S. HRG. 109–827, PT. 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION FOR APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007 HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED NINTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON S. 2766 TO AUTHORIZE APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007 FOR MILITARY ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, FOR MILITARY CON- STRUCTION, AND FOR DEFENSE ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, TO PRESCRIBE PERSONNEL STRENGTHS FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR FOR THE ARMED FORCES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES PART 6 PERSONNEL MARCH 1, 14, 30; APRIL 4, 2006 ( Printed for the use of the Committee on Armed Services VerDate 0ct 09 2002 09:27 Jun 07, 2007 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 6011 Sfmt 6011 C:\DOCS\30352.TXT SARMSER2 PsN: JUNEB DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION FOR APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007—Part 6 PERSONNEL VerDate 0ct 09 2002 09:27 Jun 07, 2007 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 6019 Sfmt 6019 C:\DOCS\30352.TXT SARMSER2 PsN: JUNEB S. HRG. 109–827, PT. 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION FOR APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007 HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED NINTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON S. 2766 TO AUTHORIZE APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007 FOR MILITARY ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, FOR MILITARY CON- STRUCTION, AND FOR DEFENSE ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, TO PRESCRIBE PERSONNEL STRENGTHS FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR FOR THE ARMED FORCES, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES PART 6 PERSONNEL MARCH 1, 14, 30; APRIL 4, 2006 ( Printed for the use of the Committee on Armed Services U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 30–352 PDF WASHINGTON : 2007 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Internet: bookstore.gpo.gov Phone: toll free (866) 512–1800; DC area (202) 512–1800 Fax: (202) 512–2250 Mail: Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402–0001 VerDate 0ct 09 2002 09:27 Jun 07, 2007 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 5011 Sfmt 5011 C:\DOCS\30352.TXT SARMSER2 PsN: JUNEB COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES JOHN WARNER, Virginia, Chairman JOHN MCCAIN, Arizona CARL LEVIN, Michigan JAMES M. INHOFE, Oklahoma EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts PAT ROBERTS, Kansas ROBERT C. BYRD, West Virginia JEFF SESSIONS, Alabama JOSEPH I. LIEBERMAN, Connecticut SUSAN M. COLLINS, Maine JACK REED, Rhode Island JOHN ENSIGN, Nevada DANIEL K. AKAKA, Hawaii JAMES M. TALENT, Missouri BILL NELSON, Florida SAXBY CHAMBLISS, Georgia E. BENJAMIN NELSON, Nebraska LINDSEY O. GRAHAM, South Carolina MARK DAYTON, Minnesota ELIZABETH DOLE, North Carolina EVAN BAYH, Indiana JOHN CORNYN, Texas HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, New York JOHN THUNE, South Dakota CHARLES S. ABELL, Staff Director RICHARD D. DEBOBES, Democratic Staff Director SUBCOMMITTEE ON PERSONNEL LINDSEY O. GRAHAM, South Carolina, Chairman JOHN MCCAIN, Arizona E. BENAJAMIN NELSON, NEBRASKA SUSAN M. COLLINS, Maine EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts SAXBY CHAMBLISS, Georgia JOSEPH I. LIEBERMAN, Connecticut ELIZABETH DOLE, North Carolina DANIEL K. AKAKA, Hawaii (II) VerDate 0ct 09 2002 09:27 Jun 07, 2007 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0486 Sfmt 0486 C:\DOCS\30352.TXT SARMSER2 PsN: JUNEB C O N T E N T S CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES ACTIVE COMPONENT, RESERVE COMPONENT, AND CIVILIAN PERSONNEL PROGRAMS MARCH 1, 2006 Page Chu, David S.C., Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness ...... 4 Hagenbeck, LTG Franklin L., USA, Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, United States Army ............................................................................................. 32 Brady, Lt. Gen. Roger A., USAF, Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower and Personnel, United States Air Force .................................................................... 38 Harvey, VADM John C., Jr., USN, Chief of Naval Personnel, United States Navy ...................................................................................................................... 41 Osman, Lt. Gen. H.P., USMC, Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Re- serve Affairs, United States Marine Corps ........................................................ 63 HEALTH BENEFITS AND PROGRAMS MARCH 14, 2006 Schmidli, Tanna, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Na- tional Military Family Association ..................................................................... 107 McCarthy, Lt. Gen. Dennis, USMC (Ret.), Executive Director, Reserve Offi- cers Association .................................................................................................... 128 Ryan, VADM Norbert R., Jr., USN (Ret.), President, The Military Officers Association of America ......................................................................................... 138 Zerr, Edgar M., National President, Fleet Reserve Association .......................... 171 RESERVE COMPONENT PERSONNEL POLICIES MARCH 30, 2006 Hall, Hon. Thomas F., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs ........ 192 Blum, LTG H. Steven, USA, Chief, National Guard Bureau ............................... 202 Vaughn, LTG Clyde A., ARNG, Director, Army National Guard ........................ 245 James, Lt. Gen. Daniel, III, ANG, Director, Air National Guard ........................ 245 Helmly, LTG James R., USA, Chief, Army Reserve ............................................. 246 Cotton, VADM John G., USNR, Chief, Navy Reserve .......................................... 274 Bergman, Lt. Gen. John W., USMCR, Commander, Marine Forces Reserve ..... 280 Bradley, Lt. Gen. John A., USAF, Chief, Air Force Reserve ................................ 292 (III) VerDate 0ct 09 2002 09:27 Jun 07, 2007 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 C:\DOCS\30352.TXT SARMSER2 PsN: JUNEB IV Page CONTINUATION OF HEALTH BENEFITS AND PROGRAMS APRIL 4, 2006 Chu, Dr. David S.C., Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readi- ness ........................................................................................................................ 352 Winkenwerder, William, Jr., M.D., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs .................................................................................................................... 354 Cody, GEN Richard A., USA, Vice Chief of Staff, United States Army .............. 366 Willard, ADM Robert F., USN, Vice Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy ...................................................................................................................... 368 Magnus, Gen. Robert, USMC, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, United States Marine Corps ............................................................................... 371 Corley, Gen. John D.W., USAF, Vice Chief of Staff, United States Air Force ... 375 VerDate 0ct 09 2002 09:27 Jun 07, 2007 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 5904 Sfmt 5904 C:\DOCS\30352.TXT SARMSER2 PsN: JUNEB DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION FOR APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2006 U.S. SENATE, SUBCOMMITTEE ON PERSONNEL, COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES Washington, DC. ACTIVE COMPONENT, RESERVE COMPONENT, AND CIVILIAN PERSONNEL PROGRAMS The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:29 a.m. in room SR–232A, Russell Senate Office Building, Senator Lindsey O. Graham (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Committee members present: Senators Graham and E. Benjamin Nelson. Committee staff member present: Leah C. Brewer, nominations and hearings clerk. Majority staff members present: David M. Morriss, counsel; Scott W. Stucky, general counsel; Diana G. Tabler, professional staff member; and Richard F. Walsh, counsel. Minority staff members present: Jonathan D. Clark, minority counsel; Gabriella Eisen, research assistant; and Gerald J. Leeling, minority counsel. Staff assistants present: Jill L. Simodejka and Pendred K. Wil- son. Committee members’ assistants present: Meredith Beck, assist- ant to Senator Graham; and Eric Pierce, assistant to Senator Ben Nelson. OPENING STATEMENT OF SENATOR LINDSEY O. GRAHAM, CHAIRMAN Senator GRAHAM. The hearing will come to order, and let the record reflect that we’re a minute early. That’s history for the Sen- ate. The marines are out there doing some reconnaissance some- where, but we know they’ll show up here soon. Thank you all for coming. Good morning. The subcommittee meets today to receive testimony on Active- Duty, Reserve, and civilian personnel programs in review of the National Defense Authorization Request (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2007. Senator Nelson, my partner here on the subcommittee, will be coming shortly. I would like to say, for the record, that I could not (1) VerDate 0ct 09 2002 09:27 Jun 07, 2007 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 6633 Sfmt 6633 C:\DOCS\30352.TXT SARMSER2 PsN: JUNEB 2 have asked for a better person to work with. He has been a terrific partner in trying to do what’s best for the men and women who serve our country. I look forward to hearing his remarks here later on. I also want to express my thanks to the other members of the Personnel Subcommittee, Senators McCain, Collins, Chambliss, Dole, Kennedy, Lieberman, and Akaka, and, of course, to Senator Warner, who’s been a great chairman, and Senator Levin, the ranking member, for their support, encouragement, and hard work. Each Senator and their staffs contributed greatly to the formula- tion of last year’s NDAA, which I am very proud of, which provided new authorities for the benefit of our Active-Duty, Reserve, and National Guard personnel. I’d like to congratulate everyone, includ- ing our Department of Defense (DOD) partners here, and the men and women in uniform on a job well done
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