650 Romansh Studies X. ROMANSH STUDIES By GLANVILLE PRICE, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth I. BIBLIOGRAHICAL AND GENERAL Kuno Widmer provides a most useful critical bibliography of work on Romansh language, literature, history, and folklore, Bundnerromanisch 1977-1982: Bibliographischer Abriss, laufinde Projekte, Sprachpolitik, Chur, Societa Retorumantscha, 38 pp. This is my source for a number of the items listed below that I have not been able to have access to. It should be consulted in addition for various items (including a number of unpublished dissertations and conference papers and items published in minor journals) that are outside the scope of YWMLS. Among the items I note after Widmer are a number of apparently important articles from the journal *Ladinia: Sfoi cultural dai Ladins dies Dolomites (starting with Vol. I, I977), published at San Martin de Tor in the Val Badia, which is not available for consultation anywhere in the United Kingdom. G. Francescato contributes the section on 'Rhaeto-Friulian' to Trends in Romance, m, I3I-6g, and Romansh of course also figures prominently in R. de Dardel's survey of'Romance studies in Switzerland', ib., IV, 9-39· 2. LANGUAGE GENERAL In all too brief an article, 'Le "rheto-roman" ', RRL, 27: I43-45, Maria Iliescu draws attention to some of the major phonetic and morphosyntactic features differentiating the Friulan, Dolomitic, Engadinese, and Surselvan dialects. But she does not go as far as G. B. Pellegrini, who, in his 'Considerazioni sociolinguistiche sui ladino centrale', in Coseriu Vol., v, pp. 339-47, aligns himself with Battisti in rejecting the widely held view that the Ladin of the Dolomites, Friulan, and the Romansh of the Grisons form part of the same 'linguistic system'; he argues, rather, that Ladin is 'unicamente una varieta, sia pure del tutto speciale, dell'italiano settentrionale'. H. Kuen, 'Die Verzahnung der ratoromanischen Mundarten', in Fest. Hubschmid, pp. 509-22, on the other hand, sees the three dialectal groups as bound together by many features differentiating them from the neighbouring Italian dialects, with Dolomitic Ladin forming a link (Bindeglied) between the western and eastern groups. G. Goebl, *'lsoglossen, Distanzen und Zwischenpunkte - Die dialektale Kammerung der Ratoromania und Oberitaliens aus dialektometri­ scher Sicht', Ladinia, 5, I g8 I : 23-55. ]. Richebuono, *'Von der Romansh Studies einstigen zur heutigen Ausdehnung des ladinischen Sprachraumes', ib., 4, I98o: 2 Ig--41. G. Rohlfs, *'Die Sonderstellung des Riitoroma­ nischen', ib., 5, I98I: I5-21. P. Tekavcic, *'Il soprasilvano. Ritratto linguistico della maggiore delle varieta romance', ib., 27I-g1. Ling­ uistic relics of an otherwise vanished area of Romansh speech are discussed by J. Zehrer, *'Untergegangenes Romanenland in Vorarl­ berg', ib., 293-302. On the At/ante storico-linguistico-etnografico .friulano, see under 'Italian Language', p. 527 above. MORPHOSYNTAX K. P. Linder, 'Die Entstehung des Biindnerromanischen Dativpro­ nomens adami', in Coseriu Vol., IV, pp. 43-55, rejects earlier explana­ tions proposed by Ch. Pult and A. Widmer respectively, and argues, with examples in support, that the origin of the form ada is to be sought in a reinterpretation of ad aquel as ada que[ at the time when the demonstratives in a- (aquel, aquaist, etc.) were giving way to the modern unprefixed forms. P. S. Ureland, 'Typological, areal linguis­ tic and statistical aspects of Raeto-Romanic reflexives', in Ureland, Die Leistung der Strata.forschung, pp. I 7I-2oo, presents in diagrammatic form and comments on a considerable amount of data from both Swiss Romansh and Dolomitic Ladinian dialects and concludes that typological differences between the two areas are due to the fact that they are 'roofed' by German and Italian respectively. I. Winzap, *La posiz:_iun dig/ adjectiv en romontsch, Chur, Ligia Romontscha, I981. H. Stimm, *'Satz-Periphrasen mit "habere" im Biindnerromanischen (Surselvischen)', in Fest. Meier, I98o, pp. 628-38. LEXIS The Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun has reached *fascicle 95, GNIR-GON. The already impressive range ofRomansh dictionaries (see YWMLS, 40: 542) is now augmented by Theodor Ebneter's Romansh-German German-Romansh H!Orterbuch des Romanischen von Obervaz Lenzerheide Valbella (ZRP, Beiheft I87), Tiibingen, Niemeyer, I98I, xl + 686 pp. On the Diz:_ionario etimologico storico .friulano, see under 'Italian Lan­ guage', p. 527 above. Maria Iliescu, '"Weinen" und Verwandtes im Rii.toromanischen', in Fest. Hubschmid, pp. 523-34, offers a semantic-feature analysis of reflexes of thirteen different verbs meaning 'weep, whine, complain, shout, etc.'. A. Decurtins, *'Wortschatz und Wortbildung -Beobachtungen im Lichte der biindnerromanischen Zeitungs­ sprache des I9./2o. Ja~~hunderts', in Fest. Wandrusz:_ka, I98I, pp. 45-57. H. Stimm, *'Uber ja und schon im Riitoromanischen .
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