The One Hundred and Seventh ANNUAL REPORT of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions TOGETHER WITH THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD AT COLUMBUS, OHIO O C T O B E R 15, 1917 P u b l i s h e d b y t h e B o a r d C ongregational H o u s e B o s t o n C on ten ts Page Organization or the A m erican B oard and W om an’s B oards .. i C ommittees Serv in g in 1918 2 M inl " es of the A n n u al M e e t i n g .................................... 3 Organization ......................................................................................... 3 Committees Appointed ................... 3 Report of Nominating Committee .............................. 3 Election of New Members........................................................... 4 Place and Preacher for next Meeting 5 Election of Officers ....................................... 6 Report of Committee on Treasurer’s R eport ................. .. 6 Report of Committee on Latin America ........................................... 7 Committee to Nominate New Members . 7 H ome D epartm en t The Offering of Life. A Year of Enlarged Giving 11 The Laborers are F e w ................................................ 14 M issionary A p p o in tm e n ts........................................ 15 District Offices ............... 16 Administrative Item s .......................... 18 Woman’s Board of Missions Jubilee ............................................... 19 The Years Ahead .................................................................................. 20 Report of the Interior District . .... 21 Report of the Pacific D istrict ..................................... 24 T he F ields Africa Missions.............................. • • • 26 Turkey and Balkan Missions . 62 India and Ceylon Missions.......................................... 96 China Missions ............................................................. • • 145 Japan M is s io n ......................................................... 192 Missions in the Islands and Papal Lands 213 Tabular View of the Missions of the A. B. C. F. M. 1916-1917 . 243 iv Contents Pago T h e T r e a s u r y The Treasurer’s Report for the Year Ending August 3 1, 1917 ... 244 Pecuniary Accounts ............................................................................ 250 Summary Donations ................ 281 S t a t is t ic s Receipts of the Board ........................................ • • 290 Places of Meeting and Preachers................ ....... 291 Missionaries of the Board......... 293 Corporate Members of the Board ................................................... 299 Officers of the Board ............................................ 306 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions President. — E d w a r d C. M o o r e , D.D. Vice-President. — David Percy Jones. Prudential Committee. — The President and Vice-President, ex officiis. Rev. W illard L. Sperry, H erbert A. W ilder, Edward D. E a t o n , D.D., C h a r l e s S. B a t e s . Terms expire 1920. Arthur Perry, John C. B e r r y , M.D., Henry H. Proctor, Hon. Arthur H. W ellman. Terms expire 1918. Rev. Edward M. Noyes, Shepherd Knapp, D.D., A r t h u r L. G i l l e t t , D.D., Charles A. Bliss. Terms expire 1919. Corresponding Secretaries. — J a m e s L. B a r t o n , LL.D., Cornelius H. Patton, D.D., Edward Lincoln Smith, D.D. Treasurer. — Frank H. Wiggin. Recording Secretary. — O s c a r E. M a u r e r , D.D. Assistant Recording Secretary. — E d w a r d W. C a p k w Ph.D. Editorial Secretary. W i l l ia m E. S t r o n g , D.D. Associate Secretaries. R e v . E n o c h F. B ell, Rev. D. Brew er Eddy. Auditors. — Edwin H. Baker, *W illia.m B. Plunkett, H erbert J. W e l l s . Publishing and Purchasing Agent. — J o h n G. H o s m e r . r Secretary Patton in charge, 14 Beacon St., Boston. District ) Secretary Smith, in charge, 287 Fourth Ave., New York. Secretaries I A. N. Hitchcock, D.D., 19 S o . La Salle St., Chicago, 111. ^ H e n r y H . K e l s e y , D.D., 417 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. *Deceased. Woman’s Boards of Missions IF. B. M., Boston. — Mrs. Charles H. Daniels, President; Miss Kate G. Lam- s o n , Foreign Secretary; Miss H elen B. Calder, Home Secretary; Miss A l i c e M. K y l e , Editorial Secretary; Miss .Anne L. Buckley, Associate Secretary; Miss R u t h I. S e a b u r y , Acting Secretary of Young People’s Work; Mrs. F r a n k Gaylord Cook, Treasurer; Miss S. Emma Keith, Assistant Treasurer. W B. M. of the Interior. — Mrs. George M. Clark, President; Mrs. Lucius 0. L e e , Secretary; M i s s M a r y D. U l i n e , Home Secretary; Airs. S. E . H u r l - b u t , Treasurer, 1454 Asbury Ave., Evanston, 111. W B. M. for the Pacific. — Mrs. E r n e s t A. E v a n s , President, Mill Valiev, Cal.; Airs. H. M. T e n n e y , Home Secretary, 311 East Lake Ave., Watsonville, Cal; Mrs. W. W. F e r r i e r , Treasurer, 2716 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Committees Serving in 1918 COMMITTEE TO NOMINATE NEW MEMBERS 1918. — R e v . J a m e s W. B i x l e r , of Connecticut; H o w a r d W. D a r l i n g , of Kan­ sas; F. A. M c C o r n a c k , of Iowa. 1919. — G e o r g e W. M a r s t o n , of California; D w ig h t G o d d a r d , of Michigan; E. T. W i l k i n s o n , of New Jersey. 1920. — H a r r y W a d e H i c k s , of New Jersey; F r e d B . H i l l , of Minnesota; P a u l C. W a r r e n , of Michigan. COMMITTEE ON TREASURER’S REPORT R. W. P a t t o n , of Illinois; E paphroditus P e c k , of Connecticut; E . G. W a r n e r , of New York. COMMITTEE TO NOMINATE OFFICERS FOR 1918 Rev. S. H. W o o d r o w , of Missouri; Pres. J . A . B l .u s d e l l , of California; Prof. WAV. R o c k w e l l , of New York; Rev. C. C. A d a m s , of Vermont; E. H. P i t k i n , of Illinois. COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER THE UNDERTAKING OF MISSIONARY WORK IN SOUTH AMERICA Rev. F r a n k K . S a n d e r s , of New York; Rev. H e n r y C. K i n g , of Ohio; Prof. H ir a m B in g h a m , of Connecticut; W i l l ia m E. S w e e t , of Colorado; P r o f . A r t h u r L . G i l l e t t , of Connecticut; Rev. D w ig h t G o d d a r d , of Michigan. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions President. — E d w a r d C. M o o r e , D.D. Vice-President. — D a v id P e r c y J o n e s . Prudential Committee. — The President and Vice-President, ex officiis. Rev. W illard L. Sperry, H erbert A. W ilder, Edward D. E a t o n , D.D., Charles S. Bates. Terms expire 1920. Arthur Perry, John C. B e r r y , M.D., Henry H. Proctor, Hon. Arthur H. W ellman. Terms expire 1 918. Rev. Edward M. Noyes, Shepherd Knapp, D.D., A r t h u r L. G i l l e t t , D.D., C harles A. Bliss. Terms expire 1 919. Corresponding Secretaries. — J a m e s L. B a r t o n , LL.D., C o r n e l i u s H. P a t t o n , D.D., E d w a r d L i n c o l n S m it h , D.D. Treasurer. — F r a n k H. W i g g i n . Recording Secretary. — O s c a r E. M a u r e r , D.D. Assistant Recording Secretary. — E d w a r d W . C a p e n , P h .D . Editorial Secretary. W i l l i a m E. S t r o n g , D.D. Associate Secretaries. R e v . E n o c h F B e l l , R e v . D . B r e w e r E d d y . Auditors. — E d w in H . B a k e r , * W il l ia m B . P l u n k e t t , H e r b e r t J . W e l l s . Publishing and Purchasing Agent. — J o h n G . H o s m e r . r S e c r e t a r y P a t t o n in charge, 14 Beacon St., Boston. District j S e c r e t a r y S m it h , in charge, 287 F o u r th Ave., N e w Y o rk . Secretaries I A. N . H it c h c o c k , D.D.. 19 So. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. ^ H e n r y H . K e l s e y , D.D., 417 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.
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