LATVIJAS JŪRAS AKADĒMIJA LJA PĒTNIECĪBAS INSTITŪTS 14. starptautiskā konference Ūdens transports un infrastruktūra 2012 14th International Conference Maritime Transport and Infrastructure 2012 Rīga, 2012. gada 26. – 27. aprīlis UDK 629.12+656.6(063) Ud 300 Zinātniskās redakcijas komiteja Scientific Editorial Committee Chairman: Prof. Jānis Brūnavs, Latvian Maritime Academy (Latvia) Members: Prof. Anatoli Alop, Estonian Maritime Academy (Estonia) Prof. Edgars Balcers, Det Norske Veritas Latvia SIA (Latvia) Prof. Rüdiger Böhlhoff, FH Oldenburg/Ostfriesland/Wilhelmshaven (Germany) Assoc. prof. Artūrs Brokovskis, Maritime Administration (Latvia) Prof. Jānis Bērziņš, Latvian Maritime Academy (Latvia) Prof. Juris Cimanskis, Latvian Maritime Academy (Latvia) Prof. Aleksandrs Gasparjans, Latvian Maritime Academy (Latvia) Prof. Rihards Indriksons, Latvian Maritime Academy (Latvia) Prof. Aleksandr Ivanchenko, Saint-Petersburg State University for Waterway Communications (Russia) Prof. Maurice Jansen, Netherlands Maritime University (Netherlands) Assoc. prof. Jānis Kasalis, Riga Universal Terminal, SIA (Latvija) Assoc. prof. Ilmārs Lešinskis, Latvian Maritime Academy (Latvia) Prof. Dr. Adnan Midilli, Rize University (Turkey) Prof. Vytautas Paulauskas, Klaipeda University (Lithuania) Prof. Valdis Priednieks, Latvian Maritime Academy (Latvia) Doc. Ineta Rozenštrauha, Latvian Maritime Academy (Latvia) Prof. Viktoras Senčila, Klaipeda Maritime Academy (Lithuania) Assoc. prof. Gunārs Šteinerts, Latvian Maritime Academy (Latvia) Prof. Aleksandrs Urbahs, Riga Technical University (Latvia) Assoc. prof. Arnis Zāģeris, Det Norske Veritas SIA (Latvija) Konferences organizācijas darba grupa Organizing committee of the conference Chairman: Ilmārs Lešinskis Members: Anatolijs Šarakovskis, Artūrs Prauliņš, Silvija Pakalne, Gunārs Šteinerts, Vija Kasakovska, Linda Laugale, Jurijs Šteinmans, Inese Viesture, Līga Millere Organizing Committee Latvian Maritime Academy Flotes 5B, LV-1016, Riga, Latvia Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - 2012” PRIEKŠVĀRDS Latvijas Jūras akadēmijas ikgadējās konferences rakstu krājuma 14. izdevums norāda uz tradīciju turpināšanu. Konference tiek organizēta, lai sekmētu ūdens transporta nozares attīstību Latvijā un Baltijas reģionā kopumā, kā arī veicinātu starptautisko sadarbību. Konferencē piedalās Jūras un citu transporta nozaru speciālisti no Beļģijas, Igaunijas, Lielbritānijas, Lietuvas, Polijas, Somijas, Turcijas, Vācijas un Zviedrijas. No Latvijas konferences dalībnieku vidū ir pārstāvji no Latvijas Jūras administrācijas, Latvijas Jūras spēkiem, Vides attīstības biedrības, Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes, Latvijas Universitātes un Latvijas Jūras akadēmijas mācību spēki un studējošie, kā arī citi jūrniecības un ar to saistīto nozaru profesionāļi. Konferenci atbalsta Latvijas Jūras administrācija, AS SPRINT, Lloyd’s register, AS Swedbanka. Rakstu krājumā ir apkopoti un publicēti LJA 14. starptautiskās konferences Ūdens transports un infrastruktūra – 2012 dalībnieku iesniegtie materiāli. Rakstu krājums ir starptautiski recenzēts. Konferences galvenā tēma – Jūras transports un vide Kuģošanas drošība, ostu un kuģu aizsardzība Ostu un kuģošanas bizness šodienas apstākļos Kuģu būve, remonts un ekspluatācija Jūrniecības cilvēkresursu attīstība un izglītība Jūras tiesības Citas jūras transporta nozarei aktuālas tēmas Latvijas Jūras akadēmija pateicas Latvijas Jūras administrācijai par iespēju izmantot Latvijas Hidrogrāfijas karti konferences materiālu noformēšanai. 3 Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - 2012” PREFACE The fourteenth edition of the Conference Proceedings of Latvian Maritime Academy is indicative of preserving traditions. Conference proceedings are internationally reviewed. We hope that the Conference and its outcome wil give a fresh impetus to the development of the transport industry within the Baltic region and elsewhere in the world. Among the conference participants are Maritime specialists from Belgium, Estonia, Finaland, Germany, Great Britain, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Turkey. On behalf of Latvia the conference is atended by representatives from Latvian Maritime Administration, Latvian Naval Forces, Environmental Development Association, Riga Technical University and teaching staff and students of Latvian Maritime Academy along with the specialists from maritime and other related industries. The conference is supported by the Latvian Maritime Administration, AS SPRINT, Lloyd’s register and AS Swedbanka. The Conference Proceedings include internationally reviewed papers submitted for publication for the 14th International conference “Maritime Transport and Infrastructure – 2012”. The main topic of the conference – Maritime Transport and Environment. Other topics: Navigation safety, ship and port security Port and maritime business today Ship construction, repair and operation Development of maritime human resources and education Maritime Law Other topical subjects related to maritime transport 4 Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - 2012” MARITIME DELIMITATION OF LATVIAN WATERS, HISTORY AND FUTURE PROSPECTS Gunārs Šteinerts Latvian Maritime Academy, Flotes iela 5B, Rīga LV-1016, Latvia, E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Maritime delimitation of Latvian waters was one of the important issues since the Republic of Latvia has gained independence from USSR in 1991. The UNCLOS 1982 Convention was not yet in force by that time, nevertheless the basic provisions of this convention have been applied when negotiating the sea borders with the Republic of Estonia and Republic of Lithuania. These negotiations resulted in Agreement with the Republic of Estonia in 1996 and Agreement with the Republic of Lithuania in 1999. The letter Agreement still has been applied on preliminary base as not ratified by Latvian Parliament – Saeima because of objections on delimitation of Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf. As to Latvian and Swedish waters delimitation in the Baltic Sea, bilateral agreement of delimitation the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf is still pending, Only tripartite agreement on common point between Estonia, Sweden and Latvia has been signed in 1997. Solution of this uncertain situation of delimitation of Latvian Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf between Lithuania and Sweden is still an urgent task for Latvia. Introduction Delimitation principles for maritime zones have bee prescribed by the United Nations Law of the Sea convention, 1982 which now is in force in Latvia and also in our neighbour States. So in Article 15 of this convention in regard to territorial sea reference is made to the “method of the median line to every point of which is equidistant from the nearest points on the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial seas of each of the two States is measured” and „The above provision does not apply, however, where it is necessary by reason of historic title or other special circumstances to delimit the territorial seas of the two States in a way which is at variance therewith”. As to delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) between States with opposite or adjacent coasts the provisions of Article 74 of UNCLOS 82 prescribe: 1. The delimitation of the exclusive economic zone between States with opposite or adjacent coasts shall be effected by agreement on the basis of international law, as referred to in Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, in order to achieve an equitable solution. 2. If no agreement can be reached within a reasonable period of time, the States concerned shall resort to the procedures provided for in Part XV. 3. Pending agreement as provided for in paragraph 1, the States concerned, in a spirit of understanding and cooperation, shall make every effort to enter into provisional arrangements of a practical nature and, during this transitional period, not to jeopardize or hamper the reaching of the final agreement. Such arrangements shall be without prejudice to the final delimitation.” All these provisions have been applied when negotiating with Estonia and Lithuania, partly also with Sweden. When considering term „equitable solution” we may look at the Oxfords Dictionary, were „equitable” is – fair, just, reasonable, and “Equity” – fairness, right judgement, principles of justice outside common law or Statute law, used to correct laws when these would apply unfairly in special circumstances. These principles of “justice outside common law” have been applied in many cases and vast experience gained internationally based on many decisions of International Court of Justice [1]. 5 Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - 2012” 1. Maritime delimitation with Estonia Negotiations between delegations of Estonia and Latvia on Maritime delimitation have been started since 1991. Most of the difficulties to reach mutually acceptable agreement on delimitation were in connection with fishery interests. In spring 1995 differences of positions of both countries escalated evens so that navy patrol boats were involved in the control of disputed area. Nevertheless negotiations were not terminated and in 1996 they resulted in „Agreement between the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Latvia on the Maritime Delimitation in the Gulf of Riga, the Strait of Irbe and the Baltic Sea, 12 July 1996” which soon was ratified
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