the 16 volumes. In concluding remarks, there is information about how to access Accordance11 and Logos 6 software programs. DBWE in Accordance 11 Inside This Issue Any Accordance resource is automatically integrated with other Accordance re- sources a user may already own or could purchase. It is easy and nearly instan- * * * * * * * taneous to select and look up a word from a text (e.g., DBWE) in another module (e.g., the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary). One could in this way research concepts New Software 1 and passages from Bonhoeffer in other biblical studies reference material. Research Grants 4 News from Germany 20 Accordance is unique among Bible software Bonhoeffer Portal 21 in that its multiple search fields allow a user to Commemoration 12 hone a search in to just section headings, just text, just Scripture references, or even Greek and Hebrew content, among other search fields. 12th Int’l Congress 18 For example, one can quickly get to Greek and 18th DB Lectures 15 Hebrew content in Creation and Fall (DBWE 3) using “Greek Content” or “Transliteration” Annual Bibliography 8 search fields, respectively. The many Scripture references and footnotes in Book Review 16 DBWE are hyperlinked in Accordance. The user can hover over or click on hyperlinks to reveal Essay/Review 23 their content. A user can open this information in The Ordeal Society News 2,3 (see page 14) Continued on Page 5 President’s Message Greetings to all, With this edition of the newsletter we mark the 70th anniversary of Bonhoeffer’s death. The events of April 9, 1945 silenced the voice of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and because his voice was silenced too early, preventing him to speak for himself, it has been left to others to keep his memory alive. That has been one of the duties of the International Bonhoeffer Society, established 44 years ago. In a letter to his fellow-conspirators, written in December 1942, Bonhoeffer said “Ten years is a long time in the life of every human being” (DBWE 8:37). To paraphrase him, 70 years is a long time, and since the world we now live in is a world unknown by Bonhoeffer, a world that he could not have imagined, the changes between 1945 and the present beg the question that he went on to ask the conspirators, “Are we still of any use?” (DBWE 8:52). A version of that question crops up from time-to-time, as some wonder if it isn’t time to move on, to look to the future rather than the past? One way to answer that concern is to remember that the work of the society has not been only to look back as a way to keep his memory alive, but also to explore ways in which his theological concerns continue to intersect with events shaping our world today. Guided by both concerns, the work of the society continues in a number of significant ways. While we work to maintain the Bonhoeffer archives and constantly update the Bonhoeffer bibliography, we are now pleased to be able to announce a new Bonhoeffer Research Grant to support research adding new knowledge about the theology, life, and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. At the same time that we announce this, I can say that it was with a bit of surprise but also joy that I was contacted, not once, but two times this year, by middle school and high school students, from the east coast and the Midwest, for information on Bonhoeffer. In both cases, they were doing a project on Bonhoeffer for National History month. It still seems there is something in Bonhoeffer’s life and witness that, no matter how many years have passed, continue to spark interest. So as we note this 70th anniversary, we can remember the past but also celebrate the present and future, as the voice and witness of Bonhoeffer continue to be felt around the globe. The reach of Bonhoeffer’s witness is being extended by the new portal launched as a joint project by the German-speaking section and Gütersloher Verlaghaus and the soon to be launched new English language site. We also witness the extent to which Bonhoeffer’s influence extends with the announcement of the Bonhoeffer Lectures in Public Ethics, taking place later this year at the University of Flensburg, Germany, and the 12th International Bonhoeffer Congress being held in Basel Switzerland, in July, 2016. Information is available in this newsletter on all these events and we encourage your participation in them. We also hope that you will find other information, such as book reviews and other announcements, that will engage you and extend the conversation a bit further. Blessings, H.Gaylon Barker Ridgefield, Connecticut Request for Nominations Each year three members must be elected to the Board of Directors of the International Bonhoeffer Society - English Lan- guage Section. In order to prepare a slate of nominees for the election at the upcoming meeting of the society in Atlanta, November 22, the Nominating Committee is requesting names of candidates. If anyone knows of a society member who should be considered for election to the board, submit their name, along with their stated willingness to serve, to: John Matthews ([email protected]), or Mark Randall ([email protected]) with any nominations before No- vember 15. Note to Society Members The Newsletter is available to society members and libraries and is now being distributed by electronic mail. Please provide your e-mail address to the Editor, Dean S. Skelley, P.O. Box 160879, San Antonio TX 78280 ([email protected]). Please notify the Editor if there is an alternate e-mail address which should be used. Members unable to receive an electronic version and wish to continue receiving the Newsletter by regular mail are asked to notify the Editor. Society memberships may be obtained or renewed by contacting: Rev. Mark E. Randall, 15917 NE Union Road, Unit #103, Ridgefield WA 98642 ([email protected]). Future Bonhoeffer Meeting Dates and Sites November 21-24 2015 Atlanta, Georgia November 19-22 2016 San Antonio, Texas November 18-21 2017 Boston, Massachusetts November 17-20 2018 Denver, Colorado NOTE: The 16 volume Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works hardcover set is now available at $865. The English translation is ideal for a special gift, or for church and other libraries. Contact Fortress Press at fortresspress.com or (800) 328-4648. The volumes Ethics, Discipleship and Life Together are now available at $21 each and Letters and Papers from Prison at $64. Contact the Editor for electronic copies of a brochure. INTERNATIONAL BONHOEFFER SOCIETY ENGLISH LANGUAGE SECTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2015 Officers: H. Gaylon Barker (President) Ridgefield CT; Stephen Plant (Vice-President) Cambridge UK; Lori Brandt Hale (Secretary) Maplewood MN; and Mark Randall (Treasurer) Ridgefield WA. Board of Directors: Mark Brocker, Beaverton OR; Michael DeJonge, Tampa FL; Peter Frick, Waterloo Ontario; Stephen Haynes, Memphis TN; Christopher Holmes, Dunedin New Zealand; David Krause, Dallas TX; Jenny McBride, Waverly IA; and Philip Ziegler, Aberdeen UK. Editorial Advisory Board: John Matthews (Chair), Apple Valley MN; and Michael Lukens, Oneida WI. Newsletter Editor: Dean S. Skelley, San Antonio TX Emeriti Board Members: Jim Burtness+, Keith Clements, John Godsey+, Clifford Green, Daniel Har- dy+, Pat Kelley, Geffrey Kelly, Michael Lukens, John Matthews, Burton Nelson+, Bill Peck, Larry Rasmussen, Deotis Roberts, Martin Rumscheidt, Charles Sensel and Charles West 3 Bonhoeffer Research Grants Available Application Guidelines Bonhoeffer Research Grants are supported by a fund based on the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works English Edition and its royalties. Grants are made by a committee of the International Bonhoeffer Society, English Language Section, chaired by Professor Barry Harvey, Baylor University. The committee expects to award 3-4 grants annually totaling about $10,000. Application A proposal of 2-3 pages should explain in detail the research proposed, and its significance in adding new knowledge about the theology, life and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Include in the proposal a timeline for completion, publication plan, and the names of two persons you have requested to provide references attesting to the value of the proposed research and your qualifications for completing it successfully. Please attach a project budget, indicating the sources of funds available to you and the grant requested. Proposals should indicate the expected outcome of the research, the hypothesis, anticipated findings being tested, the new knowledge being sought, and the secondary literature relevant to the project. Proposals should be thoroughly conversant with DBW/DBWE and the research they contain.
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