•v r No. 18. LOCAL AFFAIRS. elected president; Mrs. F. W. Uollim. vice-president; Mrs. J. H. Brimmer, secretary and treasurer. Rev. R. J IN YOUTH NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK. Mathews spoke interestingly on the r'fc In S Mitchell. NO bankruptcy—Irving in *• troubles 8PENDING IN AGE —Horatio D Wakefield. cent Turkey. Kefreshraen e New Tel &. Tel Co—Notice. were served. Food tt |( as WF grow older that we moot need and appreciate the comforts that England ,J |t Prank C Perkins—Real estate sale. WE INVITE your eaTlnga account, large or small. Last dividend y will buy. Mr*,<H E Davis—Housekeeper wanted. About twenty business men respondet cent. Deposits go on Interest June I. Eastern Co—Summer schedule. /rate of 4 per Steamship to the call for a at R. C. Haines Ellsworth Greenhouse. meeting healthful and nutri- Floyd Market— 8pecial sale. store Tuesday evening, for the purpose o Hancock Co Savings bank. a merchants’ Burrlll Nat’l Bank. forming association. Th tious when raised with cock County Savings Bank, RC Haines—Undertaking and furniture. matter was informally discussed, ah: Union Trust Co. it was decided to call a ELLSWORTH. MAINE. J A Haynes—Cash market. finally specie Tbbmont, Mb: meeting to be held at the aldermen’* ESAVING H RumUl—Notice of foreclosure- room it) Hancock hall, to-morrow Joseph evening Bucksport, Me: at 7 o’clock. Bucksport Nat'l bank. FOR SALE. There was a slight fire'at the home oi Banoor, Mb: Judge John B. Redman on Main streel ERstern Trust A Banking Co. Monday afternoon. The fire fron. Watervillb, Mb: caught made ONE COTTAGE ONE RESIDENCE Mitchell A Co—Man wanted. a burning chimney in the roof of the ell, The only baking powder and burned the roof. The fire- through from Royal Crape ^ AT IN 8CHEDULE OF MAILS. men used commendable care in putting Cream of Tartar AT ELLSWORTH POSTOFFICB. on no more water than necessary, but th< In Oct. 1808. BAR HARBOR.- ELLSWORTH. effect 6, damage from smoke and wrater is neverthe- Made AtsoluteyYv less considerable. from MAILS BCCBIVBD. Grape* .POKE Z From West—7.18 a m; 4.39 and 6.08 m. p Avery pleasant affair was the reception From East— 11.07 a m; 12.06, 5.55 and 10.52 m. p given by the ladies’ aid society of the ONE STORE ONE FARM mail closrs at postofficb. Methodist church last evening to the V- from Union Goivg West—10.46,11.30 a m; 5.30 and 9 pm. W. F. and and Dis- nn Pnairlh Cfrppf extending River bay pastor, Emery wife, the Oil rourin Oircci, to Going East—4.30 a 4 and schorl board by the class president, COMING KVKN I'S. Morgan’s bay. with buildings at m; 6.30 p m. trict Superintendent H. B. Haskell and No Sunday mail. Harry Jordan. The class will instead j wife. The reception was held at the ELIA'WORTH. ELLSWORTH. NEWBURY NECK. present a short play in the evening, fol- J church vestry. About fifty were present. Thursday afternoon, May 6, at Uni- lowed by the usual reception and ball. It | Mrs. Gertrude Frost is the of W. There was an interesting musical program. tarian vestry- Cooked food sale. guest is possible that some class parts will be J. Clark and wife. Refreshments were served. 8—Dance at So- C. W. & F. L. MASON, dslivered in connection with the play, or Saturday evening, May The Thursday club 'will meet this week After fifteen years’ service in the life and that a prize contest of the undergraduates ciety hall. First National Bank Building. Ellsworth, Maine. with Mrs. Arthur Shute. accident insurance business, Frank L.■ may be arranged for the afternoon in con- Wednesday, May 12, at Hancock hall— an old nection with the senior class and a Paul W. Scott, of Deer Isle, a deputy Tburber, Ellsworth boy, has re- parts •‘Young Mrs. Winthrop,” by local cast* sheriff, was the guest of Sheriff Silsby for signed from the Pacific Mutual life to presentation of diplomas. under auspices of Village improvement a day or two this week. take an interest in the Western Reserve society. and Health Insurance Motor Car Co., at assum- At Ellsworth Accident One more case of scarlet fever has Cleveland, Ohio, Fouudry. Wednesday afternoon and evening, May ing charge of the electric One of the busiest in Ellsworth toindemifv one for time lost. The lpwest rates for the most liberal policy in appeared in the city, making live families department. places 26, at Baptist church, Ellsworth—Basket This company handles the Pierce-Arrow is the Ellsworth & Ma- The FIDELITY & CASUALTY CO., of Now York. now under quarantine. to-day Foundry meeting of Woman's Baptist home ami and Woods electric cars. chine Works. Many orders are being foreign missionary societies of Hancock Miss Rose Clark, who spent the winter O. W. filled for the air pump built by this com- association. TAPLEY, Agent, with her Mrs. Dana in The many friends of John O. Whitney, sister, Danforth, which attracted such atten- COUNTY. ELLSWORTH, v ■ MAINE. pany, large B’oxcroft, returned home Thursday. of Whitcomb, Haynes A Co., are sorry to tion at the motor boat and show at Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, know of bis serious as the result engine A. L. of illness, 7 and of American In- Capt. Bellatty, the schooner Boston last year. July 6, 8-Meeting Properties in Ellsworth, Surry, Lamnine, Hancock, of a cut on his forearm received on a ClITTnM sailed right stitute of Instruction at Castine. Otronto, to-day for Jonesboro, The is now fitting up the If. liar Northeast South- circular saw in one of the mills of the company just SMI OUllUn, Sorrento, Harbor, Harbor, where he will load laths for New York. large new sardine boat of the Frenchman’s ESTATE west Harbor. Also other Properties on the Coast. company two weeks ago. The wound it- dtmcitifinnnue REAL James E. Parsons, John B. Redman and Bay Packing Co., of which Arthur B. bands, of the National self was slight, but recently has become Timber liepres ptative Co-operative Ilealty Company. W. H. Dresser attended the session of the Holt is manager, with duplicate eighteen of the Life Assurance greatly inflamed, and blood-poisoning is Also liepresentative Equitable Society. grand masonic bodies in Portland this horse-power Ellsworth engines, with sep- feared. Mr. Whitney is confined to his I onice at Residence, Road, Ellsworth, Maine. week. arate reverse gear and two GLASS Surry bouse. propellers. WATER Mrs. Annie M. Smith left for Boston The engines can be run together or inde- Tbe Sarah Ware skull which was one can be run ahead and Monday night, called there by the seri- pendently ;*or brought to Ellsworth and exhibited dur- the other t4ie boat in ous illness of her daughter, Mrs. Morey reversed, turning For the trial some Preserving Eggs. Tripp. ing Treworgy years ago its own length. It is as complete a power was placed in the custody of the county equipment as ever installed in a boat of Market s The Calendar society of the Methodist officers at the time, has never been out of this size. Floyd Special. church will meet at 7.30 next Monday For Sale at their possession, and is still in it, safe un- The launch is a new one, built by \\ u- evening in the amusement-rooms of the der lock and key at tbe court house. The bur of and towed here church. Morse, Frienaship, skull found last week near the shore on last week to be equipped with engines. Can of Henry Whiting arrived home from Bos- South street is clearly not that of the late She is fifty-one feet long, with accommoda- Tomatoes, ton His many Ellsworth friends PARCHER’S DRUG Large Friday. Sarah Ware. tions for four she will have a men, though STORE, are to glad know that his health Beeras crew of two. She will be UBed in IO CENTS. The annual roll-call of Nokomis Rebe- regular ELLSWORTH, MAINE. much improved the past few days. collecting herring from the weirs, and ksh society last evening brought out a Same sire and of same standard quality as usually sold for The play, “Young Mrs. Winthrop,” w ill has a tank amidships with a capacity of 15 cents. good number of members. About 100 re- be given by a local cast at Hancock hall 350 bushels of herring. 8h will be ready sponded in person, and several by letters, next Wednesday evening under the uus- for launching in about a w eek. among the latter being Miss Ella F. Jor- pices of the Village improvement society. The big gasolene yacht Nannn, owned by Too to toe Good dan. of Jamaica Plain, Mass., who sent a Cheap ladies of Unitarian will Dr. C. Eugene Riggs, of Minneapolis, The the society most interesting letter descriptive of her is the first of those who hear of our have a sale of cooked ami which was wintered at the company’s impression food, aprons trip abroad last summer. There was a articles at the Unitarian yard, is being put in readiness for the sea- fancy vestry abort musical program and speeches, and 10-CEXT COFFEE, to-morrow afternoon.'- Tea will be served son, and will go in commission in about the degree wat exemplified. A chicken but the fact that the who it once, come the afternoou. two weeks. on SATURDAY. many try during supper was served. that it is The launch owned A. S. apain, proves, rather, E.
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