VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax THURSDAY, DECEMBERSEPTEMBER 12 17,- 18, 2015 2013 VOL. LXXXV NO 51, $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax“For Over “For Eighty Over Eighty Years Years The Voice The Voice of Our of OurCommunity Community Speaking Speaking for for Itself Itself” THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2018 Merry Christmas and Happy Kwanzaa This season takes on different meanings depending on who you ask… PHOTO BY BRIAN W. CARTER BY DR. MAULANA KARENGA celebration of Kwanzaa is sacred teachings given to David Hendrix is Santa Claus at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza. the ethical imperative and us by our honored ances- Kwanzaa is a festi- social obligation of the co- tors in the Odu Ifa, which BY BRIAN W. CARTER of baking, shopping and Recently, the Los An- val of harvest and cel- operative creation and shar- tells and teaches us we are Contributing Writer gift wrapping. This time geles Parks Foundation an- ebration of the Good, the ing of an inclusive Good. to constantly strive and of year, so many things are nounced the awardees of shared good, the shared This principle and related struggle to bring good into What’s the meaning of thrown at you, from new its 9th annual Holiday in good of field and forest,practice are rooted in its an- the world, share it and not Christmas? Well, depend- gadgets and holiday sales, the Parks Program, which of fruit tree and flower,cient origins in the African let any good be lost. ing on who you ask, the to office parties and fam- provided $10,000 to parks the shared good of wind harvest and the communi- And this bringing in- answer will vary as some ily get together, So, as we throughout the city of Los and waters, rainfall and tarian worldview and way creasing and sustaining will say it’s a holiday for unwind from a politically- Angeles to put on special riverflow, of life and allof life that undergirded and good in the world must kids, they don’t celebrate charged year, what is ev- end-of-the-year programs. living things, in a word, informed it. The ancient be directed toward an in- it or it’s a day off work. erybody up to this Christ- Nearly 40 recreation cen- the shared good of the roots of Kwanzaa in the clusive good, a good that For many, it’s a traditional mas 2018? ters from every corner of world in all its wonderful shared African harvest and benefits all, a good that holiday that includes a lot Holiday in the Park {See CHRISTMAS A-8} abundance. At the very the celebration of it, im- heart and center of the mediately bring to mind the {See KWANZAA A-9} As we bid farewell to an iconic voice for many generations, we remember what made Nancy Wilson nothing short of a Legend. BY BRIAN W. CARTER platinum artist and top con- 1950s. While touring with Love Her,” which became Contributing Writer cert performer. the group, Wilson made “And I Love Him,” Stevie The singer was born in her first recording underWonder’s “Uptight (Ev- “She wasn’t a celebrity, Chillicothe, Ohio to Olden Dot Records. Along the erything’s Alright)” and she was a partner. She had a Wilson, an iron foundry way, she met many jazz Aretha Franklin’s “Son of profound commitment. She worker and Lillian Ryan, a artists including Cannon- a Preacher Man.” is a heroine. I am proud to maid. Wilson, who is the el- ball Adderley, who encour- Some of Wilson influ- call her my friend...” stat- dest of six children, started aged her to move to New ences includes artists, Di- ed L.A. Sentinel & L.A. singing in church; however York. nah Washington and Nat Watts Times publisher and it wasn’t until the tender age Wilson began perform- “King” Cole. She has cov- Bakewell Media CEO, Dan- of four that she decided to ing at The Blue Morocco, ered many classics with her ny J. Bakewell, Sr. about pursue singing. and connected with Adder- personal touch which al- the incomparable, Nancy In high school, she won ley’s manager, John Levy, lowed her to take songs to Wilson. a talent contest, sponsored who set up a demo session. another level! She released A golden smile and by a local TV station and It was then sent to Capitol eight albums that reached golden pipes with beautiful received her own program. Records and according to the top 20 on Billboard’s hair and musical accolades She briefly attended Cen- Wilson, in five days theypop charts in 1960s. She many artists aspire towards, tral State College before she responded. Her first -al was best known for songs Wilson was truly one-of-a- went on tour with the Rusty bum, “Like in Love!” de- such as “Guess Who I Saw kind. Wilson, who was also Bryant’s Carolyn Club Big buted in 1959. From there Today” and known as a “song stylist” Band throughout Canada she would go on to cover {See WILSON A-14} with versatile vocals, was a and the Midwest in the late Nancy Wilson AP PHOTO the Beatles song, “And I SENTINEL EXCLUSIVE AMANDA SCURLOCK/L.A. SENTINEL E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS Minyon Moore, Donna Brazile, Niele Anderson (Sentinel Reporter), Leah Daughtry (l to r) Craig Hodges, William Allen Young, Ron Brown and Yolanda Caraway kick off the Los Angeles Book Tour for “Colored Girls” at the www.lasentinel.net and Skip Townsend. offices of The Los Angeles Sentinel. {See FULL STORY A-8} {See FULL STORY A-8} A-2A-6 LASENTINEL.NETLOS ANGELES SENTINEL NEWSNEWS THURSDAY,THURSDAY,JANUARY DECEMBER 20, 9, 2018 2014 BY SHANNEN HILL “From Wall Street, to enter- the revitalization of the Contributing Writer tainment, to education.” Crenshaw High School Her first education Garden in partnership with Southern Los Ange- initiative was bringing a Michelle Obama’s “Let’s les community organizer broadcast program to Locke Move” initiative. Most Daphne Bradford, is an of- High School that gave stu- of Bradford’s initiatives ficial presidential candidate dents insight into radio, have been grass roots and for 2020. music and video produc- gained national attention. Bradford grew up tion. This turned into Brad- Bradford’s primary focus- throughout South Los An- ford creating her non-profit es as a 2020 Presidential geles. She lived in Comp- organization, Mother of candidate for the Demo- ton, Inglewood, and gradu- Many (M.O.M.), which en- cratic Party are healthcare ated from California State courages K-12 students in and education. She is also University Long Beach South L.A. to join careers in focused on #MeToo and where she studied finance.STEAM (science, technol- women’s rights as she has Her first career was inogy, realengineering, arts, and been sexually harassed estate and banking which mathematics.) She has been in every industry that she landed her working on Wall recognized for her work as has worked in. Thirdly, Street. However, she ended a 2007 Apple Distinguished she wants to tackle is- up back here, in Los Ange- Educator, a 2011 Microsoft sues of police violence. les, with her career taking Innovative Educator, and a While Bradford supports a turn into broadcast jour- 2012 Microsoft Innovative immigration and the 2nd nalism where she worked Trainer. In 2014, Bradford White House Champion of Change, Daphne Bradford decides to run for Amendment, she wants to at Fox and Sony studios, was also recognized by for- president.PHOTO CREDIT: JOSHUA HIMES reform both immigration along with radio stations, mer President Obama as a and gun laws. Whether she including 102.3 KJLH. An- White House Champion of skills on a college level so many STEAM jobs out munity outreach with the wins or loses, Brandford’s other turn happened after Change. and was supported by com- there and not enough of youth of Southern Los goal for her presidential Bradford interviewed Rosa Bradford’s work in edu- panies, including Google us taking them. College Angeles. One of her latest run is to inspire her stu- Parks in one of her last ra- cation continued as she put and Microsoft. It was also Board had come out with a programs, Building Blue dents and young people dio interviews. That inter- together a group of students supported by L.A. City new Computer Science AP Bridges, works to build of color to get politically view changed Bradford’s at Dorsey High School to Council president, and for- exam for African Ameri- trust between law enforce- involved and make their outlook on her purpose, and participate with College mer Mayor Eric Garcetti. cans, Latinos and women ment and youth. This pro- voice heard. she realized that she wanted Board’s AP Computer Sci- “A lot of the digital me- but we weren’t in the mix, gram partners with the Los to do more and encourage ence Principles course in dia and music programs so I got Dorsey to partici- Angeles Police Depart- For more information future generations. 2016. The course gave are coded and there is such pate.” ment and the Los Ange- about Bradford, visit www. “I’ve done a little bit of Dorsey students the oppor- a need in South L.A.,” Along with STEAM, les School Police Depart- daphnebradford2020.com. everything,” said Bradford. tunity to learn computing said Bradford. “There are Bradford works on com- ment. She also organized Aims to celebrate the diaspora’s growing network of tech influencers and disruptors ners is to help reframe slave trade? of Africa’s tech future while LAS: Perhaps I can help the narrative.
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