Volume I, Number 111 15th Waning Day of Pyatho 1376 ME Monday, 19 January, 2015 President President U attends religious Thein Sein ceremony in conveys a diamond orb Natogyi Tsp to be hoisted NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan gesture of worship. atop Maha — President U Thein Sein They offered foods attended a religious cere- to the Sayadaw and the Zeyathukha mony at a pagoda in Nato- members of the Sang- gyi township of Mandalay ha at a community hall at Lawka Region on Sunday morning. the pagoda. The president pre- The 81-foot-high pa- Chantha sented offertories in kind goda was donated by the to Bhaddanta Janita, the union minister of Transport in Natogyi presiding Sayadaw of the and his family alongside the Ngwetaung monastery in contributions from pious Township, Mandalay, who later to- people. gether with members of the Among dignitaries Sangha consecrated reli- present together with the Mandalay gious objects to be hoisted president were the chair- atop the pagoda titled Maha man of the Union Election Region. Zeyathukha Lawka Chan- Commission, union minis- tha. ters, the Mandalay Region MNA The president and his chief minister, senior mili- entourage went round the tary officers, departmental pagoda clockwise, carrying officials, well-wishers and the consecrated objects as a local people.—MNA CTUM to submit suggestions for minimum wage level Debut performance of to Labour, Employment & Social Security Ministry “Orchestra for Myanmar” to Unions Myanmar (CTUM) rity on setting a minimum workers. After its execu- be held at end of January By Aye Min Soe working together with the wage, will send sugges- tive committee meeting YANGON, 18 Jan— The Ministry of Labour, Em- tions for setting an official slated to be held on 19 and By Khaing Thanda Lwin Confederation of Trade ployment and Social Secu- minimum wage level for (See page 2) YANGON, 18 Jan — The The purpose of the debut performance of Or- show is to create an inter- chestra for Myanmar, a big national-level training plat- musical concert presented form for young local mu- by both local and interna- sicians, the organizer said, tional musicians, will take expecting the orchestra place on 31 January at the will become a role mod- National Theatre in Yan- el for young people and a gon with the aim of turn- symbol of friendship and ing out more talented local peace. musicians. (See page 2) INSIDE MPU discusses Wellwisher issuance of donates heavy development machinery to affairs law and rules Public Works PAGE-3 PAGE-3 Athletes join sports trials for Myanmar teams th Labourers working at construction site of high-rise building in Yangon municipal area. Designation to take part in 28 SEA of minimum wage is expectation of labourers. Games PAGE-3 PHOTO: AYE MIN SOE 2 Monday, 19 January, 2015 NATION AL one mile northwest of IKBZ (Monywa) KIA fans regional instability with grenade the 8th Mile Junction in and mine attacks in Kachin State Mogaung, and the other gives compensation at milepost 9/7 about four NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan the Kachin Independence nade at the brick wall of furlongs in the northwest — A KIA trooper on a Army (KIA) on a motor- a jade extraction centre in of that bridge. of insurance motorbike threw a hand bike on a garage pile went Lonkhin village, Phakant, In another incident, a grenade by stealth into the off without harming any- which caused an explosion KIA troop forced a back- NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan— of Maung Shine Ko Ko in compound of the Lonkhin body. with no damage. hoe driver to destroy four International Kanbawza In- traffic accident of Kyei Sin police station in Mogaung In the evening of the On Saturday after- bridges in villages of Kun- surance Co., Ltd (IKBZ) of Moe bus line. township in Kachin State same day, two KIA mem- noon, two bridges in two zaizup and Namkhai, caus- Sagaing Region Head Of- Marketing manager U on 15 January evening, in- bers on a motorbike flung separate places in Mogaung ing transportation prob- fice (Monywa) gave insur- Myo Thant Zaw of IKBZ juring two policemen and a grenade at security forc- township of Kachin State lems. ance compensation at Win explained types of insur- their families, according to es at the top of a bridge in were burned by the Kachin Local people are re- Unity Hotel in Monywa on ance of the company. reports. Phakant, but it fell on the Independence Army (KIA), ported to be in a state of 17 January. “IKBZ has so far In similar fashion, motorway and exploded reports said. panic as the KIA is fanning Officials of IKBZ opened 12 branches includ- another KIA trooper on a near them. One bridge was lo- instability in the region by presented K22.1 million ing Yangon Head Office to motorbike hurled two hand A mine that a KIA cated at mile post 9/3 on blowing up public proper- compensation for outbreak give insurance services to the grenades into an extractive group planted near a road- Mogaung-Phakant road ty.—Myawady of fire at the building of U customers. Sagaing Region company near the village side drain in front a police Maung Maung-Daw Myo office was commissioned of Thayakon in Phakant station in Phakant went off Myo Lin in Monywa Indus- into service on 4 November township, but they failed on 17 January, damaging trial Zone on 28-12-2014 2013,” Deputy Managing to detonate and were safely vinyl signboards erected on and K3 million of special Director U Nay Myo Aung destroyed by a government the compound of the police travel insurance for demise told media.—MNA military column. station. On 16 January, a mine Two KIA members on dropped by a member of a motorbike threw a gre- Security troops arrest hardcore of KIA (Kachin) with mines, related equipment NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan Township, together with — Security troops search- two remote-controlled ing motorcycles at the mines, one remote and cells bridge near Seikmu Vil- to be installed at the mines lage in Phakant Township, from a polyethylene bag on Kachin State arrested a the motorcycle. KIA hardcore. According to the in- At 9 p.m. on 15 Jan- vestigation, the security uary, they searched a mo- personnel found one black torcycle driven from Sai- bag, 100 metres from Seik- htaung Village to Phakant mu Bridge and seized a .32 An official of International Kanbawza Insurance and arrested Naw Maing, pistol, one magazine, four Co., Ltd (IKBZ) presents compensation for 22, a hardcore of KIA bullets and one grenade in insurance to U Maung Maung of Monywa (Kachin), son of U Tan the bag. Pahok Creek Bridge burnt by the KIA in Industrial Zone.—MNA Ja of Saingtaung, Phakant Myawady Mogaung Township.—MYAWADY CTUM to submit suggestions . Debut performance of “Orchestra for Myanmar” . (from page 1) the minimum wage level in (form page 1) by UK-based charity Live- The orchestra has fu- of the orchestra as well as 20 January, CTUM will sub- 2015, she added. Musicians from the 4Music in partnership with ture plans to do a nation- to audition and coach addi- mit its policy paper with re- The survey being con- National University of KT Wong Foundation, the al tour across the coun- tional musicians from four marks to the ministry, Daw ducted in 108 townships Arts and Culture, the AOC Ministry of Culture, the try during 2015-2016 corners of the country, Se- Phyo Sandar Oo, joint-sec- by a national committee Orchestra, Gitameit, the British Council and the fiscal year to showcase the bastian See-Schierenberg retary of CTUM, said Sun- comprising governmental Myanmar Institute of The- Goethe Institute. achievements and talents said.—GNLM day, the last day of a three- officials and representa- ology (MIT), the Inter- day workshop on setting an tives from employees and national School Yangon official minimum wage for employers include infor- (ISY), and British Inter- workers, in Yangon. mation on daily expenses national School, among The official minimum of families, sizes of fami- others participate in the wage for workers should lies, regional price indices orchestra. not include bonuses, cost- for basic commodities and Over the last few of-living allowances and income and the occupation months, the founder overtime fees, and working of individual able-bodied of Live4Music Sebas- hours should be set at eight family members. tian See-Schierenberg hours a day, she added. The International La- has been working on a The ministry has asked bour Organization, a UN ground-breaking project, organizations representing agency, is also working in involving young Myan- employers and employees cooperation with the gov- mar musicians, to create to submit their suggestions ernment and local research the first orchestra in My- for setting a minimum organizations to collect the anmar. wage level by 31 January, data related to workers and It is scheduled to per- according to CTUM. wages in regions as well. form international songs, A survey to collect in- Pyithu Hluttaw en- Myanmar songs and re- formation to set a minimum acted the minimum wage mixed songs, with the or- wage level is expected to law in March, 2013 and ganizer inviting enthusi- Sebastian See-Schierenberg together with musicians at the National complete in February and the government approved asts to join this free event. University of Arts and Culture are making preparations for the debut concert all parties concerned are the related by-laws in July, The cultural exchange of the Orchestra for Myanmar that will be held at the end of this month. making efforts for setting 2013.—GNLM programme is organized PHOTO: SEBASTIAN SEE-SCHIERENBERG Monday, 19 January, 2015 3 NATION AL NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan— The Myanmar Parliamenta- MPU discusses issuance of municipal law and rules ry Union held a meeting at Zabuthiri Hall of Hluttaw Complex, here, on Sunday.
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