EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ««« « « « « 1999 « « 2004 ««« Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development PE/X/PV/03-01 MINUTES of the meeting of 22 January 2003, 11.00 - 17.45, and 23 January 2003, 9.00 - 12.15 BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 11.00 on Wednesday, 22 January 2003, with Joseph Daul, chairman, in the chair. 1. Adoption of draft agenda PE 322.168 The draft agenda was adopted. 2. Exchange of views with Franz FISCHLER, Member of the Commission responsible for agriculture and fisheries on the implementation of the mid-term review of the CAP and on the EU's negotiating position at the WTO, with a view to the Cancún summit Speakers: the co-ordinators of the political groups - Lutz Goepel, Georges Garot, Karl Erik Olsson, Salvador Jové Peres, Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf, Liam Hyland and Dominique F.C. Souchet. Commissioner Fischler answered the questions raised by the co-ordinators. members: Hedwig Keppelhoff-Wiechert, Gordon J. Adam, Agnes Schierhuber, María Rodríguez Ramos, António Campos, Arlindo Cunha, María Esther Herranz García, Neil Parish, Niels Busk, Alexandros Baltas, Ioannis Patakis, Mikko Pesälä, Jan Mulder, Avril Doyle, Giacomo Santini, Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler, Erika Mann, Isidoro Sánchez García, Jean- Claude Martinez, Carlos Bautista Ojeda, Francesco Fiori and Christos Folias and Christa Klaß. Commissioner Fischler answered the questions raised by the Members of the Committee The meeting was suspended at 12.40 and resumed at 15.15 with Joseph Daul, chairman, in the chair. PV\475185EN.doc PE 322.170 Or. EN EN EN 3. Approval of minutes of meetings of: - 26-27 November 2002 PE 322.161 - 2-3 December 2002 PE 322.164 The minutes were approved. 4. Exchange of views with Mariann FISCHER BOEL, Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, outgoing President-in-office of the Council Speakers: Mariann Fisher Boel, about the achievements of the Danish Presidency, Agnes Schierhuber, Karl Erik Olsson, Heinz Kindermann, Georges Garot, Ioannis Patakis, Arlindo Cunha, Salvador Jové Peres, Jean-Claude Martinez and the chairman Joseph Daul. The outgoing President-in-office answered the questions raised . 5. Exchange of views with Georgios DRYS, Greek Minister for Agriculture, President-in-office of the Council Speakers: Georgios Drys, about the programme of the Greek Presidency, Hedwig Keppelhoff-Wiechert, Arlindo Cunha, María Izquierdo Rojo, Georges Garot, Neil Parish, María Esther Herranz García, Lutz Goepel, Salvador Jové Peres, Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler, María Rodríguez Ramos, Heinz Kindermann, James Nicholson, Ioannis Patakis, Gordon J. Adam and the chairman Joseph Daul. The President-in- office answered the questions raised . The meeting was adjourned at 17.45 on 22 January 2003 and resumed at 10.00 on 23 January with Joseph Daul, chairman, in the chair. 6. Towards a thematic strategy on the sustainable use of pesticides T08129 -( INI022277 - COM(02)0349 - C5-0621/02 ) PE 322.166 PE 322.166/AM Draftsperson: Encarnación REDONDO JIMÉNEZ Responsible: ENVI R (VAN BREMPT Kathleen - PSE) Adoption of draft opinion Vote: Amendments 1 (1st and 2nd part) , 2 (1st and 2nd part), 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were adopted , as were the original conclusions 1, 5 (1st and 2nd part), 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. The opinion as amended was adopted. 7. Official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption (amending Directive 89/662) ***I T07901 -( COD020141 - COM(02)0377 - C5-0340/02 ) PE 307.274 Draftsperson: Danielle AUROI Consideration of draft opinion Deadline for tabling amendments: 03/02/03 Responsible: ENVI R (SCHNELLHARDT Horst - PPE-DE) Opinion: ITRE A, PECH A PE 322.170 2/8 PV\475185EN.doc Or. EN EN Decision: The draft opinion will be debated and voted at the next Committee meeting. 8. Support for agriculture and rural development measures in Central and Eastern European applicant countries * T08002 -( CNS020227 - COM(02)0519 - C5-0497/02 ) PE 322.167 Rapporteur: Xaver MAYER - Consideration of draft report ° Deadline for tabling amendments: 03/02/03 Opinion: BUDG A Speakers: Rapporteur, Gordon J. Adam, Willi Görlach, Jan Mulder, Lutz Goepel, Heinz Kindermann and Mr Wilkinson on the behalf of the Commission. Decision: The draft report will be voted at the next meeting 9. The future of the milk quota system T08042 -( INI022213 - SEC(02)0789 ) Rapporteur: Elisabeth JEGGLE Exchange of views As two Reports on Milk will be part of the European Parliament's opinion on the Mid- term Review (COM(2003) 23 final), the INI report "The future of the milk quota system" will not be worked on any more. Speakers: Elisabeth Jeggle, Lutz Goepel and Versteijlen on the behalf of the Commission 10. Questions to the Commission - on imports of poultry from third countries (Heinz KINDERMANN) Speakers: Heinz Kindermann, Hedwig Keppelhoff-Wiechert, the chairman Joseph Daul, Georges Garot, Jan Mulder, Francesco Fiori, Gordon J. Adam, Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler and Commission representatives (Sousa Uva, Klemm and Turbiaz). - on marketing standads for olive oil (Enrico FERRI) This question to the Commission was raised in accordance with the decision taken at the co-ordinators meeting on the 27 November 2002. Speakers: Francesco Fiori, Salvador Jové Peres and Mr Divaris on the behalf of the Commission. The Commission will additionally provide a written answer. 11. Possibly, appointment of rapporteurs and draftspersons - decisions on procedure 11.1 Legislative proposals on Mid-Term Review 11.1.1 Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy and support schemes for producers of certain crops PV\475185EN.doc 3/8 PE 322.170 Or. EN EN TO8171 COM(2003) 23 final 2003/0006 (CNS) Decision: report (PPE-ED) 11.1.2 Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999 on support for rural development from the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2826/2000 TO8172 COM(2003) 23 final 2003/0007 (CNS) Decision: report (ELDR, Karl Erik Olsson) 11.1.3 Proposal for a Council Regulation on the common organisation of the market in cereals TO8173 COM(2003) 23 final 2003/0008 (CNS) Decision: report (NI, Dominique F.C. Souchet) 11.1.4 Proposal for a Council Regulation on the common organisation of the market in rice TO8174 COM(2003) 23 final 2003/0009 (CNS) Decision: report (Verts/ALE, Carlos Bautista Ojeda) 11.1.5 Proposal for a Council Regulation on the common organisation of the market in dried fodder for the marketing years 2004/05 to 2007/08 TO8175 COM(2003) 23 final 2003/0010 (CNS) Decision: report (NI, Dominique F.C. Souchet) 11.1.6 Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1255/1999 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products TO8176 COM(2003) 23 final 2003/0011 (CNS) Decision: report (EPP-ED, Elisabeth Jeggle) 11.1.7 Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a levy in the milk and milk- products sector TO8177 PE 322.170 4/8 PV\475185EN.doc Or. EN EN COM(2003) 23 final 2003/0012 (CNS) Decision: report (EPP-ED, Elisabeth Jeggle) 11.2 Proposal for a Council Directive on Community measures for the control of foot- and-mouth disease and amending Directive 92/46/EEC Opinion: ENVI COM(02)0736 - CNS020299 T08152 Decision: Report (PSE, Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler) 11.3 Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a system for the identification and registration of ovine and caprine animals and amending Regulation (EEC) No 3508/92 Opinion: CONT, ENVI COM(02)0729 - CNS020297 T08126 Decision: Report (PSE, Gordon J. Adam) 11.4 Agriculture and rural development: SAPARD programme for applicant countries. ANNUAL REPORT SAPARD - 2001 Opinion: AFET, BUDG, ITRE, CONT COM(02)0434 - INC02-0434 Decision: no report If necessary amendments will be tabled directly to CONT. 11.5 Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1766/92 with regard to the calculation of import duties on certain cereals Opinion: ITRE, BUDG COM(02)0732 - CNS020292 T08125 Decision: report (Dominique F.C. Souchet, NI) 11.6 Women of the rural regions of the Union in the context of the common agricultural policy CAP INI022241 T08108 Fund: FEMM (Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (EPP-ED)) Decision: opinion (Verts/ALE) PV\475185EN.doc 5/8 PE 322.170 Or. EN EN 11.7 Enlargement with: Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic provisions of the Treaty of Accession concerning agriculture Decision: no opinion 12. Any other business 12.1 Ms María Rodríguez Ramos raised a question1 to the Commission about the new Terms of Reference for the public procurement procedure for setting up an observatory for the "Leader+" programme. 12.2 Proposals with a view to studies to be carried out by DGIV or by STOA in 2003 The study on the "development of the farm incomes in the countries of the EU" requested on 3 December 2002 under Mr GAROT'S report, will be incorporated into the 2003 research project . 12.3 Hearing of 18 February 2003 on the future of the dairy sector in the European Union The proposal for the following experts was adopted : - Mr Pekka PESONEN, MTK (Finnish Farmers' union) - Mr Brian K. JONES, FUW (Farmers' Union of Wales) - Mr Jean-Paul JAMET, Director of the CNIEL (interprofessional national Centre of the dairy economy) - M.Robert BRZUSCZAK, président of de l'EDA (European Dairy Association) - Dr. Manfred TAG, Vorsitzender des Milchindustrie-Verbandes e.V. - Mr S.J. SCHENK, President of the "Consultative Committee of milk and milk products" of the EU and President of "bovine uses" of the "LTO" (NL) Mr Josef MILLER, Minister of agriculture of the Land of Bavaria will have the possibility to make a short statement. 12.4 A hearing will be held on 25 March 2003, in the afternoon, on the Mid-Term Review and the implementation of the concept of multifunctionality.
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