
HCpLAToR g2z; UF s:z9 i,l t! <H o rri*rx ITISTORY AND COINAGE OF TITE ARI<ADIAN LEAGAE OF 37O BCE COINS AND TITE SYT{OPTIC PROBLEM TIIE CELTIC COIN TITAT SAYS IT IS CELTIC Visit www.TomCederlind.com ... SYRACUSE. c. 404-400 Be. Si lver Dekadrachm, unsigned dies by Kimon . ... or call for a complimentary catalog .. .. TOM CEDERLIND NUMISMATICS & ANTIQUIT IE S PO Box 1963, Dept. C (503)228-2746 Portland, OR 97207 Fax (503)228-8130 www.TomCederlind.com/[email protected] Vol. 24. No.2 TIle CelatoY" Inside The CelatoY'9 ... February 2010 Consecutive Issue No. 272 Incorporating ROIlum Coins mId Clliwre FEATURES Publisher/Editor Kerry K. Wcttcrstrom [email protected] 6 History and Coinage of the Arkadian League of 370 BCE Associate Editors by Steve M. Benner Robert L. Black Michael R. Mehalick 24 Coins and the Synoptic Problem Page 6 by Peter E. Lewis For Back bsues From The Celtic Coin That Says It Is Celtic 1987 to May 1999 contact: 37 Wayne Sayles by Chris Rudd [email protected] DEPARTMENTS Art: Parnell Nelson 2 Editor's Note Coming Next Month Maps & Graphic An: Page 24 Kenny Grady 4 Letters to the Editor 41 The "Alliance" Deniers of Duke Richard I of P.O. Box 10607 Lancaster, PA 17605 Normandy Tel/Fax: 717-656-8557 by Alan S. DeShazo For FedEx & UPS deliveries: Kerry K. Welterstrom 42 Art and the Market 87 Apricot Ave Leola, PA 17540-1788 ~rofittS: in ilumiS:1l1i1ti( S: www.ceIator.com 43 Art and the Market The eels/or (ISSN .,048-0986) is an Independent joumal pub­ 44 Coming Events Page 37 lished on the first day 01 each month at 87 Apricot Ave . Leola. 45 AN Tl Q11 ITI ES by David Liebert PA 17540-1788. Il laci/culated in­ ternationally through subscrip­ tions and special distributions. 46 Q[oin5" of tbe ~ilJ(e by David Hendin Subscription rates. payable in U,S. funds, are $36 per year (Pe­ 48 The Internet Connection riodical rate) within the United About the cover: A su­ Slates: $45 10 Canada: $75 per by Kevin Barry & Zachary "Beast" Beasley perb silve r obol struck year \0 all other addresses (ISAL). Advertising and copy ooadlioo is 49 <through the .cookil1g glass at Megalopolis 01 the the firs! WQr\(day of eadl month for Arkadian League type. the bIlowing month's isstle. Unso­ by Wayne G. Sayles Enlarged photos cour­ Iidled articles and news releases are welcome, however publication 50 Cartoon tesy 01 Gemini Numis­ caMOl be guaranteed. Unless ex­ matic Auctions, lLC, pressly stated, The CelaIOfooither VI. endorses nor is responsible for the 51 Professional Directory Auction contents of advertisements,teners­ to-the-editor, teatufEI artides, regu­ 57 On the Rood - The Celotofs Show & Club Schedule lar columns and press releases in The Celator offi ce its pages, Including any opinions 57 Classifieds will be closed on stated Ihereln, and the accuracy of Feb. 22"'-26", March any dala provided by its contribu­ th tors. Periodical postage paid 58 Club & Society Directory 16 , 23'd, and 31 st . (USPS '006077) Lancaster, PA Check the "On the 17604 and additional offICeS. 59 Index of Display Advertisers Road" section (p. 57) Copy'ristII 0 2010, Paradign for further details. Of­ Nurrismalics & Publishing, Inc. lice hours are nor­ Pos tmaster: please send mally Noon to 6PM address changes to: EST. Please keep in P.O. Box 10607 mind that this is a Lancaster, PA 17605-0607 one-person busi­ ness when you're FOUNDED 1987 BY trying to reach me. WAYNE G. SAYLES Thank you ! EDITOR'S " , COMING NEXT (~'" MONTH NOTE ~~ IN THE CELATOR® Last month, I The Lost Temple of wrote about my Apollo Palatinus experience at the by Marvin Tameanko November Cultural Property Adviso­ ry Committee (CPAC) hearing for the Meet the Reverend of Memorandum of Understanding with (200,000-300,000 Greek, 500,000- Numismatics: Conversations italy, which is up for renewal this year. 600,000 Roman) and which are not with Richard Plant After the hearing, I was handed a copy routinely of interest 10 AAMD Mcm- of a research study by the Cultural ber insti tut ions by Mark Fox Policy Research Institute (CPRf) enti­ The fact that coins were excluded AND COMING SOON tled "Greek, Roman and Related Or­ from this study is not surprising, as phans." This study is part of the CPRI's coins are, as a category, probably the The Walls ofNicaea "Project on Unproven anced Ancient most common of ancient objects. Objects in Pri vate U.S. Hands" and was Coins are utilitarian by nature, and cir­ by Walter C. Holt released on November 10,2009. culated in large numbcrs in ancient The Tetradrachms of Pyrrhus­ As defined by the study, an "or­ ti mes, just as they do today, and as phan" is an unprovenanced ancient such, were never intended 10 be cul­ A Prelim inary Die Study object (antiquity) that can have "no tural patrimony, which is also true for by Kimon Tsoukanelis permanent parentage or protection" today's circulatin g monies. (What from a Member museum of the Asso­ wou ld happen if the U.S. government Anti-Christian Coinage ciation of Art M useum Di rectors decided that it wanted every U.S. $ 100 of Mnximinus II (AAMD). The AAMD has adopted the note that is circulating outside of the 1970 cut-off date for acquiring ancient country returned as part of our "cul­ by Brian Rowe works of art. As stated in the CPRI tural heritage"? Chaos would be one report, 'The absence of clear prove­ Fifty Coins in 2,500 Years: result, but I digress.) A Numismatic Walk nance histories or records for most Also excluded from the CPR I study material in private collections, in clud­ were items of " lesser importance th at through Indian History ing those objects that have been held museums are generally unwilling to ac­ by Pankaj Tandon long before 1970, thus make it certain cession even if it were offered for dona­ that some large number of objects pur­ tion" such as "glass, terracotta, stone or The Helmets ofPerdikkas II chased by U.S. collectors even before metal fragments" and other small objects by Randall Hixenbaugh that year will be excluded from acqui­ li ke sling bullets, bullae, etc. sition by AAMD Member museums." Additionally, only material valued The Pilgrim Tokens of Saint It is important to note th at this deci­ at $ 1,000 or more was included so as Simeon the Younger sion by the AAMD is self-imposed. to "ensure that the data encompasses The purpose of the aforementioned only signifi cant material." The $1 ,000 by Max Spiegel & Sam Spiegel study was two-fold with the goals of threshold would have eliminated a An Introduction to "a) to determine a methodology that large number of coins even if they had can provide a reasonable estimate of been included in the st udy. Roman Imperial Vota the number of orphan objects outside Basically, the study is a survey of by Paul R. Bredt of Museums in private U.S. hands; and specialist collectors. museum profes­ b) to test the methodology against a sionals, scholars, and members of the A Controversial Reverse specific cu lt ural area to determine trade that either provided information by Pierre R Manney whether a realistic approximation of to­ or "reviewed and verified its content." tal numbers can be made in the selected These experts provided estimates, but From Iconium to the area." The areas included in the study in order to "preserve the confidential­ Home of Saint Luke: were Greek (Bronze Age through Hel­ ity of the sources of inforrnation, spe­ A Numismatic Odyssey lenistic); Roman (Republ ic through cific individuals or institutions are not Constantine); and "Related Cultures discussed in this st udy." This is not a by Peter E. Lewis (ltaliote, Bactrian, Parthian, etc.)." surpri sing revelation, as who want s to The Dr, IS Vogelaar It is important to note that coins be identified as an owner of unprove­ were excluded from the study, "whic h nanced ancient objects in today's world? Romano-British Collection by the estimate of specialists li kel y by Lee Toone number not less th an 700,000 continued on page 4 .. 'lhe CelatM is ""med tM a"d dedicated to the col" dle-e"'JZtl"e1s ot a"tiquitV Nhose a1t umaiHs as pONe1iul a"d appeali",) todaV as i" thei1 ON" time, 2 The Gelator February 2010 3 http://www . c u rrc lie k. c 0 ml to his table. The man asked, "What are producUnfo.php?products_id=3367 4&it= 1. those, they look like old bottle caps." Thank you. I still have fond memories of poring Steve Schultz over his trays, particularly shortly after Lakeland, FL he had acquired new stock. Kudos to Ramskold Alan S. DeShazo Metairie, LA and Kampmann Editor's Note Cout. from page 2 , My compliments for publishing the extraordinary article by Mr. Lars Ram­ Reader Starts New Blog on skold on his research (and actions) on For space reasons, I cannot list all Ancient Coins & History forgeries ("Highly Deceptive Forgeries of the categories and the estimates of the number of "orphans" within each My fellow collectors might be inter- of Constantine's SPES PVBlIC Coin­ age," December 2009), and for the category, but some of the totals for cer­ ested to know I've started a blog on tain areas are interesting: most interesting leiters of Hans Von ancient numismatics and history. I Stone sculpture- 4,700-9,400 Schellenberg ("The Letters of Hans von named it The Aquila, and it's available Schellenberg: A source for the practi­ Bronze sculpture-6,800-11 ,200 al http://lheaquila.wordpress.com/.
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