INDEX THIS Index conta.ins no reference to the Introductory Tables which pre. seut a summary of the Finance aud Commerce of the Unitecl. Kingdom, British India, .the British Colonies, the various countries of Europe, the United States of America, and Japan, and various other matters, as well as Additions and Corrections ; nor will reference to suuh topics as Gold, Wheat, &c., be found otherwise than under the producing countries. AAO AFG ACHEI',ij' (Pr,ussia), 833 Acarna.nia, 924 A Aalborg (Denm\'rk), 7211 Accra (Gold Const), 230 Aalen (Wurtemberg), 919 Achaia, 924 Aaleaund (Norway), 1068 Achole (Uganda), 177 Aargau (canton), 1251, 1253 Acklin's hland (Ba)lamas), 264 Aarhus (D,cnmar)t), 7~~ Aconcagu11- (Chili), 679 Ahaco Island (Bahamas), 264. Acre Ter. (Brazil), .662 Abangarez mines (Cos.ta ;Ric~), 719 Adana (vilayet), 1268, 1278 Abbas Hilmi, Khedive, '290 Addah (Gold Coast), 230 Abeokuta (W. Africa), 229 Adelaide, 281, 312; University, Abercorn (Rhoqesia), 195 313 Aberdare forest (B.~- Af.), 175 Aden, 97, 101 ; boundary, 101 Aberdeen, 19; University, 28, 29 A dis Al:Jaba, 51)6 Aberystwith College, 29 Adjame (Ivory Coast), 811 Abeshr (Wadai), 801 Admiralty Island (W. Paci.fic), 867 Abo (Finland), 1155, 1 ~~7, 1.187 Adolf Friedrich (Grand-duke, Meck- Abo (C. Nigeria), 229 lenburg-Strelitz), 8~2 Abomey, 817 Adrar (Spanish Sahara), 11!31 Abruzzi e Molise, 950 Adrianople (town), 1269 Abuna (Coptic), 566 - (vilayet), 1266 Abyssinia, area, 565 Adu(l (4byssinia), 566 -army, 565 JEgean Islands, 928 - books of reference, 567-8 .lEtolia, 924 - cop~.merce, p66-7 Afgh.anistan, arelj., 568-70 -education, 566 -army, 570 -gold, 566 - books of reference, o72 - minerals, 566 - commerce, 571-2 - money, 567 -currency, 571 - population, 565-6 - governl)lent, 569-7 0 -reigning king, 565 -justice, 570 - religion, 566 -land cultivation, 1570-1 - ro11-ds, railways, 5~7 -manufactures, 571 - tillage, 566 · - minerals, 571 -towns, 566 - origin of the Afghans, 569 - weights and mea&~.Ueij, 567 - population, 570 Acajutla (SalvadOf), 1Qll7 -- in Baluchistl!-n, l66 1334 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1911 AFG ALE Afghanistan, products, 570-1 Akhmim (Egypt), 1294 - reigning sovereign, 569 Akita (Japan), 982 - revenue, 570 Akron, Ohio, 363, 501 - trade routes, 572 Aksu, 706 Africa, Central, Protectorate, see Aksum (Abyssinia), 566 Nyassaland Protectorate Akuse (W. Africa), 230 - colonies in, British, 173, 226 ct Alabama, agriculture, 402 seq. -area and pop., 359, 400-1 -- l!'rench, 786, 787 - charity, 400 -- German, 862 et seq. -constitution and government, 400 -- Italian, 67 4-5 -cotton crop, 377, 402 --Portuguese, 1120-4 - defence, 402 --Spanish, 1221, 1231 -finance, 401-2 - East (British), 173 et seq. - instruction, 401 - -(German), 862, 865-6 -production and industry, 402 --(Italian), 964, 974-5 -public lands, 375 - - (Portu~uese), 1120, 1122-4 - religion, 401 - South (British), troops in, 97 - representation, 355, 400 --Union of, 198, 201 - rice crop, 377, 402 - South-West (German), 844, 862, Alafi Island (Pacific), 823 864-5 Alagoas (Brazil), 661, 662 -(Turkish), 1267-8, 1281 Alajuela (Costa Rica), 717 -West (British), 97, 226 et seq. Alaska, area and population, 359, 548 - - (F1·ench), 786, 787 - finance, 548 --(German), 862 et seq. - fisheries, 548 -- (Portugese), 1120, 1121-2 - forests, 549 -- (Spanish), 1231 - gold, 382, 548 Agana {Guam.), 559 -government, 357, 548 Agdenes,. fort (Norway), 1071 -instruction, 548 Agra (prov. ), see United Provinces - justice, 548 -(town), 127 - mining, 382, 548 Agram (Zagrab), 615 - production, &c., 548-9 -University, 617 -public land, 375 Aguarate mines (Costa Rica), 719 Albania., 1268 Aguascalientes (Mexico), state, 1008 ; Albany (N.Y.), .363, 490, 491 town. 1009 Albany (W. Australia), 281, 317 Ahmadabad (India), 127 Albert, King (Belgium), 632 Ahmad Shah, Sultan (Persia), 1089 Albert, Prince (Monaco), 1016 Aim:iks (tribe), 570 Alberta (Canada), 239, 240, 241,243, Ain Sefra (Algeria), 794 246, 24 7' 248 Ainus (Japan), 981 ; (Russia), 1153 Albuquerque (N. Mex. ), 487, 488 Aipere Is. (Pacific), 347 Albury (N.S. W.}, 286 Aituiaki Island (Cook Islands), 341 Alcamo (Italy), 954 Aix (France), faculties, 758 Alcoy (Spain), 1222 Ajmere-Merwara,agriculture, 137,138 Aldabra Islands (Seychelles), 188 -area and population, 122 Alderney, government, 89 ; pop., 22 - births and deaths, 126 Alemtejo (Portugal}, 1111 -education, 129 Aleppo (vilayet), 1268 ; town, 1269 -forests, 137, 138 Alessandria (Italy), 949 ; town, -government, 120 954 ; fort, 962 -land tenure, 137 Alexandria, 1292, 1293; town, 1294, -religion, 128 1302 ; shipping, 1303-4 Ajmer, town (India), 127 - Patriarch of, 566, 1294 INDF.X 1335 ALE ANG Alexandrovsk Gmshevsk, 1155 Alsace-Lorraine, production and Alfonso XIII. (Spain), 3, 1218 industry, 872 Algarve (Portugal), 1111 - railway, 857 Algeciras, 1226 - religion, 834, 872 Algeria, 785, 786 et seq. -representation (Imperial), 827 - agriculture, 797 - Statthalter, 871 -areaamlpop., 786,794-5 Altenburg, 907 -army, 768, 796 Altona, 833, 856 -bank, 799 Alwar, 123, 136; town, 127 -births, deaths, marriages, 795 Amapala (Honduras), 942 - books of reference, 799, 800 Amazona~ (Brazil), 661, 662 -commerce, 78i, 797-8 Amazonas ( Venez. ), 1321 -crime, 795 Ambado (Somali Coast), 807 -debt, 796 Ambans (Tibet), 705 -- defence, 796-7 Ambato (Ecuador), 741 - finance, 795-6 Ambeno, 1121 - fisheries, 797 Amberg (Bavaria), 879 -government, 793-4 Ambriz (Port. W, Africa), 1122 - imlustry, 797 America, British colonies in, 237 - instruction, 758, 795 - French colonies in, 786, 819 et - live stock, 797 seq. - mining, 797 Amhara (Abyssinia), 565 - money, weights, measures, 799 Amiens, 753 - posts and telegraphs, 798-9 Amirantes (Seychelles), 188 - railways, 798 Amoy, 691, 699 - religion, 795 Amritsar (India), 127 - shipping, 798 Amsterdam, 1034; shipping, 1045 ; - torpedo stations, 770 university, 1035 Algiers (Alger), 795, 796 Amsterdam Island, 807 -schools, 758, 795 Amur prov. (Manchuria), 704, 1151 Alhncema Islands, 1023, 1026, 1221 Anatolian Railway, 1280 Ali bin Hamoud, Sultan of Zanzibar, Anch'ing, 691 178 Anchorite Island (Pacific), 867 Alicante (Spain), 1222 Ancona (Italy), 950 ; fort, 964 ; Aligarh (India), 127 town, 954 Allahabad, 127; University, 129 Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 120, Allegheny (Pa.), 363, 509 122, 128, 139, 159-60 Almeria (Spain), 1222 Anderson Institution, 29 Alor Star (Kedah), 170 Andijan, 1155 Alost (Belgium), 637 Andona, 785 Alphonse Island (Seychelles), 188 Andria (Italy), 954 Alsace-Lorraine, area ancl population, Andros Islanu (W. I.), 264 829, 871-2 Anccho (Togoland), 863 - lilirthli, deaths, marriages, 832 Aneityum Is. (Pacific), 347 - constitution, 871 Angdaphorang (Bhutan), 653 -emigration, 832 Angers, 753 ; faculties, 759 - finance, 872 Anglo-F.gyptian Sudan, 1307-10 -instruction, 835, 872 Angola, ll20, 1121-2 -justice and crime, 872 Angora (vilayet), 1268 -live stock, 848 Angouleme, 753 - manufactu1·es, 850-1, 872 Angra (Azores), 1112, 1115 - matricular contribution, 840 Angra Pequei\a (Ger. S. W .Afr·ica), 864 - occupations of the people, 830 Anguilla lRiand (W.I.) 267, 268 1336 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1911 ANH ARK Anhalt, at·ea and pop., 829, 873 Argentine Republic, ba;nks, 580-1 - births, deaths, marriages, 831 -births, deaths, marriages, Ji74 - constitution, 873 - books of reference, 681-2 -finance, 873 - cattle industry, 578 - lplperial representation, 827 - commerce, 579 et ~~q. - instruction, 834 - constitution, 573 - matricular contributions, 840 - currency and credit, 580-1 - occupations of the people, 830 -debt, 577 -reigning duke, 873 -defence, 577-8 Anhui or Ngan-h\\'ei, 690, 697 - diplomatic representatives, ,5~1 Anjouan (Comoro Is.), 806 - emigration and immigration, Ji75 Ankober (Abyssinia), 566 - finance, 576 Ankole (Uganda), 177 -gold, 578 Ann Arbour (Mich. University), 463 -government, 573 Annabon (Span. Africa), l23l - - local, 573 Annam, 786, 790-1 - instruction, 575 Annapolis (Md.), 452, 453 -Jewish Colony, 578 Antal<> (1\.byssiuia), 566 - live stock, 578 Antan~narivo, 802, 803 -justice & crime, 575-6 Antigua, 267, 268 - mining, 578 Antioquia (Colombia), 712, 713 - money, weights, and measures, 580 Antipodes Islands (:N". Z. ), 341 - navy, 577-8 Antivari (Montenegro), 1017-21 - posts and telegraphs, 580 Antofagasta (nrov. ), 679; (town), - President, 573 67 8 ; port: 657, 684 - production and industry, 578 An-tung, 691, 704 ; port, 699 - railways, 580 Antwerp, province, 63:> - religion, 57 5 -town, 637, 640 -shipping and navigation, 580 Anzoategui (Venezuela), 1321 -universities, 575 Apeldoorn, 1034 Argolis, 924 Api Is (Pacific), 347 ~rica, 657, 11J2 Apia (Samoa), 869 Arikis (of Cook Islands), 341 Apolda, 910 Arish, El (Egypt), 1J02 Apolima (Samoa), 860 Arizona (Ter. ), area &; pop., 359, 403 Appenzell (cantons), 1251, 1~5S -charity, 403-4 Apra (G11am), ()59 - defence, 404 Apulia, 951 - finance, 404 Apure (Venezuela), 1321 - forests, 404 Aqua-town (Kamerun), 864 -government, 403 Aquila degli Abruzzi, 9GO; town, 9.64 -instruction, {03 Arabia, 1268 - precious stones, 382 Arad, 587, 615 - production and induHtry, 404 Aragua (Venezuela), 1321 - public lands, 375 Arauco (ChHe), 6.79 - representation, 403 Arcadia, 924 Arkansas, area & population, 359, 40li Archipelago (~urkish), 1268 - charity, 406 Arendal (Norway), l068 -cotton crop, 378, 406 Arequipa (Peru), 1102; Univ., 1103. -crops, 406 Arezzo (Italy), 950 ; town, 951; - defence, 406 Argao (Philippines), 555 - finance, 406 Argentine Republic, agriculture, 578 -government, 405 - area and population, 574-5 - instruction,
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