1 JUNKER’S NURSERY LTD 2011-2012 Higher Cobhay (01823) 400075 Milverton Somerset E-mail: [email protected] TA4 1NJ Website: www.junker.co.uk See website for more detail: www.junker.co.uk elcome to a new look catalogue. Mind you, the catalogue is season, but if that means planting at a time of year when the plants have2 the least of the changes this year! We have finally completed best chance of success, then that can only be a good thing. I would en- W our relocation to our new site. Although we have owned it courage you therefore to make your plans and reserve your plants for for nearly 4 years now, personal circumstances intervened and it has when we can lift them. Typically we start this in mid-October. The taken longer to complete the move than we anticipated. It was definitely plants don’t need to have completely lost their leaves, but they do need worth the wait though (even if the rain is streaming down the windows to have finished active growth for the season. We will then continue lift- yet again, even as I write this in late July!) So much is different that it’s ing right through until March or so, but late planting can be risky in the difficult to know where to start...what remains unchanged however is our event of a dry spring such as we’ve had the last couple of years. Lifting commitment to growing the most exciting plants to the best of our abil- is weather dependant though, as we can’t continue if everything is water- ity, and to giving you, the customer, the kind of personal service that logged or frozen solid. seems to have almost disappeared from society these days. I make no We are blessed with wonderful soil here, and magnificent views, bones about emphasizing this. We propagate from our own stock plants, so we are very exposed. Our plants will be hardy, that’s for sure! and grow on, everything that we sell. We do not buy in to re-sell. It is The following listing is intended to include all plants that will be our belief that too many plants are imported, with inherent establishment available over the next season. Inevitably there will be things I’ve and environmental concerns. So I urge you to “Buy British”! missed, and others will sell out since we only sell plants which we grow The intention with this new catalogue is that you can make notes ourselves. So do please email me your list prior to ordering. In many of personal interest and relevance as you either walk round the nursery cases there will be multiple sizes available. Our new site allows us to here, or research the plants at home. An increasing number of folk have offer much larger specimens in addition to our normal range, including access to the internet, so I encourage you to use this list in conjunction semi-mature maples that need to be seen to be believed! Although our with our website core range remains very similar, we will be developing collections of a www.junker.co.uk number of other plants which will complement them. In time, examples where full descriptions can be found. We’re still intent on including pho- of all our mother plants will be displayed in a natural setting, allowing tos of everything on our website, but you’ll understand that we’ve been a full and meaningful comparison between cultivars to be made. This will bit busy of late… not only look awesome, it will also be incredibly useful. We’ll be doing things a little differently here: we will be grow- Our delivery service becomes increasingly relevant with these ing an increasing amount of our stock in the open ground, to be lifted larger plants —most areas are accessible with patience. Please ask. and root-balled and wrapped (not to be confused with “bare-root” which The other important news is that our son Torsten has joined us is never as satisfactory.) There are numerous advantages to this appar- on the nursery. He’s always had a deep interest in, and empathy for, the ently “old-fashioned” method, not least of which is the production of natural world, but he is also an inexhaustible well of fresh ideas and ex- hardier, more robust plants. They have an established natural root sys- citing plans, most of which I look forward to implementing over the next tem, and are used to growing outside in the real world. Thus they are few years. better acclimatised and will be far more tolerant of the extremes of For the immediate future we will remain open by appointment weather we seem to be experiencing than soft plants pushed on in artifi- only, so do please ring or email before visiting. cial conditions. We believe that the use of peat-based composts and plas- tic pots is not sustainable. The drawback of course is a shorter planting Karan Junker How to use this catalogue. If you are interested in purchasing any of our plants, drop me through an email with your wish list. Give me an idea of what sort of size plants you would prefer and whether you wish to collect or have them delivered. Remember to include your full postal address including phone number and postcode. I will then reply with price, size and availability detail and we can progress from there. For the first time, I have produced a simple list rather become available. than a descriptive catalogue. As we increase the number of varie- In principle the starting size for most things is a 2 or 3 ties that we grow, particularly the number of cultivars within a litre pot at an appropriate price, whilst the older, more mature given genus, so the quantity of any one variety decreases. This plants tend to be growing on in the open ground where they can was making the descriptive catalogue increasingly unwieldy, and develop naturally, in most cases making a more compact, denser I had started to leave out any cultivars only available in small plant than their pot-grown equivalent. This more robust plant will numbers, which seemed a little self-defeating. With current envi- need less staking and protection when planted. ronmental awareness, I am also mindful of paper usage. Times Regular readers may notice the sudden inclusion of change and the internet is becoming more ubiquitous. Thus my a range of Agave and Dasylirion. These are my son Torsten’s intention is that this booklet represents a list of plants that are production. He has raised them all from seed and is excited to see available for Autumn 2011, or will be available over the coming them reach saleable proportions; indeed some of them are now season. Use it in conjunction with the website, which will be up- pleasantly substantial. Perfect for pots on the patio. He has some- dated as often as my time allows, where full descriptions will be what eclectic tastes, with his personal collection including named found. Helpfully, I have left lots of space on the pages here for Echinopsis (basically cacti with amazing great big flowers) - if you to make your personal notes. those appeal (perhaps to encourage an interested youngster) he We are now growing our plants in an increasing num- has a number available in small pots. They are deceptively toler- ber of different sizes which was also contributing to catalogue ant and will happily sit outside in a pot through the summer. Now complications, as it was simply impossible to list all the options that would be a talking point on your patio! with their prices. In principle the price is determined by age As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to rather than physical size. Thus the website will show the starting contact me. Be aware that the new site here is over 3 times the price for the youngest plants. For example, I have Japanese ma- size of our previous holding, so I am not always in range of the ples in assorted sizes ranging from under £30 up to over twelve phone. Thus email communications are preferable as I can deal hundred pounds, with a myriad steps in between. Something for with them at unsociable times! everyone then, but bear in mind not all cultivars will be available Visitors will be welcome by prior appointment only in all sizes all the time. Some plants will sell out, and others may please. Abies—Acer 3 Abies grandis Abies koreana Abies nordmaniana Acer buergerianum Acer campbellii 'Exuberance' Acer campbellii ssp. sinensis Acer campestre 'Silver Celebration' Acer capillipes 'Honey Dew' Acer circinatum 'Burgundy Jewel' Acer circinatum 'Monroe' Acer circinatum 'Pacific Fire' Acer circinatum 'Sunglow' Acer davidii Acer davidii 'Cantonspark' Acer davidii 'Cascade' Acer davidii 'George Forrest' Acer davidii 'Karmen' Acer davidii 'Purple Bark' Acer davidii 'Rosalie' Acer davidii 'Serpentine' Acer forrestii 'Alice' Acer griseum Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium' Acer japonicum 'Ao jutan' Acer japonicum 'Emmett's Pumpkin' Acer japonicum 'Green Cascade' Acer japonicum 'Lovett' Acer japonicum 'Vitifolium' Acer palmatum 'Alpenweiss' Acer palmatum 'Amagi shigure' Acer palmatum 'Amber Ghost' Acer palmatum 'Ao seigen' Acer palmatum 'Aoba jo' Acer palmatum 'Aoyagi' Acer palmatum 'Aoyagi gawa' Acer palmatum 'Arakawa ukon' Acer palmatum 'Aratama' Acer palmatum 'Ariadne' See website for more detail: www.junker.co.uk Acer... 4 Acer palmatum 'Asahi zuru' Acer palmatum 'Autumn Glory' Acer palmatum 'Autumn Showers' Acer palmatum 'Azuma murasaki' Acer palmatum 'Beni gasa' Acer palmatum 'Beni hageromo' Acer palmatum 'Beni kagami' Acer palmatum 'Beni kawa' Acer palmatum 'Beni komachi' Acer palmatum 'Beni maiko' Acer palmatum 'Beni otake' Acer palmatum 'Beni shichihenge' Acer palmatum 'Beni shigitatsu sawa' Acer palmatum 'Beni tsukasa' Acer palmatum 'Berry Dwarf' Acer palmatum 'Biho' Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' Acer palmatum
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