LIN'IED NAT'ONS Distr . GENERAL GENMAI, Al 32/227 . S S E M B LY 29 Septenber 19?? A ENGLISE oRTGINAL: EI{GLISH/FRENCH/ C D NTA<II Thirty-second session Aaan.l a i tam t2 REPORT OF THE ECONOI4TC AND SOCIA], COIJNCTL Note by the Secretary-General The Secretary-General h&s the honour to transnit to the menbers of the General Assenbly the report preparett by the Ad Hoc !trorking Group on the Situation of l{uman Rights in Chil"e in accordance wittr paragraph 5 of Assembly resolution 3I/I2\ ot 16 Decenber 19?6. 't't -1 P'2'7 2 -t- ANND{ CONTENTS Para.qraphs Page fntroduction 1-21 I f. ReLations with the Government of Chil,e 2r-?o L2 II. Constitutional and 1egal d.evelopnents 40-82 A. Constitutional developments \z-65 1'l 1. Essential bases of Chilean institutions. l+z - l+Z LT 2. Constitutional rights and duties 4h-50 r8 3. Etrergency r6gimes ,d Decree-laqs 66-tt 26 1, Dissolution of political parties . 66-7o 26 2. 3a+d.o No. J-0?: restrictions affecting pxinteil natter <l C. The state of Biege 7\-77 )o D, Iltture institutional d.evelopnents ?B-82 IIf. Liberty and security of person 83 - 13U 33 Arrest and detention and the right to a fair trial B3 - 1oo 33 1. Ar.rest and. detention 83-9? 33 2. Detention of persons accused of crimes and the right to a fair trial 93 - r00 37 Disappearance of detained Dersons 101 - 1]3 \2 -2- CONTENTS ( continued. ) Paragraphs c. OfficiaL investigations of cases of ){B -,.'^^.i--ur-15 5 rrrg }Jcr surJs 1]4 - 134 1. Petition concerning 501 rissing Persons 116 - lu l+9 Th\/Acfi daii iht^ diqenncaranoes " ^hc occuring in Novenber and Decernber 1976 .11B-t2o 49 3. qequest for full investigation of cases of nissing persons: the sit-in at the haarinrrarf e-s of i.ha Economic Conmission for l,atin America tzL - ta) 5O D. Lists of missing persons and. govearment replies . f2\ - I27 53 E. Obstacles placed in the l,ray of investigations of disaplearances , . 128 - 130 55 T h! ur!'P!- uu shorl' that missing persons have not actually di sappeared 131 - 13\ 57 Torture and other forns of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatroent or punistnnent; the specialized organs of State security . 135 - L65 59 A, Torture and other crue1, inhuman or degrading treatment ar punishment ]37 qo B. I$ev system of intirnidation 'r ?R - Ihl 50 C. nffects of torture and long-term imprisonnent ' 1l+2 - 11+[ 62 D, TYre specialized organs of State security 1l+5 - ItB OJ E. Prosecution and punislnnent of those responsible for torture ' r59 - r6a oo T. Dissol-uti.on of the Directorate of National rnf €'l li]'ence (DT\A) a.nd establishment of the Nat ional Information Agency' and the new provisions relating to the Law on the L,c(;cenrrri u] f UJr .f +ha sr-.c+.a 161 - 165 57 *3- CONTENTS ( continued ) Paragraphs Page V. IXlIE 166 - 19r T3 Deprivation of nationality . t68 - r72 T3 .EK1TE r73 - r77 75 1. Supreme decree No. 5OI+ 173 - 17l+ 75 2. The exile and, release of Joxse l.{ontes yr5 - rT7 76 C. Expulsion and return fron exile 178 - 185 77 D, The situation of refusees 186 79 E. Diplonatic asylun 187 B0 I. Passports "valicl only to l_eave the countryrl lBB - 191 80 VI. Intel-1ectual f?eedon and cul_tural riehts 1q2 - 221 82 A. The nass ned.ia of conmunication L95 - zOT 82 -r. l(ao10 r97 - 2o2 83 2. Printing anal publishing 2o3 - 2o7 85 Theatre aod the arts . 208 - 2ro 87 (\ Etluc at i on ?rr - 22L 8B 1. Restrictions on intel,lectua]. freedon 2l-1 - 214 BB 2. Eeonmic aspects of ed.ucation . , . ,1q - 221 89 VII. Econcmic and social riehrs 22? - 2Br o2 A. Econcmic rights o2 1. tuploynent 2)6 ot ")s - 2. W€ges anal inflation 93 The human rigbts situation and its effect on the econcrny o( -l+ - CONTENTS (continued ) Paragraphs Page C. Trade unions . d+O - 260 98 1. Exercise of trade union rights 2\2 - 249 loo ) Interference witb trade union activities 250 - 256 103 3. Exile, d.eprivation of nationality and other actions aeainst trade unionists . 257 - 260 105 D. u^^] r L 26r - 28I 10? 1. Healthservices... 262 - 273 l-o? 2. Situation of health personnel )7)J - 217 Il2 ? Nutrition 278 - 2Br LL3 VIII. Concludins observations 282 - 310 LLO IX. Adoption of the report 311 ANNUIIS I. Ceneral Assembly resolution 3]- /]'2\ ot 15 Decenber l-976 r23 II. Coro.ission on Human Rights resolution 9 (y'XxIII) of 9 March 1977 l-26 II1. Chronological list of Televant v'ritten eormunications received from the Goverrnaent of Chile since the adoption of the Grouprs reFcrt t. thc Cornni ssion <..,r.r Human Rights (E/CN.\ /f227) 128 IV. Letter dated 20 April r9?? from the Director of the Division of Human Rights addressed to the Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations Office at Geneva . 131 V. Letter dated. Il I'lay 1977 from the Pernxanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations Office at Ceneva addressed to the Director of the Division of Humar Riahts VL Letter dated. 20 \Aay 1977 from the Chairnan of the Ad Hoc I.trorking Group ad.dressed to the Permanent Representative 'I of Chile to the United l{ations Office at Geneya ?? VII. Note verbale dated 1J Jrne I9T7 from the Permanent l{ission of Chile to the United Nations office at Geneva addressed r:l' to the Director of the Division of Human Rigtlts VIII. Lette" dsted 4 JnIy 1977 from the Permanent I{epresentat ive of Chile to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the Chairnxan of the Ad Hoc Workins Group L5) COilTEt{TS ( continued) A]INIXES ( continued) lcss rx. Decree-l,aw No. 1689 138 Y Decree-law i'Io . l-684 1Io XI. State&ent by the President of the Republic of Chi.le broadcast on 18 l{arch 1977 . 1!1 XII. Decree-Iaw No. 169? 147 XfII. Statement nad.e by the Perranent Cornnittee of the Episcopa"l Conference of Chile, issued on 25 l{arch L9?7 150 XIV. Statenent made by the President of the Republic of Chi.l-e on 9 July 1977 XV, Report on a visit to Cbile by llaitre Louis Edmond Pettiti, Avocat d, La Cour d'Appe1 tte Paris snd. Bdtcnnier design6 ae lrOrdre des Avocats, antl }daitle Bernard. Andreu, Avocat d la Cour drAppe]. rle Paris XVI. Statement eade by Carlos Arnaldo Veloso Beitlenbaeh and qarlos Hector Veloso Figueroa . )-69 XVIf. Report of an interviev vith OsvaLclo Figueroa and. lduard.o de l-a Fuente 180 xvIl.L. "Bello Doren breaks his silencett, articLe appearing in Solidaridad, i{o. 23 185 XIX. Reports of recent arrests anat aletentiong in Chile 1BB xx. Svorn decl-aration by a former detainee 'I olr ]o(I. Statenent nad.e by Carabineros Captain Clernent N. Burgos l-96 XXII. St atement made by Selenisa Caro Rios de Diaz, vife of 'r vlctor Daa.z 07 XXIII. Letter d.ated I February 1977 fron the Perranent Representative of the United llingdom of creat Britain and llorthern lreland to the United Nations Office at Geneva addresseil to the Director of the Division of fiuman Rigbts 201 XXIV, l4emorandr:rn of the Goverru[ent of t]re United Kingdcnn of creat Bri.tain and i'lorbhern Irel-anil, relating to 1.,1r. tfillian Beausire 203 XXV, Comrents by the Chilean Secretary of Justice on the United Kingdon Govetnment rs nemorsndum relating to l{r. Wifliam Beausire 206 nffL Statenaent on the d.etention of Newton l4oreles Saaved.ra 2r0 nWII. StateneDt on the d.etention of Rosa E1ena MoraLes IUor€J-es ( /tn r\r rnTintni< /^^-+i-,,-/] l AXINEXES (continued ) XXVI]I. f..<eerpt s fron eyewitness reports of the detention of l{aria Angelica Andreoli Bravo . 2r\ XX]X. Missing persons seen in detention in Chile 2L6 xiix. Note verbale dated 12 August l-977 fron the Permanent l'lission of Chile to the United. ltlations Office at Geneva addressed to the Secretary-General .. ?19 xxxr . Statenent concerning the detention and death of Gustavo Humberto Castro Hurtado . 228 XXXII. St at esrent nade by Genaro Bernad.o Appelgren Donoso . 229 XXXIII. Official Chilean documents adnitting the detention of missing persons Earbara Uribe TanbLay, Edvin van Yurich and Bautista van Schouwen 230 IOO(IV. Inforrnation concerning investigations into the detentj.on And rli<e-rnpal.en,'a .r. t? nFrc^nq ih lTnr.Frnber and Decenber fg7 6 232 XXXV. l{essage to the Secretary-Genera1 from the persons partieipating in the sit-in strike at the headquarters of the Econonic Commission for Latin Anerica. SantiaAo XXXVL Ivlessage of thanks to the Secfetary-General from the participants in the sit-in strike at the headquarters of the Economic Conmission for Latj.n America, Santiago XXXVIL Tnfornation concerning missing persons whose relatives Farticipated in the sit-in strike at the hesdquarters of ttre Economic Cornmission for Latin America, Santiago GVIIT. Note verbale clated 26 August 19?T from the Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the Chairnan of the Ad tloc l,lorking Grcup "\6 XXXIX. Excerpts from the report of a nission to Chile under the auspices of the trlorld Council of Churches relating to threats to signatories of a petition to the Supreme Court . 2\8 XL.
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