TKt EVENING STAR legislative session are these de- >. i WeMtag—i C., Tossdbi, tmmn IP, IM9 velopments which may set the A-6 Dillon Calls Russians' stage for Integration in two localities next Monday unless MOSCOW the State steps In: Bluff on More i 1. A ruling is scheduled today in Trade by Federal District Judge Wai- £ ..... .y E. Hoffman validity allm NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 27 1 Wanted more credit from the -1 ter on the (AP).-—America's top foreign of Norfolk City Council's reso- Khrushchev Boosts 1 United States, it ought to settle for all trade challenged Rus- lution to cut off funds official ' ite past debts—for example |2.8 sia today to prove it really public school grades above tbe wantt trade. He suggested itt billion still owed for civilian sixth to avoid integration. Os ICBM Production buy unlimited quantities oft goods lend-leaaed during World 2. Charlottesville’s city coun- put itself firmly the line nrwß h(c special guests, Including United States consumer goods » War H. cil on CooUMd rtnt i dred today favoring accept- high military officers, high offl- to “brighten the shabby ex- as the ¦re ¦ hopeless business whm average [ Weald Welcome Trade ance of “a minimum of ; among them several dep- yfl istence of the Soviet Inte- they refer to tbe Soviet cials. gration” uty ministers of foreign affaire, citizen.” Reporting that vast quan- rather than have . fi** Union. public schools closed. city scientists C. Douglas Dillon, Under- ‘ titles of food, clothing, The But he offered no new solu- and others. house- night correspondents secretary of State for Economic school board last com- tlon for the Berlin crisis, ¦ Western re- j hold appliances and other eon- reopening ceived tickets valid only for Affaire said in effect he waa mitted Itself to the major source of East-West fric- to- , sumer goods are available for closed High day’s inaugural session of the calling the bluff of his Kremlin Lane and Venable tion. He said neither East nor ¦ counterpart. Deputy purchase by elementary schools on inte- . Premier r Russia, Mr. Dillon an West Germany can be elimi- conference. grated necessary. optimistic and trade expert Anastas I.¦ said: basis It nated "without touching off a While as to the today ' Mikoyan. “As a matter ot national Council’s action was an world war." future. Mr. Khrushchev warned me! Mikoyan 'American indorsement of the school > that much work lay ahead, Mr. told policy, the United States Oov- Germany unification can be hard businessmen on whirlwind J board's stand. achieved, he said, only through i He called on the Soviet people his -1 eminent would welcome a sig- United States tour that Russia -1 nifleant improvement in Soviet 3. The Arlington School Board negotiations between the two i to; trade but living will seek a postponement to- 1. Catch up with and surpass wanted United States 1 standards, in the hope Germanys. A peace treaty i States trade curbs morrow of Federal Court Judge West Berlin’s i the leadinr capitalist countries that United ¦ that this would serve to put a would "Insure prevented it. He made the : damper on the aggressive and Albert V. Bryan’s order to ad- cityhe » in per capita output. conversion Into s free same argument last week in an » expansionist ambitions of their mit four Negroes to Stratford added. The West has rejected I 2. "Ensure the Soviet Un- with . conference Mr. Communist leaders. ~. Junior High School February 2. triumph peaceful official the Soviet free city proposal I ion’s In the Dillon. “In truth, the only thing Board attorneys will appeal economic competition the l the and wants free elections to i with Wm Rebuffed then. Mr. Mikoyan t Soviet Union needs to do if it to Judge Bryan to put the in- unify Germany. capita list countries.'’ sourly that, “the > really wishes to expand its tegration off next -• ' .. commented until fall. 3. "Strengthen further the k '¦ • y ¦ 1 . i, ¦ ¦ cold Is still on at the State > trade with is, quite simply, Judge Bryan’s order up- Teaaiau might’’ war us. was Blames V. 8. far economic sad defense SOVIET EMPHASIS—Russian Premier Khrushchev (right) waves a Department.” The department t to begin trading. I can think held Friday by the United Mr. Khrushchev blamed the . of the Soviet Union. finger for emphasis during a talk with Hans Kroll (back to camera), labeled his comment “fatuous.” ’ of no more direct way to state States Fourth Circuit Court of States for in the Higher Living West German Ambassador to Russia. The conversation came in Moscow the position of the United Appeals. United tension Standard Silent UntO Today Far East. He declared a zone of a reception marking India’s National Day. Facing the camera is States Government.” Attorney General A. 8. Har- Although he said expansion during peace—-an atom-free tone—- 1 Alfred Zehnder, Swiss Ambassador to Mosqow.—AP Wirephoto via radio Mr. Dillon himself was silent t Mr. Dillon said 900 products rison, Jr., notiflea the Virginia . ot heavy Industry would atlll specific j must be created in the Far East from Moscow. —until today, when he gave de- . require no license for! Supreme Court today the State priority. Mr. Khrushchev k and the entire Pacific Ocean , have J tails in a speech prepared forr sale to Russia and many oth- will seek a rehearing of the promised the Soviet people a I i f Mississippi Valley World I era including machinery, area. i ' T the case in which the court knocked The Premier bad last l substantial rise in the stand..re Trade Council. metals and polio vaccine—have down the massive said : living result of the In resistance night at a diplomatic reception of as a Mr. Dillon said Mr. Mikoyan i recently been licensed for ex- laws against racial mixing in ! > crease in his country’s eco- cial, charged that Washington port that “we want a thaw—to thaw laid down “an absolute precon- • to the Soviet bloc. In fact, the public schools. ,; potentialities, financial Interests so far have, out the cold war.” He added nomic further dition to increased trade” - he said, only 10 per cent of all In a 5-2 decision on Janu- technical progress in all eco Khrushchev Renews been unable to participate in United States should United States goods in for- Deputy Premier Anastas I. that the I ary 19, the Supreme Court held that nomic spheres, and “contin- eign Mikoyan’s trip to the United [ a the slum clearance "because underwrite such trade with a l trade are subject to the the school closure, tuition growth of the produc- embargo - States may have helped. uous of a lack of any definite or long-term credit. on war potential! grant, and fund cut-off laws tivity of labor.” Russia, In his speech before the con- socialist Mikoyan Plea Thaw dear plans” for carrying the Mr. Dillon described this as s items to were unconstitutional. The The Soviet people, he said. for gress, Mr. Khrushchev said Mr. program forward. ridiculous. Here, he said, was s Mr. Dillon said nobody could court held, too, the constitu- ' have "such summits’’ expect Mikoyan’s visit showed senti- reached MOSCOW. Jan. 27 (AP).—Soviet Premier Khrushchev told j He referred specifically to the the world's No. 2 economic : i the United States tot tional requirement for the Gen- that they now have the chance ; a diplomatic reception last night: “We want a thaw—to thaw I Southwest, urging that the pro- power asking for trade on the ?provide Russia “with ment for good neighborly rela- important r the! eral Assembly to maintain an growing j enter a “new. out the cold war.” He said Anastas I. Mikoyan’s trip to the • gram there be solidified. same basis as an underdevel- sinews of war while its policies public sys- tions is in the United periodto. development, 1 ¦ efficient free school reported [ of the United States may have helped. [ Mr. Weinberg said the urban , oped country. menaee our own and other free States. The Premier period of extensive building j tem throughout the State still that Soviet trade with the \ of[ Spirited and ebullient on the eve of the 21st Communist I I renewal effort has been too i Meanwhile, instead of work- • world countries." ; society." Soviet living stand- was alive. United States and Europe Communist Party Congress, Mr. Khrushchev made an off-the-cuff talk at t.'complex and that there has ing to raise ; In the political field he called the celebration here of India's. ibeen too slow correlation of the' jarda, Mr. Dillon aald, Russia Edict Due Today trebled from 1990 to 1950. He : for consolidation f further of world ‘further of 1 national day. He said the re- military bases around the So- . actions of public agencies. has made extensive credits said extension the socialist system, the might Judge Hoffman promised a help 1 Soviet port on the United States from viet Union as well as the So- Asked what be done, J1 available In a trade-aid drive trade could ease interna- unity and solidarity of the ¦ Gen. Welling replied: and eventually VIRGINIA ruling today in the Nor- tension. ; his No. 2 man gave him “the viet claim that “w« have plenty r “to penetrate’ the tional Soviet people, development of I “We’re all in this thing to- capture, the newly developing ! Continued From First Page folk case. If he throws out s ma- ¦ idea that there is no excluded of roeketa in position.” plan—and Mr.
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