Vol.I, No. 9 $.50 °Angeles, California 1970 I14 - ¡ff q ED ITOR IAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Why is Los Ange'es Police Chief Davis and EDITORIAL Page 1 Mayor Yorty. so all fired up mad because the U.S. Attorney General's office secured a Federal Grand Jury indictment against the police officers CARTA EDITORIAL Page 1 who killed ... gunned down two innocent men while they were preparing for bed, caused injury to HOOVER SLANDER PROTESTED Page 3 another, miraculously missing a child in a crib and Art Marchand people in the apartment next door? Why is Los Angeles Police Chief Davis and MAYO Page 5 Mayor Yorty so intent on preventing court trial of officers who went into the crowded apartment building shooting from the hip. through the PONCHO FLORES Page 5 door and at the men caught with only their ilno- cence to protect them. RUBENSALAZAR Page 8 Allof the slaughter which took the lives of the Primos . Sanchez occurred because SAN JOSE - CALIFORNIA San Leandro detectives were seeking a man for interrogation regarding a deathin the northern RE: JUDGE CHARGIN Page 9 city. And when the man they were seeking turned Ray Gonzales himself in, after the killing of the two Mexican nationals ... the man was not held because the of- HUELGA EN LOS VALLES ficers had insufficient evidence to hold him or DE SALINAS Y SANTA MARIA Page l'O charge him for any crime in court. This fact indi- cates the enormity of the crime committed by the CESAR CHAVEZ Page 1 1 Los Angeles Police officers who led the assault on the Sanchez residence. This might very well be the reason Chief Davis CENTER SPREAD Page 12 and Mayor Yorty are so paranoically demanding that the Justice Department vacate ti6 indictment LETTERS Page 14 and remove the U.S. Attorney who had the auda- city to place the information, gathered by his in- DEGANAW I DAH--QU ETZALCOATL vestigation, before the Federal Grand Jury. COLLEGE Page 1 7 WHAT ARE THEY TRYlNG TO HIDE. ... WHAT DOES CHIEF DAVIS AND MAYOR YOR- TY FEAR? Are they worried because court in- DEGRADING ADVERTISING Page 18 terrogation of the police officers might reveal a sordid mess in their department? LOS TEATROS DE AZTLAN Page 19 If the matter were not so serious . we could laugh at Davis' emotional protestations... FRITO BANDITO Page 20 I gave them a lie detector test... and he believes that this should serve as sufficient proof that his men are innocent of the charges made and not be BOOKS: VIVA ZAPATA Page 21 forced to stand trial. Cont. from last ssue BUT INNOCENT LIVES WERE TAKEN and others threatened, by police actions which violate RINCON POETICO Page 23 the rights of persons to be secure in their own homes. And this,in addition to answering for their behavior in taking the lives of the Sanchez Cover: Harry Gamboa cousins .. is what the community is concerned EDITOR: Francisca Flores with. This is what must be stopped. Let the De- partment of Justice not be intimidated by the Contributors and Associates pressure being brought to bear by Chief of Police Lilia Aceves Frank Munoz Davis and Mayor Yorty. Manuel MendezHarry Gamboa AS FOR THE LOS ANGELES CITY COUN- Jose Castorena Art Marchant CIL who voted 8 toI to pay for the defense of the policemen . (one city councilman is facing Eliseo Carrillo Delfino Varela court charges himself - and we do not know if he Frank SifuentesEnrique Estrada will ask the City Council to pay for his defense), Sergio Hernandez Martin Quiroz, Ill we say they have no right to use our tax money on such matters without our consent. Taxpayers in this city should protest the use of their tax money ® Copyright1970by Regeneración to defend killers. and demand an injunction on Subscription (U.S.) i year $5.00 the action taken by 8 (bare majority) city council- MAIL TO: REGENERACION men. P.O. Box 54624 Francisca Flores Los Angeles, California90054 Editor Regeneracion Page 1 CARTA EDITORIAL After the sheriff officers attacked the 25,000 that rallied at Laguna Park after a peaceful march on August 29th, the emotions reached explosive UNITY UNDER SEVERE STRAIN proportions, and the wonder is that the communi- AS COMMUNITY CONFRONTS ITS ty reaction was limited to the Whittier area in East MOST SEVERE CRISIS OF DIRECTION Los Angeles and in small measure, other surround- ing areas, such as Wilmington and Cdlton. Over the past four years the Mexican Amen- As the attack was followed by the usual rou- can community, on La Raza if you prefer, in the tine of press conferences, accusations by the po greater Los Angeles area developed a great sense of lice, the white washing grand juries, and the end- unity and community consensus. This unity grew less meetings that got nowhere, the crisis of direc- out of a large number of common struggles and ef- tion became acute. And the strains on the coali- forts, both successful and unsuccessful, that culmi- tion that developed over the past four years began nated in the great demonstration of August 29th to reach a breaking point. As we reported in oir that was the most numerous, and broadest expres- Ruben Salazar Memorial Issue No. 6, the disagree- sion of united protest that the Mexican-American ment provoked after the police attack of August has experienced in his history in the United States. 29th was both as to cause and remedy. One cause I The struggles that helped to forge the wide the police agents in the community and their sup- range feeling of unity included the unsuccessful porters immediately took up was the police expIan- bids of Richard Calderon for the State Senate and ation of the attack being caused by 'outside agita- Congress, the successful campaign of Julian Nava tors' with the rather curious logic that, had the po- for the Los Angeles School Board, the walkouts of lice not been so provoked by seeing so much anti- the students in 1968, arid 1970, the sit-ins at the system literature around, they would not have at- Board of Education in 969, the Bradley for May- tacked, completely begging the issue of the right of or Campaign, the campaigns for the Junior College the police to attack a peaceful community gather- Board, the development of the East Los Angeles ing on any grounds. Community Union, and the sustaineddevelop- The arguments on the remedy was perhaps ment and growth of the loose federation of organ- the most severe. The politicians and those with a izations known as The Congress Of Mexican Ameni- lifetime of training ¡n electoral work, together with can Unity. the naturally conservative and timid, tended to ad- As these efforts and many others proceeded, vocate an abandonment of the mass demonstration they created an ever increasing demand for visible as a method of protest and a return to the more progress by all sections of the community, and an staid methods such as, conferences, running candi- ever increasing pressure on all levels of the govern- dates, passing resolutions, etc. ..others, on the other ment and the power structure. hand, understanding the significance of the com- As the community became more restive, the munity consciousness that was shown in the Aug- police became more edgy and pushed their trigger ust 29th march advocated a demand by the corn- happy methodology of dealing with all trouble, ac- munity on its right to engage in peaceful protests tuai or suspected, with bullèts to its absolute limit. of all types and felt that the right must be estab- The arrests and beatings have become more fre- lished once and for all by the scheduling of a quent. Six men have died within the East Los second demonstration. Angeles Sheriff Station in one year and two men were shot by the Los Angeles police as they were POLICE PATTERN DEVELOPS in their room preparing to go to bed, last sprinci. After a great deal of discussion at all levels of the community some agreement was reached in THE NEED FOR DIRECTION BECOMES ACUTE that the usual commercial parade of Mexican Inde- pendence day September 16th be turned into a Each incident was followed by a larger and march for justice with a great number of people larger community outcry; meetings with police, participating. The March wound its way east on press conferences, and even, some court proceed- Brooklyn to East Los Angeles College where it end- ings in the case of the two murdered men, the ed abruptly, with no program, no speeches and Sanchez brothers. But after the press conferences, everyone was asked to simply put down the march- the emergency meetings, televised grand juries and ing signs and go home. A rally had been planned, the trials, the authorities ended up scott free, the to carry out the one of August 29th that was a- community more scarred and despairing than ever. bortedby thepolice attack,however,largely Page 2 Re ge n era cTón through the efforts of BlM Orozco, the only Chi- ty argument as to the advisability of holding the cano on the Community CoHege Board of Trustees rally end a police supported Concerned Citizens' and an extreme conservative, the raHy permit was Committee lead by a Westwood realtor, Alex Cota, denied. And the eadership was too timid to p'an sent out a mailing (using a County postage ma- the raìy for Belvedere Park which is technically chine), urging the rally's cancellation. A group of free to everyone dunng park hours. politicians including, Rep.
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