Rock Island County 1504 Third Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201 (309) 558-3605 Public Works and Facilities Committee Agenda Tuesday November 13, 2018 8:30am The Public Works and Facilities Committee of the Rock Island County Board will meet at the above date and time in the Conference Room of the Administration Office on the second floor of the County Building, 1504 Third Ave, Rock Island, IL. Agenda as follows: 1) Call to order and roll call 2) Public Comments 3) Approval of the minutes from the October 9, 2018 meeting 4) Reports to the Committee 5) Consider ZBA cases: a. RZ-18-117 Wynn Rental, L.L.C. R-1 to I-1 BO, Bowling Township b. RZ-18-118 Dorian & Julie Kainec SE-1 to SE-2 BP, Buffalo Prairie Township c. RZ-18-119 Bruce & Angela Anderson AG-1 to AG-2 CO, Coe Township 6) Consider GIS Enterprise Zone items a. Review and approve ordinance amending territory ordinances for enterprise zone b. Review and approve ordinance enacting policy state to encourage diversity hiring c. Review and approve agreement among Bi-State Regional Commission and the governments of East Moline, Milan, Moline, Rock Island, Silvis, and Rock Island County for contractual services related to the preparation and monitoring of a contract for enterprise zone application assistance d. Review and approve agreement between Bi-State Regional Commission and Opportunity Alliance LLC 7) Consider 5 highway items a. Review MFT Resolution for the Bi-State Regional Commission b. Review MFT Maintenance Resolution c. Review the Resolution Appropriating Funds for the County Engineer’s Salary d. Review the agreement for Bridge Inspections and Bituminous Plant Inspections e. Discuss and approve quotes for replacing heater tube 8) Committee member opportunity for brief comments (no decisions will be made) Public Works Committee Agenda 9) Adjourn Future scheduled meetings December 10th and January 7th Page 2 of 2 Rock Island County 1504 Third Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201 (309) 558-3605 Public Works and Facilities Committee Minutes Tuesday October 9, 2018 8:30 a.m. The Public Works and Facilities Committee of the Rock Island County Board met at the above date and time in the Conference Room of the Administration Office on the second floor of the County Building, 1504 Third Ave, Rock Island, IL. Chair Larry Burns called the meeting to order. Minutes as follows: 1) Call to order and roll call Committee members present: Larry Burns, Jeff Deppe, Edna Sowards, Bob Westpfahl Committee members absent: Ed Langdon, Ginny Shelton, Richard Morthland, Robert Reagan Others Present: Bill Long, John Massa, Larry Wilson, Josh Boudi, Pat Koranda, Ken Maranda, Jim Snider, Louisa Ewert, Darren Hart, Dewayne Cremeens, Brian Vyncke, Kurt Davis, Chuck Layer 2) Public Comments-none 3) Approval of the minutes from the September 10, 2018 meeting Motion: Robert Westpfahl 2nd: Edna Sowards Voice vote Motion carried 4) Reports to the Committee GIS-Josh Boudi reviewed his GIS report. Bi State and Loud Thunder are working on grant for new camping sites. Also tax maps are ready for pickup, and only $16,000 was received from reporter fund. Motion to approve report: Jeff Deppe 2nd: Robert Westpfahl Voice vote Motion carried Jim Snider reported structural engineering report for attic not yet received but should be fine. They will give us layout of where books should be stored. Sheriff has still been working on and having discussions regarding move for Corners office. He introduced Jennifer Ryder the new administrative assistant to the committee. Macy is returning and moving to HR and then hiring another new person. Thanks to Angie Williams for her help. Motion to approve Jim’s report Public Works Committee Agenda Motion: Jeff Deppe 2nd: Robert Westpfahl Voice vote Motion Carried Greg at another meeting so everyone had reports to review and approved Motion: Jeff Deppe 2nd: Edna Sower Voice vote Motion Carried John Massa from Highway Department reported on 3 items: Bid for used excavator that was replaced. Low bid with trade-in was from Martin equipment for $131,500. Two other bids were higher. Purchased machine is a 2014 excavator 250G Other bid was for cutting blades for snowplows –had 3 bids and low bid was Winter Equipment for $2,546.60 Last item is supplemental engineering agreement for County Highway 11 Bridge. Additional work is not to exceed $17,737.58. Need to readjust the plans and resubmit reports to idot. Motion to accept his report: Bob Westpfahl 2nd: Ken Maranda Voice vote Motion carried 5) ZBA cases a. RZ-18-113-Jayme & Toni Massa, AG-2 to SE-1, Hampton Township b. RZ-18-116-Mark & Rebekah Aherns, AG-2 to SE-1, Bowling Township c. SU-18-212-Doris & Richard Goode, Density increase on AG-1, Buffalo Prairie Township d. SU-18-213-Sally Munson, Rural residential Bldg. lot on AG-1, Coe Township Motion: Ken Maranda 2nd: Edna Sowers Voice vote Motion carried 6) Committee member opportunity for brief comments (no decisions will be made) Jeff reminding everyone to attend Arrowhead Roundup this October 13th 7) Adjourn 8:50am Future scheduled meetings November 13, December 10 Page 2 of 2 ROCK ISLAND COUNTY BOARD PUBLIC WORKS & FACILITIES COMMITTEE November 13th, 2018 GIS Report • Enterprise Zone ordinances (attached) • Enterprise Zone consultant (Opportunity Alliance) agreement and contract (attached) • Finalized aerial photography products from participating jurisdictions (attached) • Final tax parcel maps are ready for pickup • $19,552 was received in recorder fee revenue for the month of October OFFICE OF GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS Rock Island County, Illinois 1504 Third Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201 Phone: (309) 558-3772 • Fax: (309) 786-4456 HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE ROCK ISLAND COUNTY BOARD KENNETH E. MARANDA, CHAIRMAN ******************************************************************************** The following report of activities and building statistics for the month of OCTOBER, 2018 is hereby submitted for your information and review: NUMBER AMOUNT ACCESSORY BUILDINGS 6 $1,246.00 AG EXEMPT 1 $0.00 ALTERATION/RENOVATION 60 $8,995.00 COMMERCIAL 4 $84,232.00 CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION 7 $350.00 DEMOLITION 1 $100.00 MISCELLANEOUS 15 $1,480.00 NEW RESIDENCES 4 $5,987.00 PENALTIES 1 $125.00 PLUMBING 13 $2,074.00 SUBDIVISION FEES 4 $400.00 ZBA FEES/ZONING RENEWALS 2 $1,205.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS: 97 $34,110.00 ANDALUSIA -$274.00 RICSWCD -$0.00 TOTAL NET REVENUE: $105,570.00 The estimated total value of all work related to building projects this month $14,032,584.50 (OCTOBER 2017 totals: 94 Permits, $33,522.20 with an estimated valuation of $2,922,518.00) Fiscal Year Totals Comparison: Year YTD Receipts YTD Fees YTD Valuation YTD New YTD Fees Residences Waived 2016-17 1137 $329,155.15 $27,738,130.75 31 $0.00 2017-18 1101 $372,469.60 $39,046,737.50 25 $0.00 Respectfully Submitted: ___________________________________ Gregory Thorpe, Director ROCK ISLAND COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS 2017-18 NEW RESIDENCES Housing Total Sq Average Month Starts Ft Valuation Total Valuation Permit Numbers December 3 5,598 $ 325,041.33 $ 975,124.00 18-0018 18-0027 18-0041 January 2 5,686 $ 329,837.50 $ 659,675.00 18-0057 18-0071 February 1 1,890 $ 225,000.00 $ 225,000.00 18-0096 March 1 2,617 $ 455,750.00 $ 455,750.00 18-0131 April 2 5,834 $ 446,000.00 $ 892,000.00 18-0177 18-0192 May 2 3,852 $ 308,500.00 $ 617,000.00 18-0247 18-0286 June 3 7,791 $ 358,603.17 $ 1,075,809.50 18-0327 18-0330 18-0344 July 3 4,633 $ 263,553.83 $ 790,661.50 18-0416 18-0444 18-0447 August 3 6,897 $ 289,943.17 $ 869,829.50 18-0499 18-0524 18-0542 September 1 1,655 $ 256,000.00 $ 256,000.00 18-0588 October 4 6,561 $ 206,898.63 $ 827,594.50 18-0642 18-0662 18-0666 18-0729 November 25 53,014 $ 305,777.76 $ 7,644,444.00 Avg Sq Ft 2,121 Avg Price per sq ft $ 144.20 ROCK ISLAND COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS 2017-18 NEW RESIDENCES CR COE CC ZU PB HA SM SRI BH CV RU BO ED AN BP DR Total Dec 1 2 3 Jan 2 2 Feb 1 1 Mar 1 1 Apr 2 2 May 2 2 Jun 1 2 3 Jul 1 1 1 3 Aug 1 1 1 3 Sep 1 1 Oct 1 3 4 Nov 0 Total 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 17 1 0 0 0 25 Fee-In-Leiu Running Total Date Permit # Fee Description 8/5/2014 14-0459 $ 6,120.00 NORKEV hangar 2/7/2017 17-0088 $ 4,680.00 Taxiway K connector 2/7/2017 17-0089 $ 32,760.00 NW Service road - phase 1 10/31/2018 $ (16,000.00) South Moline Twp - North Shore Drive Culvert $ 27,560.00 2019 Aerial Photography Participants JURISDICTION PRODUCTS City of Geneseo 3”, LiDAR City of Rock Island 3”, True Ortho in 8 tiles downtown City of East Moline 3”, Potential LiDAR (1” DEM) City of Moline 3”, 1’ DEM City of Silvis 3” Scott County 3”, Updated building planimetrics (footprints or rooftops) City of Davenport 1.5”, DTM with breaklines and 1ft contours City of Bettendorf 1.5”, LiDAR data that supports 1’ contour lines (no DTM for breaklines) Village of Milan 3”, 1’ DEM Village of Cambridge 3” Village of Carbon Cliff 3” Village of Coal Valley 3” Rock Island County 3” Muscatine County 3” except for four cities below City of Muscatine 1.5”, True Ortho in downtown City of West Liberty 1.5” City of Wilton 1.5” City of Fruitland 1.5” Rock Island County wide MrSID and a metro MrSID.
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