Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 360.200 that are indigenous to the State and environment; or to allow any of the ac- are threatened with extinction. tivities described in this definition. Noxious weed. Any plant or plant [85 FR 12212, Mar. 2, 2020] product that can directly or indirectly injure or cause damage to crops (in- PART 360—NOXIOUS WEED cluding nursery stock or plant prod- REGULATIONS ucts), livestock, poultry, or other in- terests of agriculture, irrigation, navi- Sec. gation, the natural resources of the 360.100 Definitions. United States, the public health, or the 360.200 Designation of noxious weeds. 360.300 Notice of restrictions on movement environment. of noxious weeds. Permit. A written authorization, in- 360.301 Information required for applica- cluding by electronic methods, by the tions for permits to move noxious weeds. Administrator to move plants, plant 360.302 Consideration of applications for products, biological control organisms, permits to move noxious weeds. plant pests, noxious weeds, or articles 360.303 Approval of an application for a per- under conditions prescribed by the Ad- mit to move a noxious weed; conditions specified in permit. ministrator. 360.304 Denial of an application for a permit Person. Any individual, partnership, to move a noxious weed; revocation of a corporation, association, joint venture, permit to move a noxious weed. or other legal entity. 360.305 Disposal of noxious weeds when per- Plant Protection and Quarantine Pro- mits are revoked. grams. The Plant Protection and Quar- 360.400 Treatments. antine Programs, Animal and Plant 360.500 Petitions to add a taxon to the nox- Health Inspection Service of the De- ious weed list. 360.501 Petitions to remove a taxon from partment. the noxious weed lists. Responsible person. The person who 360.600 Preemption of State and local laws. has control over and will maintain con- trol over the movement of the noxious AUTHORITY: 7 U.S.C. 7701–7772 and 7781–7786; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.3. weed and assure that all conditions contained in the permit and require- § 360.100 Definitions. ments in this part are complied with. A As used in this part, words in the sin- responsible person must be at least 18 gular form shall be deemed to import years of age and must be a legal resi- the plural and vice versa, as the case dent of the United States or designate may require. an agent who is at least 18 years of age Administrator. The Administrator, and a legal resident of the United Animal and Plant Health Inspection States. Service, or any individual authorized State. Any of the several States of the to act for the Administrator. United States, the Commonwealth of APHIS. The Animal and Plant Health the Northern Mariana Islands, the Inspection Service, United States De- Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the partment of Agriculture. District of Columbia, Guam, the Virgin Department. The U.S. Department of Islands of the United States, or any Agriculture. other territory or possession of the Interstate. From one State into or United States. through any other State; or within the Taxon (taxa). Any grouping within District of Columbia, Guam, the Virgin botanical nomenclature, such as fam- Islands of the United States, or any ily, genus, species, or cultivar. other territory or possession of the Through the United States. From and United States. to places outside the United States. Move. To carry, enter, import, mail, United States. All of the States. ship, or transport; to aid, abet, cause, [41 FR 49988, Nov. 12, 1976, as amended at 75 or induce the carrying, entering, im- FR 68953, Nov. 102, 2010] porting, mailing, shipping, or trans- porting; to offer to carry, enter, im- § 360.200 Designation of noxious port, mail, ship, or transport; to re- weeds. ceive to carry, enter, import, mail, The Administrator has determined ship, or transport; to release into the that it is necessary to designate the 409 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:46 Jul 09, 2021 Jkt 253016 PO 00000 Frm 00419 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\253016.XXX 253016 § 360.200 7 CFR Ch. III (1–1–21 Edition) following plants 1 as noxious weeds to Cuscuta cuspidata Engelmann prevent their introduction into the Cuscuta decipiens Yuncker United States or their dissemination Cuscuta dentatasquamata Yuncker within the United States: Cuscuta denticulata Engelmann Cuscuta epilinum Weihe (a) Aquatic and wetland weeds: Cuscuta epithymum (Linnaeus) Linnaeus Azolla pinnata R. Brown (mosquito fern, Cuscuta erosa Yuncker water velvet) Cuscuta europaea Linnaeus Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh, Medi- Cuscuta exaltata Engelmann terranean strain (killer algae) Cuscuta fasciculata Yuncker Eichhornia azurea (Swartz) Kunth Cuscuta glabrior (Engelmann) Yuncker Hydrilla verticillata (Linnaeus f.) Royle Cuscuta globulosa Bentham (hydrilla) Cuscuta glomerata Choisy Hygrophila polysperma T. Anderson (Miramar Cuscuta gronovii Willdenow weed) Cuscuta harperi Small Ipomoea aquatica Forsskal (water-spinach, Cuscuta howelliana Rubtzoff swamp morning-glory) Cuscuta indecora Choisy Lagarosiphon major (Ridley) Moss Cuscuta leptantha Engelmann Limnophila sessiliflora (Vahl) Blume Cuscuta mitriformis Engelmann (ambulia) Cuscuta obtusiflora Kunth Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cavanilles) S.T. Cuscuta odontolepis Engelmann Blake Cuscuta pentagona Engelmann Monochoria hastata (Linnaeus) Solms- Cuscuta planiflora Tenore Laubach Cuscuta plattensis A. Nelson Monochoria vaginalis (Burman f.) C. Presl Cuscuta polygonorum Engelmann Ottelia alismoides (L.) Pers. Cuscuta rostrata Shuttleworth ex Sagittaria sagittifolia Linnaeus (arrowhead) Engelmann & Gray Salvinia auriculata Aublet (giant salvinia) Cuscuta runyonii Yuncker Salvinia biloba Raddi (giant salvinia) Cuscuta salina Engelmann Salvinia herzogii de la Sota (giant salvinia) Cuscuta sandwichiana Choisy Salvinia molesta D.S. Mitchell (giant salvinia) Cuscuta squamata Engelmann Solanum tampicense Dunal (wetland Cuscuta suaveolens Seringe nightshade) Cuscuta suksdorfii Yuncker Sparganium erectum Linnaeus (exotic bur- Cuscuta tuberculata Brandegee reed) Cuscuta umbellata Kunth (b) Parasitic weeds: Cuscuta umbrosa Beyrich ex Hooker Cuscuta veatchii Brandegee Aeginetia spp. Cuscuta warneri Yuncker Alectra spp. Orobanche spp. (broomrapes), other than the Cuscuta spp. (dodders), other than following following species: species: Orobanche bulbosa (Gray) G. Beck Cuscuta americana Linnaeus Orobanche californica Schlechtendal & Cuscuta applanata Engelmann Chamisso Cuscuta approximata Babington Orobanche cooperi (Gray) Heller Cuscuta attenuata Waterfall Orobanche corymbosa (Rydberg) Ferris Cuscuta boldinghii Urban Orobanche dugesii (S. Watson) Munz Cuscuta brachycalyx (Yuncker) Yuncker Orobanche fasciculata Nuttall Cuscuta californica Hooker & Arnott Orobanche ludoviciana Nuttall Cuscuta campestris Yuncker Orobanche multicaulis Brandegee Cuscuta cassytoides Nees ex Engelmann Orobanche parishii (Jepson) Heckard Cuscuta ceanothi Behr Orobanche pinorum Geyer ex Hooker Cuscuta cephalanthi Engelmann Orobanche uniflora Linnaeus Cuscuta compacta Jussieu Orobanche valida Jepson Cuscuta coryli Engelmann Orobanche vallicola (Jepson) Heckard Striga spp. (witchweeds) 1 One or more of the common names of (c) Terrestrial weeds: weeds are given in parentheses after most scientific names to help identify the weeds Acacia nilotica (Linnaeus) Wildenow ex Delile represented by such scientific names; how- (gum arabic tree, thorny acacia ever, a scientific name is intended to include Ageratina adenophora (Sprengel) King & Rob- all subordinate taxa within the taxon. For inson (crofton weed) example, taxa listed at the genus level in- Ageratina riparia (Regel) R.M. King and H. clude all species, subspecies, varieties, and Robinson (creeping croftonweed, forms within the genus; taxa listed at the mistflower) species level include all subspecies, varieties, Alternanthera sessilis (Linnaeus) R. Brown ex and forms within the species. de Candolle (sessile joyweed) 410 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:46 Jul 09, 2021 Jkt 253016 PO 00000 Frm 00420 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\253016.XXX 253016 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 360.200 Arctotheca calendula (Linnaeus) Levyns Oryza longistaminata A. Chevalier & Roehrich (capeweed) (red rice) Asphodelus fistulosus Linnaeus (onionweed) Oryza punctata Kotschy ex Steudel (red rice) Avena sterilis Linnaeus (including Avena Oryza rufipogon Griffith (red rice) ludoviciana Durieu) (animated oat, wild Paspalum scrobiculatum Linnaeus (Kodo-mil- oat) let) Carthamus oxyacantha M. Bieberstein (wild Pennisetum clandestinum Hochstetter ex safflower) Chiovenda (kikuyugrass) Chrysopogon aciculatus (Retzius) Trinius (pilipiliula) Pennisetum macrourum Trinius (African Commelina benghalensis Linnaeus (Benghal feathergrass) dayflower) Pennisetum pedicellatum Trinius Crupina vulgaris Cassini (common crupina) (kyasumagrass) Digitaria abyssinica (Hochstetter ex A. Rich- Pennisetum polystachion (Linnaeus) Schultes ard) Stapf (African couchgrass, (missiongrass, thin napiergrass) fingergrass) Prosopis alpataco R. A. Philippi Digitaria velutina (Forsskal) Palisot de Prosopis argentina Burkart Beauvois (velvet fingergrass, annual Prosopis articulata S. Watson couchgrass) Prosopis burkartii Munoz Drymaria arenariodes Humboldt & Bonpland Prosopis caldenia Burkart ex J.A. Schultes (lightning weed) Prosopis calingastana Burkart Emex australis Steinheil (three-cornered jack) Emex spinosa (Linnaeus) Campdera (devil’s Prosopis campestris Griseback thorn) Prosopis castellanosii Burkart Euphorbia terracina
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