hn t rance to h Fr n h hu r h in h r t of an t erb u r C a thed ra t e e c C c t e c yp C y l. r mm a F o /r ce . PROTESTANTS FROM FRANCE, IN TH E IR E ENGLISH HOM . “ 0 W KE R HAW P . S . A . s . s , The maintained their faith in the nob e wa of ersec ution and y l y p , ” se rved God in the fire, whereas we honour H im in the sunshine . S IR THO M AS B ROWN E. WITH IL L US TKA TION S . { canon SAMPS N S N SE E N N O LOW, MAR TO , ARL , RIVI GTO C RO WN BU L NGS 1 88 FL EET STREET . I DI , . 1 8 85 . !All "31m r esew edJ THE NEW Y ORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 18 6491 15 ASTOR, LENOX AND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS 1942 PRE FA C E; A ’ sxs I M M V ‘ M T H E advent a nd ' settlem en t of the Refugees has a lways formed a part of history ; of those who e F scaped from the dire persecutions in rance , m uch has been written , and yet the subject is n ot exhausted . It is the object of this work to chronicle the l ives and progress of the fugitives in England , t he efforts which aided and the influences that u g ided their course , especially in relation to the En glish Church . To illustrate this connection , has been the e a l ding theme of these pages , intended both for t he a d student n general reader . The industries a n d results of their settlements have been so a n d ably treated by Agnew , Smiles , Weiss , d other writers , that repetition on this groun would be superfluous . The thread of history is maintained in various ways ; in the actions a n d h correspondence of famous men , combined wit t o an influential policy , I have endeavoured d trace the annals of a people , who nobly sacrifice ’ a ll for conscience sake . To gather together new facts , to arrive at t he fresh evidence , is the duty of every worker in en d field of research , and to this , valuable letters and extracts n ow appear for the firs t time . An eminent scholar has remarked , There i s ” need of little books on great subj e cts . I f this contribution should form a link in the fi e chain of Protestant history , it will have ful ll d its aim by telling the story of the Refugees “ in ” their English home . As popular interest i s widely recalled by t he Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Revocatio n P r e a ce f . 0 6f068 7 168 of the Edict of Nantes , , 5 , so it is tru sted that this volume may serv e as a fitting tribute to the interesting Commemoration in England and other countries . My best acknowledgments are due to r Mess s . Marcus Ward and Co . for their per m ission to use the portrait of Coligny , inserted from the life of the Admiral by Walter Besant , M A . , to whom , also , I am kindly indebted . 2 2 nd OCT B ER 1 88 . O , 5 C O NTE NTS . A E CH PT R 1. P AGE — — The first settlements French and Walloons L earned m en in En an — e r fr en s s— ar am gl d Th i i d hip W h , ranmer Bu cer are! and ot ers— of the C , , F , h Aid — English Chur ch and the U niversities Foreign — — Chur ches in London John a Lasco The Book — of C ommon Prayer in Fren ch Glastonbury E and the reforme re on— a n dward VI . d ligi C lvi — — The Protector Somerset The Marian perse cu tion and exiles A E CH PT R II. — The refugees u nder Queen Elizabeth Bishops of — London and their aid Grindal and Parker — Walloons and French at N orwich Admiral — Coligny and his brother Odet Their character — — n ns f D r Bersier The St . and influence Opi io o . — ’ Bartholomew and its results The Queen s safety a x' C nt t o en s. — P AGE Canterbury Cathedral and it s crypt chur ch rc s o s ar er r n a t ft an roft A hbi h p P k , G i d l, Whi gi , B c , — and Abbot The reception of the strangers — Religious controversies Refugee Chu rch u nder ames J I . E CHAPT R III . n n r a — r Foreign Protesta ts u de Ch rles I. A chbishop — — Lau d and his m easures The Civil War The — — — Pu ritans Commonwealth Cromwell The R e — — m — n ar es a es . e o at on storatio Ch l II . J II R v c i “ — of the Edict of N ant es Its effects in Englan d — XIV—W m n ou s . a an hi and Fra ce L i illi III . d s — aid t o the refugees Bishop s Compton an d B ur — — net Archbishops Sancroft an d Tillotson Bishop — — Lloyd Marqu is Ru vigny Qu een An ne an d her ass stan e— r h s o s Tenison Wake err n i c A c bi h p , , H i g, — and Secker Their en cou ragem en t of the exiles Corresponden ce with foreign Powers in their b e — — half Antoine Court Close of the persecutions E CHAPT R IV . — — French churches in London Their history Rise and — — fall Thread p eedle Street Church Its m inist ers — — The Savoy and its foreign services Historical — — memories Ministers Somerset Hou se Chapel — — Durham Hou se The increase of churches in — — — 1 685 Spitalfields Soho The smaller churches Dissension between the Con formist and C ontents . xi — P A GE other c ommu nities Royal Bounty Fund and its — history Distingu ished refugees in chu rch annals Allix Casaubon C olomiez Jortin Ro — maine Famou s names in Ireland E CHAPT R V. — Su u r an c on re at on s ro n a ur es—R e b b g g i P vi ci l ch ch y , o er San a st one a ers am Sou th D v , dwich, M id , F v h , — am t on the anne s es e ou s fferen es p , Ch l I l R ligi di c — — — The West of Englan d East Anglia Canter — ’ bury and the crypt chu rch Archbishop Tait s en — — c ouragem ent of Present con dition Historical — and refugee names rou n d Canterbu ry Its ancient aspect and m emories E CHAPT R VI . — {efugee d ocuments and archives Registers of the ur es— Somerset ou se e or ffi e and ch ch H , R c d O c , — — other libraries The State Papers Private and provincial collections Inscriptions Archives — — in Ireland Printed books Correspondence — Offi cial and private The Savile Letters and — Lord Halifax Pu blications of learned societies — — Acts of the Synods Stu dy of the past E CHAPT R VII . ’ — resent stat e of Fren ch Protestantism Influ enc e of — the English Chur ch abroad The Coligny Monu C ontents xii . P AGE r B er3 1 r and ment D . e churches in Paris — Foreign societies and their work America an d — her co o peration Churches still remaining — French Protestant Hospital Archbishop Tait and — his influ ence Hu guenot Society of London — P ub lications on refugee history Bi centenary of — the Revocation of the Edict of N antes C on clusion I LIST OF I LLUSTRAT ONS . Entrance to the French Church in Crypt of Canter bury Cathedral To f a ce title-page P ortrait of Admiral Coligny M edal Commemorative of the Revocation of the Edict of N antes 73 a e from the sa ms after ement arot To ace 1 P g P l , Cl M f 45 P ROTESTANTS FRO M FRAN C E IN TH E IR EN GL ISH HO ME . H C APTER I . — The first settlements French and Walloons Learned men — in En an — e r fr en s s ar am ranmer gl d Th i i d hip W h , C , Buc er are! and ot ers— of the En s ur , F , h Aid gli h Ch ch — and the U niversities Foreign Chur ches in London — — ! ohn a Lasco The Book of Common Prayer in — — n r f rm Fren ch Glastonbury Edwar d VI . a d the e o ed — — — religion Calvin The Protector Somerset The Mar ian persecution and exiles. STRAN GER S is the word often applied to ’ i e those who , fly ng to England for religion s sak from the Low Countries and France , have found n in our la d , a safe asylum from persecution and distress . Their church is frequently alluded to in n early writi gs and documents , and even the “ ” s imple inscription , A stranger, on marble B 2 P r otesta nts fr om Fr a nce tablet, or parish register, records the annals of many an illustrious refugee . The word is now no longer applicable to the exiled bands whose descendants have , in many cases , become one with the tenets of the Church of England .
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